Visions of the Mind-Prologue
A women looked out the window at the wind lashing the trees and the brilliant stars. Her sleeping children lay in the rooms behind her but, for once, she was unaware of them. The beauty of the wind tossed night also made no impression on her. Instead, she was seeing ghosts. Ghosts of the life she had forsaken or rather, the life that had forsaken her...
A dog paced the length of his narrow room. The same ghosts that the woman saw lurked in his mind but to him they were not friendly. They tore and clawed at his mind driving him deeper and deeper into despair. Meanwhile tall black shadows stood outside his door...
Further south, much further south a boy lay sleeping. His dreams seemed to be haunted by something that he could not name, some darkness. He turned uneasily over in his sleep, the moonlight illuminating the scar on his forehead...
In another boy's bed a pet rat was curled up, wide awake. He hated nights like this. Rare nights were his conscience troubled him. He tossed and turned, facing an internal struggle. Finally, the side of his mind that always won, won and he drifted of to sleep, unconsciously searching for leftover crumbs from his master's bedtime snack...
A tired looking man sat down under a tree in a forest. The sky was obscured with clouds but not for long. He smiled wryly . It was in forest like this that he and...well never mind. The phantoms that the women saw came before his eyes as the full moon came out from behind the clouds and the beginning of the pain was felt...
Many, many kilometres away a woman also saw ghosts. She saw the ghosts of the people she had known from so long ago. She stared at the lights of the bright city, wishing that she could leave this exile and return to the world where she belonged. The world that had been shattered. The world that she had grown up in.
Disclaimer: All characters that you recognize are J K Rowling's creations. The rest are mine.
(A/N If you like this, I'll make it into a prologue for a series. If not, this'll be the last you see of it.)
A/N For all those people who read and reviewed my last fic I just want to say that I don't know who the person narrating is. I believe it is some wizard who is a seer who is opposed to the building of Hogwarts. I don't know his name. Thanks to all the people who reviewed and PLEASE review this one. I'd really like to know what you think.