My sister pinches the bridge of her nose and asks again. 'Shit' thought Alex
"What. Did. You. Do." She is seething.
I sneak a glance at Arthur which merely nods. 'Gods, I hoped that 'prologue' to my explanation would soften her up, so to speak, but it wasn't meant to be I guess.'
"Because of Jonothor's…. mistake.. our family was forced to buy it's time, . Waiting for the Dragons to make their final fatal mistake. We've been close, very close. With igniting the Young Dragon's delusions of grandeur, feeding Baelor the Befuddled's fanaticism, told Morgil Hastwyck that his King's trueborn son was the Dragonknight's bastard, convinced the Unworthy that his bastards we're worthy but it all failed in the end. Until grandfather orchestrated Summerhall's "tragedy", even if there was a chance the ritual would fail to birth dragons, we couldn't risk them succeeding after Jonothor's hardwork during the Dance. Father tricked the Lord of Duskendale to refuse paying their taxes, which eventually led to King Scab's capture. He was never supposed to stay there so long but it worked out in the end because whatever sanity he had was left in Duskendale, in the piss and shit he that was his home. His madness was used to further our plans, we knew of his rape of Joanna Lannister which was her reason for returning to the Rock to Tywin's ignorance, soon after, Aerys' refused to betroth Rhaegar to Cersei Lannister which created more animosity, then the Duskendale plan was executed and shortly after the Defiance, the Lion cut ties with the Dragons completely."
Alex gets up to look out into the night before continuing.
"One thing is for certain, sister, and that's the Targaryens were the worst players in the Great Game they've unwittingly created. Our family used their Game against them and won time and time again until Arthur and I finished it by using Rhaegar and Aerys's stupidity, lunacy, and the Realm's enmity towards them. I had Arthur inform me of everything that Rhaegar was up to in the Red Keep, eventually he told me of a prophecy Rhaegar supposedly seen. My green sight gave me visions of a dragon eating itself so I took it as a sign and had Arthur suggest Rhaegar get in touch with Tywin about a potential match with Cersei since we found out Elia cannot give him more heirs. Tywin leap at the opportunity immediately without question and secretly funded a Tourney at Harrenhal. Tywin and Rhaegar wanted to meet the Lords of the Realm to discuss over throwing Aerys. The first phase of the Grand Plan begins when my network informed Varys' little birds of Rhaegar's colluding which is why Aerys decided to attend the Tourney. I didn't count on Rhaegar buggering it up by falling for Lyanna Stark but I used it to my advantage after Lyanna, willingly, ran away with Rhaegar. I anonymously had Brandon Stark told about her supposed kidnapping, knew the reckless man would ride to the capital demanding Rhaegar's head. A few ravens here and a whisper there later, the Targaryen Dynasty, which has done nothing but burn the Realm, is extinguished. There have been some losses that I did not foresee, but in the end, its what's best. The second phase: war, helped us to achieve that end. Now we can begin phase three which entails finishing the Great Game in the coming years by manipulating Baratheon - Lannister court, building a fleet of ships, increase the Torrentine agriculture, build a 'sept' of sorts for the Old Gods worship, increase trade, and increase the population to sustain those new jobs provided. I've already sent a messenger to speak with the Wildlings, try to get some to migrate here."
Alex turns around, looks Ashara right in the eye and say "Are you with us sister? Will you help us finish this game so our family can finally be what it was always meant to be. On top?"
Ashara face is expressionless. She has conflicting emotions at the moment by the looks of it. My only worry is her rage and not her running off, betraying the family. She has always been the scariest of us. Even with Arthur killing hundreds, she still scares the piss out of me in comparison.
"Before I answer your question Alex. I have some questions of my own that need answering first. Can you do that? Nothing but the truth?" Asks Ashara
Ashara looks neither angry or appalled by what I've said which is a great shock to say the least but Arthur doesn't looked surprised at all. I guess I shouldn't either. Ashara has always been like a burning star but was always been rational and reasonable to a fault.
"OK Ash, ask away. Ever answer I give will be the truth, you have my word. I could never lie to you with a straight face after all." I'm being genuine but I'm inwardly jumping for joy
"Did you allow or arrange the deaths of Elia and her children?" asked Ashara
I quickly answered "No"
Ashara's eyes narrow slightly "Than tell me how she and her babies die while you supposedly possess green sight and had the means to protect her.." Questioned fiercely
"I did know Elia was in danger but Aerys grip was too tight and only kept his loyal Pyromancers at court. The only Kingsguard present was the Lannister and he was too busy saving a million people from Wildfire. I did arrange Prince Aegon's escape, with Elia's pernission, after Rhaegar fell at the Trident, Jon Connington has him. The Mountain killed a double, an unwanted son of one of the whores that are in my employ. I wish I could have arranged Elia and little Rhaenys' liberation…but the damn madman and his spider made it impossible. I'm sorry Ash." I answered honestly.
My sister wipes a tear. I can see she believes me.
"What about the Queen and her children? Were you behind their escape too?" Asked Ashara
"No, I wasn't. I was confident the would get away from that but saw Rhaella's death. But before you ask anything else, let me tell you why I let them go. Because you know I didn't want Elia killed but you also know I want the Targaryens gone. So why would I help the heir flee? Well sister. I know he will return someday with a force strong enough to threaten Robert's reign, Connington, will make it so and Doren will help from behind the scenes. We will use that war to get deeper in the Baratheon/Lannister camp, use that new influence to further our agenda. Make them need us. Viserys is already showing the Targaryen madness so he is a non-threat and Daenarys " Stormborn" will likely end up a whore because of that madness. I nor anyone in my employ, will harm Aegon. He needs to live, a least until he brings war. He will likely die in that war but not by our hands, that I promise you Ash." I answer and take a deep breath. It feels great to tell the truth.
Ashara nods "Good Alex. I under what you're doing and why you're doing it. Its for our future and my son's future. I loved Elia but my son means more to me than her memory." Sobs a little bit before continuing "When Jon turns four you need to begin his education Alex. He most learn everything you know, the politics, mathematics, tactics, all of it, he will be the first Star King since Vorian Dayne. He must be raised with the family secret and the Grand plan My son must be strong Arthur, train him as your successor, the next Sword of the Morning." Wow, she is serious about this.
Arthur speaks first "I swear on my life to train my nephew Ashara. He will be a better warrior than I, I promise."
"And I, Alex of House Dayne, Lord of Starfall and the Torrentine swear to teach Jon of House Dayne, all I know. Don't worry sister, Arthur and I will make sure he is ready and possess the skills necessary take care of himself and finish the Game."
I hug my sister and kiss her on the cheek and she asks
"What is the plan for dealing with the Martells? You said Doren will back Aegon or Viserys so how can we rule Dorne as Kings with them in charge. You're no kinslayer so I doubt you are plotting their deaths so what exactly do you have planned?" Good question Ash but I swiftly answer.
"Jon will enrapture them with his charisma and brilliance. By his fifth name day, I'm sure Doren will want him under his tutelage and knowing the man, he will see Jon as a 'diamond in the rough', he could use Jon's talents in the future and Doren is conscious of this. Arianne will likely be betrothed - unofficially so Doren can still appear neutral - to Viserys until they realize Aegon is alive but I'm sure Jon could seduce her into wedding and bedding him before that happens."
I pause to give Ashara a moment to absorb this information.
"I know we should be appalled by all of the cutthroat manipulations and many deaths that came from our family's hands but in the end, the Realm will prosper, but most importantly, our family will. Now, time to tell you the final family secret Ashara but it will be best if we show you instead."
Arthur and I lead her to the docks and we take a small boat to a hidden cavern a mile east of Starfall. The trip is short and the inside of the cave is illuminated by moon light that reflects off the crystalline rocks. At the center of the chamber is a massive boulder that is white as milk and shines like the moon. In front of the colossal stone is an even larger Weirwood tree. It gives the chamber a celestial aura. Like the old gods themselves consecrated it. I still get chills every time.
"Welcome to the Rokskagos Chamber. This is where our ancestor, Dayniel Star-Blade, forged Dawn. He was the son of Brandon of the Bloody Blade, brother to Brandon the Builder and nephew to Garth the Gardner and grandson of Garth the is our greatest secret Ashara, our blood is as royal an noble as it gets." I motion to the Star Stone "This ore is worth more than all of the Lannister gold combined then multiply that by ten. A valyrian steel ore of the same size would be worth a third of it . This ore is a meteorite from the celestial sphere itself, used to forge Dawn. It's only one of two of its kind that we know of,"
Ashara interrupts an Arthur chuckles at the changes in her facial expression as I spoke
I cringe at her loud voice. Sound carried in here.
"Aye. I believe so, but that may not last forever. Eventually there will be an expedition to search for it. Based on House Dayne legend, Dayniel discovered the second ore just after his son, Symeon also known as Star-Eyes, was born. It's currently located in Sothoryos, as far south as it goes in the Scorced Barrens. He eventually leads a five year expedition himself and his son lost both of his eyes in the experience. Anyways, he had Sothoryos mapped as best he could so we should have much better luck." 'I hope she realizes it will likely be Jon who leads the expedition otherwise we'll be having another, more passionate debate' "Until then, we will be building relationships and allies, as quietly as possible. No one can know our true motives. Thanks to our control over the information pool, the Spider's web only vibrates when we tell it to. So we don't have to worry about any of this information getting leaked but to be safe, we are keeping the Grand Plan in its entirety in House Dayne of Starfall. We can't even trust the Daynes of High Hermitage with it."
Ashara looks thoughtfully for a moment. Takes in everything before speaking.
"Alright Alex, Arthur. I already feel Jon will be the one going on this expedition when the time comes but I won't have a problem with it as long as you go with him Arthur. I'm assuming finding that massive ore will be the peak of our plans, so we'll need to prepare Jon. When he is old enough to understand, he needs to know what we have planned for him."
"Already planned to Ash. No way in the seven hells am I allowing Jon to Sothoryos without me." Said Arthur
"Don't worry sister, he'll be prepared and so will we." I say before speaking again. "Besides, I'm not missing the journey of a lifetime especially when all of our plans would be hindered if we fail."
Next: Back to Present and the Tourney of Lannisport