i ton190p clame nothing in this story as mine as i just want to express the ideas of oc's with powers from other sorces not my own without infringing on any thing as i am a fan of these things

in short this fiction contains crossover elements from

-steven universe... as the universe it's set in

-naruto ... for the powers my oc has

-prototype ... for powers too

my oc's desigh is a basic gem who has his gem in his right eye though it functions just the same as any eye becouse right were the star crosses is a pupil and iris that functions like the other eye only slightly better, the iris and pupil match color to the color of the star cross which are now glowing from the inside of the gem, instead of being a relection of light as it would have been in real life.

my oc wears an eye patch over the gem and gives an rehersed story about how he lost his eye so that others wont know he had a gem instead of an eye ever since he was found in a kindergarden that was half way built befor combat stoped all but one gem, his gem to be exact soo after he was found he was brought to germany by the cupple who visited the remote jungle he was in, and as he grew he had been tormented by bullys for years (he grew up like a human untill his 20s were he stoped ageing) but durring that time he learned everything he could about himself, his powers, and the world he lived in. he had gotten a realy unique wordrobe for his life...

his cloths consisted of a german ww2 trench coat with a hood and a mask thar covers half of his face along with an eyepatch over his gem, black leather combat boots, kevlar vest, and other combat armor a shirt with the skull from the movie punisher on it, black combat pants, combat gloves.

his eyes hold unique power to them both of the gem and human eyes, his human eye is black normaly, his prototype powers include blade, wipfist, hammerfist, and minor wound super regeneration (bullet trama, blunt trama, blades is more likely to cause a from distabalisation then ether bullets or blund instrements will but home worlds primed gem distabaliser is going to take 30-45 seconds to overcome the resilience factor of his gem... his occular powers are not unlocked yet his wepon is a odachi or just a huge katana capable of bysecting anything really as its harder than any human ellement and sharper than any human wepon can achive so be it sword or stone the wepon is as effort less as the katana was designed to be a long long time ago so the gem powers that are also there are the ones rubys have those are immunity to heat and emmiting of high amounts of heat plus one ability which is to summon his weapon were he directly looks or in the rough area... meaning he can use the weapon by just letting it fall as its A:that sharp and B: very heavy... so i think I have covered alot of it... please keep in mind this is my first fict.

log entry start: i red star ruby have traveled months serching for any more signs of corrupt gems but no matter how hard i search they are always gone by the time i get there with only batrle damage left over its geting very anoying alas i have only one last lead its in beach city as reppetitive sightings have happened ive put it off as i would be there for a while which the time i have would be needed for the situations with immediat need of assistence but look where that got me 1200$ down the drain 12 left over and a 1/4 of a tank of gas in my motar cycle... this is not where i need to be... log end...

"ahh beach zity tiz a vreat place to relax or so vhey zay" said a unknown individual with a thick russian accent looking at beach city from a high hill (the hill that over looks the town and mountain on the first episode its that point of view we are looking from with the unknown man infront).

"I guess its time i go see zhem zhe zity folk" he said as he started walking as he made his way to the city we join steven at the big donut who just learned his most popular treat to have seased service.

"noooooo this can't be happening, (as steven said with dread looking at the frezzer that held his prized treat no longer) this has to be a dream, (said as steven ran to the two peaple running the place) lars lars please tell me im dreaming" steven said to the only othe male there

"get off me man. im stacking here." said lars as he did is task

"im sorry steven. i guess they stoped making them." said the woman to steven

"stop making them, why in the world would they do that? their only the most scrumptious and delisious icecream sandwitch ever made, don't they have laws for this" said steven with energy

"tuff bits man i guess nobody buys them any more they couldent compeat with lion lickers" lars said as steven was addement that the other treat was inadequet to his favrit treat.

"ugh not lion lickers, nobody likes them they don't even look like lions" steven said looking in disapointmen with anger

"ugh kids these days i tell you what" said steven in disapointment

"whell if you miss your ice cream soo much why dont you ask your magic belly button." said lars in a commic tone

"thats not how it works lars!" said steven with certanty

"right" steven said with doubt

"huuh..."steven said depresed as he staired at the empty container of his prized treats

"sweet cookie cats your sweet inside and cewy outside" said steven wistfally remembering his time with his perfered treat

"ugh steven... do you wana take the frezzer with you" said the female worker as lars looks at steven a little werded out well steven nods to the question.

as steven runs to his home we take a look at our misterious dude that is now on top of the moutain next to the lighthouse wondoring wherenthe hell the corrupt gems are as he swares consistantly russian i know no russian but just immagion it if you can so with that in mind the mistery dude has no idea that he is standing on the location were the corrupt gems are... ironic aint it.

"vere the verhemilent vell could these gems be" said the anonymus guy to nobody...

"ehh vind as well enjoy the view" as he said this steven had entered the temple below him..

after a while the man falls into slumber untill hese woken up by a giant cetipead with a energy he as senced in him self

"A gem" he said as he got up only for another gem to come in side his sencing perimiter this one uncorrupted a purple gem

"I vought i was the only vone evedently not but i have my target now" he said but in return the female gem said "no its not safe"

"too late" he said as he tackeled the gem beast off and kicked it away whell making feet face the ground just fast enough to land heavy crushing the ground where just how resilient he is is opperent as he landed kneald witn right fist imbeded in the ground left arm extended... he then uncovers his eyepatch with his left hand whell keeping line of sight away from his eyes well he sumons his odachi into his right hand that he removed from the ground replaces the eyepatch over his eye that now allows him to stand fully again only for him to charge the beast ready to end this only for garnet to charge into him making the blade miss the gem of it and pop it...

"vot is your problem"he said to which garnet said "you were going to shatter its gem" the other full gems gasp whell stevens cluless

"vell if i had any other means to stop it i would so unless you can show me a new one i think i did vright... so are you going to prove me vrong?" he said (hes never bubbled befor nor fought many gem opponents)

garnet replied "we bubble them" then he said "vubble vhat now?" in a clueless fasion

pearl said "you don't know that yet you fought like you done it thousands of times?"

ammethyst said "so what dose that have to do with any thing pearl?" in a antagonising way

garnet asked "how many have you fought"

he said "not zat many gemz as i alwayz found zem not were zey should have been if I ever found them even zen i couldent defeat zem zis is ze first zime i did vy did szu ask?"

garnet said "why did you fight it?"

he said "zo stop it vrom herzing others" then he left vea jumping to the top of the mountain and runing at inhuman speeds

garnet said "becarfull around him he could be dangerus"

pearl said "ok" in a shell shocked maner.

ammyethist is quiet for a change

well garnet is on edge for what could happen...

steven is amased by what he did

hi did jump from the far end of the beach in front of the temple to the top in one leap.

end chapter one