Happy Holidays Everyone! Hello everyone, here is Chapter 24. Lorelei, the Enchantress, has Will in her grasps and unfortunately it means that things for the world aren't good. He knows how the good guys act so it's time to take them off the board but it's not going to be that easy. His friends will do whatever it takes to help him and it's going to be a painful lesson of hard love. But to truly get him to stop and see the light…it's going to take some motherly intervention. Enjoy!
The Perfect One: Second Battle of New York
Las Vegas: November 2013
Night quickly gave way to morning and a brand new day and in Vegas that meant people waking up with hangovers and getting ready for a brand new day of mistakes.
In the Caesars Palace suite, Lorelei stirred as she began to awaken from her slumber in the bed that she and her new champion/lover shared. The bedframe remained broken with the sheets still stained by both wine and mostly their body fluids. Despite that she still found it functional as it had provided her the most comfortable sleep she's had in 600 years. And what a nice sleep it was as she felt a tranquility she hadn't in so long. Her former prison cell had been devoid of any comforts whatsoever and she had to sleep on the floor like a peasant to her indignity.
As her eyes adjusted to the light with her becoming more awake and aware she noticed her current position. She was still bare after last night's pleasing festivities as she hadn't felt the desire to redress herself. Her head was laying above the right side of Will's firm chest while her right hand was on the left side. His right arm was lightly wrapped around her back as he softly held her. She lifted her head and saw his face as he continued sleeping and no doubt recuperating from last nights intimacy. Lorelei silently admitted he looked kind of cute like that as she heard very faint snoring from him with his breathing.
Taking care to pry his arm off her without waking him she stood up from the bed and stretched her arms out. A few pops sounding as her joints were stretched and relaxed. She went and grabbed a fresh bathrobe which she put on to cover herself up. Lorelei walked across the room which was still littered by the different clothes she had put on for Will to enjoy stripping her of. She soon saw a balcony that she hadn't noticed before when Will brought her to his room due to being too engrossed in their passionate intercourse.
She opened the door and walked out into the sun, taking a moment to appreciate it's warmth. It was more enjoyable now that she was in comfortable quarters and not wandering through a desert valley. The Asgardian lowered her gaze and saw the city below her. She could see several structures, roads and more as it formed the place that was Las Vegas. It was a shame she hadn't witnessed it at night, from what she'd seen when they'd been driven to the restaurant and back to the hotel it was a nice sight. It looked more magnificent with the lights flashing in the dark.
Although she enjoyed the time she was shown in this city by her beloved champion and has come to appreciate it, she felt this wasn't the place to form her capital. While this city was grand it was still in the middle of a desert. She'd prefer someplace with more natural beauty to it. Perhaps a glorious city surrounded by forests and mountains, with one or more waterfalls. A lush green place with air as fresh as that of Vanaheim or Alfheim.
She closed her eyes, letting her faint memories of both those realms flash through her mind. Both those realms had a scenic beauty to them that made them more than worthy of her admiration. She wondered if Midgard had such a place in comparison that would meet her desires. Still, if Will's words were true and there were other cities just as a grand or even grander than this one then she has nothing to worry about. This realm had changed a lot since the last time she was here and there were so many things to enjoy. Many new experiences she'd get the pleasure of seeing for the first time. In just one day she was given recreation that left most of her expectations met.
Lorelei closed her eyes as she felt a subtle breeze sweep over her.
"Enjoying the view?"
The Asgardian almost jumped at the familiar voice as she turned to see Will by the balcony entrance. He was currently wearing nothing but a pair of stretchy blue shorts and likely underwear to provide some modesty. Clearly, she had been so engrossed in her thoughts she'd failed to notice his presence.
"Good morning." Will greeted with that little smirk at the corner of his lip that she's become familiar with.
She would've punished him for that small bit of insolence but luckily for him she was still in a good mood after yesterday's pleasantries. That and she needed him at full strength for today's plans. "Morning." She greeted back.
"Did you sleep well last night?" Will asked courteously.
"I did." Lorelei answered with a faint smile before her eyes gave him a slightly teasing look. "What of you? Have you recovered from our… stimulating activities from last night?"
Will got an uncertain look at first and then answered by tilting his head earning a pop from his neck. He rotated his shoulders, earning a few more pops as he stretched his back, even popped his knuckles. Clearly he was checking himself to see if anything was still even remotely sore after last night. "Everything seems to be in working order."
"I'd be displeased otherwise." Lorelei said before getting a bit more of serious look. "We begin the conquest today."
Will nodded before getting a thought. "Does it have to be right now though?"
The Asgardian narrowed her eyes with an unamused look. "Are you trying to delay my plans?"
To her slight surprise Will responded by approaching her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Not at all, we agreed the plans would start today and they shall." He then gave her a fun smile. "Although how about we first enjoy the morning and then get some breakfast before leaving to conquer? After all you can't fight on an empty stomach. Plus after last night I could use some food, how about you? Surely you'd like to have another meal before we leave for battle?"
Lorelei did have to admit that sounded nice and if she were honest she was feeling a bit hungry. Getting to enjoy a little more time with Will before leaving this city to start conquering this real sounded good. Of course, she also knew what he was doing, he was trying to squeeze a bit more enjoyment from her.
"That does sound enjoyable." She admitted before leaning into his face with a coy look and asking him. "Do you wish to enjoy another session in bed with me?"
Before Will could give an answer however she suddenly closed the gap and kissed him. He was a bit surprised but welcomed it thought as he felt her hands wrap around him. He responded by holding her closer as his hands roamed over her back. Then they went lower and grasped her ass which earned a moan from her. As his hands began to reach for the sash holding her robe closed, her hands went to his chest and gently pushed him away as she broke their lip lock. He looked at her in confusion and saw her giving him a teasing look.
"I believe you've already been well rewarded yesterday." Lorelei said while slowly trailing her hands down his bare chest, earning a light shudder from him. "You will have to earn another with me and this time from victory in battle."
"Aww." Will playfully pouted as he though she'd still be in the mood for one last bit of fun before going to work.
"However, I shall accept your invitation for an early meal. So start making plans for it as I don't wish to wait long." The Asgardian then turned and started to walk back into the room before stopping right by the door to the balcony. She turned her head and gave him a playful look. Without another word she undressed herself as her robe slowly and sensually fell to the floor. Will's eyebrows rose as he saw her nude body from the backside. Eyes trailing from her pretty face, to her slim back, her sexy ass and well toned legs before rising back up to her face. If she was trying to motivate him for the upcoming battle and the reward she promised then she was doing a splendid job.
"I shall now go to the bath to wash myself from last night's enjoyment, don't follow me." She ordered firmly but teasingly before walking away with a little sway in her hips as she went into his bedroom and then out the door to the bathroom. She could feel his eyes sticking to her all the while until she wasn't in his sights anymore.
"I'm going to need a cold shower now." Will thought as he felt himself a bit too hot.
Without another word he left to go take that shower and think of where to take her for breakfast as well. He wondered if she'd like pancakes and maybe develop the same love of pop tarts that Thor has. He snorted a bit at the thought of her having a sweet tooth, although he had to admit that would be a cute trait.
Outskirts of London, England: November 2013
Outside the crazy hustle and bustle of London there was more picturesque, lush green countryside like something out of a romance novel or Rom-Com movie. Smaller towns with small populations away from the stranglehold of a major city for people who wanted peace and quiet…or as the personal, secluded secondary residence for the man who ran an international intelligence agency that dealt with all things of a super-related nature. A modern-design two-story English Manor tucked in the seclusion of the English countryside surrounded by trees and natural flora. There was a small garden in the backyard with a well for water and nearby lake only a minute walk away. There was also a large shed in the backyard that was filled with various tools and supplies basically having everything there that it could need to be self-sufficient if it desired to be. This was very much the home for someone who wanted to keep to themselves.
Said owner was in his office on the second floor working on a high-tech and specifically modified computer set-up with rows of high-tech monitors feeding him various packets of information from around the world. Some of the information dealt with various political entities or was highly classified which made the decision to have a giant triple-pane glass wall with a beautiful view of the manor's surroundings in the office a curious one but the glass was a special two-way mirror so it was reflective from the outside but transparent from the inside.
The Manor's resident was none other than Nick Fury. You'd think that being the Director of SHIELD of which the main headquarters was in Washington DC that he would have a residence there and he did but the one in London was a secret one. Something he set up off the books of SHIELD and no one other than him knew it existed. It could be looked as a vacation home or a safehouse depending on the situation and in this case, more leaning towards the latter. Fury already had been working on some things that had him in Europe so he was using his London residence a lot and as luck would have it with Will now under mind-control of an Asgardian, it was likely the safest place for him now. Will didn't know about his London residence and Fury spent a lot of his own money into retrofitting it with anti-psychic safeguards so he couldn't use his telepathy to find him. Still, it was a temporary measure at best and the only way to fix it would be to break the enchantment on Will and return him to the right side.
Coulson had kept him informed of things since EDI first alerted him of Babel Protocol being initiated. Considering Sif was with him and they were working together to get Lorelei in the first place, Coulson was taking the lead on this and from the last update he got they had met up with Stark and Thor and came up with a solid enough plan. Luring Will into a trap since they knew he was going to go after other Avengers first to give Lorelei her army. Coulson, Tony, and Thor knew him as well as Fury did but he still felt that the plan wasn't foolproof but then again when they were dealing with a powerful psychic like Will then no plan was foolproof.
[Phone ringing]
Fury picked up his encrypted satellite phone and the caller ID was Coulson so he answered. "Coulson, status report?"
"We're about as ready as we can ever be, sir. Tracking down Will via normal means has proven useless. He knows how we operate so we can't track him down via CCTV or any other digital way with Lorelei helping him. After their disappearance and him throwing us off his trail with the Quinjet we still have no idea where he is. They've been strangely quiet ever since they left to who knows where. None of our bases have been hit and nothing unusual has happened that could be linked to them."
"I'm not hearing a lot of good news, Coulson." Fury told him.
"Well, we're short on good news, sir but not void of it. I spoke with Professor Xavier and he has agreed to help us. He's using Cerebro right now to track down Will. We should have his location momentarily."
"Good. Keep me updated. SHIELD units will be on standby. And Coulson…be careful."
"Yes, sir."
Fury still felt a deep pit of unease sink in his stomach. There were still too many variables at play here for his liking. The upper limits of Will's powers were still unknown and while Fury still believed Professor Xavier was the stronger telepath, the two never had a psychic battle so that was really just his beliefs and he wasn't sure what could happen between the two psychics. Not only that, but this Asgardian Enchantress Lorelei also remained an issue and now that she has a crown that grants her stronger magic to enchant Will. With magic involved they had to assume the worst and prepare for the possibility that Lorelei may be able to do more things with her magic. Thor and Sif were their only real counters to the Asgardian but Fury was placing his ultimate bets on an old friend.
He glanced at the monitor feeding him real-time data from all the deep space sensors and satellites SWORD had. Director Rambeau gave him the access he needed. It had been over 16 hours since he pressed the emergency pager and still no sign of Carol. She must have been pretty far away if she still wasn't here. Now, Fury was just hoping she got here before it was too late.
New York City
A sleek, blue-colored helicopter was flying over the Hudson River passing from New Jersey over to Manhattan. The sun was up high in the sky for midday and there was a slight breeze coming in from the Atlantic but nothing the pilot couldn't handle. The helicopter was flying below 10,000 ft so its pilot didn't need to report in with the FAA like other choppers did. Most of the choppers in New York were news choppers with the occasional private one and in this case the chopper was private. Its pilot was Will, wearing his Aegis gear sans his hood and mask and in the passenger seat was Lorelei. She was adorned in a new outfit curtesy of last night's shopping spree. Dark green thigh-high leather boots with dark green laces were worn over black stockings that led to a tantalizing thigh-high green skirt with a golden buckled belt around her waist. Above that was a dark green corset strapless top. On her arms were golden bracelets that clashed nicely against her fingerless, green-colored long sleeves that stopped just short of her shoulders. A golden necklace was nestled right over her cleavage and Amora's crown rested on her head. Now that it was time for work, she would keep it on as the access to its magic could help if they encountered any serious resistance.
The people on the ground were oblivious or uncaring to the helicopter flying over the city but one man dressed immaculately in a black suit and tie with matching cane noticed. He had sunglasses on his face which hid his identity from the civilians around him, not that it was really necessary. No one knew his face that well so he was able to blend in with ease, which is exactly what he wanted. This was no regular civilian as the devious smirk on his face while he watched the helicopter fly towards Avengers Tower made him feel all warm inside. "Oh, this will be fun to watch." The man walked in that direction, casually able to blend in with everyone and no one thinking anything out of the ordinary. He can't recall the last time he's felt anticipation like this.
Will's gaze focused on Avengers Tower in the distance and saw the helipad on the top level was empty so he would be parking the helicopter there. Getting from Las Vegas to New Jersey wasn't that hard between what Will and Lorelei could do. She used her magic to disguise his face like when they went out and they went to a private airfield where some telepathic mind control nabbed them two pilots for a private jet to take them to Newark International Airport. More mind control and Will was able to get them to a helicopter airfield where he got them a chopper to take them to the tower.
Will may have been limited in his resources with SHIELD on his trail but that didn't mean he was completely helpless and he managed to dig up some of his own information that confirmed that Tony had returned to the tower. Civilians on social media tagged him in posts returning to the tower after breakfast in the city and there were no signs of Iron Man leaving so he was likely still there which was all so obvious. Will knew that Bruce would likely not be there as he figured that Tony, even being the egocentric know-it-all that he was would know that Banner there was more of a liability especially if Lorelei got her hands on him. A mind-controlled Hulk on her side would not be good so he was likely in a safe location. Tony may be hanging around at the tower as part of a trap but Will knew that Tony was setting this trap on purpose to throw him off guard thinking he wouldn't fall for it. So, he was going to do the obvious and spring said trap, catching Tony off guard and taking Iron Man out of the equation.
As they got closer, Will used his telekinetic sense to scan the tower and its surrounding area and as he suspected it would be empty of people which it was. Will couldn't even pick up Tony's thoughts in the tower so he likely figured out a way to mask his brain from his telepathy. He knew Tony was smart enough to figure that out but thankfully Will's telekinetic sense was so precise and detailed that he knew what was waiting for him. He could sense the armors lying in wait as a safety measure so it was time to spring the trap that he knew was coming.
Will engaged the chopper's autopilot so they were hovering over the tower before pulling up his hood and activating his mask. He opened the cockpit door and jumped out, floating down to the helipad and walked to the door. Immediately, two Iron Man armors flew out from underneath the helipad and flew straight towards the helicopter, their repulsors powering up to blast it. He raised his right hand and froze them in the air, the bending and groaning of the metal indicative that they were under tremendous strain from being forced to not move despite flying at full speed. There was a blue and silver armor with pointed shoulder guards he recognized as the Mark 30 AKA Blue Steel. The other one was a dark silver color with a large pneumatic jackhammer attached to the left arm. Mark 29 AKA Fiddler. Among the few Iron Man armors to survive the Battle on the Norco against AIM in Miami.
The A logo on the tower hummed as a small gap in the letter opened up, revealing a secret entrance from which three blue and white colored armored suits flew out. They were modeled after the Iron Man armor but unlike the other numbered mark armors, these were more simple and streamlined like they came off an assembly line. They had numbers on their chests, one through three, and over their hearts was the Avengers A letter. These were Iron Legion drones. Tony mentioned them several times as a sort of backup for the team should the need ever arise. They weren't armor but remotely piloted suits that would be piloted by Jarvis and could assist in combat support or help evacuate civilians in an area. Guess Tony managed to make a few though they weren't going to help.
They flew towards the chopper but like the Mark 29 and 30, they too were soon frozen in the air. The immense strain they were under began to bend the metal of their armor which in turn caused some other problems to occur like a chain reaction. Some of the repulsors cracked preventing them functionally properly and as Will clenched his right fist, all the armors were crushed. The incredibly strong alloy metal of the bent in certain spots while in other areas it completely cracked in half, showcasing Will's incredible strength with his telekinesis. The Iron Man armors were able to handle the force of most high explosive yields, mainly anything lower than high-speed missiles that could level entire cities. The fact that Will's telekinesis was able to bend and break such a durable and resilient metal showed just how much control and power he had. The arms of Blue Steel were crushed into its torso while the legs of Fiddler were bent backward and its large pneumatic arm was ripped out of its socket before flying through the air like a bullet. It ripped through the three Iron Legion drones like a saw blade through wood and with a tightening of his fist, Will pulled all the armors into one another, forming a large ball of twisted and conjoined metal that he dropped unceremoniously onto the walkway.
"Saw that coming a mile away." Will raised his left hand and used his powers to lower the helicopter onto the helipad. The engines shut off allowing Lorelei to disembark. She walked over to Will's side and looked at Avengers tower with intrigue.
"Hmm…a little gaudy but solid bones. With some alterations this place will make a fine palace." Lorelei stated, looking over the building. "So, this is the abode of one of earth's champions? I've seen the pictures of this Tony Stark you've shown me and I must admit he leaves a bit to be desired."
"Well, appearances can be deceiving. He's one of the smartest men on the planet and that genius earned him a fortune, a powerful company and he's the one who built those armored suits you saw. One of them alone has more firepower than a small army." He explained and she nodded.
"Hmm, I see. Yes, a man of this skill, wealth, and intellect will be immensely helpful in my plans. Well thought out, William." She praised while also thinking what kinds of new weapons he could make for her forces. Warriors do need their tools after all. The soldiers of Asgard had theirs so her forces would need some as well.
"Agreed so let's do some recruiting." Will said as walked into the tower with Lorelei right behind him. There was no one around which made the living area feel very empty with how large it was. Fancy furniture, a wide open-floor design with a custom bar and kitchen on the far side with various stairs leading to other floors with special rooms including the engineering lab, medical ward, bio-medical lab and armory. Will knew it wasn't empty as his telekinetic sense picked up one more Iron Man armor on the floor. "I know you're out there, Tony, or at least another of your armors is. So, just come out. No need to make this any harder on yourself so just give up."
"You know I can't do that, kid." He heard and saw the Iron Man Mark 43 step out into view from behind a corner.
"Impressive armor Tony but unless you missed what happened outside then it's not going to be enough. Then again you knew I was coming so I'm guessing that Thor and Sif are waiting nearby and you got Dr. Banner out of here already but you decided to stick around. That was risky on your part." Will told him.
"Sorry, kid but uh…" The faceplate of the armor opened up revealing it was empty. "…I'm not that stupid."
"Oh, I never said you were stupid. I just meant that your idea to pull me into a trap was risky because it's put you in harm's way. I saw the paparazzi photos and everything about you heading into the tower but I'm not an idiot. I know you're not here. I can sense the secret tunnel you had built in the tower but never told the rest of us." Will raised his left hand and clenched his fingers like he was grabbing something. The foundations of the tower began to shake before a large fissure cracked through the wall behind the bar and split open like there was an earthquake. Will used his powers to tear an opening into the reinforced concrete and special polymer alloys of the towers construction and in doing so revealed a secret high-tech emergency elevator. "You hid a secret elevator from the rest of us."
"Well, I've got to keep a few things close to the chest when dealing with a telepath. Besides…" The faceplate of the armor came back down and it shrugged in response. "…it only fits one."
"Still a lousy excuse but I'll give it to you, it was a clever idea…if you actually knew everything. You see, you made two grievous miscalculations on your part for your plan. One…thinking that my telekinetic sense relies solely on picking up a person's brainwaves and thoughts when it really works like a radar. Just because you've hidden your mind with I'm guessing countermeasures that Fury most likely cooked up, doesn't mean I still can't sense you. Like how Thor and Lady Sif are diligently waiting about ten blocks away in one of the old NY subway tunnels." Will said the armor's head involuntarily did a small jerk. Will knew Tony was remote controlling the armor from a distance via some kind of headset and he was still able to rattle him as he must not have figured Will could sense people without reading their minds. A miscalculation on his part. "Like I said, I can't read their minds but that doesn't mean I can't sense their bodies. Asgardians tend to stick out and you were clever in thinking that the old stone and concrete structures might obscure my sense but not enough. Then there's your second miscalculation."
"I'm afraid to even ask…"
"Not knowing the range of my telekinetic sense increased." Will looked to up at the corner of the northwest end of the floor where he saw one of Fitz's drones parked.
High up in the clouds over New York City well above cruising altitude, the BUS was in hover mode and was cloaked so it was invisible to scanners and by line of sight. Inside were Coulson and his team along with Dr. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark who was using a special headset to remotely control his Mark 43 armor from a distance. They were all wearing special Neural Disruptor headbands as a precaution as part of their trap-trap. Part of their trap-trap plan was to obviously keep Tony and Bruce away from Will to avoid them getting brainwashed or enchanted, giving Lorelei two more Avengers to add to her army. Happy and Jarvis evacuated the tower in preparation for the trap they were setting for Will and they picked up Dr. Banner as an extra precaution. In preparation for their trap and the aftermath, Coulson and everyone would be far away to maintain a safe enough distance but close by to help when it was all over. Tony would be able to remotely control his armors from a safe distance to help Thor and Sif take Will down and secure Lorelei and the team would be ready to help in the event that there were some injuries. Fury had some SHIELD units on standby to the secure the perimeter but they were all ordered to keep their distance and to not engaged unless ordered to by Coulson. The last thing they needed was to give Lorelei control over more people.
Everything seemed to go fine but given how things were starting and some recent revelations by Will, clearly they underestimated him a bit. Bruce and Tony looked at one another, the unease on their face palpable to everyone in the room. "Did you have the same sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as I do right now?" Bruce asked Tony.
"Oh yeah, Bruce. And the butthole is clenched." Tony added when Skye noticed something in the video footage. With everything that had happened, she wanted to be with Coulson and the others when they found Will for the plan. She was still recovering but well enough to be sitting in the briefing room and Simmons was next to her to monitor her condition. In any other circumstance, being in the same room with Tony Stark and Dr. Bruce Banner would have Skye going full fangirl and she admittedly got a little tongue-tied when Coulson dropped by last night to introduce her to them after their failed attempt to track down Will. There was a little embarrassment on her part mainly being tongue-tied and stammering like an idiot but hopefully she'd have a chance to make up for that. Now, though, her fangirling was the last thing on her mind. Compared to everything else the team had faced up to this point, a rogue and mind-controlled Will was the worst-case scenario they could have ever dealt with.
"Uh, guys…is it me or is Will looking right at us?" Skye asked aloud.
"It's not you. He definitely is." Bruce told her.
"He must see the drone but don't worry. He can't touch us here." Tony told everyone, giving them some reassurance. "Right, Bruce? He can't touch us here."
"I think so. His telepathy like his telekinesis has to have a range limit…unless that increased as well." Bruce said and they all continued to watch the drone feed. Will continued to look at the drone before he raised his left hand and his body began glowing blue. "Oh, that can't be good."
The BUS began to shake around like they were hit with some turbulence, which could be possible but given their luck they weren't so blessed. "Oh, come on!" Tony cursed out in disbelief. May rushed away from the briefing room and ran up to the cockpit to pilot, keeping the plane level and prevent them from crashing.
"Took a while to find the BUS and while it's cloaked to scanners…the pressure expelled from its engines all alone up in the sky might as well have been a homing beacon for me." Will taunted, tightening his fist which caused the BUS to shake even more.
"Dammit! Phil, do it!" Tony told him. Coulson nodded and pulled out his phone.
Back on the ground…
Will tightened his fist as he could feel his telekinetic hold on the BUS and began to forcibly push it to the ground, fighting against the power of its engines. It wouldn't be much longer before this was over.
"Well done, my love. Soon it will all be over." Lorelei said, enjoying the view from the tower.
"Unfortunately for you, Cathy Bates, not with you winning. Sorry kid." Iron Man raised his repulsors and the palm bases glowed. Will raised his other hand up to crush the armor when he felt a ringing in his head and then heard a voice.
"I'm sorry, Will."
"Professor Xavier—AH!" Will grabbed his head and fell to his knees, feeling tremendous pain that made it hard to think straight.
"William!" Lorelei rushed to his side to help him, pulling his hood and mask down to see his face trembling and his eyes portraying incredible pain. "What's wrong, my love?"
"He's—in my head…ARGH!" He tried to fight back, putting up his own telepathic defensive shields but the Professor kept punching through them and he felt his controlling slipping by the second. Will's blue telekinetic aura flickered like a wildfire.
"What have you done?!" Lorelei glared death stares at Iron Man as her crown began shimmering with magic. It's aura rippling and stoking like the raging fires birthed from the flames of Surtur himself before her hands were coated in her magical green energy.
"Sorry kid. This is going to hurt but this is for your own good. You're in one of the most toxic relationships I've ever seen and coming from me that's saying something." Iron Man remarked before visible disruptions of the air could be seen as his repulsors emitted incredibly specific high-intensity soundwaves. Will and Lorelei covered their ears in pain but the former was having a harder time as it was especially painful. Unbeknownst to him, the soundwaves were keyed to a very particular frequency that happened to be the same one that his powers resonated at. As a result, his brain was having a hard time concentrating and his powers were fluctuating as a result, evident in the fact that his telekinetic aura was flaring about like an uncontrollable fire. On top of the pain from Xavier's psychic assault, the soundwaves were incredibly debilitating and all Will could feel was pain. It wouldn't be long before his defenses were down and he could feel his consciousness beginning to slip. "HA! It's working! Thor, Sif, I've got them both down. Get here now!"
Hearing Sif's name, Lorelei seethed in anger and that surge of emotion gave her momentary clarity to channel some magic into her hand and fire it at Iron Man. It the armor dead center in the chest causing it crash into the bar. It slumped to the ground as Lorelei's green magical energy surged throughout the tech causing it to short circuit and malfunction. The glowing eyes on the helm began to flicker as did the ARC reactor in the chest, the limbs jerked around a bit and Tony's voice began to glitch out over the speaker.
"No! GO-DAM-JAR-BOO-[Click]"
The eyes and ARC reactor stopped glowing which in turn freed Will and Lorelei from the intense soundwaves but Will was still grappling with Professor Xavier's psychic attack. Lorelei sensed the energy of Mjölnir closing in so she acted quickly. Her crown glowed bright like a lighthouse and she clapped her hands together over her head. A beam of magical green energy shot out from her hands.
Thor was flying through the air holding Sif in his arms as they closed in on Avengers Tower when they saw a pillar of green energy erupt from the tower and encircle the top of the spire. Thor pressed on, hoping to pass through but it was too late and he crashed into the green energy field. He and Sif looked on to see a large green energy dome around the top of the tower. Lorelei had erected a shield to protect her and Will and keeping Thor from entering. "RAH!" Thor smashed the shield with his hammer but all that got him was a loud clang when they impacted along with sparks of lightning and green energy.
"Thor, take it down!" Sif told him. He nodded and put her down on a nearby rooftop so he could continue smashing the shield with his hammer. Lorelei was stronger with the Crown of Amora on her head but the helm could only protect her for so long and Thor was mighty.
Lorelei finished putting up the shield around the top of the tower and smiled, seeing it give her and William a momentary reprieve. She knelt in front of him and grabbed his face, seeing his strength and power fading fast. Despite the ceasing of the sonic attack the foreign psychic interference was still hurting him. With her magic she could sense the struggle and whoever was responsible was a very powerful telepath. Powerful enough to bring her champion to his knees so she gave him a boon to even the odds.
"Rise, my champion. Feel your power grow, my love." She leaned in and kissed him. The crown on her head glowed and it seeped out its energy into Will's body, giving him a power boost.
At the Xavier Institute…
Deep underneath the Xavier Institute in the bowels of Cerebro, Professor Xavier had his eyes closed as he was concentrating on the psychic assault that was halting Will's advance. When Agent Coulson and Director Fury called to inform him about the incident with Will and his enchantment by Lorelei they asked for his assistance. Will's powers made him one of the most powerful psychics on the planet with his mastery of telekinesis being second to none but his telepathy was a different story. Out of principle alone and some past experiences, Will hadn't trained it as much as he rarely ran into situations that couldn't be solved by his telekinesis or simple telepathy. Professor Xavier had decades of experience over Will making him the strongest telepath on the planet and with the added benefit of Cerebro aiding him, it allowed him to bring Will to a grinding halt, further aided by Iron Man's sonic disruption of his brain.
Astral/Psychic Plane…
In a glowing void of various colors and amorphous shapes evocative of a nebula, Professor Xavier appeared in his astral or psychic form which was basically the manifestation of his soul/mind. He appeared no differently than he would in the real world other than the fact that he could walk.
His astral form was glowing blue as a steady pulsating wave of psychic energy emanated from his head and enveloped the astral form of Will. Will's astral form was his normal appearance in his armor but his normal blue telekinetic aura was completely overshadowed by magical green energy. He was kneeling with various chains wrapped around his body like he was chained to the floor, signifying Lorelei's enchantment on his mind. Thankfully, with Professor Xavier's help, the chains around his astral form began to break one by one.
"I'm truly sorry for hurting you Will but you are not yourself. Don't worry, this will all be over soon." Professor Xavier told him as more chains began to break until only five remained. Slowly but surely, the magical green energy began to fade away and Will's natural blue telekinetic energy began to get stronger, signifying the slow removal of Lorelei's enchantment.
"Oh, but I don't think so…[chuckles]…"
Professor Xavier turned around but saw nothing in the Astral plane. Just the empty void of psychic energy but he knew that was a female voice he heard and it echoed around the area. Xavier was on high alert as he readied himself and his mind to face any threat, likely being Lorelei. He heard more feminine chuckles getting louder and louder when swirls of the magical green energy appeared in the void. They pooled together like strings of yarn and Lorelei appeared in her astral form, Amora's crown on her head burning like a raging fire. Her eyes glowed green as well as her hands as she stared down Professor Xavier.
"You dare harm my beloved?!" Lorelei fired a bolt of magical energy only for it to harmlessly bounce off a psychic shield Professor Xavier created. In the Astral Plane, Lorelei wasn't able to enchant Professor Xavier as they were not in direct proximity to one another and his mental defenses were impervious with the aid of Cerebro. Professor Xavier's head then glowed and he released a psionic bolt of energy that knocked Lorelei back, showing that while she may be magical, in the astral plane, he was stronger than she was.
"I'm undoing the harm you've done to him I've seen his memories and you don't know the first meaning of the word love if that's what you believe you have with him." Professor Xavier summoned another shield to protect himself from Lorelei's magic before creating a psionic sword and charging at her. She in turn created a magical scythe and the two fought, sparks of green magic and blue psychic energy emanated during each clash. Professor Xavier's astral form move with incredible speed and agility against Lorelei who fired bolts of magical energy at him but he would dodge or block them. Professor Xavier kicked her in the stomach and smashed her scythe with his shield, breaking it into pieces before slashing her in the side with his sword. Lorelei fell back and her form began to shimmer, phasing in and out like the corporeal nature of her astral form was faltering from her fight with Professor Xavier. Lorelei was a sorceress but mainly relied on her enchantments to aid in her fights so in the Astral Plane, she was ill-matched against a powerful psychic like Professor Xavier. "This can over much quicker and painlessly if you end your games now, Lorelei. End your enchantment on Will and leave earth. You'll find no easy kingdom to build here."
"You mortals…" Lorelei huffed out in annoyance. "…the arrogance is quite astonishing…"
"The same could be said for the Asgardians. Even with Will under your control there stands others ready to stop you and free him from what you've done. Your enchantment may bend him to your command but that's it. The people who know him, truly know his heart and mind know that he would not be doing this if not for you." Professor Xavier told her, aiming his psychic sword at her neck and she just chuckled in amusement.
"Oh, I know him quite well. There is more to Will that he has kept hidden and he has only ever spoken of his troubles and his true desires to me. All it took was me to make him realize what he has kept bottled deep down and ignored all these years. Together, we shall make them a reality for earth." Lorelei said only to get Professor Xavier's psychic sword placed right at her throat.
"No more. Your control over him is at an end." Professor Xavier told her. He pulled the sword back, ready to destroy her astral form and expel her from the Astral plane.
[Loud deep base hum]
He stopped because he sensed something very bad about to happen and Lorelei's look of annoyance turned into a smirk. "You should have never taken your eyes off my beloved."
She gave him a playful, devious smirk before her astral form vanished. Professor Xavier turned around to see Will standing up on his feet. His body glowing with his blue telekinetic energy and it bellowed around him like a raging inferno but encapsulating it was the magical green energy of Lorelei's magic. The chains that symbolized her enchantment remained with the broken ones being mended. Despite the chains, Will stood up reinvigorated and empowered much more than he was before with the damage done by Professor Xavier's psychic attack having been healed. Lorelei had distracted Professor Xavier in order to stop his psychic attack while also empowering Will to fight back. Her magic gave him just the boost he needed.
Exploding like a character from Dragon Ball Z, Will's psychic aura produced an incredibly powerful shockwave akin to a bomb that could level an entire city. Professor Xavier braced himself as powerful gusts of wind bellowed against his astral form and he could feel the pushback from Will's telepathy against his own. Lorelei's power boost was making Will strong enough to push back against Professor Xavier's Cerebro-enhanced telepathy. Back in the real world, Professor Xavier's face began showing incredible strain and some sweat began to form around his brow. That was enough of an indicator of just how drastic of a power increase Will received. Without Lorelei's interference, Professor Xavier was a stronger telepath than Will but now, they were even. Could this be a small showcase of what could be in the future?
Will unleashed a powerful psychic explosion from his body that incinerated the Professor's Astral form, ending their psychic connection.
Back in reality…
"AH!" Professor Xavier yelped as he was knocked out of the psychic link and the influx of psychic energy Cerebro received caused some alarms to go off. The professor quickly removed Cerebro's helmet and rubbed his head as Beast rushed in.
"Charles? Are you all right?" Hank got to his side and was concerned. He rarely saw the Professor hurt like this, if ever, so something must have happened.
"I'm fine, Hank." Xavier seethed in pain as his headache slowly faded away. "Lorelei prevented me from erasing her enchantment over Will and restoring his mind back to normal. She made him strong enough to fight back against my telepathy and pushed me out. I'm not sure how much help I can be now."
"Then I fear stopping Will is up to the Avengers for now." Hank said both of them worried about how things could go down and how quickly they could get from bad to worse. If they got worse, stopping Lorelei may warrant that the secrecy of the institute could soon be at an end.
"Hank, inform the others and get them ready just in case."
Murphy's Law was having a field day because what could go wrong just did.
Line Break xxxxx
Midtown Manhattan Avengers Tower, New York
Thor's heavy grunts were muffled by the loud clangs and deafening, thunderous booms made from Mjölnir clashing against Lorelei's magical barrier. The barrier bent and wobbled every now and then from his strikes but remained rock solid. Lorelei was a sorceress but Thor never remembered her past magic being as strong as this so clearly Amora's crown was making her stronger, likely explaining how she was able to enchant Will. All the more reason to stop her now because things got worse.
"Thor, hurry!" Sif shouted from a nearby rooftop so he raised Mjölnir up into the air. Storm clouds quickly formed in the sky over New York right above the tower before lightning flickered around his hammer and then struck the barrier in various places.
Inside the tower, Lorelei separated from her kiss with Will and opened her eyes to see him no longer in pain. He stood up and opened his eyes, his mind clear and no longer hampered by Professor Xavier but as he clenched his fists he could see whisps of magical green energy flicker about. He then held out his open hand to Lorelei and lifted her up to her feet. "Thank you, Lorelei. You saved me."
"No doubt you would do the same for me if the roles were reversed. That Professor in your head. He could become a problem and we shall deal with him and the other…X-men, as you so call them, but later. For now…" Lorelei looked out the window and saw her magical barrier beginning to falter under Thor's lightning. "…we have other matters that need dealing with."
Will smiled and closed his eyes for a moment and both he and Lorelei heard a hum in their heads. "I've created a mind link between the two of us so we can communicate without them knowing. They won't be a problem for much longer."
Now the two would be able to speak telepathically, which could work out to be an advantage in their plans. Lorelei smiled at the little ingenious move by her lover and gave him another kiss. "For luck."
"Luck is something I don't believe in. I make my own." Will gave her one last kiss before he pulled up his hood and his mask came up. He walked out of the Tower onto the helipad and looked up to see Thor using lightning against the barrier and it was going to give out sooner rather than later. Best to bring the fight to him rather than the opposite.
Thor raised his hammer up once more and lightning came down, striking the hammer before he flew forward and brought it down onto the barrier. In a loud crack of thunder, the lightning infused hammer strike cracked open the magical green barrier which quickly dissipated and fizzled away. Thor flew forward once the barrier was gone only to be greeted to the sight of a helicopter heading right for him. The Helicopter knocked him through the air before a blue beam of energy hit the gas tank and it exploded, sending a fire-covered Thor crashing down a few blocks away on the rooftop of a building in Murray Hill. Sif saw Thor get knocked away so she ran forward and jumped the gap between the rooftop she was on and Avengers Tower. She was going to crash through a window about 12 floors down from the Avengers Penthouse when she was yanked up into the air. Will raised his left hand up and walked over to the edge of the helipad as he lifted Sif so they were face to face. Sif grit her teeth and tried to move her limbs but couldn't. She was strong but couldn't overpower the strength of Will's telekinetic hold on her.
"Will. I know you are still in there. You must find the strength to fight back against Lorelei's enchantment." Sif told him but with his mask on it was hard to tell if any of her words were having an effect. The answer to that was no as she soon saw the fixed collar locked to her belt begin to float away as Will lifted it into his line of sight via telekinesis. "Will, please!"
"I'm sorry, Sif but I can't let you hurt, Lorelei. It's time you join the winning side." He placed his hand on her head and began using his telepathy and mind control. Best way for their plans to succeed would be to get the person tasked with stopping Lorelei onto their side. Lorelei smirked in delight as her future plans for Sif under her control would be deliciously devious to say the least. That's when she heard some movement from behind. The eyes and ARC reactor of the Iron Marn Mark 43 lit back up signifying that Tony managed to restore power and control. Lorelei quickly casted a spell and she vanished from sight, turning invisible so when Tony looked around all he saw was Will with Sif in his grasp.
"Sorry, kid." Iron Man raised his repulsors and fired his sonic beams. Will covered his ears again, dropping Sif and the collar as he did. Sif managed to grab onto a cable from the helipad to prevent her fall to the ground.
Sif looked up and saw the collar roll off the helipad so she reached out to grab it but didn't have the reach. At the last second she unsheathed her sword and extended it into its longer double-bladed form, just managing to catch the collar on the grove of her blade at the last second.
Will suffered horrendous pain at the hands of Tony's sonic repulsors but thankfully without Professor Xavier's psychic attack, he had enough of his own power to push back against the pain. He held his hand out and Iron Man was pulled off his feet until Will had his hand around the neck. "YOU'RE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!"
"Then this is going to make you really angry, kid. Sorry again."
[Roar of an engine]
Will turned around and instantly froze a black colored Iron Man with a modified chest reactor. The Mark 32 armor AKA Romeo was halted in mid-air and then quickly crushed into itself until it was just a ball of mangled metal. Will turned back to the Mark 43 and even with the mask on, Tony could tell that Will was just angry.
"I'm sorry."
The alerts on Tony's HUD headset began to go off as Will began to crush the armor but before he could do any serious damage the bulky orange and black colored armor of the Mark 36 AKA Peacemaker came in for the rescue. It tackled Will off the helipad and flew away with him while a black and silver colored armor with a modified chest reactor, the Mark 24 AKA Tank flew behind it.
"Oh, the kid is going to be mad." The Mark 43 flew after the other two armors which Jarvis was controlling. Peacemaker had its arms wrapped around Will, taking him to the river and away from civilians but he broke free and kicked the armor off. Tank then flew by and blasted him in the chest with its unibeam causing Will to crash down into Bryant Park. Shrieks and gasps of surprise were heard as the civilians saw something crash down into the park with many thinking that perhaps something fell off of a building but soon saw Aegis of the Avengers stand up from a small impact crater only to quickly form a blue energy shield around his body.
[High-Intensity sonic ringing]
Tank, Peacemaker, and the Mark 43 hovered into position over Bryant Park and fired their sonic repulsors but they were muffled and rendered useless against Aegis's telekinetic shield. "You only get lucky once, Tony." Will warned him.
"Get clear!" Iron Man shouted so the civilians ran away as fast as they could but a few of the idiotic ones stayed to take photos or record. That would be a big mistake on their part.
"RAH!" Will thrusts his arms out and his blue energy shield erupted into an energy wave that knocked away the Iron Man armors and destroyed the surrounding area of the park. The food stands and stalls were torn apart and the idiot civilians who lingered about were thrown through the air, crashing into cars or onto the ground. By now, everyone realized something bad was happening so they all ran away. Cars stopped on the street and their drivers ran as they saw Peacemaker was pulled towards Aegis and with a small head tilt, a powerful telekinetic force ripped it straight down the middle. From head to toe, it was split in two. Tank and the Mark 43 charged their unibeams and fired them simultaneously where they clashed against Will's energy beams. There was a momentary beam struggle until Will used his telekinesis to lift the two Yautja throwing stars he had in his belt. They unspooled, making the signature sching sound when they did before they were thrown forward, spinning through the air like two buzzsaws. Acting quickly, the Mark 43 and Tank disengaged and used their repulsors to execute some evasive maneuvers. The throwing star after Tank was closing in so the chest reactor on the armor powered up and projected a repulsor energy field around itself causing the throwing star to bounce off. The Mark 43 just implemented some creative flying to avoid being hit and even managed to blast the throwing star off his tail which flew back into Will's hand. Tank wasn't so lucky as Will used his telekinesis to freeze it mid-air during its flight and then maneuvered the throwing star to cut its head off. The throwing star flew back into Will's hand and he pocketed both before ripping the armor into pieces and throwing them at the Mark 43.
The Mark 43 blasted them all with its repulsors before firing some shoulder and wrist rockets at Will. All he did was raise his hand and the rockets froze mid-air and with a squeeze of his hand they were crushed. They exploded but were each encased in telekinetic bubbles so their effects were nothing but puffs of contained smoke.
"Well, that's emasculating." Tony admitted before the armor was once again pulled into Will's grasp where he then physically ripped the right arm out of its socket. "Are you sure we can't talk about this?"
"Just so you know, when I find you, I plan to make it hurt." Will told him, crushing the arm into scrap.
"Yeah, I figured. Also, incoming."
Will's danger sense buzzed and he quickly dropped the Mark 43 and made an energy shield only for it to shatter when it and he were hit by Mjölnir. The hammer hit him in the chest, sending him flying back until he crashed into a parked truck. Thor landed next to the damaged Mark 43 and saw it managed to sit up despite losing an arm. "Don't worry, Stark. I'll handle this."
Thor cautious approached the destroyed truck as he called Mjölnir back to his hands when several small pellets were thrown through the hole and erupted in a flash of light. Thor covered his eyes from the blinding light and when he moved his hand he saw Will jumping out of the truck with his right forearms vibranium-alloy blades unsheathed. Thor moved his head back at the last second, barely managing to dodge but the blades were close enough that they cut a strand of his hair. Thor swung his hammer but Will ducked and turned, activating the retractable Vibranium forearm shield on his left hand and used it to land a backfist across Thor's jaw. Will kept turning and moved into a spinning hook kick that knocked Thor back before he blasted the god of thunder in the chest with an energy blast. Thor flew back, bouncing off a taxi before Will telekinetically lifted up the truck he was thrown into and slammed it down onto Thor just as he was getting back up. Thor broke through the metal and threw Mjölnir only for Will to side flip over and kick him again in the head.
Thor grabbed Will's right arm, preventing any stabbing from his forearm blades and then grabbed his left arm before giving him a headbutt. Will's mask buckled a bit from the hit and Will was a bit dazed but then his head was covered in his blue telekinetic aura before he gave Thor a more powerful headbutt back. Thor staggered a bit and was going to wind up for another only for Will to jump and dropkick him in the face. Thor's grip loosened allowing Will to slip free and backflip to his feet where he raised his hands up and slammed them together, lifting two cars up into the air and slamming Thor with both from the left and right. Thor staggered a bit as Will's body glowed bright blue and he manipulated his telekinetic aura into bullet shapes before firing them. They ripped through the cars like real bullets and Thor raised his arms to block his face as he was hit all over. Normal bullets wouldn't be an issue at all for an Asgardian but these were just Will's telekinetic aura formed into a bullet-shape so they punched hard. One bullet hit Thor on the head and he staggered back so he called Mjölnir back to his hand, hoping to hit Will in the back. Unfortunately for Thor, Will saw that coming a mile away and did a stylish butterfly kick into an aerial twist, letting the hammer fly right underneath him as it returned to Thor's hand.
"Stand down, Will. Lorelei is using you. I know you're in there. I don't want to hurt you so just stop and let me help you." Thor pleaded only to see the ground begin to shake. Several cars were levitated off the street as Will's telekinetic aura was in full force.
"I'm sorry, Thor. I don't want to hurt you either but I have to protect her…which means you can't stay."
All the cars were thrown forward enmasse with Thor swatting aside a few before the rest hit him from all directions. Several energy blasts later and there was a large explosion that caused some serious collateral damage on the street. The Mark 43 hovered nearby and watched the scene, relaying everything back to Tony and the others.
Back on the BUS…
Tony, Bruce, Coulson, and the team were given a front-row seat to the fight of the decade as Aegis fought against Thor. Already he had manhandled Iron Man even with the numbers advantage taking out five other armors and three Iron Legions drones and now leaving the Mark 43 in bad shape. Now against Thor, Will was showcasing incredible power and agility, constantly keeping Thor on the defensive and using his powers to maximum effect. Thor, being a god, was able to handle more punishment so Will wasn't holding back. They saw Thor's hammer Mjölnir clash against Will's telekinetically enhanced attacks. Thor was physically stronger so Will was making up for that via his telekinesis and using his greater agility and mobility to his advantage. It was like the age-old question of strength vs speed. Still, with all the strikes Will was landing Thor wasn't giving up on the fight and they saw him knock aside a car sent at him before hitting Will with Mjölnir and sending a lightning bolt at him.
"This fight is getting more dangerous by the second. Coordinate with NYPD and all law enforcement to evacuate the island of Manhattan as fast as possible by any means necessary until further notice and make the area a no-fly zone. The last thing we need is an airline accident. Skye, I need you run interference on the footage." Coulson said to her and the team but saw Skye hard at work typing away on a keyboard.
"Already on it, Coulson. EDI and I are scrubbing and deleting all live footage being taken just as fast as they're being uploaded. We're constricting the information about what's going on and a city-wide alert has been sent out." Skye told him when they saw Will and Thor clash midair which caused them both to bounce off one another. The both crashed down up 6th avenue near Rockefeller center. "Thor can handle Will, right? I mean, Will is powerful but Thor's a god."
"A year ago, I would have said yes but exposure to the Aether made Will stronger and gave him new abilities. And we already don't know the current limits of his powers. This battle could go either way." Bruce admitted. Since he was the one who often analyzed and recorded Will's progress with his powers, he knew the most out of all of them and if he was saying that then they could be in trouble. "The Hulk could help but that would only make things worse, especially if Lorelei appeared."
"Sif is still there so we just have to hope she can trap Lorelei. Fitz, get more drones in the air to Avengers Tower and track down her position." Coulson ordered and Fitz nodded.
Tony and Bruce watched the footage and saw Thor and Will were in a beam struggle between the former's lightning and the latter's energy blasts. "Goldilocks needs some help. Jarvis, deploy Veronica."
"Whoa, Tony, are you sure about that? We've never put it through the full battery of tests and Will's not exactly what it was designed for." Bruce warned him.
"I know but Thor needs all the help he can get and Veronica's all I've got left. If that fails, then we may have to bite the bullet with the big guy so hope it doesn't come to that." Tony told him. "Jarvis, send it to the Mark 43's location."
"Yes, sir."
"What's Veronica?" Fitz-Simmons wondered.
"Something Bruce and I came up with along with help from the kid. A sort of break-glass-in-case-of-emergency failsafe if the Hulk ever went on a rampage. A mind-controlled Will isn't the same but it's close enough…and hopefully can give Thor the help he needs." Tony replied.
Up in space, a STARK industries satellite disengaged the magnetic locks and shielding for a large payload attached to it before repulsor engines engaged and sent it back to earth to New York. It was Tony's last gamble and he hoped it would be enough to turn the tide.
Back at Avengers Tower…
Sif had pulled herself up onto the helipad and hooked the collar to her belt. She could see the telltale signs of battle further into the city but Thor and Iron Man would have to handle Will on their own. Sif unsheathed her sword and readied her buckler shield before slowly walking into the living space of the tower.
"Come out, Lorelei. I know you're here." Sif spoke, looking around and being mindful of her surroundings.
The air around the bar shimmered before in a flash of green light Lorelei appeared. She was sitting at the bar having poured herself a small drink. "Hmmm…" Lorelei took a sip of a brown-colored drink from a champagne flute. "Delightful. Not as good as champagne but this whiskey is quite interesting. Would you care for some, Sif? A last act of mercy on my part before this is over for you."
"Enough, Lorelei. Your treachery has already cost many lives."
"Yes, unfortunately so but a few must be made an example of for things to change." Sif sipped her whiskey from the champagne flute and strolled over to a window, gazing out at Manhattan. "This place truly is mesmerizing. I used to think that the mortals here on Midgard were so dull and backward. Nothing but filthy animals but they've accomplished much in 600 years. Now there are some who can rival gods. My eyes have truly been opened since my arrival. Perhaps it is having an effect on me because I'm feeling quite…merciful so I extend that mercy to you, Sif. Leave me in peace and return to Asgard with Thor."
"While you remain here? I think not." Sif practically scoffed with distaste.
Lorelei just shook her head in disbelief. "Here I will no longer pose a threat to Asgard. Can you not let me be? In fact, I shall offer you and Thor the chance to return to Asgard with no quarrel. Leave me here on Midgard and we shall have no quarrel with you. Asgard will be left alone, you have my word. Quite a merciful offer, don't you think? Even for one whose heart is as stone like yours."
"My heart has nothing to do with this. I have my orders." Sif told her.
"Pffft, orders. All these years and you're still the same Sif. Doing as your told and heeling at the feet of those who command you, even the awful ones like Odin." Lorelei spat out when she mentioned the King and Sif gave her a deadly glare.
"Have care how you speak to the All-Father. For your treachery you should be dead and it was only through his mercy that you yet live."
Lorelei couldn't help but snort in derision for that remark. "Yes, mercy…the Wise King Odin, the ever merciful…was it mercy to lock me away for 600 years? Was it mercy that kept Odin was stopping Loki here on Midgard? Was it mercy that stopped the Dark Elves when they invaded?" Lorelei questioned and Sif raised an eyebrow at the last question. "Yes, my beloved told me many things about his time on Asgard…not all of them good."
Sif just felt insulted she would even bring that up. She knew nothing about what happened on Asgard with the Dark Elves and the way she spoke of Will like they were lovers was disgusting. "Mind your tongue. Will is not yours. It is only because of your enchantment that he fights those he calls allies."
"Yes. [Sighs] An unfortunate necessity and one he admits he is not pleased with but only needed for the troublesome ones like Thor. Rest assured, Thor will not be killed but returned to Asgard as a gesture of good faith…and a warning."
"You would invoke the All-Father's wrath?" Sif felt that Lorelei definitely wasn't like she used to be. She was more emboldened with Will at her side to make such a ridiculous statement but she had never been like this with her past enthralls. Could there be something else at play here?
"I would remind the All-Father of his weakness and to leave Midgard alone. It was not the powerful and wise Odin who stopped Malekith from releasing the Aether nor was he the one who stopped Loki but a mortal from Midgard. A fine mortal who will help me turn Midgard into a kingdom worth ruling over and take it to the heights of which Asgard could never be under Odin. From how my beloved spoke it would seem that Odin's arrogance nearly cost him Queen Frigga and everything. When my beloved tried to stop that, Odin had him locked up because that is what he does to people who don't agree with him." Lorelei looked out at Manhattan and even further across the Hudson River to New Jersey and the rest of the country. In her mind she began imagining her new kingdom. Order and stability as armies of men marched under her banner and with Will no longer beholden to the bureaucratic and idiotic rules of this planet, he was able to implement the change he wanted. She imagined herself on a grand barge pulled down the streets of the city for a parade in her honor. Her armies marching alongside her as scores of mortals cheered and praised her. They praised her not because they were forced too but because they wanted to as gratitude for all she had done. She had changed Midgard for the better. As Will had told her, once she did so the mortals flocked to her enmasse. No more crime, corruption, and injustice as the criminals who fed and took advantage of those in need were dealt with and the bureaucrats who protected them both intentionally and unintentionally had all been made examples of. She stood atop her barge with a crown on her head and by her side, dressed in fine armor was Will, the head of her army and her lover. Together, the two brought a new age of peace to Midgard and soon spread to other planets as well if they so desired. "My kingdom will be one of true justice, what Asgard was meant to be and not what it has been turned into under Odin. Midgard will be but the start of that empire and it will stretch across the Cosmos. This is my goal…my purpose…my destiny."
Sif just shook her head in disbelief. Like Loki, Lorelei had delusions of grandeur if she thinks it would work and the gall she had to speak of Odin as she did was blasphemous. "Now you paint yourself the victim like Loki, burdened with knowledge no others have and only you have the solutions. Do not think yourself more than what you are, Lorelei. Your time here on earth will cause chaos and take millions of lives as your previous rampage did. The people under your enchantment are just your playthings, nothing more and you do not hold Will's heart. I know him and he would never throw in his lot with a woman whose heart is as cold as Jotunheim."
Lorelei didn't let Sif's words get to her but she could see there was no point in talking this out anymore so she finished her drink and put the glass down. "This is your last warning, Sif, while I'm still in a reasonable enough mood. Take Thor and leave."
"We will leave…with you as our prisoner." Sif told her and charged forward only to get blasted with a bolt of magical energy. Sif slammed through the bar and bounced off a wall as some rubble fell on her.
"Did you really think that I would go quietly?" Lorelei mocked when she felt a small rumble and the secret elevator Will had revealed opened up and out walked several more Iron Man armors. These were the remaining armors Tony had that weren't currently fighting Will. A little insurance policy to help Sif deal with Lorelei.
Sif pushed a metal beam off her head and looked at the armors with a smirk. "No, I didn't so we prepared in advance."
Lorelei's hands glow green as she channeled more magical energy from Amora's crown. The army of metal men were cute but were no match to an Asgardian Sorceress as her. It was commendable how much these mortals were going to try and help her beloved. It was endearing in a way and Will did mention his fondness for them as well. Something she would keep in mind when this was all over despite the annoyances they've been.
'It would seem that your friends have thought through their plan more than we gave them credit. There are more of these metal men here in the tower.' Lorelei said to Will via their mental link before she quickly snapped her fingers and some of her magic pooled around her ears just in time. The Iron Man armors raised their hands and unleashed sonic blasts from their repulsors. The sonic waves washed over Lorelei but unlike before when it hurt her, it did nothing this time. Green pools of magical energy hovered around her ears showing that her quick magical snap was a defensive spell to protect herself. She learned from last time so she wasn't just a pretty face. 'They are being rather annoying.'
'Are you hurt? I'll be right there. Dammit! Buzz off!' Will shouted in his head as Lorelei fired several magical energy bolts that hit some of the Iron Man armors before dashing to the side to avoid Lorelei. She then used her magic to bind one armor and slammed it into Sif, knocking her back before ripping it in two.
'I'm unharmed. In fact, this is quite enjoyable. I think I see why you like this part of your life so much.'
'Good. I'm glad. Thor is being a bit of an annoyance, Lorelei. Clearly he's not going down without a fight and is being very stubborn. I may need a moment.'
'Understood, darling. Besides, I think I have the power to end this with Sif but be prepared to return should I desire it.'
Sif got up and held her shield in front of her while the remaining Iron Man armors backed her up as the green glow of Lorelei's magic illuminated the top floors of the tower like a lighthouse.
Back with Will…
A powerful explosion send broken cars and various pieces of debris into nearby buildings along 6th Avenue with a car being thrown through the front of Radio City Music Hall. Another loud explosion was heard and Will flew through the air before he tumbled onto the ground and let out a groan of pain. His mask was chipped in a few places as were other places on his suit but was just winded and not knocked out of the fight.
Thor jumped in the air with his hammer raised, lightning flickering around it as he brought it down towards Will. So, Will pushed off the ground and tucked his arms into his body, executing a 540 aerial spin to dodge Mjölnir. The street pavement cracked and lightning scattered on the ground but missed Will who was mid-air. As Will was flipping he extended his right arm out and sent a powerful telekinetic wave at Thor, sending the Asgardian skidding back. He managed to stay on his feet and swung his hammer at a car, sending it flipping at Will and all he did was raise his hand. The flying car was sheared down the middle as Will walked forward. Thor had a few minor cuts on his face but nothing serious. He was the God of Thunder after all and Will was still mortal but he was definitely positive that from this current battle that Will could earn the right to be called a minor demi-god. He was powerful enough to give Thor some trouble but Thor was still holding back slightly since this was a mission to free Will, not hurt him. Though how long that would remain true was difficult to say.
Thor raised Mjölnir to the sky and summoned storm clouds, causing the wind to pick up around them. This didn't deter Will even as lightning began to form in the clouds. He flexed his fingers and electricity began to spark around them before he unleashed a torrent of blue plasma AKA lightning at Thor who in turn unleashed his own lightning and the two battled for dominance. They seemed to be evenly matched until the storm clouds generated more lightning which gave Thor the edge. Will in turn punched the ground with his right fist causing an entire chunk of the street to come up, shielding him from the lightning. Concrete was an insulator and the material also just provided protection from the lightning strikes. Thor spun his hammer over his head causing the wind to pick up and more lightning to generate as he hovered over Will's position. A massive lightning bolt, a one-in-a-million kind of anomaly came down from the sky and vaporized the spot it struck. The concrete was reduced to rubble and nearby cars were fried but no Will. Thor looked around to see where he could have gone when he was tackled from behind.
Thor flew over Manhattan and felt something grabbing him from behind with a powerful hold around his throat but saw no one. He felt that he was being strangled but couldn't see anybody. The grip around his throat began getting tighter and tighter causing Thor's flying to get erratic until he crashed down into the Pond at Central Park.
The park was already being evacuated but Thor crashing into the pond just made it happen quicker. Tourists and natives fled in terror while nearby police officers did their best to guide them away. A SWAT team was nearby so a group moved into the park to see what was going on. That was a bad idea.
Thor jumped out of the pond and landed ashore, soaked from head to toe. He rubbed his throat in pain, unaware that something else exited the pond a few moments after he did but couldn't be seen by the naked eye. Thor knew something wasn't right so he readied himself.
"Where are you, Will?" Thor mumbled to himself. Mjölnir at the ready and his eyes sharp. Battle instincts from years of war and combat were his aid as he kept a watchful eye out for Will and his new tricks.
The soft crunch of a broken stick was his sign so Thor turned and swung Mjölnir, hitting Will in the chest. His invisibility faded as Will flew back and sunk back into the pod so Thor ceased the opportunity and summoned a lightning bolt to strike the water. There was a large flash of light followed by a loud thunderclap when the lightning struck and a huge plume of water erupted into the air, some of it immediately vaporizing into steam. The water conducted the current from the lightning so whatever and whoever was in there experienced the voltage from a bolt of lightning. Immediately after, dozens of fish floated to the surface having been electrocuted but no Will. Thor readied his hammer when he noticed he could see his breath. The water vapor from his exhalation became visible and immediately Thor noticed the surrounding area began to get colder and colder. It was a clear sky so something must be happening but before Thor could ask questions the entire pond seemed to come alive as it sprang from the ground like a tsunami wave. The water swirled around Thor like it was alive or like something out of Avatar the Last Airbender and said waterbender was Will who rose up from what used to be the pond. He was encased in a telekinetic aura shield which was how he remained unscathed from the lightning attack.
With a wave of his hands, Will sent the water at Thor who spun his hammer via the wrist strap and at super speed so it was like a buzzsaw and was able to deflect the water away from him. Said water was pushed back but then froze into globs of ice which were then sharpened into icicles. Will sent the icicles at Thor but he was able to smash them to pieces using his spinning hammer. The broken shards of ice quickly fizzles away into steam when a stream of incredibly hot fire zipped around through the air. Channeling his inner firebender, Will thrust his hands forward and two raging infernos were going to engulf Thor but he just shielded himself via his spinning hammer. The heat of the flames kissed his bellowing cape but Thor remained unscathed until the fire ceased. When it did he felt the ground shift underneath his feet and lost his balance, falling to a knee when Will rushed forward. He used his telekinesis to build a massive bat out of gravel and concrete and bashed Thor in the face, sending him flying away like a baseball. Thor's loosened grip on his hammer's strap resulted in him accidently letting go when he was hit. He flew through the air but Will flew after him and hit him again with the giant gravel bat and Thor crashed through the archway of the Bethesda Terrace before skidding on the ground until he hit the fountain.
"GAH!" Thor groaned in annoyance as he felt a cut on his forehead and cheek. Will landed in the terrace and backhanded a gravel chunk Thor threw at him.
"It this all you got, Thor? Let's see how well you do without that hammer?" Will cracked his neck and knuckles, his fists glowing with his blue telekinetic aura as he charged forward. Thor blocked a left punch only for Will to sock him across the face with his right followed up by a quick jab to his chest and then rising knee to the face. Thor growled in anger, blocking Will's next punch before landing one of his own. Will staggered back when Thor came in with a powerful uppercut that knocked Will off his feet. He fell to the ground but rolled back to his feet only for Thor to grab him by the neck and lift him in the air, then slam him into the ground. He then punched Will across the face, knocking out the lens of the left eye.
"Will, enough! Stop!" Thor warned him but all he did was glare before he got back to his feet, not giving up a fight.
Thor marched forward and punched Will in the face again before throwing a knee that was blocked but knocked him into a wall. Thor then threw out a right punch but Will dodged and it punched a hole through the stone. Thor blocked Will's counterpunch before he threw him across the courtyard and marched over. He reached out to grab him but Will grabbed his arm and kneed him in the face before slinging his leg around the back of Thor's head and slamming it into the ground. Will followed that up with a kick across the face that staggered Thor back a bit. Will got back to his feet and dodged a left punch, then blocked a right before pushing Thor's arm down and kicking his left leg out so it staggered his stance. He turned into a spinning elbow and landed it to Thor's face, using some extra strength from his telekinesis to make it hurt more. Thor staggered back as Will came in with a wild left haymaker infused with telekinetic energy and it knocked Thor to the ground. Thor got up only to get a roundhouse kick to the face that pushed him to the ground but he managed to get back to his feet only for Will to come in with a flying knee. Will channeled his telekinetic energy into the knee and despite Thor's block the impact propelled him back through a bench. He came in with another knee but Thor grabbed the leg so Will just forced it down and hit him with a left cross to the face. Thor didn't let up his grip and picked Will up, slamming him into the ground and then a suplex through the water fountain.
Thor picked him up when he was suddenly frozen solid in ice which is when Will gave him a telekinetic infused punch to the face with extra power that sent him flying through the terrace, across the lake and crashing through the Central Park Boathouse restaurant until he hit a tree.
Thor pushed off the tree limbs on his body and the table cloth from the restaurant he crashed through. Will floated through the air over to Thor and raised his hand when he was blasted in the back by a repuslor blast. He hit the ground near the lake and managed to get to his feet when a large metal spire landed in front of him. Several more landed behind him and then his left and right before they released electrical shocks and knockout gas. More and more spires fell until they extended out and connected to one another, completely encasing Will like a trap.
[Roar of engines]
Thor looked up to see a hulking design of metal oddly reminding him of a familiar, green-skinned friend. Appropriate since this particular Iron Man Mark number was designed in the event the Hulk ever went on an uncontrollable rampage and needed to be stopped. Tony dubbed the Mark 44 as Project Veronica, no idea why and likely had to involve some past hookup of his, but it was ironically Will who gave it the more colloquially accepted codename of…the Hulkbuster. And it was ironic because he helped contribute to its design and now it was being used on him.
Standing at eleven feet high, making it the tallest armor to date, it stood three feet taller than the Hulk and was also heavier considering the larger frame made for thicker armor plating. Deployable via automatic assembly parts launched from the flying payload nearby launched from the Stark Satellite, the Hulkbuster was a modular armor by design. Components could be replaced out if they were damaged or something else was needed. Powered by eleven Arc reactors, the armor had strength comparable to the Hulk with the armor giving it a greater defense and able to take a hit. Kept in the usual red and gold color scheme of the Iron Man armor, the Hulkbuster was outfitted with more powerful repulsors and a variety of onboard weapons to subdue a raging hulk. Now, it would be used to hopefully subdue a mind-controlled Aegis and it was already doing its job with electromagnetic incapacitating prison holding him.
"Sorry I'm late, Goldilocks but had to iron out some kinks with the missing arm. How're you holding up?" Tony wondered.
Thor got his feet, banged up a little but still fighting. He had some cuts on his face but wasn't done yet and immediately called Mjölnir back to his hand. "I'm fine. Lorelei's enchantment of Will runs deep. We should return to Sif and help her stop Lorelei, end this farce at the source."
"Right. Let's go." The Hulkbuster activated his repulsors and flew away with Thor spinning his hammer and using it to lift him into the air. The two were heading south when they heard a loud explosion and the Hulkbuster was thrown back, slamming into Thor and they crashed back down into Central Park. The Hulkbuster was lifted up and then slammed back down onto Thor repeatedly like a hammer to a nail. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"
"Apologies, Stark." Thor swung his hammer and knocked the Hulkbuster off to the side before getting back to his feet to see Will walking towards him. The remnants of the small prison Tony used was still there so Will must have dug underneath it to escape. The Hulkbuster managed to get back to its feet after being used as a bludgeoning weapon and being bashed aside. Tony quickly fired his two repulsors only for Will to raise his hands and divert the beams towards Thor. Thor used Mjölnir to block the beams before flying forward hammer first. Will stepped to the side at the last second, ducking the swing to the head before grabbing Thor by his cape and spinning around with him for a few rotations. He let go and threw Thor at the Hulkbuster who accidently backhanded him to the side.
"Sorry, Thor!"
Tony flew forward and reached out to grab Will only to suddenly slow down to a crawl. Will had both hands raised, using his telekinesis to hold the Hulkbuster in place despite the power of the repulsor engines and eleven ARC reactors trying to get it to move. Tony deployed some of the knockout gas from the hands hoping that it would seep into some of the cracks of Will's mask but they were quickly diverted away from him.
Thor threw Mjölnir and all Will did was swipe his right hand, using his telekinesis to slightly alter its course away from him and instead nailing the Hulkbuster straight through the chest. Will then blasted Thor with his energy blast before lifting the Hulkbuster up and sending it at him as well. Thor tumbled back onto the ground, managing to help push the Hulkbuster back onto its two workable legs and that was miracle in of itself. It was missing the left arm, the armor on the chest, legs, and remaining right arm was compromised and of its original eleven ARC reactors, only three were online to keep powering it. It was losing steam fast.
The Hulkbuster fired a barrage of missiles from one of its legs only for the missiles to make a 180 and fly back at the two heroes. Thor ripped a nearby bench from the ground and threw it causing the missiles to explode and saving them from some unnecessary damage. Once the smoke cleared they could see Will walk over to Mjölnir which had landed in a spot of grass after it tore through a large tree. Will grabbed ahold of its handle and tried to lift it but it wouldn't budge, feeling like it was part of the ground and weighed as much as the moon. Will used both hands and pulled but it wasn't budging which is when his telekinetic aura surrounded his body and began glowing at an incredibly high luminosity.
"Rest easy, Stark. With the enchantment on Will's mind, he cannot be found worthy of Mjölnir." Thor raised his hand to call the hammer back to him. It lifted off the ground and flew towards him but Will still held onto the handle. His feet dug through the dirt as he was dragged towards Thor and about halfway there his grip slipped but that didn't mean he didn't stop trying. Concentrating all his telekinetic power onto Mjölnir to keep it from going to Thor and soon enough it began to slow down. Thor saw what was happening and concentrated, willing Mjölnir back to his hand. The magical whirring from the hammer indicated that it was still flying to Thor as per his commands but it was being physically stopped. Will's telekinetic aura was glowing brighter than it ever had before, nearly as eye-blinding bright as a star to show just how much force and power he was using to keep Mjölnir from returning to Thor. "That's impossible…"
Will's telekinetic hold on the hammer was absolute and he was pouring all his strength, power, and sheer force of will into keeping it from getting to Thor. The ground beneath his feet cracked and crumbled while the very air around him got heavy and intense. The sensors in the Hulkbuster picked up the incredible amount of energy radiating off of Will as the ground began to rumble and shake like there was an earthquake. In fact, the Hulkbuster's sensors thought there was one but it was just Will. Waves of pure telekinetic energy radiated off of Will in intervals and they were so powerful that they tore up the ground, trees were sheared in half, chunks of the ground were cracked open and levitated into the air and the windows of nearby buildings began to shake with even a few of them cracking. The energy pushed Thor and the Hulkbuster back like gusts from a tornado. Thor's cape bellowed from the wind and to his and Iron Man's disbelief they saw Mjölnir move back to Will and hover over his head. Not through being worthy but by sheer power alone of his telekinesis, he managed to keep it from Thor's hand.
With a quick spin, Will threw Mjölnir at breakneck speed and hit Thor in the chest. Thor was thrown back and crashed through several trees while the hammer clanked to the ground.
"OH, SHIT!" The Hulkbuster turned only for Will to leap through the air and pull his right arm back. He was glowing brighter than ever before and came in with a flying punch. The second he punched the Hulkbuster a huge bright blue flash of light erupted like an atom bomb went off and a second later an incredibly powerful shockwave radiated outward and wiped-out Central Park. The ground was torn to pieces, trees were blown blocks away, and the shockwave shattered the windows of all the buildings within a ten-block radius, the nearby SWAT teams who foolishly tried to help were blown away and from the force of the impacts they wouldn't survive.
Line Break xxxxx
Everyone on the BUS looked on in horror as the live footage from the satellites and Fitz's drones left them without words. Well, not all of them.
"SHIT!" Tony removed his headset and threw it into a nearby chair in frustration. The Mark 44 AKA The Hulkbuster was offline and considering the live feed of Manhattan they were watching then it was likely obliterated. That was his last trump card and with it gone then he was done. Even when using the new sonic blast configuration for his repulsors that were keyed to the frequency for Will's psychic abilities, it was a half measure at best. Like Bruce, Will's powers were somewhat tied to his emotional state namely being that since he was a psychic it meant that his telepathy and telekinesis could be influenced by his emotions. They've always seen the kid keep a relatively calm head in a fight but now they saw just how powerful he was when he was angry. Even the arrival of the Hulkbuster armor could be seen as a mild annoyance but the fact that Will was able to overpower Thor's connection to Mjölnir with his powers alone made them all incredibly worried because it had serious ramifications. Thor was a god and Mjölnir was magic so the fact that on sheer power alone that Will was able to overpower and lift Mjölnir with just his powers alone then it meant that the fight between the two wasn't so one-sided in the Asgardians favor.
In a rare moment for Tony, he was stumped in facing a problem he didn't have the answer to. Will was just too powerful for the current limitations of the Iron Man armors. Quite frankly, remotely piloting the armors was his own true advantage as if he had been out there then he'd be dead right now. No way he'd be able to survive that explosion. Right now…Tony had no idea what to do next. Bruce shared the same worried feeling as Tony and it was hard for both of them to watch all of this. Will was one of the nicest people you could meet that is if you weren't his enemy and right now, they were his enemies. Bruce didn't like the idea of having to fight against Will or god forbid having to unleash the Hulk. That a fight none of them wanted to see.
Fitz-Simmons were terrified in seeing all the destruction on screen and just how powerful Will was. They knew he was strong but this was on another level. A mind-controlled psychic at his power level working against them was not a good sign of things to come. Ward's usual stoic visage slightly gave way to fear. He knew Will was strong and after learning he was Aegis he knew he was powerful but seeing it with his own eyes now and how he was able to take on both Iron Man and Thor made it all real. Deep down he might be having some reservations about ever crossing him. Skye was equally terrified as Fitz-Simmons as well as concerned for Will's wellbeing. Who knows what he has been through under Lorelei's enchantment and what she's made him do. Thankfully she's been kept busy so she didn't burden herself with worry. She was working as fast as her fingers could to make sure to erase all the possible video footage and photos during the fight. She and EDI were working on damage control and after what just happened to Central Park that was more needed than ever. Skye was erasing videos as fast as they were popping up, even disrupting breaking news footage showing up on TVs around the world when things were still relatively manageable but now with the Central Park explosion, management was out the window. Despite the evacuation order put in place by the mayor, the police, FBI and SHIELD, there were still idiots who lingered around to take advantage of the chaos and thrill seekers looking for hero footage to post online as well. There were also professional idiots as news helicopters remained over Manhattan despite the no-fly order put in and overzealous news agencies lingered around to try and get footage which was being broadcasted all over the world.
The global news agencies reported on the fighting in Manhattan but still had no definitive answers or explanations as to what was going on. All they could report was that it was a fight between Iron Man and Thor against Aegis and that there was no alien invasion so the latter made people relieved but the former made people curious. What could possibly be going on? The world was witness to Aegis take on both Iron Man and Thor and not only hold his own against the two of them but seemingly come out on top. Thankfully, with how erratic their fighting has been the amount of footage that the news agencies were able to record was all just glimpses and short moments but they were able to capture the fighting in Central Park until the large explosion. Some news choppers were too close and got caught up in the explosion and the resulting shockwave cause a few more to crash. By that point, the rest had enough semblance of self-preservation to get the hell out of Manhattan. Skye and EDI were quick to control the flow of information leaking out onto the Internet and hopefully set up some safety measures for the inevitable twisting of the facts later on.
Everyone watched as a few of Fitz's drones hovered over Central Park, or what remained of Central Park. It was still covered in a thick cloud of smoke like the place had just been firebombed and to be honest, that wasn't an inaccurate description of what just happened. The surrounding buildings weren't any better and everyone just hoped that the civilians were able to get out in time. Fitz typed in a few commands to activate the thermal vision for the drones so they could find Will and Thor and did see two human shapes, both of which were sprawled on the ground.
"Feeds from the drones are picking up radiant body heat and it's not dipping so they're both alive." Fitz reported and they saw the larger human shape begin to twitch and slowly sit up. Fitz cleaned up the feed from the drone and they were able to see a cape so they knew it was Thor which made them all breathe a sigh of relief.
"Oh, thank god. Goldilocks is good." Tony smiled, glad that they weren't done for but noticed how slow Thor was. He was just laying on the ground like he was catching his second wind or taking a minute to rest up.
"Uh, guys…" Skye pointed to the screen and they saw the other heat signature begin to move as well. Will, like Thor, was still conscious. "He's probably too tired and injured to fight Thor, right? I mean, Thor can handle him, now? Right, Coulson?"
"I have no idea. Their fight has been pretty even this entire time and Will's got super soldier level stamina so he won't tire out quickly. Honestly, Skye…I'm not sure." He admitted.
"Tony, any other ideas?" Bruce asked him.
"I've got nothing." Tony admitted and everyone felt the deep pit in their stomachs just drop. Tony looked at the drone feed from the tower and saw Sif still battling Lorelei. All the armors Tony had programed to help her were destroyed or shut down via her magic. The crown on Lorelei's head really was giving her a power boost which allowed her to survive this long against superior numbers. Sif wisely used the Iron Man armors to her advantage in her fight with Lorelei but because of Lorelei's magic she was unable to get close to use the collar. Lorelei knew Sif's strengths so she was using her magic to keep her distance and make those strengths null and void. "Those armors are all I had left and it'll take me a while to make another suit. Even then…I don't have an answer to Will."
"It's not Will we need to worry about it's Lorelei. The problem is that with the crown on Lorelei's head we can't get near her." Skye pointed out. "Coulson, don't you have any female enhanced on your super-secret Index list that could help Sif?"
"A few, maybe and they're on standby. I can have them in Manhattan within thirty minutes if necessary." Coulson said, taking out his phone to make the call.
"Oh, god. Did Will find us again?" Simmons grabbed Fitz and braced herself for an emergency landing.
"Uh, that's not the plane." Fitz remarked, looking at Simmons in amusement but he was happy with the physical contact. Simmons realized what she was doing and let go as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Fitz checked the alert and it was some kind of energy reading. "The deep space sensors are picking up something entering our galaxy."
"What kind of something? Alien ship?" Ward asked so Fitz brought up the readings onto the main screen so everyone could see.
"It's not reading like a space ship. Nothing like when the Chitauri invaded or the Dark Elves so it's not Asgardian." Fitz told them.
"Asteroid, maybe? Comet?" Bruce suggested only for Tony to enhanced the image and add on a spectrum overlay filter so they could get better readings on the energy signature.
"Not with these kinds of readings. The tail end of the thing doesn't trail off. It's giving off it's own energy source. Hang on…" Tony began typing on the smart table and began coalescing the data from SHIELD with the scans from the STARK industries satellites. "…it's getting closer in range so I might be able to clear up the image. One second…"
The image on screen cleared up as best as possible and while it wasn't perfect it was enough for everyone to see that it wasn't a ship or a meteor but much smaller. "Is that…a person?" Bruce said in disbelief.
"No, that's…impossible." Simmons squinted her eyes and leaned in to try and get a better look. Everyone in the room was at a lost for words except for Coulson who had a good idea on who this could be.
"Fitz, what's the projected flight path?" Coulson questioned so Fitz did some quick calculations.
"The unidentified object has already passed Jupiter. At it's current speed it'll make contact with Earth in about 90 seconds." Fitz announced.
"Coulson, do you know what that thing is?" Tony asked him.
"If it's who I believe it is, then yes. And it means Fury didn't leave anything to chance and called in an old friend." Coulson replied leaving everyone very confused.
Fury's secret England Residence, England
Fury watched the footage of what was quickly being dubbed The Second Battle of New York via SHIELD satellite feeds and the drones from Coulson's team. In his many years in the armed forces, an agent of SHIELD and then its Director, there have been few things that have actually unnerved him. He could count the instances on his hands and have a few fingers left to spare. Suffice to say when he saw Will lift Mjölnir using just his powers alone and destroy Central Park, another one was added. Things were getting worse by the second and it wouldn't be long before the World Security Council and Secretary Pierce got on his ass about this.
Low and behold, Fury looked down at his phone and saw an encrypted number he knew to be from the World Security Council. Now that this incident made international news there was no hiding it from them, which meant more headaches from him and keeping Aegis from their grasps became even harder. Before when he was just Fury's special enhanced agent and then Avenger was one thing but now with this attack they could pressure Fury into revealing everything.
Not good.
Fury looked at his monitors and breathed a sigh of relief as the deep space scanners picked up an energy signature closing in on earth. The answer to his problems has just arrived so he unlocked the glass window wall to his office and pulled open one of the panes. There was a gentle breeze coming in from the east and the chirps of birds before he heard a distinctive whistle of air like from something moving incredibly fast followed by the unique hum of energy buildup. A faint glow of yellowish-orange light shined on Fury's face as its source hovered down in front of the open window. That something was the energy signature the deep space sensors picked up flying towards earth and it arrived at Fury's secret London residence, following the signal of his emergency pager. The source wasn't a ship or a weapon but rather a person. Though the person could be categorized as a weapon with how dangerous she was.
Hovering down from the sky was a woman wearing a modified Kree spacesuit. It had red thigh-high boots leading to blue pants and then a red belt. Blue primarily dominated the spacesuit's torso coloring until it led to a gold star on her chest accented by gold lines on either side before red covered the rest from the star up to her neck similar to the symbol that appeared on Fury's emergency paper. Red gloves and forearm bracers connected to blue sleeves and then red shoulder pads on her arms. Her hands along with her legs were glowing with the yellow/orange light, being the energy she used for flight. On her head was a red and blue helmet that left her mouth exposed and combed her hair together into a mohawk-like style and the eyes on the mask were glowing white. She looked at Fury before the mask shrunk down into her collar revealing the face of a young blonde-haired, brown-eyed woman who looked to be in her late 20s to early 30s. She was beautiful and combined with her figure in the spacesuit she was someone who could turn heads even if she wasn't glowing or flying. This was former US Air Force Captain and Test Pilot Carol Susan Jane Danvers or as Fury affectionately dubbed her Captain Marvel.
"Carol Danvers. About time you showed up. I figured you would have gotten here faster." Fury told her.
"Sorry, I'm late. Was dealing with a boundary dispute from the Shi'ar empire and the Confederacy. The latter have been getting more proactive lately. It took longer than I thought. What's wrong?" Carol hovered down and entered Fury's office.
"We've got an issue. A rogue Asgardian enchanted one of the strongest psychics on earth in her own bid to turn the planet into her own kingdom. She's already causing problems in New York and unfortunately she's not exactly easy to stop. She's able to enchant any man who stands in her way and right now we're running out of people who can step up to her and the psychic she has under her command. You're the only one I know who can stop them." Fury brought up the drone footage from Stark Tower so Carol could see the fight between Lorelei and Sif with the latter losing. "The bad one is the one with the crown. Her magic makes her dangerous so don't underestimate her."
"Who's the psychic she has under her control?" Carol asked only to see Fury's look of hesitance. "What's wrong?"
"That's also part of why I had you come back." Fury pressed a few buttons on the keyboard and brought up an image of a man she didn't know but looked familiar to her. "The psychic she enchanted is your son."
Carol went wide-eyed as she read the information next to the most current image SHIELD had of Will. William Alexander Detmer, Level 8 SHIED Special Operations, Tactics and Defense Specialist. Fury then brought up some images of him in his Aegis gear along with brief descriptions of his powers and his classification in the Index evaluation. Some notable remarks were nearly limitless potential, strongest telekinetic on the normal Index, current limits unknown but the most important one was Threat level: Highly Dangerous.
"Wha…wha…?" Carol was struggling to find the right words in light of the bombshell she received in no less than two minutes since she returned to earth.
"It's a long story but Will's grown up since you last saw him and he gained powers granting him telepathy and telekinesis. He's one of the strongest psychics on the planet and Lorelei lured him into a trap knowing he could help with her plans and she's right." Fury then brought up video of the fight so far in New York. Him fighting Iron Man, Thor, and the destruction from the fighting. "With him under her control then the kind of damage she can do is unprecedented which is why we're trying to stop them. So far, not so much luck on that side but Lorelei is the key. You stop her then the enchantment on Will won't work anymore. Sif has a collar that can negate her powers so— [Sonic Boom]
Fury covered his head as a powerful gust of wind knocked him to his left, caused all the papers in the office to fly all over the place and the shockwave caused the glass wall to crack. He saw the faint glow of Carol's energy trail fade from view as she headed west.
"Good luck." Fury whispered, silently hoping that things didn't end badly.
Back in New York…
The smoke over Central Park finally began to fade as it was carried away by the wind. When the smoke settled it was like the aftermath of a bomb strike as the once lush and vibrant green surroundings of Central Park was practically a wasteland. The small lakes were dried up, the very sturdy trees managed to stay upright though were heavily slanted to a side after being nearly uprooted, and crumble remnants of Central Park structures were a shadow of what once stood. If people in Manhattan and New York City weren't already freaked out by the fighting between Avengers then the destruction of Central Park definitely did the job. Ferries carried civilians across the Hudson and the bridges and tunnels were jam packed with cars of people trying to get away.
"Ugh…" Will pulled himself up and sat up right on the ground. "Ugh…" He shook his head and cracked his back, letting his body rest for a moment before he pushed himself back up to his feet. Thankfully, there was a large pile of bent, twisted, and charred metal he could use to brace himself. Said large pile of metal was the remains of the Hulkbuster which definitely wouldn't be busting anything anymore though his armor wasn't pristine either. There were more cracks in his mask with a sizeable chunk of the left eye having been broken off so the eye was visible but it remained in one piece providing protection and identity concealment. The rest of his suit was still in one piece and that was mainly because it was comprised of Carbonadium alloy and Vibranium micro-weave mesh. The special material kept his suit together during the fight when in reality it should have been rendered to scrap at this point but that didn't mean it was impervious to damage. There were big cuts, scrapes, and gashes with the first layer with more damage into the secondary ones. In some spots all it would take would be another well-placed strike or impact then there would be cuts through all the layers of the material and there would be holes in his suit.
[Groans of pain]
Will saw Thor at the other end of the park beginning to get up so he readied himself to keep this fight going.
[Sonic boom]
Will looked to the east in the general direction of the sonic boom and used his telekinetic sense to figure out what happened. The sonic boom was definitely something flying faster than the speed of sound but it wasn't a missile as he didn't hear the roar of engines. It's possible that SHIELD sent a missile since the World Security Council did send a nuke in their attempt to take out the Chitauri but this fight definitely doesn't warrant a nuke. It likely wasn't an Iron Man armor since he figured Tony was smart enough to realize that it would pointless to send more. Perhaps someone else superpowered that SHIELD had on their Index List that Fury sent to try and stop him.
Clearly whatever that sonic boom was, it was causing some damage. That's when he felt a buzz in his head. 'Beloved, hurry! Someone else has come to stop us!'
'I'll be right there.' Will looked at Thor and saw he was getting up so with a wave of his hand, he sent the bent metal of the Hulkbuster towards Thor and wrapped it around his body like full body restraints. He then opened up the ground underneath him so it swallowed him up before moving the ground back into position so Thor was trapped with his body buried from the neck below. Will took advantage of Thor's weakened state and restrained him as best as he could with little leverage to get free though being a god who knows how long that would last. Will sensed Mjölnir using his telekinetic sense as a giant magic hammer wasn't hard to miss so he opened up the ground beneath it and sunk it into a deep sinkhole before closing it up.
"I'm sorry, Thor…but I had to do this." Will turned around and flew towards Avengers Tower as fast as possible.
A few moments earlier with Lorelei…
[Crash and explosions]
Flashes of green light could be seen going off from inside Avengers Tower as the fight between Sif and Lorelei was still raging. Up in the penthouse suite where the Avengers lived there were broken and destroyed Iron Man armors and plenty of damage to the place that Tony would need to pay to have fixed but surprisingly it wasn't that bad. The reason for that was because of the giant gaping hole in the secret emergency elevator where the elevator cart used to be. During the fight, Lorelei blasted Sif into the elevator which dropped her down four floors. Lorelei pursued her and let's just say that all of the people who worked at Avengers Tower would definitely be working from home for the foreseeable future.
Sif dove to the ground as a magical green bolt of energy destroyed a wall and some office furniture. She kept moving as Lorelei, hovering in the air just outside the tower, smirking in delight as she had Sif trapped in the tower and taking a que from the metal men, was enjoying some long-distance attacks. So long as she kept Sif back then she could not harm her and it was quite enjoyable to see Sif run and hide.
"Come on, Sif. Is that the best you can do?!" Lorelei charged up another magical bolt of energy only to quickly dash to the side as Sif hurled a desk outside. She then kicked the ground, making a huge crack in the spot where she stood before she added a punch and broke through the floor, dropping down to the floor below in time to dodge Lorelei's magical blast.
Sif took off running through the floor of Avengers Tower, outpacing Lorelei's magical blasts. She turned the corner and ran down the hall when she saw Lorelei hover outside the glass window so she grabbed a chair from a nearby desk and a fire extinguisher from the wall and hurled them both. The chair broke through the window first followed by the fire extinguisher so Lorelei hit them with a magical blast though with the fire extinguisher it caused the powder inside to explode out like a powder bomb. Lorelei's vision was temporarily blinded and the powder was an irritant to breathe so she coughed a bit. A shadow appeared through the powder cloud and Sif jumped through, punching Lorelei in the face while tackling her onto the roof of a nearby building. The two tumbled on the roof and Sif quickly unhooked the collar as Lorelei jumped back and flew away only for Sif to grab her left leg and slam her down. She grabbed her by the neck with her free hand and tried to put the collar on her only for Lorelei to puff away in green smoke. She then reappeared behind Sif and punched her with her magic, sending her skidding off the roof and to the street below where she crashed onto a car.
Sif rolled off the wreckage and groaned in pain, holding her side a bit as she saw Lorelei hover down while she gathered magical energy into her hands. She lifted her hands up over her head and concentrated the magic together, unaware that the bright glow from her crown had lessened ever since she began fighting with Lorelei.
[Sonic boom]
Lorelei heard the loud boom and saw some glowing object in the distance getting closer and closer at an alarming rate. Thinking it was an enemy Lorelei brought her arms down and fired a concentrated magical beam from her hands. The glowing object fired its own energy beam of yellow/orange/blue energy and when it collided with the magical energy. There was no beam struggle as Lorelei's magical beam was overpowered so she quickly braced herself for impact.
[Boom & Crash]
Her smoking form dug a small trench through the street, tearing up the gravel and ruining her outfit. Lorelei would definitely need a new one but she grasped her left side in pain when she saw the new arrival hovering in the air with a bright glow. By the figure of the person, she could deduce it was a woman though from her appearance she didn't recall Will ever mentioning someone like her. Her powers though were tremendous as Lorelei could sense a great deal of energy similar to Will in a sense and she knew she was not someone to underestimate.
The helmet and glowing eyes of the mask Carol had obscured her identity from Lorelei and added to the menacing factor already established by her arrival and first attack. Carol turned her head and looked over at Sif who was leaning against the wrecked car she landed on. She then looked back at Lorelei who managed to get to her feet and her hands began glowing. "You're going to pay for what you've done…"
Carol flew forward at full speed, fully intent on ramming Lorelei through only for the Asgardian to vanish in a puff of green smoke. Carol stepped out of the crater only to get hit from behind by a car. She pushed it off her and saw Lorelei lift two more and throw them so Carol bashed the first one aside with her fist and then blasted then second with a photon blast. Carol leapt through the smoke with a flying punch and Lorelei dodged before ducking under a spinning kick only to get an uppercut to the stomach.
Lorelei felt the air leave her lungs as she hit the ground, having trouble breathing. The glowing woman definitely hit stronger than Sif ever did and that was saying something. 'Beloved, hurry! Someone else has come to stop us!'
'I'll be right there.'
Lorelei quickly vanished again in a puff of green smoke before she appeared in the air and fired a barrage of magical bolts. Carol rolled forward and dodged a few until she braced her arms in front of her body. When the magical bolts hit her, she absorbed the energy and began glowing again before firing a photon beam. Her beam incinerated the magical bolts and hit Lorelei who fell backward only to suddenly stop. Carol flew forward to grab her but suddenly found herself frozen mid-air.
"What the?" Carol felt some kind of pressure forcing her from moving so she powered through it and actually began inching forward when she was slammed into the ground. "Dammit!"
She was picked up and slammed into the ground three more times before being thrown into a car and then propelled backward, rather violently. Her body tumbled and bounced off the street but after the first few hits she dug her right fist into the asphalt and stopped herself. Carol looked up and saw a glowing blue figure hover down from the air in front of Lorelei and look over her.
"Are you all right?" He asked her and Lorelei nodded.
"Yes, I'm fine but clearly your friends have someone else here to fight their battles." Lorelei remarked as Will steadied her on her feet. He then looked down the street at the new arrival and knew from the suit alone who it was and deep down inside, an anger he never knew existed came forth.
"Oh, she's something special." He remarked, taking a few steps forward as he saw Carol did the same and they had a stare down. Will pulled his hood down so his mask came down with it. Carol had her mask shrink down into her collar and saw with her own eyes for the first time in near two decades…her son. She was feeling a whirlwind of emotions ranging from happiness, sadness, and surprise to regret, yearning, worry, and vulnerability. If this were any other situation then she would just march over and give Will the biggest hug of his life and profusely apologize for everything but unfortunately, this wasn't the right time. For one thing, he was under the enchantment of an Asgardian whom they needed to stop and the second, he looked angry and all the other emotions that pretty much meant angry. "Stay back, Lorelei. She's mine."
"Yes, of course." Lorelei stepped back. She knew this woman was strong, perhaps too strong for her which is why she had Will. "Destroy her, beloved."
Fitz's drones hovered over the street, relaying all the video footage to Coulson's team as well as to Fury. The stare down between Will and Carol was tense to say the least and it was so quiet you could hear a water droplet hit the ground. It felt so tense that any moment it wouldn't be long before something set one of them off.
"Will…is that you?"
"What's the matter, Ms. Danvers? Hard to recognize one of your own mistakes, is it?" Will remarked back with a hint of venom in his voice. Lorelei raised an eyebrow in intrigue at Will's tone. She wasn't expecting him to be so confrontational in the beginning. Thinking back to their conversations both pre and post coital she did remember him mention in passing about his unique situation. He was conceived after a drunken one-night stand and his birth father never knew he existed until recently while his birth mother gave him up for adoption when he was born. His adoptive parents died shortly before he joined SHIELD. Lorelei could sense the disdain he felt towards his birth mother for giving him up when he brought up his past and noticed that the woman and Will did share a passing resemblance.
'Interesting. So, it would seem that being powerful is genetic for Will. Very curious.' Lorelei thought to herself when she sensed the growing power building up in Will and also in Carol so she wisely took some steps back.
"Will…I know you have a lot of feelings about me and you have a right to feel them but I came back to help you." Carol told him. Her words however did nothing to alter his current feelings. In fact, they seemed to stoke them a bit.
"I figured as much. Fury must have been desperate to bring you back. What has it been? 20 years since you've been on earth? Well, news flash I didn't need you in my childhood, I didn't need when I joined SHIELD, I don't need you now. So, I'm going to give you one chance. Walk away…and leave earth." Will tightened his hands into fists so much that his knuckles cracked.
"I can't do that, Will. Fury told me everything. This isn't you. This is all Lorelei, the Asgardian. She's in your head." Carol told him.
"And how do you know that? Maybe this is exactly who I am?!" Will took a few steps forward and as he did his fists began glowing and the air around him got heavy. With his rising anger his brain was so overcome with raw emotion that it was affecting his abilities. His telekinesis began to leak out and physically affect his surroundings as the ground cracked under his feet, rubble floated up into the air around him, and as he walked forward nearby cars, light poles, traffic lights, or trashcans began to crack and bend. "For the first time in my life I've felt free and unburdened by everything that's weighed me down…and it all started with you. So last chance. Walk away…before I make you."
The anger and spite in Will's words hurt Carol deep down. She knew she deserved it but that didn't lessen their impact. Still, she had to help him even if he didn't want it. "I'm sorry, Will but I can't do that. You need help but this is not your fault. I'm sorry." Carol raised her left hand and fired a photon blast at about half power, thinking it was enough to knock him back. Only problem it wasn't.
The photon blast hit a blue energy shield that surrounded Will and dissipated. Carol looked at her hand and then at Will in disbelief. That half power blast was enough to knock Lorelei on her back and would be more than enough to handle most enemies she's fought over the years. It could put a hole through a plane but Will was able to make a shield to block it.
"Then you better brace yourself…" Will muttered as he telekinetically made his hood come up over his head and his mask came back on, even with the one lens missing. Soon, Will's entire body began glowing with blue light. "…because I'm about to make this hurt."
Tony, Bruce, and Coulson's team watched the drone footage equally elated that someone arrived to help but also very confused. They were all pretty much thinking the same thing. Who was the mystery woman? Where did she come from? What were her powers? And why does Will have such anger towards her? The only one who wasn't confused was Coulson. In fact, he looked quite relieved.
"Uh, Coulson…who is that woman?" Skye asked him.
"That, Skye, is Former Air Force Captain and Test Pilot Carol Susan Jane Danvers or as she's more well known as…Captain Marvel." Coulson answered.
"Not a bad name. Not sure how Steve is going to react to hearing there's another Captain around here." Tony remarked joked as he tried to lighten the mood a bit. He should make a note and do that later, he bet it would be funny.
"She's one of the first people Fury and I ever encountered with abilities back in the 90s. She's human but was abducted by aliens and given abilities. It's because of her that Fury got the idea for the Avenger initiative. To this day, she's one of the strongest superpowered people SHIELD has ever encountered." Coulson told everyone.
"Then where has she been all this time?" Bruce wondered.
"In space. She's taken a more intergalactic role with her hero duties. The last time Fury saw her was in the 90s. He called her in to handle Will." Coulson replied.
"And why does Will not like her at all?" May asked him.
"Because she's his birth mother." He replied. That alone gave the situation more weight as it was literal mother versus son. Those who knew Will personally understood the issues he had with his birth parents considering he was given up for adoption when he was born. Now having met the woman who actually gave him up was bound to bring up some negative emotions which is why he was so angry during their brief talk.
Fitz brought up some of the footage the drones captured when Carol arrived and blasted Lorelei. She was glowing bright like a star and they compared it to Will currently glowing a bright blue.
"Ok…I can definitely see the family resemblance." Tony remarked.
Line Break xxxxx
Manhattan, New York
Will unleashed a telekinetic wave towards Carol and to say he didn't hold anything back is an understatement. It ripped up the ground and hurled cars and chunks of asphalt forward. Carol dashed to the sides using her greater speed and realized how dangerous Will was with his powers so she had to end this quickly. She flew forward towards Lorelei, aiming to take her out. She reared her left arm back to deliver a punch, her fist glowing as she channeled her energy into it only for Will to get into her path and raised his hands. Carol's punch hit Will's energy shield and a massive shockwave rung out, shaking the nearby buildings. Carol punched the shield again and again, each time her fist made contact it released a powerful shockwave showing just how powerful Carol's strength was as well as how potent Will's defense stood up to her. Carol's greater strength began to crack Will's shield and one good punch shattered it, sending him skidding back.
He growled in anger and raised his right hand, levitating all the nearby cars and chunks of asphalt off the street around him and Carol before he slammed them all into her from all sides. He added on additional pressure from all sides, hellbent on squeezing her into goo but Carol fought back. She managed to force her arms out and in a mighty yell she burst free. Chunks of asphalt and broken cars were flung at breakneck speeds all around hitting nearby buildings.
"RAH!" Will let loose a roar as his eyes glowed blue and he unleashed waves of telekinetic energy all around him. Carol protected her face with her arms as the waves of energy pushed against her. She skidded back before managing to push through the force pushing her away and continue towards Will.
"Will, please! This isn't you! Let me help you!"
"Yes, you do! Look around! This isn't you!"
"No! That's not true!" Carol pleaded but Will wasn't having any of her excuses.
Will fired a powerful telekinetic energy beam at Carol and it was like a moment from Dragon Ball when Goku unleashes the Super Kamehameha at Piccolo. Will unleashed massive beam of blue energy so bright it lit up the city for five city blocks. Carol wasn't expecting it and the impact sent her flying away. Thankfully Will kept the beam contained so it just tore up the street which would definitely need to be fixed up.
"GAH!" Carol hit the street hard and tumbled to the ground, groaning in pain as the energy blast she was just hit with had to be one of the strongest hits she's taken in years. Carol braced herself on one knee as she heard Will hover through the air towards her. When he got close enough she turned and flew forward in a quick burst of speed, tackling him through the air. She flew him away from the city and reared her fist back but hesitated in throwing the first punch. That hesitation was a bad idea as Will grabbed her by the neck with one hand and then landed a telekinetically-enhanced punch to her face. The force knocked her off and out of her grasp before he tackled her. He kept flying down as they flew past buildings and ended up landing in the Hudson river and kept going until they crashed down at the bottom. Will created a huge air bubble around them as he kept landing punch after punch to her face before she grabbed both his hands to stop him. "Will, stop! Let me help you!"
"I don't need anything from you!" Will headbutted her, which was a mistake as it rattled him more than it did her and she managed to get out from underneath and kicked him in the chest. She hit him out of the air bubble he made causing the water to come rushing in and surround her. She flew through the water and grabbed Will, taking him with her as she flew up. Will managed to elbow her in the face and then punch her again before firing an energy blast at point blank range. It knocked her back but she quickly managed to steady herself in the air. "You abandoned me the moment I was born! You forgot about me the moment you left earth so why did you come back?!"
"Because Fury needed me, because you need me."
"I DON'T NEED ANYTHING FROM YOU!" Will shouted as clouds began to form around them and lightning began to strike causing loud thunder cracks. It was a nice visual metaphor for Will's current emotional state. "YOU GAVE ME UP THE MOMENT I WAS BORN WITHOUT EVEN A SECOND THOUGHT! I WAS JUST YOUR MISTAKE THAT YOU WANTED TO FORGET!"
"No, Will! That's not true! I love you! I know you hate me for what I did but believe me it was for your benefit!" Carol swore. "I thought I was doing the right thing giving you up for adoption! I wasn't ready to be a mother! Your father and I…it was a mistake!"
"Oh, I'm well aware that I'm a mistake and like all mistakes you just wanted to forget me!"
"No, I wanted to give you a better life than I could give you! I wasn't ready to be mother! Please. We can talk all about this when this is over. I've never been there for you so let me be here for you now! Lorelei is just using you!"
"You don't have any right to tell me what to do or come back to ask for anything!" Will shouted as lightning struck the sky around him. "All that time in space and you never once came back to see me! If you truly loved me then where the hell were you?! Hell, even before you were taken by the Kree you cared more for Monica then you ever could your own son!" Will shot back as lightning began to gather over Carol's head. "JUST GO AWAY!"
The lightning gathered together and came down in one powerful, massive lightning strike similar to one Thor used on Will not too long ago. It came down and normally would have spelt the end for Carol but she didn't falter or fall. She stood there glowing bright as a star and absorbed all the energy. Her entire body glowed with a yellow/orange light and soon even her hair and eyes glowed as well. Will watched in disbelief as she remained upright though the look on Carol's face was of sorrow and sadness.
"I'm sorry, Will…" She then raised her hands and fired her photons blasts. Will created a shield to protect himself but after a few minutes it began to crack and he was sent flying back. Carol flew after him and put him into a rear naked choke but he managed to break free and threw out a punch. Carol caught his fist and headbutted him again, causing another large crack in his mask. "But if I have to hurt you to help you…then I will."
"Oh, this will hurt." Will double-kicked her in the chest, knocking her back in the air when she saw something coming at her from the side. She covered her head with her arms as a commuter bus flew in from the side and slammed into her. The bus kept moving across the Hudson until it crashed into the side of a building in Hoboken, New Jersey, pancaking Carol in-between.
The bus dropped to the ground as civilians ran away in fear while news crews and amateur videographers recorded everything. They saw Carol pull herself out of the building and fly away. She grabbed Will and pulled him away from Manhattan, taking him along the Hudson towards the water but he fought her the entire time. She had him in a rear-naked choke so he slammed his elbows into her side before reaching one hand up to her head and giving her a lightning shock.
"GAH!" Carol screamed in pain as their flying got erratic and the two crashed through the roof of the Newport Centre Shopping mall in Jersey City. Civilians cried out in terror as the two crashed through the roof, several department stores before coming out the front into the parking lots where both landed on cars.
Will hit the ground when he saw an SUV braking before it hit him. The family inside screamed as the father slammed onto the brake to avoid hitting him. Will held out his hand and the SUV flipped through the air over him before landing back onto its wheels. The family inside were saved an accident, showcasing that despite all the anger flooding through Will's system he wasn't going to willingly put innocent people in danger.
He walked over to Carol and gave her a telekinetic punch that sent her flying away. He flew after her and gave her a few more before a sending a telekinetic push towards the Hudson only for Carol to catch herself, fly back and punch Will in the face twice, cracking his mask a bit before giving him a photon blast to the chest.
In a small house in Jersey City…
Sitting together on the couch in the basement of their house was a Pakastani/American family. Husband and wife Yusuf Muneeba Khan, their older son Aamir and youngest child, their daughter Kamala. They were enjoying some nice family time in the living room watching the news on a laptop when they would normally be watching their programs on a TV. That was until a breaking news report came on about fighting in Manhattan. More superheroes fighting and it was at times like these that Yusuf and Muneeba were glad that they lived in New Jersey and not New York though they went to the basement for extra safety. They, like many were very confused as to what was going on, wondering if aliens had returned but to their shock they saw superheroes fighting each other.
"Who is that woman?" Aamir asked his parents as they were watching the live footage of Aegis fighting against Carol Danvers. They shook their heads as they didn't know who she was either and neither did the news if the headline New Superhero were anything to go by.
"Oh, dear, Yusuf. They're by the river. What if they get closer?" Muneeba said in worry.
"Don't worry, Muneeba. That's why we moved down here in the basement. We'll be safer here. Better than going outside with all the panic and rushing. We stay still for now." Yusuf told her. Muneeba nodded and held her daughter Kamala close to her chest.
"Don't worry, Kamala. We'll be ok." Muneeba assured her daughter who didn't need reassuring at all. Her four-year-old mind was in awe as she watched superheroes fighting for real on TV. Her already growing and wild imagination was unintentionally being fostered but soon her mind began to spin with questions and ideas. Seeing Iron Man fly through the air and Thor using Lightning was cool but all that time she was asking why were they fighting Aegis. That was until Carol Danvers arrived and the second the news caught her face on camera Kamala was in awe. Seeing a badass female hero on the screen unintentionally checked off something on her bucket list that she didn't even know she needed to see.
Right now, the only thing going to Kamala Khan's mind was one thought.
She's so cool.
With Lorelei…
Left behind on the desolate street near Avengers Tower, Lorelei walked over to Sif and fired a magical blast at her. Sif was knocked to the ground but managed to get back to her feet. She reached her hand to her belt to get the collar but didn't find it there. She patted her belt to find it when she remembered the moment they tumbled onto the roof. She was about to put the collar onto Lorelei when she was punched off the roof and landed on a car. She must have dropped it up there and was about to race to get it but Lorelei used her magic to bind her in place.
Unbeknownst to them, up on the roof of the building where Lorelei and Sif fought, the collar remained and someone arrived to help her. There was a warble sound of rushing air and suddenly a massive bulldog teleported onto the roof via the magic glowing symbol on its forehead. Standing with the giant bulldog was a beautiful young woman around Will's age with blonde hair that had a dyed black line around halfway down. She was wearing boots, black pants, and a yellow shirt with a black neck loop. It was Crystalia Amaquelin aka Crystal, Inhuman Princess of Attilan and Will's girlfriend.
She saw the collar and picked it up before giving Lockjaw a rub on the head. "Thanks, Lockjaw."
She looked down below to the street and saw Lorelei approaching a bound Sif before she jumped forward. Her left-hand glowed white as the wind funneled underneath her feet and carried her forward, allowing her to descend slowly. Her right hand glowed red and she pooled a large grouping of fire together into her hands, coalescing it into a giant fireball. "HEY!"
Lorelei looked up and saw a large fireball fly down, hitting her in the chest. Lorelei fell back, her outfit and hair scorched from the heat and some smoke on her skin but she was Asgardian so she was tough against fire. The binding spell on Sif broke and she watched as Crystal floated down next to her with Lorelei's collar on her belt.
"You mortals just come out in droves, don't you?" Lorelei cursed out. "Step aside, girl."
"After what you've done to Will? You can go to hell!" Crystal's hands glowed yellow and she unleashed bolts of powerful lightning at Lorelei, forcing her to use her magic to shield herself. Unbeknownst to Lorelei, the crown on her head began to flicker like a candle on the last part of its wick or like a fire slowly dying out. Sif, however, noticed what was going on and saw an opportunity that could play to her advantage. Crystal kept up the lightning barrage when she saw a fire hydrant nearby so she kept one hand channeling lightning before holding out the other to the hydrant. Her free hand glowed blue causing water to leak from the hydrant before it burst from the ground along with three others on the block. She ceased the lightning and forced all the water forward like a tidal wave towards Lorelei who quickly casted a giant magical green shield. The second the water hit her magic it evaporated into steam. Lorelei then gathered the steam via her magic and turned it into shards of ice that she then sent towards Sif and Crystal. Crystal got in front of Sif and her hands glowed green, summoning a large thick wall of gravel as cover and all the ice did was shatter.
"Impressive powers for one so young. You waste it fighting for these mortals?" Lorelei questioned.
"I'm not here for that. I'm here because of what you did to Will you heartless bitch." Crystal cursed at her. "All of this is because of you. Will would never even entertain any of this if it wasn't for you."
Lorelei was momentarily confused but from how she spoke of Will it was clear there was affection. "Ah…you must be the girlfriend he mentioned. Yes, he mentioned you several times to me and he was not wrong. You are powerful. He spoke of you with great fondness…of someone who he loved. I know the feeling now."
"Shut up!" Crystal fired several fire balls so Lorelei dodged and blocked them. "You don't know what that word means if you think what you did to him means anything!"
"I used to think so but I've grown quite fond of him. He is truly a god among you mortals and it's only fitting that a queen should be at his side." Lorelei quipped. "He mentioned once that you are the princess of your people. That is cute but I do believe the Queen outranks the princess and he performed his duties quite well with much enthusiasm."
"You bitch!" Crystal slammed her fists into the ground and summoned giant ground spikes that shot up from the ground. Lorelei was quick to jump back before flying high to gain some distance. She then fired several magical bolts of energy so Crystal used blocks of earth as shields.
Lorelei looked down at Crystal and could see the pain in her eyes. Knowing the bond that she and Will shared and how that bond was now hers gave Lorelei a unique sense of... satisfaction. Not to dissimilar to the euphoric rush of sex as seeing the heartbreak on others when you take what is theirs gave her such a feeling of glee. Like Sif with Haldor thought that was more for pettiness sake. With Will, there was a certain degree of personal pride and now attachment that was growing.
"Tell me, Crystal. One lover of Will's to another...how is he with you? I've only experienced him once myself...though it was quite a long night. Hours in fact." Lorelei raised an eyebrow, deliberately messing with Crystal to get a reaction. Said reaction was Crystal shooting lightning at her so Lorelei deflected it. Like seeing a bully messing with the bullied, Lorelei continued as it brought her some personal enjoyment. "But he is so...passionate. The raw power and thrill of him mounting me...his hands roughly caressing my body...his voice like sweet ambrosia to tickle my ear...and the look he gave me bore deep into my heart. All of it was wonderful but it was after...the sweet moments in bed together where he poured his heart out to me. That...is what I truly enjoyed."
"Don't listen to her!" Sif told Crystal. "She's just messing with you. It's what she does."
Lorelei fired a magical bolt down at Sif but Crystal fired a lightning bolt to block it. "Do be quiet, Sif. This is important. I personally never entertain the annoying dribble from my past lovers but William...he way he spoke and how he...unburdened himself with me...I could see right then and there like a weight had been lifted and he could become his true self. And now I've grown quite fond of him but I'm not as horrendous as Sif would have you believe. If you truly love him and you wish to be at his side, there is a place for you in my court. If it would make him happy to have you around…then I can accommodate such a request." Lorelei wasn't exactly happy at the thought but at least entertained the idea, if only for the later potential to tear it asunder.
"Accommodate this!" Crystal created a massive fire dragon via her elemental manipulation. Like Smaug-size fire dragon from the Hobbit and it roared towards Lorelei.
Lorelei used her magic to morph the fire dragon and redirect it back as a powerful wave of magical fire and it washed over the street with an intensity like lava. The ground glowed red, nearby metal objects began to melt and bend and generally you wanted to avoid being in its path. Sif rushed forward and tackled Crystal out of the wave and the latter quickly formed a giant protective wall of earth around them before reinforcing it with ice to combat the heat which in turn made steam.
"If you are truly Will's girlfriend then I can help. I am Lady Sif of Asgard. My apologies for what has happened to him. Lorelei was to be my charge to get back and he was unfortunately her target since his battle with the Chitauri and the Dark Elves." Sif told her before taking the collar back and locking it to her belt. "How did you know Will was in danger?"
"I…I saw what was happening on the news." Crystal couldn't exactly tell her the truth. When she tried to call him today he didn't answer. Not the first time it happened since his job kept him busy but when she had the seers on Inhumans inform her of what was going on, they showed her what Lorelei was doing and how she put Will under her enchantment. She unfortunately saw everything so she rushed down to earth to try and help free Will and hurt Lorelei. Blackbolt and Medusa forbade her from doing that since it risked her discovery but Crystal didn't care and had Lockjaw take her.
Another brush of fire hit their cover causing the gravel to begin to melt so they had to act fast. "Lockjaw!" Crystal cried out.
Lorelei turned around and was literally dogpiled by a giant bulldog. Lorelei tried to push it away but it was so large which meant heavy. She punched and scratched its face but Lockjaw wasn't giving up without a fight and hit her with his paws while also slobbering on her with his large tongue before he chomped on her torso and wrangled her around like a chew toy.
Sif helped Crystal back to her feet and saw Lorelei in the giant dog's mouth. "I'm truly sorry for what has happened to Will. If you want to free him then we need to get the collar onto Lorelei's neck." She glanced at the crown and its glow was getting fainter and fainter. "The crown on Lorelei's head is the source of her powerful magic but the more she uses it the quicker it will drain. Force her to expel its energy and soon it will run out. Channel the anger you feel for her and make it cost her."
"Gladly. Lockjaw!" Crystal shouted so Lockjaw tossed Lorelei up into the air. Crystal held hands her out and hit her with a blast of wind that sent her into a building. Lorelei caught herself and hovered into the air before firing more magical bolts down onto Sif and Crystal. Lockjaw teleported away as Sif dove and dodged while Crystal used lightning or fire to meet her magic.
At the Xavier's Institute…
All the students at Xavier's school were huddled in the living room around the large TV watching the breaking news story. The major headline at the bottom read Second Battle of New York: Mystery savior?
Stilled images of Carol were shown as newscasters reported on what was going on, which they still didn't know the full picture of so it was primarily speculation. What was clear was that Manhattan had been evacuated after fighting erupted between Iron Man and Thor against Aegis. Other images and amateur video footage showed Aegis crashing into Bryant Park against Iron Man, the fight with Thor that destroyed part of 6th avenue and then the massive explosion that destroyed Central Park.
Pretty much all the younger students were treating this like a Saturday morning cartoon. They were in awe at the fighting but the older students and teachers were more concerned, especially since they were all suited up and ready to leave in a moments notice. Storm looked over at Hank and the Professor, both of whom were very worried. Their attempt to stop Will before didn't go so well and unfortunately things got out of hand. They told Storm and the others to get ready just in case. Storm was ready as well as Jean, Kitty, and Rogue as well with the latter being a possible good idea to stop Will if she could get close but now the arrival of this mystery woman was promising. If she was able to stop Will then good because it could avoid revealing mutants a little sooner until they were ready. Still, it was better to be more cautious than ignorant so if needed Professor Xavier would be willing to help a friend.
At another SHIELD Facility…
Grouped together in front of TV were SHIELD agents watching the news about the fight in New York. Iron Man and Thor against Aegis and now this new mystery woman was put into the fold. Most of SHIELD had no idea what was going on. Just that there was an incident and some of their units were being ready for a clean-up and repair operation in Manhattan just like in the aftermath of the Chitauri invasion. Already, many began to speculate as to what happened and why the Avengers were fighting. The theories that were gaining the most traction among agents were either brainwashing, mind-control or clones. Though it was just three of the Avengers as Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton were on the base. Many tried asking Steve, Natasha, or Clint but they wouldn't say anything and when one agent asked why they weren't there fighting and got three equally scary death stares in response then everyone left them alone.
Steve, Natasha, and Clint knew what was going on as they all got the Babel Protocol alert from EDI. It was hard for them to hear that Will was under enchantment and was now their enemy. Many of them agreed that Will was the solid foundation and heart of the team so now that they needed to fight him was difficult to process. Coulson and Tony told them about the plan and unfortunately with Lorelei in the picture it meant that Steve and Clint weren't of any help. Natasha offered to come assist Sif but with the crown on her head it was too dangerous. Still, none of them liked being stuck on the sidelines when they're friends were in trouble, which is why they were getting a Quinjet ready for takeoff.
Natasha finished packing up the weapons and Clint finished his pre-flight check as Steve walked in after putting away the fuel line. "Tanks full. Let's go." Steve told Clint before he and Natasha took their seats. Clint locked his seatbelt before looking over to the two.
"I would just like to remind us all that Fury gave us orders to hang back. So, if we disobey then we could very well be looking at a court martial or being killed in combat or worse, being mind-controlled. Not a pleasant experience." Clint told them.
"So, you trying to talk us out of this?" Natasha wondered and got a chuckle in response.
"Hell no. I'm the archer. I fight from a distance. You two aren't as lucky." Clint powered up the engines and soon enough their Quinjet was heading towards New York. Natasha brought up the news footage onto the main console so they could stay up to date on what was going on.
They watched news footage of the glowing woman taking Will up into the sky away from the city before heading higher and higher into the atmosphere. It soon got to the point where the live footage couldn't give them anything more than glowing specks in the distance which is when they switched to SHIELD satellite footage. Carol flew Will into the atmosphere and then punched him into near-earth orbit.
At SWORD Headquarters…
At the SWORD headquarters and launch site in Florida, like the rest of the world, all the employees were watching the news with laser focus. This was legendary and no one wanted to miss anything. In her office, Director Marie Rambeau and her daughter Monica watched everything but with the aid of the SWORD satellite system and sensors they were able to see what was going on when others could only speculate and keep track of everything.
They saw Will's fight with Carol take him into low-earth orbit via cameras on nearby satellites. Will was glowing bright blue as he had a huge energy field around him as protection from the lack of Oxygen, at least momentarily. Will hit an old spy satellite but then used his powers to throw it into Carol. Carol braced herself as she hit the old piece of machinery when Will flew right behind and smashed through it. He warped the metal around her and proceeded to pummel her in the face as they turned into a fireball upon reentry. It was only Carol's insane durability and Will's forcefield that the two were still alive.
Both Monica and Marie looked at one another in worry. The two were well aware of Will's disdain for Carol and given his situation they couldn't blame him. The two always kind of hoped that if Carol ever came back that they could maybe all sit down and talk over dinner, maybe even help mediate some peace between the two. Never did they think the two would come to physical blows.
One thing they knew for certain with how powerful Will was, he was definitely Carol's son.
Back with Will…
Police, State Park security and some National Guard troops were quickly evacuating all the civilians from Liberty State Park as the last of the ferries carried in the civilians from Liberty Island. With the alert SHIELD put out, they evacuated the island as fast as possible and now were evacuating the park as an extra precaution. Their fears ended up being justified when they heard a loud explosion and looked up to see flaming wreckage burning up as it flew down from space. The wreckage were parts of a satellite and they all burned up into small none-threatening chunks of metal that would crash into the Hudson but the larger ball of fire wasn't as lucky, skimming off the Statue of Liberty and damaging the crown before crashing into Liberty Park. A large mushroom cloud of smoke appeared making all the civilians scream in terror as the police and National Guard kept their calm and directed all the civilians to safety.
"Adams, you and your squad continue the evacuation then pull everyone out. O'Neill, call in backup. The rest of you, with me." The captain led his team into the park, their assault rifles at the ready as they closed in on the impact site. Like a meteor strike, there was an impact trench and crater around six to seven feet in diameter and a lot of the ground was dug up. They moved in together when they heard some movement so the captain ordered them to freeze. A black-gloved hand slowly reached up out of the crater and grabbed onto the dirt, tightening its grip as it helped pull the rest of the body out from the ground.
[Groans of pain]
Aegis reached up his other hand to help with leverage and when he had his upper body out of the crater he just slumped forward and rolled out, laying on his back. His suit and armor was severely damaged with holes in the chest and legs, more cracks in the armor and any part that had skin showing revealed nasty cuts, burns, and bleeding. Thankfully his mask was still somehow in one piece so his identity remained concealed.
The captain and his men stayed sharp as they heard more movement which is when they saw Captain Marvel stand up and climb out of the crater. She had some cuts on her face, her lip was bleeding, cuts on her neck and scuff marks on her suit but was in much better condition than Will was. With all the fighting he had done, Will had begun to run out of steam against Carol while she was fresh. Will's anger and the adrenaline boost it came with helped give him the initial edge but it was beginning to fade.
Carol was a little groggy from the reentry crash landing, remembered not-so fond memories of when she crash-landed years ago when she was under the Kree's mind control. She looked around and saw the Statue of Liberty in the distance, the waves of the Hudson river crashing against the docks and the trees of Liberty Park so it was much better than having crashed into a Blockbuster. That was until she turned around and saw armed soldiers aimed their guns at her and at Will.
"Wait, please, stop!" Carol raised her hands to show she meant no harm. "Don't hurt him!"
"Ma'am! Get down on your knees and interlock your fingers! Both of you!" The captain shouted.
"Wait, please! You don't understand. I'm trying to help" She pleaded as she saw Will begin to get up. "Will, stop! Stay down! Please!"
"Hey! Get down! GET BACK DOWN NOW!" The captain shouted but Will didn't listen. Soon enough police and news helicopters began to hover over the park, giving everyone all over the world a clean view of Carol and her standing protectively in front of Will, trying to deescalate the situation.
In a SHIELD safe house…
Agent John Garrett was sitting in a safehouse, his mind focused on the news when normally he'd much rather be watching sports. He wouldn't care about watching news live coverage in most instances until he got a message to check out the live coverage from New York and so he did. To his surprise it was about the Avengers fighting amongst themselves. About what? No one knew but whatever it was, it resulted in fighting so bad that Manhattan was evacuated and Central Park was destroyed. The person seemingly responsible for the conflict was Aegis, which is why he was now so focused when he would otherwise be apathetic.
Garrett witnessed saw the destruction and raw power that Aegis had and couldn't help but smile in pride. He knew who Aegis was underneath that mask. His own flesh and blood not just a regular SHIELD agent but one of the planet's mightiest heroes and with how the fighting turned out seemed to be the strongest Avenger. Seeing Will face off against Iron Man with ease made him smirk but seeing him fight off against Thor made him smile with pride. His son fighting against an Asgardian, the God of Thunder on equal footing made Garrett proud. With Hydra's plans in the future, it would seem that getting Will onto his side was paramount. He may need to dip into the trade school of other Hydra heads to accomplish that but once done he would have a veritable nuclear arsenal to take out the other Hydra leaders with if they dared mess with him which was all but guaranteed. Hydra was a means to an end and with Will then he could accomplish so much.
He cracked open a beer and took a sip when Captain Marvel arrived. Her yellow glowing form clashing against Will's blue glowing form as they flew over Manhattan and parts of New Jersey. Some live footage had her and Will surrounded by Police and National Guard after their crash-landing in Liberty Park. Captain Marvel held up her hands to talk down the police and deescalate the situation. He felt the news agencies were idiots to put their people at risk just to get footage but was quickly changing his opinion when he saw a clean image of Captain Marvel's face…and it was the woman he hooked up all those years ago in the desert. It was Will's birth mother. She looked exactly like he remembered she did and she hadn't aged a day. Time was good to her, not so much to him. Not only that but she was superpowered. Clearly something her son inherited from her.
"Huh…if I knew she was a superhero I would have stuck around." Garrett remarked.
Back with Will…
"GET DOWN! GET DOWN NOW!" The captain shouted as more backup began to arrive and other National Guard soldiers followed by police and SWAT set up a perimeter into what quickly became a tense standoff.
"Please! You don't know what you're doing! I have this situation under control!" Carol told them. "You can't stay here! It isn't safe!"
Will managed to push himself onto his knees despite the full body pain. His body was getting numb, he definitely felt he had several broken bones…maybe a dozen, he had a growing concussion, and his face hurt. He reached up and moved a chunk from the mouth of his mask so he could spit out some blood.
Will's injured condition combined with his discombobulated mental state made it so that he was still hopped up on adrenaline and anger thus impeded his mental clarity. Either his brain was such a jumbled mess that he wasn't comprehending the orders being given to him or he was just still too wired by his anger that he wasn't thinking straight. With Carol right there all he could think about was his anger and therefore all he could see was red. Not literally though he could feel some blood dripping down his face so maybe a little.
His hands began to glow as small clumps of dirt and pebbles began to float into the air. "Take them out!"
The soldiers fired their weapons and the bullets bounced against Carol's body but she quickly covered Will, not wanting him to get hurt in his weakened state. Despite her gesture of protection, he grabbed her by the neck and gave her a telekinetic punch to the throat before throwing her into the air and then sending a telekinetic force to slam her straight down into the Hudson. All of that effort just made him hurt even more as he definitely exacerbated some broken bones, torn muscles and some internal organ damage.
Bullets shot by the National Guard and police hit Will in the back but thankfully his suit protected him. He turned his head and all the bullets slowed to a stop via his telekinesis. Like the scene from the Matrix Reloaded, Will stood before a small army of National Guard and Police with automatic weapons. They unloaded all the bullets they had but all of them stopped short of hitting their target. Whether from Pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, and even snipers in helicopters, Will froze their bullets like it was nothing. Eventually, the gunfire stopped because police and National Guard needed to reload but they could see that all of their bullets were either frozen mid-air or bounced against the suits of the heroes.
A moment later the bullets fell to the ground as Will began glowing a bright blue. They had made a terrible mistake.
With a wave of his hands, he sent out a telekinetic wave that sent all the police and National Guard flying away. Even the helicopters were hit and the force pushed them back but thankfully none of them were hit bad enough to crash down. Will was angry but at his mother and the people shooting him were just an annoyance so he sent them scattering back. He saw a few immediately get back up and raise their guns at him so now they were testing his patience. If the aura that emerged from his body was any indication he was pissed now.
[Ground rumbling, Glass breaking, earth shaking, loud booming]
Will raised his hands and unleashed his power in a loud, angry yell. The ground underneath him cracked apart and fissures appeared all over Liberty Park. The Hudson river violently crashed into the docks thus causing the ferries and boats to move around equally as violently. Buildings that were blocks away began to shake and rumble like there was an earthquake. Glass windows shattered and rained shards down onto civilians who ran way in terror which now included the National Guard and police in the park.
"WILL, STOP!" Carol shouted, emerging from the Hudson but he wasn't listening and unleashed the most powerful telekinetic energy beam he had towards her similar to the one he hit her with before. Carol fired her own photon beams and the two battled against one another in a beam struggle to end all beam struggles. "WILL, PLEASE! STOP!"
Will's telekinesis continued to rage on, shaking the ground and everything around him. Just pure unadulterated rage and raw power.
"WILL, PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!" Carol pleaded as she felt his energy beam begin to overpower hers. If this kept up then it wouldn't be too long before more people got hurt. She had to end this now. "…I'm sorry…"
Carol ceased her photon beams and let Will's energy beam hit her. She began absorbing the energy, glowing brighter and brighter as she did like when she absorbed the lightning. Will didn't stop as he was too blinded by his rage. If he wasn't then he would see Carol glowing brighter and brighter until she began channeling immense amount of energy. Equivalent to that of a star so Carol punched through Will's energy beam and flew at him, fists first. His beam doing nothing as she closed the distance and punched him in the chest
A powerful shockwave erupted from the punch as Will flew through the air and crashed through a tree. Not hit a tree and bounced off but his body was thrown with enough force to crack it in two. He tumbled to the ground and gasped out in pain as a large chunk of his mask was gone, leaving less than half remaining. Carol landed next to him, still glowing like a star as she approached only to see that somehow, he was getting back to his feet.
"Will, stop! It's over!" Carol pleaded but he didn't listen. He managed to get back to his feet, staggering but somehow still standing upright and activated his forearm blades. He tried to thrust into her but she sidestepped and punched him in the stomach before grabbing him by the neck and kneed him in the gut. She then gave him a powerful uppercut to the face that knocked him onto his ass. "Will! Please! Don't make me do this!"
[Gasps of breath] Will spat out a lot of blood but still pushed himself up, using his forearm blades like a crutch and he managed to get to his feet. "I…don't…quit…" Will thrusted with his blades once more and Carol caught his arm so he punched her with his other hand. Carol took the punch and gave him a headbutt. He staggered back and she was going to kick him in the chest but somehow in a fit of adrenaline he rushed forward and tackled her to the ground. He brought his forearm blades down only for Carol to grab his arm so he got on top and tried to use his body weight to force it down.
Carol looked at Will's bloody face and saw eyes filled with anger but also saw sadness and to her shock she saw tears beginning to drip down his cheeks. He still kept at it and tried to force his blade to her neck. He wouldn't stop so Carol closed her eyes and braced herself for what she had to do. She grabbed Will and tossed him onto his back before getting on top and giving him a punch to the face.
"Will, stop! It's over!" Carol said only for him to reach his hand up and grab her neck. She pushed it off and braced herself for another.
"Will! No more!"
He didn't listen and used the last ounce of his power to telekinetically choke her which forced her hands.
"Stop, please!"
Carol had tears in her eyes and her fists were bloody. Will's mask was destroyed and his face was a bloody mess. Nose broken, one eye was nearly shut due to the swelling, and the other was right behind it. He was barely conscious at this point and with that remaining mental clarity he reached one of his hands up to try and grab her but she pushed it away. She reared her arm back to give him another punch but stopped herself when she saw the state he was in. She couldn't bring herself to do it as another punch would likely kill him but he didn't care and gave her the defiant look of a man ready to die.
"Do it…Just do it…" Will choked on some blood before he spit at her. "DO IT!"
Carol reared her fist back and closed her eyes. She didn't want to…but did she have to?
[Crack of Thunder]
Carol opened her eyes and looked towards Manhattan to see storm clouds and bright flashes of lightning where Lorelei was.
Moments ago with Lorelei…
The street where Lorelei fought Sif and Crystal was littered with half-melted icicles, small patches of ground that were on fire, and the charred remnants of a hard-fought battle. Said hard-fought battle continued as Lorelei kept her distance from Sif who tried to swipe at her with her sword and then used magical shields against Crystal's elemental manipulation. Fireballs, lightning, icicles and other ranged attacks made the fight much more difficult.
"You are becoming unbearable irritants!" Lorelei raised her hands up and unleashed a volley of magical bolts. Crystal returned it in kind with a streak of lightning before using a gust of wind to send some debris at her. Sif helped as she chuckled a broken part of a car at her when she noticed the growing clouds up in the sky.
"Give it up, Lorelei! Surrender now!" Sif shouted.
"Not even if Odin himself came here!" Lorelei stretched her hands out to channel as much magic as possible into a powerful strike.
[Crack of thunder]
Lorelei turned around and saw Thor descend from the skies, Mjölnir in hand. Storm clouds in the sky as lightning strikes flickered around him and around Mjölnir. He brought it down towards Lorelei who quickly summoned a magical dome around herself. Sif ran towards Crystal and tackled her behind the corner of a building.
Thor was thrown back a bit as the dust and smoke scattered which is when he saw the faint flickers of a magical green shield dissipate. Lorelei fell to the ground but her shield held strong since she was unscathed.
"Nice try, Thor…" Lorelei chuckled in amusement as she readied herself for more of a fight. "But you cannot stop the Enchantress!"
Lorelei grabbed the back of her head in pain as she saw Sif step forward with Crystal by her side. The thump was a rock thrown at the back of her head. "Your sister was the Enchantress, Lorelei and you…you are just a pale imitation."
Lorelei waved her hand to fire a magical bolt of energy but nothing happened. "What is this? What have you done?!"
"It would appear your magic has run its course…and your sister's crown can no longer help you." Thor remarked as Lorelei removed her crown and saw the usual green glow it had was gone and the green color of the metal had turned to grey like it was inert. She used up all its magic.
"Yes!" Crystal summoned a huge gust of wind and trapped Lorelei in a tornado before shifting the funnel so she was slammed into the side of a building. Crystal then did it five more times before dropping Lorelei to the ground. Lorelei groaned in pain when she felt the ground beneath her began to shift. Crystal's hands glowed green indicating she was using her earth elemental manipulation powers. She manipulated the earth into a liquid-like state similar to quicksand. Lorelei found her limbs trapped and before she could pull herself free, Crystal resolidified the ground and added on a thick layer of ice so she was effectively trapped.
Sif pulled out her sword and held it to Lorelei's neck, completely at her mercy. "Do it. Kill me. I'd rather die than go back to that place." Lorelei spit at Sif.
"You will not get off that easy." Sif told her. "Besides, it is not me you should worry about."
Crystal marched forward and punched Lorelei in the face over and over and over again, letting out all her anger towards. Being trapped, Lorelei could do nothing but take it. Yet if she must suffer this brutality she would at least get the last word. "I wonder…what hurts you more, Crystal? That I stole your beloved…or perhaps in the time he was with me…he was more free than ever."
"Shut up."
"Will spoke truths to me of which he had never revealed to any other in his life. Not even you. Perhaps I enchanted him but I think he truly did care for me."
"Shut up!" Crystal punched her again and was seriously tempted to just skewer her in the neck as she created a spear of ice.
"And you know what? Perhaps I did the same. He is truly…perfection…" Lorelei smirked as Crystal brought the ice spear back but couldn't bring herself to do it. So, she settled for stabbing her in the left arm. "ARGH!"
"It was your magic that did that…nothing more. What Will and I have…we built together. What you think you had with him…you forced on him. And it's because of that…that he could never love someone like you. No one could." Crystal ended it with a nice spit to the face.
"How dar— "[Clink]
Sif put the collar on Lorelei's neck which locked against her voice box, then extended up and deployed metal frames around her face from the nose down. "Do be quiet, Lorelei."
Back with Will…
With the collar on Lorelei, her enchantment over Will was over. Carol hadn't thrown the final killing punch when she heard the crack of thunder. She looked at Will and saw his eyes roll into the back of his head before he passed out. "Will? Will?!" Carol leaned down and couldn't hear him breathing anymore and his pulse was getting faint. "No! WILL!"
Carol got off him and cradled his head in her arms. "No, stay with him, Will! Stay with me! You need to stay awake! Please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! WILL!" His body remained still despite her pleas and she was going to take him to a hospital but didn't know where the nearest one was. That's when she saw a Quinjet land in front of her and three people in specialized suits stepped out. Natasha aimed her pistols at Carol while Clint had an arrow thinking she was bad but Steve had them lower their weapons when he and they saw the state Will was in. "Please! Help him!"
"Get him onto the Quinjet." Steve said so Natasha and Clint helped Carol carry Will's body onto the Quinjet while he tapped her ear comm. "Stark! It's Will and he's in really bad shape."
"We're on it. Get him to the tower. The medical lab is still in one piece somehow. JARVIS, get everything prepped!"
They got into the Quinjet and flew towards Avengers Tower. The nightmare was over but that didn't mean things were fine.
About several blocks away on a rooftop was a man in a black suit and tie with a matching cane. The same man who noticed Will's helicopter flying to Avengers tower. The light shined on his face and when he titled his head up to watch the Quinjet fly away, it was revealed to be Loki. He had been nearby the whole time, watching the chaos and destruction unfold and he quite enjoyed himself. He remained hidden of course, even going to get some popcorn as the mortals called it to enjoy with his entertainment.
"Quite fun indeed." Loki smirked before he turned around and walked away before a yellow shimmer of magic later and he was gone.
Several hours later…
It was getting dark out and usually Manhattan would be a city of lights in the night but tonight, just one remained lit. Avengers Tower stood as the sole beacon of light in a sea of darkness with the aftermath of the Second Battle of New York. The city was still devoid of people except for Fire and Emergency medical services along with the National Guard and SHIELD. It would be some time before Manhattan got back to any semblance of normal but Lorelei was captured and it was over.
Sif stood on the helipad of Avengers Tower with Lorelei in her custody. The collar kept her from speaking and she had special cufflinks around her wrists so she couldn't use her arms. With her was Coulson, Thor, Tony, and Cap. "You have my sincerest apologies. The damaged caused to your home was unfortunate.."
"It's seen worse, believe me." Tony promised.
"I assure you that Lorelei will be punished severely for the crimes against your people. Especially to William. I will personally ensure that she is punished for that." Sif promised.
"And extra measures should be taken to ensure she cannot escape again." Thor told her and Sif nodded. "Speak with Heimdall when you are done. The second he has a location on Loki, let me know."
"I will and when that day comes then I will be happy to assist in bringing him back." Sif then crossed her left arm over her chest and bowed her head. "It was an honor to fight by your sides."
Thor nodded back as did Coulson, Tony, and Cap before Sif grabbed Lorelei and moved her to the center of the helipad. Lorelei glanced back at the tower, a look of longing on her face before Sif pulled her close. The Bifrost bridge shot down and enveloped Sif and Lorelei before taking them away. The four then looked over Manhattan and at signs of destruction and damage caused by their fight. Nowhere near as bad as when the Chitauri invaded but it wasn't exactly nothing either. There was countless damage to streets and buildings likely to be totaling millions of dollars not to mention the damage over in New Jersey. From the early reports by NYPD, the National Guard, and SHIELD there were about 4 dozen confirmed causalities from either collateral damage during the fights or from all the chaos of the evacuation and double that for injured.
When the fighting ended people were quick to want answers as to what the hell happened and they all doubted that even if they mentioned how Aegis was under mind-control, a lot of people would be angry. No doubt SHIELD and the World Security Council were breathing down Fury's neck to get to the bottom of this and there would be the people of New York who would want retribution. Tony and SHIELD would be paying out a lot of damages to people though they were all sure that some people wanted revenge on Aegis. After this, he was definitely going to be the least popular of the Avengers.
Coulson, Tony, and Bruce walked back into the tower and saw Coulson's team hanging out in the living area before they headed up the medical suite. There they saw a large bulldog sitting just outside the medical suite next to Crystal who's eyes never left the room. With them was Clint and Natasha who were just sitting around because there was nothing else they could do. Normally they would be asking questions about the giant dog but they only had one question on their minds.
Tony noticed they were one short. "Where's Carol?"
"She's in the bathroom." Natasha pointed to the one down the hall so Coulson walked over. When he got close he could hear crying from inside. Carol had gone to the bathroom to clean up the blood on her suit. Will's blood. She managed to get it off her suit but as she washed her hands she began obsessively trying to clean them like more and more blood kept coming. She kept flashing back to the moments of their fight and soon enough she broke down and began crying. She abandoned her son, caused him to grow up with such resentment and nearly beat him to death.
She just cried her eyes out for several minutes and while it was sad, it was necessary and cathartic in a way. [Knock-Knock]
"Ms. Danvers." Coulson called out.
"Uh. Y-Yes?" Carol answered though her voice did crack a bit from the crying.
"Are you all right?"
"I'll be fine. I'll be out in a minute." Carol wiped her tears away and cleaned herself up as best as she could before leaving the bathroom and joining the others in the medical suite. They could all see the puffiness and redness in her eyes but no one said anything. No one could say anything in this situation.
Bruce and Simmons were hard at work in tandem to help Will as best they could and the looks on their faced didn't sugarcoat it. It was bad. Bruce and Simmons had even operated on Will and now he wrapped up in bandages, his limbs were in casts, and he had a breathing tube stuck down his throat. The faint repetitive beep of the EKG was the only thing letting everyone know that Will was still among the living because he looked more dead and put in a medically induced coma for the time being. Bruce was taking special care to monitor Will's brainwaves because with all the damage he feared it could have some adverse effects to his powers.
Bruce and Simmons shared their finding with one another and both had grim looks on their face before they stepped out of the suite. "How's the kid, Bruce?"
"It's…it's not good." Bruce admitted.
"Will's got several stress fractures through his body along with broken bones, several first-degree burns, torn muscles, and internal bleeding that was only exacerbated by all his fighting. Some of his internal organs were ruptured and he had a collapsed lung." Simmons told them.
"But that's not the worrying part. His blood pressure is way to low, his heart is taxing from all the injuries and his brain functions are slowing down. It doesn't look good. We've managed to stabilize him for now but the next couple of hours are going to be crucial." Bruce added. "In all honesty, if it wasn't for the kid's powers and sheer force of will…he would be dead right now."
"So, what can we do?" Carol asked Bruce.
"Right now…we just wait…and pray." Bruce admitted before he stepped away. Everyone was left with that weighty knowledge that Will could be on his last leg. Only time would tell. Crystal hugged Lockjaw and buried her head into his fur, crying her eyes out. All the Avengers had solemn looks on their faces as did Coulson. Carol walked into the medical suite and pulled up a chair to sit down next to Will. She gingerly wrapped her hand around his and sat there in silence with the only noise being the steady beep of the EKG and occasional mechanical whirr from the machines.
A mother just sat there with her son. She had made a lot of mistakes but right now, she would not leave his side.
End of Chapter 24
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you guys liked the chapter. Primarily action and this would have been included with Chapter 23. I initially envisioned everything with the Lorelei arc into one chapter but clearly it got too long and would have been way to much to read at once so splitting up was a smarter idea. Thanks again, Masamune X23 for his idea on that as well as being my beta-reader and general idea helper for my stories. Also, for those who like the lemons and more inclusions of them in the stories then you can thank him. Especially the lemons in Chapter 23 as they were all him. Check out his profile and stories as well. I personally love his Ben 10 & Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes story, Avengers: Agent-10. Check it out.
So, New York got hit with another battle. It will never be safe unfortunately but this time there's not an ulterior force that people can lay blame on like with the Chitauri. It was Aegis of the Avengers so people are not going to like him from now on. That's going to effect of a lot of things going forward not to mention his near death and Carol's arrival. Suffice to say that Mother & Son reunion was tense to say the least. How things progress after that, especially Will's recovery will be important going forward.
Next chapter, Will's recovery takes precedent for everyone in the aftermath of the Second Battle of New York and how they move past all of that, if they can will be what they do. Not to mention it's long overdue that mother and son have a heart to heart. Until next time.
Next updates: Perfect One updated on 12/13/2024. Crimson Speedster, Omniverse Earth-38, Blue Wolf and Spider-man later this month.
Again, thanks to everyone for all the suggestions, reviews, and words of encouragement. Special thanks to Masamune X23, my Beta reader. He gives me a lot of great ideas for this story as well as my other ones as well. Also, thanks to War Sage, JhotoLoraxius, Omni-Creator Kami of Anime and all the other people who PM me with ideas for my stories. Thank you, guys. They help a lot. Also, make sure to check my DeviantArt every now and then for new pics I'll put up. I've made cover photos for about all my stories, but I'll have more pics made so check them out.
Also, not sure if you checked my profile page but I do have a P-A-T-R-E-O-N page now. It's Choejhulkp9 writing endeavor. Don't feel pressured to sign up. Regardless, I still plan on doing what I'm doing. Writing for free and updating on and I'm slowly working on Wattpad. Sorry I'm really bad about that. But for those that would like to help with what they can or are feeling gracious, it would be greatly appreciated. I've got tiers for any small amount. And some exclusive stuff for the time being to start a new possible story. Again, don't feel pressured.
William Alexander Detmer/Birthname: William Alexander Danvers
Born: September 8th, 1988-Currently 25
Moniker= Aegis (means something under protection from a benevolent source/Shield of Zeus and Athena)
Primagen Enhanced Inhuman
SHIELD Status: Level 8 Agent / Special Operations, Tactics and Defense Specialist (SOTD) Serial number: NE616IN
Member of the Avengers
Appearance: Stephen Amell from Arrow, Season 1 build.
Aegis Combat gear: Earth X's Dark Arrow Vibranium jacket and pants with retractable full-face mask colored Black and Blue. Eye covers in mask are colored blue as well. Improved design resists more damage and resists deep sea and certain atmospheric pressure with in-built recyclable oxygen supply to last an hour and improved HUD. Special polymer blends and weaved material with special Vibranium micro-weave mesh mixed with steel alloy Carbonadium increasing strength and durability without adding additional weight. Tear resistant and bulletproof.
Shoulder strap pellet holders. Combat gloves and forearm guards with weapons and equipment.
SHIELD gear: Combat boots, black combat pants, with form fitting dark blue long sleeve athletic shirt. SHIELD Tactical combat vest.
Shoulder strap pellet holders. Combat gloves and forearm guards with weapons and equipment.
Casual Outfit: dark blue or black sneakers, jeans, blue or black t-shirt and either a zip-up hoodie, jacket, or button up over.
Signature Guns:
Modified Heckler & Koch P30L handgun with custom grip and micro-dermal sensor to his palm print. Improved barrel for accuracy and damage output. Added compensator or suppressor attachment. Spare firearm Glock 17.
Modified Knight's Armament SR-25 Sniper rifle with modified scope, bipod, and suppressor.
Modified M249 Mk46 Light Machine gun with a modified barrel, magazine insertion well. Equipped with adjustable buttstock, 100-round magazine drum, deployable bipod, red dot sight, flashlight, and laser sight attachment.
Modified TDI/KRISS Vector-.45 ACP with modified barrel, stock, grip, extended magazine, red-dot sight, flashlight, laser sight, and silencer attachment.
Modified Remington 879 MSC Masterkey 12-gauge compact shotgun.
Custom collapsible Oneida Kestrel Compound Bow and quiver of special arrows.
Milkor 40mm Grenade Launcher.
Right forearm guard wrist mounted retractable Vibranium/alloy blades.
Left forearm guard wrist mounted small retractable Vibranium Shield & touchpad computer.
10 dark blue flechettes/throwing arrows wrapped around his ankles.
2 Vibranium orbs that Will is able to manipulate.
Natural Language Modified Artificial Intelligence program EDI.
Predator Combi stick/spear
2 Predator Shuriken
4 Laser net devices
Predator knife
Microtech Combat Troodon OTF knife
Personal Vehicles: Red and Black 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS (At home in Jersey City), Red and Black 1970 Harley Davidson Titan V-Rod motorcycle, Specially modified 2012 Aston Martin DBS V-12 spy car, SHIELD Quinjet for transport
Notable talents: Genius level intellect potential, self-defense military training from Harold Detmer, knowledge, and training in 15 types of martial arts, gun knowledge and expert marksman trained by Clint Barton, espionage and spy skills trained by Natasha Romanoff, SHIELD tactics and medical training from Coulson and SHIELD trainers, well-crafted knowledge and understanding of psychology, knowledge, and experience with engineering both mechanical and electrical, fluent in dozens of languages, trained pilot.
Personality: Kind, caring, composed, attentive, intelligent, and driven. Can be a bit of a smartass.
When insulted, angered, or in a serious situation, focused and relentless. Considered dangerous and unforgiving in these types of situations.
Uses powers sparingly in the field unless absolutely needs to.
Pairing: Will x Skye/Daisy Johnson x Crystal
Rakyat Tatau: Mystical tattoo that enhances speed, strength, stamina, intelligence, instincts, healing speed ad metabolic function to absolute human peak potential. (Captain America Level Super Soldier)
Telekinesis: the ability to impact objects through the direct influence of mental power or other non-physical means
Power Level=Advanced: level 4 out of 5
Binding-to keep an object/being from moving
Levitation-to lift an object
Orbital Field-to makes objects and energy orbit around user
Telekinetic Shield-to create a shield of telekinetic energy around user or others/strength of shield depends on mental strength and focus of user
Psionic Speed-to augment user's physical speed
Psionic Strength-to augment user's physical strength
Telekinetic Bullet Projection-projecting telekinetic energy as bullets
Telekinetic Choking-to strangle someone with telekinesis
Telekinetic Grip-To grasp an object firmly in place
Telekinetic Maneuver-to alter an object's directional course
Telekinetic Pull & Push-to pull or push objects away from user
Telekinetic Aura/Sense-To sense one's surroundings with telekinesis (15-mile limit)
Telekinetic Compression-to crush or compact an object
Telekinetic Blast-to emit telekinetic energy as a blast of blue energy
Telekinetic Destruction-to make an object explode into dust
Telekinetic Flight-using telekinesis to fly
Psionic Explosion-to create/discharge psychic energy across a wide range
Telepathy: mentally receive or transmit information
Power Level=Advanced: level 4 out of 5
Mind Reading-ability to read the thoughts of others
Memory Reading-the ability to read the target's memories
Psychic Communication-the ability to secretly converse with others
Telepathic Speaking-to speak aloud using the mind
Telepathic Projection-to project images or memories into the physical plane
Download-the ability to process/download information of another person (If used in a violent or angry mood, can harm the victim)
Knowledge Replication-the ability to replicate learned knowledge and skills
Knowledge Projection-the ability to project knowledge to another
Rapid brain activity-the ability to process and understand information at incredible rates
Mental Inducement-The ability to put the targets mind into the wanted state
Mental Hallucination-the ability to cause mental hallucinations
Mind Link-the ability to develop a permanent mental bond with any person
Mind Walking/Melding-to enter another's consciousness
Precognition awareness-six sense awareness of imminent danger
Telepathic Prediction-the ability to know a person's moves by reading their brain waves
Astral Projection-to separate one's mind from their body and explore physical and extra-physical plane
If separated from body too long, very dangerous. Capable of killing spirits, demons, and other supernatural souls.
Telepathic Surgery-the ability to perform neuropsychic surgery, healing and/or damaging the mind
Memory/Mental Manipulation-the ability to manipulate a target's memories and mind
Clairvoyance-the ability to gain direct visual information through non-physical means
Triggered only by serious events
Foresight-the ability to foresee possible future events and observe what may happen
Needs certain triggers to activate
Powers Gained from Exposure to the Aether
Invisibility-Can use his telekinesis to fold the light around his body or an object to make him or anything invisible to sight. Requires concentration.
Telekinetic Healing-Can use his telekinesis to move parts of the human body around at the molecular or atomic level to heal. His telekinetic energy can revitalize cells and improve bodily functions. Requires a great deal of concentration.
Molecular Manipulation Power Boost: Can use his telekinesis to adjust the molecules in an object to turn it into something else so long as he understands the objects chemical structure and makeup. I.e., turning gas into water or turning gravel into iron. Can accelerate, slow down and adjust spacing of molecules. Requires a great deal of concentration to master. Has sub powers.
Fire manipulation-Can use his telekinesis to ignite the elements in the air by creating friction at a molecular level at will to make fire.
Ice/Water manipulation-Can use his telekinesis to slow down or stop all the molecules around an area from moving, thus creating ice and freezing anything he stops from moving. Can turn ice into water or steam by manipulating the speed of the molecules and control the element with his telekinesis.
Wind manipulation-Can use his telekinesis to move the oxygen/nitrogen molecules around him in the atmosphere to manipulate air/wind.
Earth manipulation-Can use his telekinesis to manipulate the molecules of earth or earthen elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state.
Plasma/Lightning manipulation-Can use telekinesis to manipulate highly ionized gas molecules in the air to build up a static charge and then discharge it as a form of ionized Plasma/lightning. Plasma/Lightning is colored blue. Can be condensed to form a nuclear-bomb scale like explosion. Requires complete concentration and is very taxing.
High-pitched Frequency Soundwaves: Specific high-frequency soundwaves can disrupt his brain's normal function and disrupt his prowess and concentration with his abilities.
Telepathy: A stronger telepath can overpower Will's telepathic defenses to incapacitate and injure him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Agents of SHIELD or any Marvel Properties, they belong to their respective owners, I'm just a fan.