Issei's different path
(" " speech/portal talk)
I don't own Highschool DXD it belongs to Ichiei Ishibumi
(8:30 am, Kuoh Academy, Old School Building, Sealed room)
"So, this is the place, that holds my Rias's second Bishop?" asked Issei disappointed as he looked at the sealed door feeling rather let down, as the yellow tape that read 'KEEP OUT' in big black letters made him want to go in, which was defeated its purpose of keeping people out "It's a bit of a let-down." Continued Issei as he clicked his fingers making a small red bag appear in his right hand
As soon as the red bag appeared in Issei's hand, Koneko's cat ear's and tail instantly appeared. Koneko instantly started sniffing the air, she smelled freshly baked chocolate cookies. To be precise, they were Fuji's cookies. Koneko had fallen in love with them, since Issei had given her one to try a few days ago at lunch.
"Just as I promised Koneko." Said Issei with a smile as he held out the red bag towards Koneko
"Shirone." Said Koneko as she took the bag, opened it, took out a chocolate cookie and took a bite "I want to go by my real name, from now on." Continued Shirone taking another bite of cookie, while she wanted to go by her original name, she didn't want to offend Rias for giving her a new name.
Rias, Akeno and Kiba smiled at this, all three of them never expected for Koneko to go by her original name ever again. They were extremely happy for her, Issei had helped her like he'd helped them. It showed that Issei really cared for his friends and lovers.
"I'm happy for you, Shirone." Said Rias happily as she walked over and hugged Shirone from behind, telling her that she was fine with Shirone's decision
"Thank you, Rias." Thanked Shirone happily as everyone could see her tail starting to sway happily
"You miss your mother, don't you?" asked Issei as he placed his right hand gently on Shirone's head, and gave her ears a quick scratch which earned a pleased purr from the young Nekoshou
"I do." Said Shirone sadly as she looked at the ground, her ears laid flat against her head, while her tail hung low
"I didn't mean to upset you Shirone, I'm sorry." Apologized Issei feeling bad
"It's okay." Said Shirone quietly, a blush appeared on her face, but was hidden since she was still looking at the floor "Mom would be happy for me now." Continued Shirone happily as she'd found another family she could be a part of, and soon her sister would be a part of her family once again
"I'm sure she would be happy." Said Rias happily as she could tell it wouldn't be long before Shirone asked Issei out, she'd already been training as much as she could to grow her body since she knew she'd be far too small for Issei "Anyway, for the reason we are here." Said Rias drawing everyone's attention to why they were here, as she was now standing right in front of the sealed door "Last night, my brother said I could release the seal, and my second Bishop. He'll be allowed in the old school buildings, but he refused." Explained Rias as to why they were here, while her tone also gave a slight warning as to why her first Bishop was sealed off
"So, they're a shut-in?" asked Issei not really surprised as he'd guessed the Bishop would be a shut-in, while he also had to feel sorry for the Bishop
"The Bishop uses a computer, to make special contracts." said Kiba as he started explaining what he knew about Rias's first Bishop
"What is their dangerous power, that was considered so dangerous, that they needed to be sealed away?" asked Xenovia wondering what sort of power the Bishop had, if it meant they had to be sealed away
Instead of answering, Rias raised her right hand. A few seconds later, the crimson magic seal appeared. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. The seal broke in a bright flash of crimson light, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking.
"The seal is coming off." Commented Shirone as she stopped eating cookies for a second, as everyone watched the yellow tape turn crimson before turning into dust
"I'm opening the door." Said Rias in a serious voice as she grabbed the door handle with her right hand
"NOOOOOO!" screamed a high-pitched voice as Rias opened the door
"This, isn't what I expected." Said Issei shocked as he looked around the dark room, that was decorated with all sorts of girly stuff, but what most stand out was the coffin
"A male Dhampir turned Devil, interesting." Hummed Ddraig mentally as he studied the power coming out of the coffin
"Hello." Greeted Rias happily as everyone stepped into the room "I hope you've been well." Continued Rias as everyone could hear scared crying from inside the coffin
"W-What is going on?" yelled the scared high-pitched voice from inside the coffin
"The seal has been broken." Said Akeno explaining what happened as she bent down and started to take the coffin lid off "Now, come with us." Continued Akeno as she placed the lid of the coffin on the ground to the side
Inside the coffin, was an androgynous-looking male with platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes. His hair is styled in short bob cut with several small fringes over his forehead, and he has pointed ears. He could easily be mistaken for a girl at a quick glance.
"I don't wanna! I wanna stay here!" cried the male Dhampir as he laid on his front, with his hands on the back of his head "The outside is scary!" cried the male Dhampir as he turned his head to face everyone, he was crying
"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this." Said Issei shocked as he looked at the crying male Dhampir
"I thought you were going to say something about another blonde female Bishop, Issei." commented Kiba as that's what he thought Issei might say
Issei just laughed "I've got the best senses out of everyone here." Laughed Issei as he tapped his nose "Though, I have to admit. If I hadn't become a pure blood Dragon, I would easily think he was a she." Said Issei admitting that he would've thought that he was a she
Rias then bent down and hugged Gasper from behind "This is Gasper Vladi, he's the other Bishop of my household." Said Rias introducing Gasper to everyone "He's a first year here at Kuoh Academy, before becoming a Devil, he was half human, half Vampire." Continued Rias
"V-Vampire?" asked Asia shocked and excited
"I'm as shocked as you are Asia, this isn't what I expected." Said Issei agreeing with his second lover "This is just down right creepy." As he looked around the room
Rias couldn't help but laugh at her lover "He probably wanted another blonde Bishop." Thought Rias as she giggled into her hand, Rias then knelt down in front of Gasper "Gasper, let's go outside, okay?" asked Rias suggesting that Gaper comes outside with them
"I don't wanna!" yelled Gasper shaking his head side to side quickly
Issei let out a low growl, his Dragon nature didn't like what Gasper said one bit "C'mon, do what Rias says…" said Issei slightly annoyed as he reached out with his right hand to grab Gasper's left wrist
As soon as Issei grabbed Gasper's left wrist, Gasper turned and looked down at Issei's hand. He had the look of pure fear on his face, a bright purple light emitted from Gasper's eyes, temporarily blinding everyone.
"Well, that was interesting." Said Issei surprised as the light died down
"Don't get mad! Don't get mad!" cried Gasper scared as everyone turned to see him in the right-hand corner of the room, curled up in a ball "Don't hit me!" cried Gasper scared
"That was strange… Just now, for a second…" agreed Asia shocked at what happened
"It seems like he did something to us." Said Xenovia confused as she looked at Gasper
"Forbidden Balor View." Said Akeno explaining to everyone what just happened
"Also known as the Evil Eye that stops the world. It's Gasper's Scared Gear." Said Rias giving everyone the name of Gasper's Scared Gear
"When he gets excited, he can stop whatever is in his field of vision for a certain period of time." Said Koneko explain how Gasper's Scared Gear worked
"Listen Gasper, I'm sorry if I scared you." Apologized Issei as he slowly walked over to Gasper and knelt down "My own nature can be against me sometimes."
"Okay." Answered Gasper nervously
Rias couldn't help but blush, Issei had such a big heart "Gasper, let's head to the Club room, okay?" suggested Rias as she walked up to Gasper and knelt down and held out her hand for Gasper to take
"Okay." Answered Gasper as he took Rias's hand
(Club room)
"Because Gasper couldn't control his power, the Devil King, Sirzechs ordered that he'd be sealed away in that room." Explained Akeno she stood next to her best friend
"On top of that, his power seems to grow stronger unconsciously, so it's possible that it could become a Balance Breaker." Added Rias as she sat at her desk, unhappily as Issei was on one of the sofas with Shirone sitting in his lap
"A Balance Breaker?" asked Issei shocked as he started gently scratching behind Shirone's cat ears, earning a pleased purr from the young Nekoshou "I can see why Sirzechs had to seal Gasper away." Continued Issei as he understood why Sirzechs had to seal Gasper away, it was for everyone safety, not only Gasper's own safety
"I don't like it when you talk about me…" cried Gasper as he teleported inside a box in the corner of the room "I don't wanna stand out!" cried Gasper more
"When did he…?" asked Asia shocked as she didn't see Gasper move
"Why are you hiding in a place like that again?" asked Issei as he lifted Shirone off his lap, in return, Shirone let-out a displeased hiss. Issei just chuckled as he gently petted Shirone's head, this improved Shirone's mood as she purred happily again. Issei then made his way over to the box Gasper was hiding in, hoping to try and get him out of it.
"I'm fine inside this box!" cried Gasper as he moved around in his box "I'll just be a Son-in-the-box!"
"What is that supposed to be?" asked Issei confused at what Gasper meant
"Rias, it's time to go." Said Akeno as they didn't want to be late
"That's right." Answered Rias as she'd almost forgotten about the meeting "Akeno and I have to go to a meeting to get ready for the leaders' summit." Explained Rias as she turned her head to the right to face her best friend "Kiba…" said Rias as she turned to Kiba, who was sitting on the sofa across from Asia and Shirone
"Yes, Rias?" asked Kiba quickly
"My brother said he wants to learn more about your Balance Breaker." Answered Rias with a smile "Please come with us." Asked Rias as she got up
"Okay." Answered Kiba as he got up off the sofa and walked up to Rias and Akeno
"Can you all be in charge of Gasper's training until we get back?" asked Rias as he families magic circle appeared horizontally behind herself, Akeno and Kiba
"His training?" asked Issei as he quickly walked up to Rias, rapped his arms around the back of Rias's waist, then planted a loving kiss on her lips
"Yes, love." Answered Rias as they parted from the kiss "We need to help Gasper gain at least some control over his power, before we head back home." Said Rias explaining as she stayed happily in Issei's arms
"Alright, we can do that." Said Issei as he smiled before he kissed Rias again
"We'll be back soon." Said Rias happily as Issei released his grip and allowed the three of them to teleport to the Underworld
"Alright then." Said Issei as he turned around to see that Gasper was still in his box "Shirone, if you would?" asked Issei as he gestured to the box Gasper was in
"Okay." Responded Shirone as she put the red empty bag of cookies on the coffee table, then walked over to the box Gasper was in, bent down and picked the box up and placed it on her shoulder, all the while exposing her pink panties only to Issei
"Shall we head to the gym first, or just start training Gasper outside the building?" asked Issei as Asia walked up to him, kissed him before looking her right arm with Issei's left arm
"I think it would be best to train outside first, then we have more room." Answered Xenovia as back at the Vatican her and Irina spent a lot of time training outside
"Alright then, let's go outside first." Agreed Issei as Shirone and Asia nodded in agreement
(Outside the Old School Building)
"Nooooo!" screamed Gasper in a high-pitched voice as he tried to run away from Xenovia
"Run faster!" ordered Xenovia as she ran behind Gasper, holding Durandal in her right hand "If you're too slow, you'll end up Durandal's next victim!" as they ran passed Issei, Asia and Shirone "C'mon, where are you going?" asked Xenovia as they disappeared from view behind a few trees "Run faster!" ordered Xenovia as the ran back past the three
"It just looks as if she's Vampire hunting…" commented Issei as it looked really funny to see Gasper being chased by Xenovia holding Durandal which was as big, if not bigger than Gasper himself
"Why are you doing this?" asked Gasper crying as he slumped down at the base of a tree
"A healthy mind lives in a healthy body." Answered Xenovia as she put the tip of Durandal into the ground "It's best to start by increasing your stamina." Continued Xenovia as she chuckled to herself as a smile appeared on her face
"Xenovia looks like she's having fun." Said Issei as everyone watched Xenovia stand over Gasper, she was like a panther ready to pounce on its prey
"Y-Yes, it looks like Xenovia enjoys this kind of thing." Agreed Asia nervously as she didn't fully think this was the right way to go about this
"I can't do this anymore!" cried Gasper as he closed his eyes "I can't move another step!" complained Gasper as his legs hurt badly
"Gaspie, if you eat this, you'll feel better in a second." Said Shirone as she walked over to Gasper, and held out her right hand, in her hand was two garlic bulbs
"No way!" yelled Gasper in fear "You trying to kill me?!" yelled Gasper as he took off running again
"Don't be picky about your food, Gaspie…" said Shirone as she quickly walked behind Gasper
"Shirone is having fun as well." Said Asia as she couldn't help but laugh a little as Shirone only had to quick walk to keep up with Gasper
"It's nice to see her happy." Agreed Issei happily as his arm made its way to Asia's right hip, and then Issei pulled Asia into a hug
"Oh, you guys look like you're having fun." Said Saji as he appeared around the corner of the Old School Building
"Oh, it's the air head Dragon." Laughed Issei as himself, Asia and Xenovia turned to see Saji walking up to them
"I heard that Rias had realised her dangerous Bishop, curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to come take a look." Explained Saji as he walked up to Issei and Asia
Everyone could hear girly screams, so they turned to see Gasper running towards them, with Shirone still quick walking behind him.
"Another pretty blonde?!" asked Saji happily as Issei, Asia and Xenovia snickered
"You do know that's a cross-dressing guy, right?" asked Issei smiling his ass off as he pulled out his phone, ready to record Saji's reaction
"Seriously?" asked Saji as he dropped to the ground, not believing what he'd just heard "Why is fate so cruel?" asked Saji as he started crying his eyes out
"Oh, I'm so glad I recorded this!" laughed Issei as he saved his recording on phone
"Oh? Are the households of the Devil Kings gathered here to play?" asked Azazel as he appeared out of the trees with his arms folded together in front of him
"Do you know him?" asked Asia as she hugged Issei's arm tightly
"Hey, Dragon boy." Greeted Azazel as he rubbed his chin with his right hand as he walked up to the group "Or should I call you Ddraig's son?" asked Azazel with a smile as he saw Issei eyeing him "You look well."
"What are you doing here, Azazel?" asked Issei as he had to wonder why Azazel was here, and after Kokabiel, Issei was on edge around Fallen's
"I-Issei, by "Azazel," you mean…?" asked Saji shocked at the fact this was Azazel
"Yeah. I've met him in person a few times." Answered Issei as he wasn't to happy about Azazel being in his territory (Kuoh) without saying anything
Saji's stood there shocked for a few seconds, before his Scared Gear appeared on his left hand. At the same time, Shirone ran behind Azazel, hoping to use her position as a flank if Azazel came here to fight.
"Issei is the only one here that stands a chance at beating me." Said Azazel with a smile as he knew Issei could beat him, as he wasn't that much stronger than Kokabiel "Shirone might be able to beat me, but the rest of you stand no chance." Continued Azazel as he studied everyone's power
"Why are you here?" asked Issei as he was starting to get impatient
"I was taking a walk and thought I'd come visit." Answered Azazel as he looked at the ground for a brief second "Is the Holy Devil sword user here?" asked Azazel as he really wanted to learn more about it
"If you're talking about Kiba, he's not here." Answered Issei as he didn't like the tone Azazel was using "If you're after Kiba, then I'll…" warned Issei as he bared his razor-sharp teeth at Azazel, telling him that he was ready to fight him
"You're feisty, as usual." Laughed Azazel happily "I see, so the Holy Devil sword user's not here, huh?" asked Azazel as his tone turned to one of unhappiness "That's boring." Complained Azazel as he turned to face the tree Gasper was now hiding behind "You Vampire over there." Said Azazel as Gasper nervously poked his head out from behind the tree "Forbidden Balor View." Commented Azazel surprised to see such a powerful and dangerous Scared Gear "This type of Scared Gear becomes extremely dangerous if the user's capacity is too low." Warned Azazel as he remembered doing a report on Forbidden Balor View when he was still an Angel "And that's the Black Dragon Pulse, Absorption Line, right?" asked Azazel as he looked at Saji's Scared Gear "It can scatter the power of whatever it touches. But it can also attach to something else for a short period of time." Explained Azazel as Saji gasped
"This has that kind of power…?" asked Saji shocked as he looked down at his left hand
"Oh right. There's a faster way, too help the Vampire control his power." Explained Azazel as he rubbed his chin with his right hand "Have him drink the blood of the Red Dragon Emperor." Continued Azazel with a smirk as he heard Issei and Gasper gasp
"Have him drink my blood?" asked Issei not liking the idea one bit "Sorry, but I don't do that crap."
"Since he's a Vampire, drinking blood is the best, after all." Explained Azazel as he turned around and started to walk away "Anyway, you guys should try things out on your own. Later." Said Azazel as he waved goodbye with his right hand
"Now hold on a second!" yelled Issei annoyed as Azazel came to a stop "Why did you try and hide your true identity when you contacted me the first time?" asked Issei as he wasn't to happy about Azazel trying to trick him
"That's because…" said Azazel as he started to explain his reason in a low voice "…that's what I like to do." Finished Azazel as he looked back over his shoulder, a smile formed on his face and he chuckled as he continued walking away
"So, that is the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels?" asked Xenovia as she lowered Durandal to the ground "I don't understand him."
"I agree." Said Issei agreeing with Xenovia as he didn't understand Azazel or his motives "Let's move to the Gym, I've got an idea on how to train Gasper." Suggested Issei as he hoped to use the Dodgeballs to train Gasper
"What are you thinking?" asked Asia as she relaxed her grip on Issei's arm
"I fancy a game of dodgeball." Said Issei with a smile as he turned to Gasper, only to see him look back at him, his face full of shock and a slight bit of fear "Gasper, I'm almost afraid to ask, do you have a Gym uniform?" asked Issei as he feared that Gasper has the Girls uniform for Gym
(Kuoh Academy, Gym, 7pm)
"Here we go!" yelled Issei as he stood on a small wooden box, so he could overlook the net, he was holding a dodgeball in his right hand
"O-Okay…" answered Gasper nervously as he's changed into the girls Gym uniform, which looked far to good on him in Issei's opinion, Gasper also had Saji's Absorption Line attached to his head
"Here I go, Gasper!" yelled Issei as he threw the dodgeball at Gasper
As the ball was about to hit Gasper's face, Gasper screamed as he activated Scared Gear. But instead of stopping the ball, he stopped everyone else.
"Oh, he disappeared." Gasped Saji shocked
"Again?" asked Issei annoyed as everyone watched the dodgeball roll to a stop "He's supposed to stop the ball, but he stopped us… again. This is getting annoying." Complained Issei as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand
"He was about to try and run away again." Said Shirone as she walked into the middle of the Gym, dragging Gasper along behind her
"I'm sorry…" apologised Gasper as he cried his eyes out
"This training itself is difficult." Commented Xenovia as it was hard to train Gasper
"His power is what it is, too." Said Asia adding that Gasper had to much power for his own good
"I think you're right, love." Said Issei agreeing with his second lover, he could tell that Gasper had way more power then he could safely control "Saji, can you take away a little more?" asked Issei as he turned to Saji
"All right, here goes." Answered Saji in a manly voice as he started to pull more power from Gasper "I've got to win over Xenovia! Before Issei does!" thought Saji angrily as he was getting all the girl's attention, even Sona was starting to like Issei
As Saji drained power from Gasper, Gasper moaned in a very cute way, which made Issei shiver.
"Thanks for helping us." Thanked Issei as he eyed Saji, telling him he knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to win over Xenovia, Issei knew Saji had no chance, Xenovia had already tried to get kids out of him and not Saji, Xenovia was his
"Don't worry about it." Answered Saji as he started to sweat a little from the vibe Issei was giving off "I was able to learn a new move, too." Continued Saji as he turned to face Gasper
"That reminds me, Azazel said something else that's been bothering me." Said Issei as he turned to face Gasper "Something about drinking my blood…" said Issei as he didn't like that idea one bit
"No, I hate blood!" screamed Gasper as he hated blood
"But you're a vampire, aren't you?" asked Issei shocked at the thought of a Vampire hating blood
"I hate blood!" cried Gasper as he shook "I can't stand the smell of blood!"
"Wimpy Vampire." Said Shirone coldly as she closed her eyes
"Koneko's being mean to me!" cried Gasper as he started crying his eyes out
"What a problematic child." Complained Xenovia as she rubbed the back of her head
Issei was about to go and comfort Gasper, but instead Gasper teleported away.
"Damn it!" cursed Issei as it was getting annoying to train Gasper, everyone was trying their hardest to help train Gasper, but the only one that wasn't really trying was Gasper himself "Everyone you can go home if you want, I'm going to contact Rias." said Issei as he started to clear up the stuff they'd used "Asia, can you tell mom I might be back late." Asked Issei as he knew he might be back late
"Okay, love." Answered Asia as she walked up to Issei and gave him a kiss
(back at the sealed door, a few minutes later)
"Gasper, please come out." Asked Rias as she stood outside the sealed door with Issei, both could hear Gasper crying inside "I was wrong to force you out before." Apologised Rias as she felt bad for making Gasper come out when he didn't want to, Gasper responded with even more crying
"I'm sorry, love. I had to disturb you in the middle of the important meeting." Apologised Issei as he hugged his lover from behind, both could still hear Gasper crying
"It's okay love." Said Rias as she leaned back into Issei's warm embrace "All of you are working hard, for Gasper's sake." Said Rias happily as her family was trying their bests to help Gasper control his power
Gasper let out a wail as he continued to cry "It's scary outside…!" wailed Gasper
"It seems to be having the opposite effect…" said Issei sadly as Gasper just seemed to be getting worse
"There's a reason as to why Gasper turned out like this." Said Rias sadly as she kissed her lover on the cheek, hoping it would make him feel better since he hadn't helped Gasper like he'd hoped he did
"A reason?" asked Issei as he returned Rias's kiss, his mood improved a bit, Rias and Asia always knew how to cheer him up
"Gasper's father is a Vampire, from a distinguished family, but his mother is a mere human." Said Rias as she started to explain Gasper's past "Vampires care even more about pedigree than any other race. As a result, Gasper was discriminated against, even by his immediate family. And when Gasper came to the human world, he was treated as a monster." Explained Rias as hate for both Vampire's and Humans could be heard as she explained Gasper's past "On top of that, he had the troublesome power of being able to stop time. A power that he couldn't control." explained Rias sadly as Gasper's power made things even worse for him "He was feared. No, it might be more accurate to say he was loathed. You don't know that anything's done to you when you're frozen, you know. No one wants to be near someone with that power." Explained Rias sadly as Gasper power made no one want to be his friend, it only made him a target to be killed or used as a weapon
"I see, Gasper was the same as Asia." Said Issei slightly shocked to hear that Gasper and Asia weren't that different, both loathed because of their powers, both almost killed because of their powers, both lonely because of their powers
"Of course, we know Gasper wouldn't use his power to bad things." Explained Rias as she knew Gasper would never do anything like that
"I-I don't need power like this. Everyone stops. That's why everyone gets scared. They don't like it. I don't like it, either. I don't want to see my friends' faces frozen around me anymore!" snivelled Gasper as he cried more and more, staining his toy with his tears
"I'm a failure as a King like this." Said Rias sadly as she looked down at the ground, she hasn't been able to help her Bishop, one of her family
"Rias, you're not a failure." Said Issei as he hugged his lover to comfort her "A failure wouldn't even try to help Gasper, and you're trying. It hasn't worked on the first try, it may not work on the second try, it may not even work on the third, but at least you're trying." Said Issei as he kissed Rias's neck, knowing it was her erogenous zone
"Thank you Issei." Moaned Rias happily as a blush started to form on her cheeks "I love these little moments from you." Said Rias as she turned her head and gave Issei a long and loving kiss, which Issei happily responded
"I know you do." Said Issei with a cocky smile before he brought Rias into a loving kiss, which Rias happily responded "Please leave the rest to me. I'm sure I'll be able to do something." Asked Issei as he held onto Rias's hips, Issei's eyes held determination, determination to help Gasper
"Issei…" said Rias shocked to see the determination in his eyes, the eyes she loves so much
"It's okay Rias." said Issei as he brought his right hand up and cupped Rias's left cheek "I'll take care of this."
"Okay love, I'll leave it to you." Said Rias happily as she smiled, she knew Gasper was in good hands
The Dragon and Devil lover shared on more kiss, then Gremory's magic symbol then appeared under Rias, as it started to rise, Rias looked at Gasper's room, feeling bad she couldn't do anything right now for him.
"Gasper!" called Issei as he sat down on the ground cross legged "I won't move until you come out here."
(With Asia, Shirone and Xenovia as they were walking home)
"Issei says he'll be late home tonight." Said Asia sadly as she put her phone away
"So, it's a test of endurance until Gasper comes out?" asked Xenovia as the three of them walked up
"I feel bad for leaving Issei to deal with this by himself." Said Asia as she didn't want to leave her love to deal with this by himself
"I do, too." Agreed Shirone as she ate a chocolate bar
"Even if you say that, is there anything we can do?" asked Xenovia as she didn't really think they could help Gasper
(Hyoudou residence)
"Sorry, I'm even borrowing your bathroom." Apologised Xenovia as she unclipped her bra, she felt bad for using their bathroom
"Sorry for having to include me, too." Apologised Shirone as she slipped off her left sock
"It's better than just talking for a long time outside." Said Asia cheerfully as she unclipped and slipped off her skirt
"But why did you want to discuss this in the bathroom?" asked Xenovia as she placed her bra with the rest of her clothes, she then started to slip off her panties
"I hear that in Japan, they have something called a "Bare-all relationship."" Explained Asia as she took off her bra "It really helped me get along with Rias and Issei before we got together." Explained Asia as at first, she really couldn't talk to Issei without being nervous
"Oh? I didn't know they had that custom." Said Xenovia shocked as she really didn't know Japanese customs
"It's a little off, but it's not technically wrong," commented Shirone as she started talking off her panties
"I see. So, we can deepen our friendship, while we discuss what we can do to help Gasper." Said Xenovia as she got the point Asia was making "Killing two birds with one stone." Commented Xenovia as Asia opened the sliding door to the bath
"Yes!" answered Asia happily as she smiled
"I've sweated a lot today after chasing Gasper around, so I'm glad we can bathe." Said Xenovia as she started to wash of some of the sweat
"Xenovia, Shirone, you both worked hard today." Said Asia happily as she praised Xenovia's and Shirone's hard work
"No, are work is nothing compared to Issei's enthusiasm." Said Xenovia disagreeing with Asia, as she thought Issei had worked harder than all of them "He's still working hard by himself, all for Gasper's sake."
"Issei cares a lot about his friends." Commented Shirone as she went underwater, trying her best to hide the blush that had formed on her cheeks
"I know that very well." Agreed Xenovia "It's the reason I'm here with you guys in the first place, is because Issei wanted to save Kiba."
"Issei is a good person." Said Shirone happily as Issei had helped or is helping everyone he can
"Speaking of which, I thought Vampires could only be active at night." Said Asia as she thought Vampires could only be active during the night "But Gasper seems okay with it."
"It's because of him originally being half human, it gave him the ability to Daywalk." Explained Shirone as she'd read a bit about Vampires
"As I thought." Said Xenovia as she joined Shirone in the bath "I thought that might be the case."
"Daywalk?" asked Asia confused as she'd never really learned much about supernatural beings while she was at the church
"A special type of Vampire, that had resistance to the sun." said Xenovia as she started to explain the concept of Daywalking to Asia "The most common type of daywalkers are either part human, or almost fully human Vampires. Of course, this is a trade-off, for being able to walk about during they day, the Vampires are weaker. The rarer types of Daywalkers are either very old, and I'm talking about hundreds of years old, or it's because of their heritage. It is said that Dracula himself could spend all day outside, and only complain of a slight headache." Said Xenovia as she explained the two main types of daywalkers to Asia
"I see." Said Asia shocked
"Gaspie still doesn't like the sun, but it doesn't seem to impede his movements." Explained Shirone as Gasper seemed fine moving in the sun, he's just been shut-up so long
"So, I was thinking about what we could do to help Gasper…" said Asia as she washed herself
"Anyway, the biggest problem right now is his extreme misanthropy." Explained Xenovia as Gasper hated what he was, if he couldn't get over his own fear, he couldn't progress "Having him run from place to place, isn't really training."
"That's true." Agreed Shirone as she had to get over her own fear before she could move on "That's the first thing…"
"Um…" hummed Asia
"Hm?" hummed Xenovia as she turned her head to face Asia "Did you think of something, Asia?"
"No, that's not it." Said Asia "It's just that I'm not very good around people, either, so I kind of understand how he feels, I think." Said Asia as she was and still isn't very good at talking people face to face "I'm okay on the phone, but face to face I still get a little nervous…"
Xenovia hummed as she started to think "Face to face, huh?"
(Back with Issei and Gasper)
"Hey…" said Issei softy "You're scared, aren't you?" asked Issei as he leaned up against the door "Are you scared of your Scared Gear? Of us?" asked Issei as he could Gasper was scared of his Scared Gear, but he wondered thanks to his past, Gasper feared being around people in case he froze them "Inside of me, there one of the most powerful Dragon's in the world. Not to mention, being his son now. Honestly, it's scary." Explained Issei as he looked at his left hand "But I still continue forwards fearlessly, I continue forwards because I want to protect the people I care about."
"Y-You might lose something precious to you because of your power." Said Gasper sadly as the few friends he'd made, left him when they wound out what he could do "How can you be so straightforward?"
"I'm stupid, so I don't understand the difficult things." Explained Issei as he chuckled slightly "It's just…"
"Just?" asked Gasper confused
"I never want to see Rias's tears again." Said Issei sadly as he remembered the first fight with Riser "My friends were defeated one by one, and in the end, I was the only one left. But I was really beat up… I don't really remember any of it, but Rias's tears from that time are burden into my heart even now." Explained Issei sadly as he remembered the pain on Rias's face "It was hard to watch." Said Issei as Gasper opened the door
"Oh, I know about that fight, too." Said Gasper through the opening "But I was here during that fight…" said Gasper sadly as he wanted to help, but was sealed away at the time
"It's not like I'm blaming you." Said Issei as he couldn't blame Gasper for not being there "Besides, it'll be different from now on, right?" asked Issei as things would be different from now on
"But even if I'm there, I'll only be a bother to everyone." Said Gasper as he had no confidence in his own abilities
"I don't think you're a brother." Said Issei as he started to comfort Gasper
"You're my precious junior, and my senior at the same time, and you're my friend." Explained Issei happily as he turned to face Gasper
"Issei…" said Gasper shocked as he opened the door fully
"Please lend me your power, Gasper." Asked Issei in a serious voice "Help me support the women I love. If anything scares you, I'll be there to protect you." Said Issei as it started to inspire Gasper
"But…" said Gasper as his fears took back over him as he looked at the ground
"Do you want to try drinking my blood after all?" asked Issei as he noticed that Gasper seemed to have a small confidence boost, Gasper turned to face Issei, his face was full of shock "If you do that, you might be able to control your power mor…"
"I'm scared!" cried Gasper as he shook his head side to side "I'm scared of drinking blood from a living thing. It takes all I have just to drink blood used for transfusion once in a while. I'm already afraid of my power even now. If it gets any worse that this, I'll… I'll…" explained Gasper as he explained that he didn't really have a strong will
"Hm, is it really that bad?" asked Issei wondering if it was really that bad "I'm jealous of your ability, though."
"You're jealous…?" asked Gasper shocked as he thought no one would want his power
"Being able to stop time would be the best." Said Issei happily as a smile formed on his face "Do you want to know why?" asked Issei to which Gasper gave a curious look "If I had the power to stop time, I'd it to protect my family, my friends, and the people I love." Explained Issei as Gasper could tell Issei really cared for the people around him
"You're a kind person, Issei." Complemented Gasper which made Issei shocked "No one's ever told me they're jealous of me before. You even came up with a concrete example." Explained Gasper happily as he was starting to get along with Issei "I thought that this power was just something to be feared."
"You're a fool, Gasper." Said Issei with a chuckle, to which Gasper looked at him curiously, wondering what he meant "We've been given Scared Gears, it's a fate we cannot escape, but we have to be positive about it!" explained Issei as no matter what, you should always look on the brighter side of things "Do you plan on living your whole life cursing and blaming it?" asked Issei as Gasper hugged his stuffed toy even tighter "Listen carefully Gasper. I want to use my power as the Red Dragon Emperor to protect the people I love, that is my goal right now!" explained Issei as he really started to inspire Gasper
"T-That's amazing, Issei!" said Gasper excitedly as he stood up "To be able to be so positive, while bearing this legendary power… It's something that I couldn't possibly think of." Exclaimed Gasper as he was smiling like he never has before
"Stop it, you're making me blush." Said Issei as he started to blush, luckily some of his blush was hidden by his hair
"I-I feel like I have a little more courage now, too." Said Gasper happily as he'd never felt like this before
"That's good to hear, Gasper." Said Issei as he placed his left hand on Gasper shoulder "Why don't we head back in your room and talk for a bit? My legs hurt from sitting on the hard floor and I'm a tad bit hungry." Suggested Issei as his stomach growled
"Okay." Said Gasper happily as they went inside
(Sometime later)
"Good work, as I expected, Issei." Said Kiba happily as he opened the door and walked in
"Hey, welcome back." Said Issei happily as he raised his hand to give a wave
"Gasper is already so relaxed with you." Said Kiba as he was happy that Gasper was getting along with Issei
"Perfect timing, Prince charming!" said Issei happily as he turned and faced Kiba "While I've been talking to Gasper, I thought of a team play for us." Announced Issei happily as he'd thought of a way the three of them could work great together
"Oh, that sounds interesting." Said Kiba as he was intrigued at what Issei thought of
"With Gasper's time stopping ability, we'll have him stop time." Said Issei happily as he started to explain the plan, he'd come up with
"I see. And then?" asked Kiba excitedly as he was already liking Issei's idea
"With time stopped, you can use your swords to attack enemy's at close range, while I can switch between ranged and CQC (Close Quarter combat)." Explained Issei as if they combined their abilities, they could pull off almost anything
"Issei, that's a wonderful idea." Said Kiba shocked as he smiled, when he first started to get to know Issei, he thought it would be years until Issei would start coming up with ideas like that
"Thanks, Kiba, it means a lot to hear you say that." Thanked Issei happily "Gasper, why are you inside the bow again?" asked Issei sighing as he turned around to see that Gasper had gone back inside his box, with his knees lightly tucked up against his chest
"S-Sorry." Apologised Gasper as he knew what Issei was getting at, just moments ago he'd said he had found some courage, but now it looked like that new courage had already gone "When I'm talking to people, I feel better like this." Explained Gasper as he was nervous around people thanks to his past
"That's definitely something we are going have to work on." Commented Issei as it would take time for Gasper to gain more confidence when talking to people
"Agreed." Agreed Kiba as with Gasper's seal being broken, he would have to met other people "Your seal has been broken, you have to come out now."
"B-But…" stuttered Gasper nervously as the door opened, making him pull his legs into his chest even more
"What's this?" asked Xenovia as she opened the door and walked through with Asia and Shirone "You all seem to be getting along."
"Hey." Greeted Kiba as he turned to face the three
"Why are all three of you here together?" asked Issei as Asia walked up to him, so he brought her into a loving hug and kiss, which Asia happily returned
"After we left, we thought we should help care of Gasper, too." Explained Asia as she parted from the loving kiss
"We tried to think of something we could do, as well." Explained Xenovia as they'd tried to think of somethings to help Gasper
"F-For me?" asked Gasper shocked
"Gaspie is our precious friend, too." Explained Shirone as they cared for Gasper too
"S-Shirone!" yelled Gasper happily as Shirone walked up to him
"Here." Said Shirone as she threw several garlic bulbs into Gasper's box
"Garlic?!" yelled Gasper panicking as he jumped out of the box
Just before Gasper landed back on the ground, Xenovia spurning into action, as she threw a brown paper bag over Gasper's head.
"How's that?" asked Xenovia smirking as she turned around and faced the shocked Gasper
"Huh? I feel calm somehow." Explained Gasper shocked that the brown paper bag was calming him down "Huh? Huh? It's not bad." Said Gasper happily as he looked around a bit before he touched his cheeks through the bag
"Well, that's the weirdest things I've seen in a while." Said Issei shocked as he looked at Gasper
"It was Asia's idea." Explained Shirone as she pulled out another red bag of cookies, pulled one out and started to eat it
"Oh?" asked Issei surprised at how Asia came up with the idea to put a paper bag over Gasper's head
"T-That's not it…" explained Asia nervously, she wasn't used to taking credit like this "I'm not very good at talking to people face to face, either." Explained Asia as she still had trouble talking to people face to face, Asia knew Issei blamed it on the Vatican, and looking back on it, she couldn't help but agree with her lover, she'd barely ever talked to everyone back at the Vatican, besides praying for people or healing "But, I'm okay on the phone." Explained Asia as she had no real trouble talking to someone on the phone "I was just telling Shirone and Xenovia about how I was fine, as long as my face wasn't seen."
"That's when I remembered these." Said Xenovia as she pulled out four condoms "And I thought, "What if we put something over Gasper's head?"
"You still seriously have those things?" asked Issei as he rose an eyebrow, Issei had made sure that Xenovia had learned about Devil fertility, and that she wouldn't need since Devils had a very low birth rate
"How is it?" asked Gasper as he turned around holding his arms out like a zombie "Does it look good on me?" asked Gasper as his eyes glowed red and slowly started stepping towards everyone, making Asia jump slightly
"It has an indescribable impact." Said Kiba as he didn't really know how to describe the effect Gasper was having on everyone
"Yeah… It inspires fear like a pervert, or something… It's just amazing… I think…" agreed Xenovia as she really couldn't describe the affect it had
"This is nice… I like it!" said Gasper happily as he marched around, continuing to act like a zombie, or in this case, a better description would be a Ghoul
"This is the first time, I've thought you were amazing." Explained Issei as he couldn't help but smile
"Really?" asked Gasper excitedly as he turned around and faced Issei "If I wear this, I might even be able to gain a reputation as a Vampire!" explained Gasper as he thought this would help improve his reputation
"I wonder about that…" thought Issei as he thought the paper bag wasn't going to help Gasper gain reputation as a Vampire
"Thank you very much, everyone!" thanked Gasper happily as he bowed at the hip to everyone
(Lunch, Kuoh Academy)
"It would've been nice for Gasper to come to class, too." Said Issei as he walked through the Academy arm in arm with Asia "Guess he can't with that bag on his head."
"It looks like it will take a little more time." Explained Asia as she leaned her head on her lover's shoulder
"Oh?" asked Rias as she stopped walking with Akeno as they stopped Issei and Asia
"Rias, Akeno." Greeted Issei happily as Rias walked up to them, and gave them both a hug and a kiss on the lips
"Good morning." Greeted Asia with a blush, she wasn't used to publicly showing affected just yet
"Good timing." Explained Rias as she smiled at how cute Asia was when she blushed
"Hm?" asked Issei confused
"I would like for you to accompany me somewhere after school, Issei." Explained Akeno as she wanted to talk to Issei in private
(Akeno's shrine)
"Aren't Devils totally the away team at a Shrine?" asked Issei as he walked up the many steps that lead to the Shrine, there was one more flat area before he got to the top
"Welcome, Issei." Greeted Akeno as she walked out onto the last flat area, she was already wearing her miko outfit
"Hey, Akeno." Greeted Issei with a wave
"Sorry about inviting you over so suddenly." Apologized Akeno as she brought her right hand up to her face
"It's fine, Akeno." Said Issei as he didn't really mind "Where's Rias?"
"Rias will be coming after she's finished her last meeting with Sirzechs." Explained Akeno as they both started to walk up to her home
"You don't have to be at the meeting, Akeno?" asked Issei wondering why Akeno was here, instead of being at the meeting
"It's my job to go welcome a certain someone." Explained Akeno in a slightly amused voice
"A certain someone?" asked Issei thought he had a pretty good idea as to who that certain someone was
"This place is okay, even if you a Devil." Explained Akeno as they got to the Shrine's Torii "We have a special agreement behind the scenes." Explained Akeno as she walked through the Torri
"Wow, there was such a splendid Shrine in a place like this?" asked Issei surprised as he walked through the Torri, he'd never known about this place
"Its previous god left, so it was unoccupied for a while, but Rias secured this place for me." Explained Akeno as she was forever thankful that Rias had got her this place to live in
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Issei Hyoudou." Called Michael from above them
"The pleasure's all mine, Michael." Greeted Issei nonchalantly as he looked up to see a bright yellow star, with a quick flash, the light revealed Michael floating there
(Story update)
After much consideration, I've decided to completely rewrite this story. As I feel as I've rushed many parts of this story, or haven't gone into enough detail. Like Issei for example, I turned him into a pureblood dragon in one go. Then beside a few moments, he doesn't act how you'd think a very perverted dragon would. Or how he would interact differently with Saji, given that Saji's technically a dragon. Especially since Issei's got the woman he loves, while Saji's completely ignored by Sona in that sense.
I'll be leaving this story up, but the rewrite will be going up by a new name. It will be called, "The new dragon of Domination" with the first chapter going up shortly after this update.