Hello readers this is a crossover story between game of thrones and Percy jackson and Olympians , neither of which I own.
Summary: When gods defeat the giants with the help of demigods at Athens , the fates tell them that before the demigods fight gaea , they have to complete one more quest. The seven along with there ship are sent to another universe to save the human race from white walkers. Despite there best efforts to keep the kingdom of westros united against the night king and his army the great houses of westros are ready to kill each other for the cursed throne in kings landing. Can they be able to keep peace long enough for the living to win. Read to find out.
Mance rayder encapment
Mance was a man not easily surprised. You coud'nt surprise a man who has seen cannibals , clan of giants twelve feet tall , dead people rising as army of white walkers , a warg who can see through other animals eyes. But when orell reported seeing a flying ship heading there way with a dragon figurehead he was truly surprised. Mance along with his trusted freind tormund giantsbane rushed outside of there to see if it was true or orell has gone wonky in his head. By the time he was able to get out, many of his people had already gathered and were staring towards the fast approaching longship. It did had a dragon masthead he noted subconsciously. His main focus was though that the ship was really flying. It was around 200 feet long with single sail and multitude of was starting at it with shock , there mouth agape. After staring for few seconds , mance finally came out of his shock when he reliased it was decending rapidly and it's tragrectory was straight towards where he and other's were watching.
"Everyone clear out" he shouted. Hearing his voice was enough for everyone to come to same conclusion and they scurried away . The ship crashed in there camp site , tearing several of his people's camp flaps and causing a shower of ice to fall upon everyone unlucky enough to be closeby. Many of its oars broke and shards of metal were flying everywhere. When the snow settled he was able to see that the ship was as ordinary as any longship , except it was made of metal and not wood. It had 3 deck .Everyone formed a circle around the ship with their weapons pointed towards.
Suddenly they heard voices from the ship and then 7 people came out of the ship. There were four boys and three girls , no more then age of ten and eight. They wore strangest of clothes. How they survived this cold weather with only that to keep them warm , he didn't know. The tallest of the lot was a boy with golden hair and electric blue eyes. He had short hairs and was carrying a golden sword. The next was a slightly smaller boy with black hair falling down till his eyes. He had eyes which were bluish green. He was carrying a bronze sword even if it shinned a little too bright. The next boy was a man with broad shoulders , black hair cut short with brown eyes. He was by far the most muscular of the group. He was carrying a bow slung over his shoulder and several arrows in his quiver. The next was the smallest of the boy in height. He was even smaller then one of the golden haired girl. He had curly brown was carrying a rectangular board. If he was goona bash people's head with such small slate of metal with those feebly muscles then he was clearly dislusional. The next was a girl with golden hair and stromy grey eyes. Mance has been fighting for years to know that she was a formidable opponent. She was carrying a sword made of bone. Though which animal had a bone that wide and long was mystery. There was also a dagger strapped to her waist. The next girl was maybe the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. She had Brown hair with ever changing eye colour. Sometimes it was blue, then green. She was carrying a dagger the length of her forearm.
The last one was the youngest of them all. She had brownish red hair with eyes as gold as the first ones sword. Mance had never seen a group more diverse. Plus they came from a flying ship. For few seconds they were each staring at each other. Then the girl with golden haired girl stepped forward. Mance was surprised this group was lead by a female. Buy he also stepped forward with his men looking worringly at something on the ship.
When he was in front of everyone he understood why his people had not attacked the group already , after all even if you come falling out of heaven, seven people were no match for an army of wildlings as large as his. The dragon mast head was moving and spewing puffs of smoke. How a head made of metal without a body was alive was beyond him but he gussed he will find out soon enough.
" If you people can understand me then can your leader step forward." The girl asked aloudly and clearly in perfect old tounge with an accent he couldn't recognize. Mance was a man of reason. He knew attacking them blindly was not good for any sides. Even surrounded by so many people with weapons ready to slaughter she looked not a little bit afraid. Most people will call it overconfidence but mance can see that she had no need to be afraid. There was something out of this world about these children's.
Finally mance stepped forward directly infront of the girl. Her stormy grey eyes met his own without a hint of fear. Mance can respect that. He knew people who looked you straight in your eye with odds like these didn't harbour ill. After all eyes were windows to a person's soul. " I am Mance Rayder , the one addressed as the king beyond the wall. I represent ninty clans of wildlings. Who are you stranger , and why have you come here"
The girl studied him. Her stare analyzing him for his worth. Finally after few second's she replied " Mance rayder pleasure to meet you. My name is annabeth chase. Forgive me but I do not recognize your title or its worth. Now tell me, do you believe in God's "
That was a strange question given the circumstances. Nonetheless he answered "We follow the old gods Annbeth chase.
We believe that the Gods can be heard in the sounds of nature, such as the wind, and that they can see through the eyes of the weirwood trees. So long as the trees remain in the land, the Gods have power. We also believe that the Gods hear our prayers and that they answer by sending the wind or through other means"
She finally smiled like this answer was exactly what she was looking for. For the first time she looked around at all people surrounding them with there weapon still raised. The hornfoots , cave people , river clan , the giant clans leader ,people from all tribes were there. Some were staring in awe, some were suspicious and mistrustfull , a lot were of lust. The three girls were ripe of age and quite good looking. Finally she lowered her too big bone sword and turned to once again address him. " It seems your people prayed real hard for their assistance because they have sent us here on a quest. Our task is to kill the one they call night king and destroy his army of dead."
After hearing that people started laughing. He can't blame them. Seven children with a flying ship against an army of over half a million dead wights and uncountable white walkers with mystic powers over snow stroms. Either the gods were mocking them or these childrens were dislusional.
"The bitch thinks she can kill the night king. By the end of the night I will make her my night whore. " the thenn Magnar, styr said crudely.
"Aye , I will take the one with brown hairs. She will make a good bed warmer for me" one of the ice river clan man replied laughing.
Mance saw that his people were finally gaining confidence. All the body less dragon had done till now is emit puffs of smoke and creak. The anger was evident of the girls face as was evident on the rest of children. Even though mance knew it to be impossible he decided to humour them. "And how exactly 7 children of age no more the 10 and 8 are goona stop an army of more then 1 million dead wights and white Walker generals. "
"The number doesn't matter" This time the boy with green eyes stepped forward to adress the crowd though his smoldering eyes were fixed on the thenn man who made the crude comment earlier. " I defended my city against beings more powerful than the night king with only 40 soldiers." He finally turned to look directly in mance eyes. " I have fought horrible things , things powerful enough to crush even the gods themselves. My freinds and I deserve rest more then anyone else. We have done our fair share of world saving. Even though I could have declined the quest I came here , to this strange land with stranger people. I don't owe you anything but I still came" By now most had quited down . " Because that's what heroes do. They save lives. To become a mindless beast to serve your enemy, to became their soldier and kill you own kin , your own wife, children, father, mother. That's a fate I won't want for my worst enemies. But my words alone will not prove my worth ,will it. Then I nominate a fight. Your most fearsome warrior against my betrothed."He turned and addressed the people around him before settling his eyes on the thenn man. " What say you".
Before mance can come to a decision the big brute shouted " I accept. But my terms , when I crush that bitch she will belong to me."
Annabeth studied the thenn man. She finally replied after few moments. "I accept with my own term. Should I win , this man will do one thing I ask of him. Anything."
"Deal." He replied " I hope you are prepared for tonight women. I will break you and when you are begging me to kill you I will roast you alive and serve you to my tribe."
Mance knew the thenn chieftan was strong. People north of wall do not follow you because your father was king. They only follow the strongest. Styr was strong. He was the magnar of thenns ,the most disciplined and fearsest of the tribe , only tribe north of wall who knew how to forge bronze weapons. Though he had not seen the girl fight his gut told him he will see something spectacular today.
The girl stepped forward with her bone sword. The crowd gave space and formed a circle. Mance was standing with tormund to his right. Styr stepped into the circle with a bronze double headed axe. The girl spoke to her companions in a language he didn't understand. Finally she kissed the boy with green eyes and stepped into the circle.
Stry was easily 7 feet tall. Annabeth was dwarfed in front of him. She was wearing only breastplate and shoulder pads as armour. Mance was still astonished she didn't freeze over in this cold weather with so little clothing.
They both circled each other , but styr rushed forward with his axe rased upwards. The girl too rushed forward. The crowd cheared for styr , even the river clan men. When they were mere feet apart the girl somersaulted above styr, sticking her bone sword in the gap between the blades of his axe and wrenched it from styr's grip causing him to stumble forward. Before he can even recover she whirled around and stabbed him in the knee from behind causing him to fall on his knees. She then calmly placed her sword at his neck. The fight was over before it even begin.
A hush fell over the crowd. Mance was beyond astonished. A girl no more than 10 and 7 defeated the strongest men in his army in less then 5 seconds.
Annabeth then calmly stepped back. She made eye contact with styr once and then addressed manxe. " You can believe whatever you want. Seven children against an army of over one million dead wights. Laugh , scream , make crude comments. Your gods asked us to help the living against dead. We came here to a different world , leaving our family and friends behind to save you. We can leave this moment and no power can stop us. But we will not do that, I will not do that, It's in my blood to be a hero to save people from monsters even when they don't appreciate it. So mance rayder we extend our help and our swords for the living. Would you accept "
Well if mance didn't have any choice did he.
He calmy ordered all his generals and asked the seven to follow him to his tent.
People dispersed. Some began to follow him, other went there way no doubt to tell everyone of this new development.
Annabeth and there companions started following him. "Oh and since I won you now owe me a debt. I will collect it when I see fit. Understood." She said to styr who was just beginning to get up to follow mance. He looked murderous but nodded. A deal was deal.
So I had this concept in mind for a while. I have only written this first chapter . No guarantee I will update soon. If I get enough reviews maybe I will extend it further.
Side note: leo never met Calypso so he will be the only one I can think of pairing with anyone from game of thrones universe.
Favourite , follow, review.