A/N: I really do like the theme of accepting people, no matter who or what they are that is displayed in this movie. It's an important step to equality for all.
"You will never be accepted. Not ever!" These words still rang through Zed's ears as he stood out in the hall between classes.
People passed him. He noticed some of the students he recognised giving him curious and concerned glances, silently asking if he was alright.
If he were to have to answer them honestly, he would have to say he didn't know.
Someone in his last class had been furious about the first day of zombie-human classes, and had taken his anger out on Zed. He'd blamed the teenager for winning the game and helping the integration along.
"I don't know why they allow this," the boy had hissed as the teacher pulled him from the room to talk out in the hallway. "You and your friends tried to kill us, yet they still allow you monsters to be among us? It's disgusting!"
Zed sighed. "I guess there are a lot of people who still feel the same way about us," he mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?" Addison asked as she joined him, adjusting the strap of her backpack on her shoulder.
"Hm? Nothing. It's nothing."
The faced framed by beautiful white locks frowned at his lie. "No, it's not," she said, nudging his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
He shrugged, looking away. "It's just this guy in my last class. He was complaining about the integration and, well… I guess it kind of got to me."
She crossed her arms. "Don't let it. Anyone who doesn't accept you is an idiot. Besides, zombies are finally being allowed to take classes with us. Don't let those fools ruin your day."
Zed grinned at her as she hugged him.
She was right.
Besides, she had thought he was a monster at first. And look at her now. The cheerleader was his girlfriend and a best friend to all zombies.
Soon enough, he was sure, everyone would finally accept one another.