Proud Parents
Chapter 38 - The Path to Knowledge
Cornelius, hearing that the new building at Hogwarts was structurally finished, quickly arranged an invitation that saw him arriving after dinner to see for himself exactly what all this fuss was about. Severus and Andromeda escorted the Minister to the new building, keen to show off the centrepiece of their plan to keep Hogwarts open - and ensure all three of them still had their jobs come September.
The first shock Cornelius received was the covered walkway leading to the new building, the second was the number of students already using the walkway - clearly heading for the new facility. His first sight of the actual building was another shock to his system, or rather the six red telephone boxes lined up alongside the strange looking building.
"Do the students need to use these to enter the building?"
It was Andi who took up the explanation. "No, these are genuine muggle telephone boxes - containing actual working telephones. We know the Institute students actually have telephones in their rooms, that's simply not possible at Hogwarts. This though gives our students an opportunity to phone families, friends and - in Mr Diggory's case - his girlfriend in the Institute."
Severus was nodding along with the professor in charge of what was quickly becoming Hogwarts pride and joy - and it wasn't even fully operational yet.
"It would seem the latest fad for purebloods is to have a muggle telephone in their homes. Sitting in your comfiest chair, sipping your favourite tipple, while talking on the telephone is a lot more practical than getting on your knees and sticking your head into a fireplace. It's also made a tremendous difference to the older muggle born students still at Hogwarts."
Continuing their twin attack, Andi also explained the educational benefits. "We have a change machine that exchanges our coins for muggle currency, forcing our students to learn and handle the correct coins needed to make calls. This should allow them to use any telephone box in Britain, as they will be the exact same as these ones here."
The Minister could clearly see all six boxes currently had a student in each of them, with another eight or nine queuing for their turn to make a call. That this muggle technology was so readily and easily being used by witches and wizards all over the country was more proof - if any were needed - that they simply had to embrace these changes.
Entering the building, Cornelius found himself being introduced to the Assistant Professor / Technician who would keep everything running - while assisting Professor Tonks with teaching her subject.
"This is Aaron James. He's extremely knowledgeable about his subject, but is struggling with explaining that same subject to people who know nothing about it. He keeps using big words or terms that none of us will have heard before - far less understand." Andi was smiling at her assistant as she said this, and Aaron took her comments in good spirits.
They were currently standing in the 'cloakroom' section of the building, where students' robes and wands would be left. Entering the main teaching classroom was a revelation for the Minister. He recognised the desks and chairs in the middle of the huge classroom, but that was all. There was one wall that seemed to be finished, with boxes of computers sitting beside it. The rest appeared to be a proliferation of wires sticking out from everywhere.
"The electricians finished installing all the lights, sockets and switches - I'm now putting all the data cables in place. This is the central teaching area, just like a normal classroom - except for Andi's laptop and the projector. Around the perimeter of the class is the computer desks, where the computers will be connected - once I get all the cabling done. The laser printers will be installed down by Andi's teaching position, so she can keep an eye on them…"
Looking around the room, that even to their uninformed gaze was clearly not yet finished, a flabbergasted Cornelius just had to ask the question that popped into his head. "Do muggle schools all have rooms like these?"
"Not all of them - yet - and very few of this quality. Lord Potter wanted the best, and that's what you'll have here. This is more like a set-up you would see in a university. We have a server room sandwiched between this classroom and the large muggle flat, it cost an absolute fortune to run the data cables to this facility."
Seeing he'd lost them with such a simple concept, Aaron tried to explain. "If we're fitting a phone into a building, tapping into the nearest junction box is usually sufficient. The amount of data needed for Hogwarts meant that was a non-starter, these high-spec computers would be left dragging along at a snails pace waiting on the connection. We needed a city to take our connection from, and we setup an office in Inverness as a front. All the equipment was delivered there, and the most powerful data connection we could get installed there too. We then had to run a physical cable from that connection down through Loch Ness, across land to Hogsmeade, then up to Hogwarts. Without using magic, it would easily have cost more than all the equipment in here to do that - and have taken us until at least the end of summer too."
This was a shockingly revelation to all of them, the amount of gold Lord Potter was spending on this was simply staggering. The Minister though took a different view.
"It would appear not only were we clueless about this, but didn't even know what we actually needed - or even what questions to ask."
"Not to worry, Minister, Lord Potter wouldn't know that either. He does know who to ask though - Lady Black is one of the smartest people I've ever met. One side benefit of this is now having a junction box in Hogsmead, making installing telephones in the village a simple matter."
Aaron was beginning to understand what Andi meant about them not understanding what were to almost everyone else basic and simple concepts. He tried to explain their connection as water flowing through a pipe - the wider the pipe, the more water you could get through it. It was the same principle as the more powerful their connection, the more data could be transferred to and from the computers. They also struggled with the concept of each student would be allocated a login and password, allowing them their own area on the server. He didn't even bother mentioning automatic backups of the server. It was going to be extremely difficult to explain basic computer functions to people who were astonished by being able to flick a switch and lights came on. He consoled himself with the thought that the students must be easier to teach than their headmaster or head of government.
Aaron intended to get a couple more hours work in after they left, then watch some satellite telly in the muggle flat, before kipping there for an early start tomorrow. With the date for the official opening now set, Aaron was determined there would be no holdups from his end. He expected to be finished at least two weeks before the opening, and Andi was already talking about running a few classes before the official opening to ensure everything was working properly.
There was a rather casual meeting between the Institute staff and the orphanage board taking place, discussing the orphanage summer visit to Italy. The casual atmosphere changed when a serious Antonio knocked and entered.
"Sorry to interrupt your meeting but there's been a disturbing development concerning next week's visit to Hogwarts, and all the people I need to speak to right away are currently in this room."
Now having everyone's attention, Antonio gave them some background information - most of which they already knew. "Harry and Hermione getting married here next August by Minister Rossi is no secret to anyone in the Institute. Due to the number of people phoning home, it's now no secret to the witches and wizards of Britain either. Fudge really needs this ceremony to be a success next week, he desperately needs to publicly show Lord Potter has not abandoned Britain. He has invited everyone and their granny to this ceremony, and we have some serious concerns over the lack of security provisions put in place to support this event"
Taking a seat, Antonio explained he had taken his concerns straight to the top. "Unlike Fudge, Minister Rossi takes these security concerns very seriously and I led a team he assigned for your safety over to Scotland - to familiarise ourselves with the area where this will be happening. No one noticed us, which didn't fill our team with confidence, but they also haven't noticed two hides inside the presentation area - hides that are very similar to the one Voldemort used at the first task…"
It was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room, everyone thought those days were now well behind them.
"Our current thinking is to wait and see if anyone attempts to use them, with the intention being to capture and interrogate the shit out of them before the ceremony even starts. Knowing the experience within this group though, I'm open to any suggestions…"
Hermione immediately started asking question after question, without giving time for anyone to answer. "Do we know this is Death Eaters work? Do Death Eaters still have the dark mark, with Voldemort now dead? Will the parceltongue shield charm still work? Is there anyone left we can test it on…"
It was Sirius who just got serious and interrupted. "Hermione, the last time that spell was cast - it quickly turned into a shit show. Are any Death Eaters trapped by this spell able to cast curses at anyone else? I'm talking people not protected by this shield - as there will be a lot of people at this ceremony."
Antonio gave his best guess as to who created these hides. "Since Fudge is making room for anyone who wants to attend, especially press and radio, we can't think of anyone else who would need to build these to attend the ceremony."
Barchoke offered Gringotts aid with anything they needed, even if only a place to take anyone they captured for questioning. He offered his opinion on this situation too. "All the 'prisoners' supposedly died in their cells when Azkaban went up in flames. That the bodies of the four guards were never found leads Gringotts to believe four prisoners escaped, and placed the guards into their cells, before destroying the entire prison. These are not people to be taken lightly. What are their goals here? What do they hope to achieve? Is this a suicide mission, with the aim of taking out as many as they can…"
Harry was left shaking his head. "These Death Eaters are like cockroaches, they just keep coming. I'm not prepared for me, or anyone in my family, to be used as bait in the hope of ending this - or to appease the British Ministry. Sirius, what do you think they're after?"
"These will be some of the most fanatical Death Eaters - the worst of the worst. My cousin Bella was a Lestrange, as well as being a crazy bitch. She hated everyone who wasn't also a Lestrange, or who hadn't named themselves Lord Voldemort. She would kill the Tonks on sight, also the Snape's since Severus is a half blood and married to her other sister. Me for marrying a non magical, and Francesca for being Lady Black. The Grangers, for multiple reasons, and especially you. She really is a psychopath, and actually enjoys torturing and killing."
The Headmistress just had to step in after hearing that. Looking at Neville and Luna, Pomona delivered her judgment. "I think it's now too dangerous for my students to attend this ceremony. Their safety is my main concern here. I of course understand Lord Potter will make his own decision on this, for him and his betrothed."
Turning to Antonio, Harry asked what the British Ministry's position was on this?
"We didn't tell them what we found. All the British Ministry's gold is being spent at Hogwarts, updating courses and hiring new professors to meet the higher criteria that the Institute already teaches. They, somewhat understandably, thought their Death Eater problem was dealt with - so didn't see the need to spend gold they didn't have bolstering their Auror department. Their current aurors simply don't have the level of training needed to cope with this situation. What's the saying - fool me once! They've already been publicly embarrassed by this trick, yet still have no idea it's about to be used against them again."
"We can't let them walk into this situation blind. We need a meeting with Fudge, Snape and probably Andi, preferably in our villa so word doesn't leak back to Britain. Antonio, what can the Italian Ministry offer us in this situation?"
"Harry, as I said, Minister Rossi takes the protection of his citizens very seriously. We could easily put forty or fifty aurors on the ground, take total control of the situation. We would obviously need the British Ministry's agreement on this. Set up a platform where you could be seen, but not approached, and ward the hell out of that area. We can make it as safe as possible, but there will always be risks."
Hermione added a note of caution. "Remember the Wizengamot Chamber, the use of a imperio curse was almost our undoing. There are just so many things we would need to guard against…"
Knowing this was an area of Goblin expertise, Barchoke made an offer that should solve most of their problems. "We can have a platform warded as unplottable - until your party portkeys onto it. The wards would then allow you to be seen and heard, while deflecting any curses fired at you harmlessly into the air."
Nodding in agreement, Harry let everyone know what was driving him. "I just want to see the end of this problem. After this ceremony, the only time I want to set foot back in Britain will be when visiting Ambrosia's."
"I wonder if we could tempt them to move to Italy, a custom designed restaurant in Harmony?" Hermione's idea had appeal for everyone sitting in the room, with Francesca and Sirius immediately offering their support to try and make that happen.
Knowing Remus was returning to London with Jillian, Harry asked him to contact the people they wanted to talk with - and see if arrangements could be made. Antonio would be present, representing the Italian Ministry. Barchoke representing Gringotts, with Sirius, Remus and the Grangers finding themselves invited along too.
It was a clearly worried Cornelius who arrived with Severus and Andi on the terrace of the Potter Villa. Seeing all the people waiting on their arrival didn't lessen that worry one iota.
Andi immediately headed for Dan and Emma, she couldn't wait to tell them how her first couple of test classes had gone in Hogwarts new building.
Harry was handling the introductions for the Minister and Hogwarts Headmaster. "You'll both already know most of the people here. This is Antonio De Marco, who is not only a Senior Hitwizard at the Italian Ministry, he and his family live in the Institute - his wife being our brilliant Potions Professor." A raised eyebrow from Snape was the only reaction, Fudge must have so many worrying scenarios running through his mind that there was nothing left to react with - at the moment.
"This is Senior Account Manager Barchoke. He handles all of House Potter, Black, Institute and Orphanage dealings with Gringotts. He will also be Ragnock's representative in these discussions. I'll hand you over to Antonio, since he discovered and then brought this serious problem to our attention."
After hearing about the 'hides' found at the site of the official opening ceremony, and Antonio's conclusion that this indicated a planned attack on that ceremony by Death Eaters, Fudge exploded. His entire career was on the line here, this ceremony needed to happen.
"This is preposterous! Britain no longer has a Death Eater problem - some fled the country, with any that stayed being tried by the Wizengamot and sentenced to death. If any try to return to Britain, they will face the same swift justice - and they certainly know that."
It was left to Barchoke to explain Azkaban. Dropping the bomb that there was certainly at least one Lestrange still alive stopped Fudge's protest in its tracks. Dobby bringing in some old European newspapers of the attack at Halloween only bolstered their case. You didn't need to be able to read the language, their pictures told a story that was all too familiar to anyone who had lived through those times.
Sirius was sitting with his arm around Francesca, but it was to his cousin he directed his attention. "Andi - there's a fair chance Bella might have survived the fire at Azkaban…" After Andi reacted to the shock of that news, a glance at Severus received a slight nod of understanding from the Headmaster to Sirius.
Dobby popped in with a decanter of brandy for their guests, even Snape needed it now. The former Death Eater was well aware exactly how Bella would view his marriage to Cissi - both of them would be murdered if that psychotic witch if Bella was given half a chance.
Cornelius had knocked back his first brandy, and was now nursing his second. His personal pity party was now in full bloom. He'd worked harder than at any time in his life. Cornelius thought he was so close to pulling off the miracle needed to save save Hogwarts - and his career - only to have it snatched away at the last moment… What did that large Italian just say?
"Sorry, could you repeat that?"
"I said that the Italian Ministry are willing to take over security for the entire event."
Here was an unexpected but wonderful option Cornelius couldn't even have dreamed of. If everything went right, he would get all the plaudits. If not, the British Ministry had a ready made scapegoat. He was listening to the hit wizard talk about possibly capturing prisoners and preventing the entire attack, he just had to interrupt at that.
"These people are already officially classed as dead, it doesn't matter what happens to them. The Grangers can shoot them, and no charges will be forthcoming…"
The sarcasm was practically dripping off Emma's words. "Do you hear that, Dan. The last time we shot someone - who was about to murder the Lady Black - Minister Fudge here publicly proclaimed we'd carried out an assassination."
"I can't decide if trying to arrest us for killing his friend Malfoy - while he was casting the torture curse on you in our own kitchen - is worse." Looking Cornelius right in the eye, Dan then made their position on this matter crystal clear.
"My wife has been held under a torture curse, while Harry was attacked by a wizard under the imperio curse - and we'll never be able forget Hermione having THREE simultaneous killing curses fired at her. To be blunt, Minister, we are Italian citizens, attending an event now under the security control of the Italian Ministry. We don't need your permission to defend our family from anyone attacking - and we will defend them."
Emma kissed Dan's cheek before adding a gentle reminder. "Dear, you forgot to mention we very publicly shot Voldemort too - twice!"
This led to some chuckles breaking out around the room, and an abject apology coming to the Grangers from Fudge. There was something more Cornelius desperately wanted, so just had to ask.
"If these four can be captured before the ceremony starts, can we then proceed as originally planned?"
All eyes eventually tracked to Antonio, the company letting him know they trusted his decision. "If the threat is over, then I don't see why not. You can wait at the Institute, and I can phone you the all clear - or to go with Barchoke's platform idea."
After the goblin explained to the Minister what this would entail, Harry and Hermione standing on a protected platform no one could approach or curse, Cornelius began to relax. Even with the restrictive second option the ceremony would still go ahead. Once the Modern Studies building came officially into use, that should be enough to eventually save Hogwarts. In the short term though, Harry Potter had to turn up and lend his name to the project, to save all their careers, until the facility did its job - and slowly changed their world.
Augustus and Rabastan silently made their way through what passed as Ministerial security - it was a joke - and Augustus felt more secure about their plan now than at anytime since they'd developed it from Bella's ultimate revenge idea. Rodolphus was right, the Ministry were spending more gold on teaching wizards and witches how to be muggles than training their aurors how to do their jobs.
For perhaps the first time since Bella chose this target, Augustus was beginning to believe he might survive today. Those were his last thoughts, before being stunned unconscious.
The knock at their door roused Harry from his sleep, discovering that Barchoke was the one doing the knocking was a complete surprise.
"I've asked Dobby to invite Dan and Emma too, you will all want to hear this."
As Hermione joined them, fruit juice, Barchoke's beefy drink and Emma's cappuccino appeared on the table - just as the Grangers arrived at the door. Taking a sip from his mug while everyone got seated, Barchoke then gave his news.
"Antonio's squad captured two not so dead Death Eaters heading towards the hides. They waltzed right past the British aurors but Antonio's squad have glasses that allowed them to easily see through their Disillusionment charms - and both were stunned before they even knew they'd been discovered. They were questioned using truth serum, one is a former unspeakable while the other is one of the Lestrange brothers."
Taking another sip from his mug, Barchoke gave them a brief history of how they escaped Azkaban - and what they've been up to since. It was time though to get right up to date.
"Bellatrix and Rodolphus are still at large, having left their latest hideout before the aurors arrived. They plan to arrive at the ceremony, wearing high class clothes and glamour charms."
Hermione just had to react after hearing that. "Do they honestly think that will work?"
"With how lax the security is, Antonio rated their chances of success at very high. Bellatrix Lestrange was a psychotic witch before she was sentenced to Azkaban, now life - hers or anyone else's - means absolutely nothing to her. She was living her very best life, until a baby destroyed Bella's master. She wants revenge on the boy-who-lived, and her twisted mind came up with a plan that makes me want to vomit. They're targeting Joan…"
The four others shot to their feet, their rage clear for all to see. Dobby also appeared with a noise like thunder, rage too pouring off the little elf. "No one will hurt Dobby's little Miss, Dobby won't allow it. Dobby will hurt them first. Dobby will watch over his family…"
Barchoke rose and went over to Dobby, resting his hand on the elf's shoulder. "Dobby my friend, we will all watch over your family - and especially little Miss Joan. Antonio was ready to murder both prisoners, just for speaking the words. Joan, Mariana and Giovanni run about the Institute together every day, and their dad is certainly considered an honorary uncle by our Joan."
Looking around at the other four, who were still on their feet, Barchoke gave them the reassurance they needed to hear. "Antonio's got the place flooded with his aurors and hit wizards, they will be captured - and no one leaves the Institute until they are."
Their knowledge that nothing could touch Joan inside the Institute, and they wouldn't be leaving it unless Lestrange was captured, that more than anything calmed everybody down. Emma was filled with rage but still shed a few tears.
"We didn't believe you that first day in Ambrosia's, when you described death eaters to us. Even after having the door blown off our house and tortured on the kitchen floor, we struggled to believe people like that existed. But targeting a four year old little angel to punish her family is a whole different level of depravity. What will happen to these sick bastards when they're caught?"
"Oh they'll certainly die, it's just who's going to do it and the method of execution that will need to be worked out."
When Dan growled "I'm willing, available and will work for free," the entire room agreed with that sentiment - even the house elf.
There was quite the crowd now standing about inside Headmistress Sprout's office, all waiting on her phone ringing. Harry and Hermione's friends who had stayed at their Villa last summer were there, hoping the news would allow them to travel to Hogwarts in support of their friends on this momentous day.
Minerva and Poppy were also accompanying the group of students, with Amelia and Barchoke adding themselves as welcome support too. The Granger parents, Sirius and Remus would be looking after Harry, Hermione, Joan and Francesca - though the first two were more than capable of defending themselves.
For Ginny and Poppy, this would be their first visit to Britain since Hogwarts term ended, and Minerva's first visit to the castle since Poppy had pushed her through the floo - beginning a life changing journey that started in St Mungo's before moving on to Italy. As almost all the students were meeting family at Hogwarts, they were desperate to go - but understood that unless there was word from Scotland that it was now safe to travel, they wouldn't be going anywhere. Under Headmistress Sprout, there was no compromising student safety - after Dumbledore, that was exactly the way her students wanted it to be.
As the phone rang, the room went silent while Pomona pressed the speaker button. Everyone immediately recognised Antonio's voice, and he didn't waste any time either - getting straight to the point.
"We've got both of them. Our glasses saw right through their disguises, multiple stunners instantly dropped them, and we soon had their glamours dispelled. Positive I.D. but they won't be waking up anytime soon, Bellatrix must have been hit with eight or nine stunners. No one was taking any chances with that sadistic witch…"
The atmosphere Antonio's call generated in the large office was first one of relief, quickly followed by excitement as the relieved and reassured Headmistress gave the green light to their Hogwarts visit.
Harry and Hermione had been discussing the situation over their rings, and came to a conclusion. It was Harry who called for their attention.
"Listen everyone, I don't think we should mention that there was ever a threat to the ceremony. The British Ministry and others can decide how they want to play this later. Antonio has over fifty aurors working security for this ceremony, and we don't want anyone knowing they're there - just in case sone other nutter decides to start something."
All quickly agreed, with Francesca actually apologising to the group for something coming up on a building project, and thus making them all late while she quickly fixed the problem. This was greeted with wry chuckles, and a loving kiss from her proud husband - who decided it was a Marauder worthy prank.
With the threat now taken care of, Barchoke was going to head back to Gringotts - until a certain Miss Potter took his hand and skipped towards the portkey point. As there was no way her Uncle Barchoke could ever refuse the little angel, he was apparently heading to Hogwarts.
There was now a crowd waiting on their arrival at Hogwarts portkey point, with parents soon hugging their children. While Harry and Hermione were bedecked in their House Potter regalia, the other students who had traveled with them proudly displayed their allegiance by wearing their Institute robes.
As the Institute crowd and their parents dispersed towards the platform to wait and witness the ceremony. It was only a few minutes later that the Minister, the Snape's and Andi approached Harry. It was apparently time for them to head towards the presentation platform too. With Joan still holding Barchoke's hand, that pair fond themselves being sandwiched between Harry and Hermione in front, with Dan and Emma behind them. Sirius, Francesca and Remus brought up the rear.
Cornelius was just so relieved to see this ceremony go ahead, he didn't care who was in the party from the Institute. As long as Harry Potter was present, nobody in the invited audience would be looking at anyone else anyway. He led them down towards the platform with Headmaster Snape at his side. The two Black sisters following on, with the Institute party just behind them.
They were making their way down using the new covered walkway, which was packed on both sides with people trying to get a closer look at the Boy-Who-Lived. The presentation group from the Institute could clearly see why Antonio had been concerned with security. There must have been a couple of hundred witches and wizards along each side of the open walkway, yet there was hardly a British auror in sight. As the crowds surged, trying for an even closer look, a very young witch in a pretty short dress found herself being violently ejected forward and landing roughly on the actual walkway.
The little blond looked about six or seven, her Harry Potter picture and quill had flown out her hands as she tried to protect herself while landing on the cobbled walkway. A sharp cry told everyone she wasn't successful, her scraped hands were the first clue. That she was using them to hold a nasty bloody gash on her knee while loudly sobbing was the second. It would appear she'd been waiting on her hero, hoping to have Harry sign her picture.
Before anyone could react, Joan had released Barchoke's hand and dashed forward to speak with the injured girl. "Are you alright? That looks sore, my Aunt Poppy is here and will fix…"
Joan never got to say anymore as the injured little girl exploded into action, she had Joan by the throat and a wand that appeared from nowhere in her hand - now pointed at her hostage's face. Her crocodile tears had instantly been replaced by a cackle that Cissi, Andi and Sirius instantly recognised. Bellatrix Lestrange had fooled all of them.
"I've got your little girl, Potter. I'm going to kill her while you watchhhhh." Bella's agonising scream could be heard all over Hogwarts as both her wand hand - and the wand she held in it - were magically pulverised.
"Bad witch will not hurt Dobby's Little Miss." No one had ever seen an enraged house elf before, Dobby's appearance, demeanour and actions would certainly give those who punished their elves second thoughts - if not night terrors.
In her agony, Bellatrix's hold on her hostage had lessened, allowing Joan to slip from her grip. The four year old was just about to kick this girl on the ankle when Dobby popped her away - straight into Barchoke's waiting arms.
The last thing Bella would ever see was not a house elf, but an enraged woman pointing something at her.
"Not my Granddaughter, you bitch!" Emma's bullet impacted on Bella's forehead, killing the feared witch instantly. Both Harry and Hermione had immediately cast the parseltongue spell that would hopefully affect any other death eaters in the vicinity.
With both of them casting it, Rodolphus was overwhelmed by a pain infinitely worse than their master's cruciatus. He was on the ground without even realising it, welcoming the release of being hit with multiple stunners from aurors that, like Bella's wand, had appeared from nowhere.
As the Death Eater was down, and they now had about a dozen Italian aurors around them, Harry and Hermione cancelled their spell. Severus was also on the ground, though now being comforted by his wife and sister-in-law.
Hermione soon had Joan wrapped in her arms, "Mum, Dobby sorted that bad girl out - but he wouldn't let me kick her."
Holding Joan tighter, Hermione explained what had happened. Thankfully Barchoke had prevented her from seeing the shooting that followed Dobby's actions. "That wasn't a little girl, darling, but a woman pretending to be one. You can take a potion that can turn you into someone else."
It was a raging Antonio who confirmed Hermione was right. "They must have used polyjuice on the people we captured too, along with an imperious. I just hope they didn't murder the children who provided them with hair for their polyjuice disguises."
The crowds of spectators weren't pushing forward now, rather trying to get away. The Grangers both had their guns out, looking for any signs of trouble. Watching as the dead little girl transformed into a fully grown witch - still in a tiny dress - was grotesque.
Hermione and June were joined in their hug by Franchesca, with Sirius, Remus, Dan, Emma, Barchoke and even Dobby forming a protective inner ring around them. There was now at least two dozen of Antonio's detachment formed in an outer circle around all of them. Conversing over their rings, and holding onto Joan for dear life, Harry knew Hermione would be fine. She also agreed with what he had to do next.
Harry approached a now sitting Snape with his hand held out. "Sorry Headmaster, we knew there was at least one other Death Eater out there. It seemed like the quickest way to identify them, since by then we also knew they would be disguised using polyjuice potion."
Severus took the offered hand, using it to help himself get back on his feet. "I have never felt anything like that before, and hope never to do so again. I couldn't breathe, far less answer any questions asked of me…"
"Ah yes, both Hermione and I cast it at the same time - and put quite a bit of our anger into it. Sorry again, you certainly weren't our intended target."
Their friends started arriving, recognisable by their robes, and Antonio's aurors were letting them through. Harry nodded toward a blond teen, and a distraught Draco was also allowed through to check on his mother and Severus. Harry was turning to Fudge.
Cornelius didn't know how long he'd stood there, contemplating what he would do next - now that everything had turned to shit. He was watching the Italian aurors place and then seal Bellatrix's body in what appeared to be a large leather bag. It was then portkeyed away to who knows where. Cornelius certainly didn't care, just realising that psychopath had been so close - with a wand in her hand too - was responsible for at least half of his current malaise.
The other half came from the utter certainty that Potter would soon be portkeying back to his Institute. Cornelius couldn't even blame him, but for the Italian aurors today would have been a national disaster. That the darkest witch in at least a century was taken down by a house elf and a muggle showed just how badly Hogwarts needed this building. Their lack of knowledge and understanding of muggles was so staggering - they didn't even know what questions to ask about them.
A certain pair of Muggles were now responsible for taking down a Dark Lord magicals in Britain were so afraid of, they wouldn't say his name. Now his top lieutenant that every witch and wizard in Britain was terrified of lay dead on the path. Not forgetting they had actually written and produced a muggle studies course that could potentially save Hogwarts too. There must be a way to officially thank these people, get them back to visit Britain for an awards ceremony. They needed to show the world that Britain could change…
It wasn't until he heard Potter speaking that Fudge once more became compos mentis to what was happening around him.
"Minister, the situation is now under control. I think we need a slight delay though, say half an hour?"
Fudge could only nod, thinking Potter could get whatever the hell he asked for - if the ceremony could still go ahead today.
It was Andi who made a suggestion that was quickly adopted by everyone present. "We're nearer the new building than the castle. We could go there and have a cup of tea - or something stronger."
Within two minutes, the walkway was lined right up to the new building with Aurors whose robes and insignias indicated they were Italian. As the party followed the path to the Lilly Potter building, a now smiling Fudge headed towards the presentation stage. Announcing a slight delay, due to an accident, should keep everyone calm. That, and the dozens of Italian Aurors that were now making themselves visible.
A/N Story's nearly finished now, at most 2 chapters left. Sorry, but you can't pay to get any more earlier - I haven't any more written yet. Every word I have ever written is posted here, and is free for anyone to read - thanks for reading them.