log start i talked out some of my problems with one of the gems pearl, she has her own problems i intend to help with as she is my friend and comrade, also helps that she did assist with my own problems i find the gems like my own family too its just i need time to adjust log end
we cut to rubin opening the door to stevens house just as a pair of pants walk by pearl and steven wen their not looking
'did i just see a pair of pants walking? ugh nevermind' rubin thought in utter defeat
"how are you two i did not walk in on something?" rubin said as pearl started walking past him
"for my pants?" steven yelled after she left
"i guess i will keep looking" steven said to himself
'i feel forgoten' rubin thought
"thats unusual" steven yelled which rubin watched as steven did his thing which when on until steven managed to equip the sentient pair of pants thus we continue as steven pulls out a gem shard and places it in a sock.
"stevens got zhis handezled mind as well look vor pearl" rubin said as he headed out and serched for the remainder of the day untill a scream alerted him to which he silently jumped to the bord walk from the hill over looking all of beach city and stevens home
what rubin arived to was like a cheep horror film
"vhat the vell is going von" said rubin to steven who was covered by an incapacitated adult
"fribo is attaking peaple" said steven as pearl also showed up behind rubin
"steven did you put my missing shard in that costume" pearl shouted/ asked
"yes" steven shouted
"im guessing zhats bad huh" rubin said well removing his eye patch and activating his sharingan eyes thus allowing him to sumon his odachi.
"ive got zis" said rubin as he procided to cleath the sute in half befor retreving the shard thus desabaling the threat fast and symple.
"zat zis a zot zov zectup" said rubin at the absolute mess
thus we cut to the thing burning of shore
"zats over now what"...
over the next few days was nuthing importand except for a few incidencese including
steven had goten cat fingers one time
rubin said this to that
"my first time shapeshifting was my arm into a knife to see the posibility of weponised limbs... it worked by the way"
the others looked at him and just shruged as he did seem the type of gem to do that as thanks to his fixations on having a multitude of additional supplys at all times including many of wepons with durability to which in comperison is for a dent/crack to appear in the blade of most bladed wepons he has would instead rip others clean in half. so making a wepon on the spot is a kinda attractive deal for him wouldent you agrea even if he has stronger ones his arm blades repair over time
log start ugg something out side better be dieing to wake me up damit... great it seames my log was left running log end
rubin heads to meet up with the krystal gems to resulve this matter
"no i don't think their earthquakes..." pearl said
"hay look stevens got a bike and theres rubin" a.m.y. said
"were you going steven" said rubin
"just out for a ride" steven said looking slightly nervus
"well stay close i think something tuff is coming to beach city as evedent by the animal made earthquakes don't leave town or enter the waters k steven" said rubin cautiously
as rubin headed inside the gems thought steven was being odd so the watched a little thus seeing steven talking to a girl the gems quickly keaded inside befor steven got back.
rubin asked "whats wrong?"
peal said "stevens talking to a girl" but befor anything else was said steven ran in
"who were you talking to" said pearl
"ja ze detzails stevan"rubin said proud to witnis stevens first expirence with the human female his age 'they grow up so fast' rubin thought
"theres not much to talk about i can't even stand being neer her becouse of this presher i feel near her, i just dont want to mess up" steven said
rubin then said this "you can't succed eather if you don't try" before letting the gems have their moment.
and seeing as this is their focus rubin decided to head home to relax for now
story end.