Spoilers: None. Yay!
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. Otherwise all of my fanfictions would probably be in the show instead.
Warnings: Some cursing (nothing major). Also, maybe don't read this story if you have arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
A/N: I just made this for fun the other day, but I thought to put it up here. Hope you enjoy the silliness that came into my head.
That day had started out like most others. Merlin had entered Arthur's room after sunrise, given him his breakfast, and Arthur had given him more chores to do. One of these chores was to clean his room.
So while Arthur was away, training with his knights, Merlin got right to it (after grumbling about it for a while, that is). He picked up clothes and put them away and made the bed. It had been a few days since he had cleaned under the bed, so he went to do that next. However, he quickly gave up on this part, as he noticed a bug nestled in the corner, near one of the bed's legs.
"Oh, no," he said. "I'm not dealing with any spiders. He immediately backed away and got to his feet.
But as he looked down, he saw the arachnid scuttle out after him.
"The damn thing is following me!" he shouted, running to the closest chair and hopping on top of it.
This is where Arthur found him when he returned from training. His manservant was sitting there and mumbling to himself.
"Oi!" the prince shouted. "What are you doing, Merlin?"
Merlin gestured at the ground a few feet away.
Arthur started walking towards the spot his servant had pointed to. "What is it?" he asked, squinting at the dark blob.
"Spider," Merlin replied simply.
Arthur rolled his eyes. "You're freaking out over a spider? You're such a girl!"
Merlin gave him a pathetic look. "What? They're ugly. Besides, some of them can be poisonous.
The prince snorted. "I don't think a daddy long legs is anywhere near poisonous, Merlin."
"Well, kill it!"
Shaking his head, Arthur raised his boot and stomped on the insect, squashing it. "There, all gone," he said.
With a relieved sigh, Merlin got down from his chair.
Arthur took off his boots, throwing them at the younger man. "Now you can clean it off my boot."
The prince plopped down on his bed, gesturing for Merlin to start scrubbing.
Merlin groaned, but as he began washing the bits of goo off of the sole of the boot, he glanced over at his master. "Thank you."
All Arthur could do was chuckle. "Spiders."
Merlin scrubbed harder.
Now if Arthur wanted to get back at him, he would know exactly how.
The young warlock instantly made up his mind to try and stay on Arthur's good side.
At least, until he'd forgotten about the incident.
~The End~
A/N: Poor Merlin! Spiders are no joke. Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave a comment, to follow me, and to read some of my other Merlin stories. Thanks for reading!