A/N: I struggle with math, so this was really relatable and kind of funny to me. Hope it is for you, as well.
"So, Add-ison," said Zed one day at lunch as they were eating with their friends, "are you any good at math?"
She rolled her eyes, chewing a forkful of pasta. "Ha-ha, Zed. Very funny. I'll have you know that I've heard that joke my entire life and it's no longer funny."
He shrugged. "Actually, I'm kind of serious. Are you any good at math? I could use a tutor. Math at human school is harder than what I'm used to and I could really use the help."
She looked at him, but didn't reply.
He gave her a puppy-dog gaze. "Please?!" he exclaimed. "If I don't keep my grades up, they won't let me stay on the football team. And if I don't stay on the football team, they won't be pleased." His voice continued to grow to higher pitches until he ended with a very squeaky, "They might even undo integration!"
She snorted at his dramatic speech. "Fine," she decided, "but only if you never make the addition joke ever again."