"Why do Zombies have green hair, anyway?" Addison asked one day while she and Zed were studying in the library. She had been staring at his hair in awe for the past few moments as he had scribbled math problems on a sheet of paper.

He looked up from his work, shrugging. "I'm not sure. Some Zombies think it is a side effect of the Z-band that caused our hair to grow more and greener over time." He raised his arm to display said Z-band. "More likely than not, it's just because we're undead."

"Oh," said Addison, playing with a loose strand of her hair.

He watched as she fiddled with it. "How about you? Why's your hair white?"

It was her turn to shrug. "My parents think that maybe one of our ancestors had an affair with a zombie, which made it so that my genes tried to copy that of a Zombie, but couldn't."

Zed raised his eyebrows. "Really? That's pretty cool." He took her hand. "So we're more alike than we though."

She smiled back at him. "Yeah. It makes me glad to be different."