SPOILERS FOR INFINITY WAR. If you haven't seen it yet, do not read this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel.

Warning: Death.

A/N: So, I just saw "Infinity War" yesterday night and… I'm not really sure what to say. The movie left me speechless and screaming. I wrote this an hour after I finished the movie. And then I wrote my other sad Avengers story ("He Fell Softly"… check it out, please!) today. I am trying hard to cope with the movie.

I felt as though they did not pay enough homage to Loki's death and therefore this came about. So… I will allow Thor to cry the tears I could not. (I am secretly hoping he comes back to life).

Loki had died several times before... at least, it had seemed as though he had perished. But none of those times had been the real thing. He had held a body disguised with the pallor of death, shuddered with false pains. But all of those times, Loki had not actually been dead, much to Thor's relief. Through all trials Loki had faced, his brother had lived through them.

But now, as Thor looked upon his brother's still warm, yet too stiff body, he knew that his brother had only survived those things to halt at a much worse ending.

Looking upon Loki's body, he knew... The brother who he loved so much was no longer there. The trickster who had hurt him, lied to him so many times was gone. The warrior who had bested so many in glorious battle had at last, himself, been bested. Loki, son of Odin, son of Laufey had gone to join his fathers, both real and fake.

Loki was dead.

And he was not coming back. Not ever.

This, Thor realised, staring at the pale man's frozen face, was the last time he would say goodbye. This was the last final farewell he would ever tell Loki.

He knelt down beside his brother-in-heart, cupping the dead man's face. He could feel tears trickling down his own, scarred one.

Loki's eyes were still open. In them was a look of fear, one which struck Thor in his heart. Loki was not one to be afraid, or to even show it. Thor had seen Loki with an expression on his face perhaps a handful of times, but only because he knew him so well and could pick out the emotion. Yet this fear was so raw, so blatant… it made Thor think that it was the most afraid Loki had ever been—perhaps because he'd known that death had been howling his name.

But… there was something else there, too. Peace? Triumph?


It was hope.

This expression stunned Thor, and he dropped to his hands and knees.

Loki had hoped that his Asgardian brother would live, despite his own foolishness. Loki had had hope that as long as he- Thor- was alive, his legacy would live on. Even if this was the last time Loki would be seen by anyone, he would live on through Thor.

Thor nodded. "I will do as you ask, Loki." He brushes a soft hand over Loki's eyes, closing them. "Goodbye, brother."

With this last final farewell, he fades out of his dream, awakening to a world without his mischievous brother; one full of fear and grief and confusion.


A/N: And… cut! Heh heh heh…. Don't hate me. I just felt like that was the right place to stop. Now, I know you might be thinking "But Thor didn't really get to tell Loki goodbye." Well, I kinda feel like Thor is dreaming in this fic, his subconscious helping him to move on, to let go. If you would like to read an even sadder story, read "He Fell Softly" by me.