Grey water watch
The castle of reeds was truly impressively. It wasn't grand or luxurious but what made it impressive was that it was sturdy even when made on a man made island which moved. It was like the biggest cruise of the world.
The reeds themselves were polite people. Jojen Reed was a little to serious and solemn for being only eleven but respectful nonetheless . Since some people have already seen festus there was no need to hide him , so he was trailing behind them puffing smoke as he went presenting an intimidating site for all.
They entered a large hall where they were seated. Howland Reed was sitting in the middle chair with jojen to his left and a girl which looked like his daughter to the right. He introduced her as meera , his daughter. Other then those three and them and there dragon the hall was empty.
" It is a great honour to meet you my Lords and ladies. " Howland Reed addressed them tipping his head a little in respect. " You might be wandering how I knew of your arrival and your names for that matter. " He asked them
Then he turned towards his son jojen. " My son here is a greenseer. You may not be familiar with this term . You see my son has gifts, gifts given to him the by the old gods themselves. He has the sight which let's him sees into the past , present and even sometimes glimpses of possible future, though those are always through dreams." He let them digest that.
" I had dreams of possible dark future, of a war torn land being invaded by the dead. Of death and destruction everywhere. I even saw my own death in a attack beyond the wall and I had come to terms with it. I had my duty given to me by the gods and I will see to it that I do it until my dying day." Jojen said solemly.
He was a brave young man , annabeth came to know that from his little outburst. Bravery is not always seen only on battlefields , she is well aware of that. Protesialus was a hero not because he fought like a demon but because he was brave enough to land on the shores of Troy when other greeks were reluctant to do so because of calchas's prophesy.
"But everything changed around eight months ago" Jojen began, looking a little excitated. " One night I had a different dream, this one depected your arrival in westros. Since then the future has become hazy but I get glimpses of a world so different then ours and through them I came to know of your potential. I have tried to watch over your progress since then."
So he was mortal with special interests from the divine, annabeth thought. Nonetheless with him vouching for them atleast grey water watch will support them when they bought wildlings south.
"Lord Reed" annabeth begin. "If jojen has been keeping an eye on us then you must be aware of the reasons of my journey south." She asked him. "I do not know of your history with the wildlings but I do know that them being kept north of the wall will only lead to your people fighting a bigger army of dead when the wall falls."
At that statement all three of them looked surprised. "My lady, the wall has stood guard for eight thousand years against night king and his armies. How are you sure it will fall now." Howland asked.
"I do not know how much your son knows about us so I will tell you. From where we come the gods of the world are more involved in mortal affairs. Sometimes they come down from heaven and fall in love with the mortals. We are the results of such affairs. We are half-bloods a perfect mix of mortal world and divine world. In I was born in westros I would have been considered a bastard. All demigods are bastards. But unlike westros, the barstards of our world shape the future of everyone there." She paused letting him understand that being a bastard and getting ridiculed for it was one of the many things she found wrong about westros.
"Further more we gain powers from our godly heritage. One such power is prophetic dreams. Just like your son we also sometimes get a glimpse of future. I had a dream few day before I started the journey. I have seen the wall fall and night king's army entering westros. That made me take this journey in the first place. The wildlings are now my people. Your old gods led us there for a reason and I believe that reason is that we guide them in the upcoming winter and prepare them for the war to come. I don't know yet but I have a feeling the wildlings will play a very important role in the shaping of the future of this world." She told them. She wanted them to understand that even though the gods have sent them here for preparing the whole continent against the coming war, the wildings will always we in there favour against the rest of the people.
"I never doubt my son's gift my lady. He has spoken that you and your intentions can be trusted so I will trust you. I hold no love for the wildlings but I will help you as is in my power to welcome them south of the wall. Tell me what can I do" Howland told her sincerely.
With reeds, openly supporting them and Bolton's under her debt she only had to convince the Starks of winterfell before whole north kneeled to the idea of wildlings south of wall. "How close are you to the Starks lord Reed " she asked.
"Very my lady. Eddard and I are great freinds since Roberts rebellion." He replied thought this time with a little caution in his voice like he was afraid of choosing between his freind and his sons words.
Seeing his nervousness she decided to settle his mind. "Rest assured lord Reed, I have no intentions to test your loyalty to your friend. I only require a small favour."
"What do you require of me my lady." He asked , a little at ease now.
"I want you to travel north to winterfell. I want you to be there when I finally meet the the starks. I want you to convince your friend of the bigger threat that is coming for all the living. I want you to convince him to let the wildlings cross the the wall peacefully." She asked him.
The politics she has understood till now of north was that many houses were very loyal to Starks. But there was a faction that didn't hold them in high regard. If Starks allowed the wildlings south the Bolton's , who were known for there tendency to rebel will gather many houses and rebel against them. That's where her plan will come in. She had the boltons under her debt. If Starks and Bolton's both agree to same decision , there will we none in North to oppose them.
"I will do it my lady." He replied though he looked reluctant.
"What seems to be the problem lord Reed " she asked him picking up on his reluctance.
"The Frey's my lady" he replied. "The reeds have never gotten along with the Frey's. But we have managed to hide ourselves perfectly in our swamps. They call us frog eaters, the iron born call us bog devil's. But I do not care. Let the haters hate us as long as they hate us in peace. The crannogmen and freys have had a long feud for centuries. Due to our moving houses and castles they have never been able to outright attack us until recently." He looked solem when he next spoke
"House peat my southern most vassal house was just recently attacked by Freys. There house head, lord molish peat died in the attack and for the first time Frey's have conquered a castle in North. We do not have ravens and by the time some word is sent to winterfell it would be too late. The longer they have the castle under them the better they will start to understand how our houses move. It will expose us all" he took a deep breath before continuing "You have to understand milady. We crannogmen do not live like others. We do not follow the faith of seven, we do not have maesters and master in arms. Those are all traditions of southerns. We have the blood of children's flowing through our veins. If I take my plea to the king he will not support me over the freys. And the Starks can not openly attack the Frey's . That leaves us to defend ourselves on our own. The freys hold approximately 6000 men . We hold at most 3000 men. We cannot meet them in open field. That's why we use guerilla warfare. "
He stood up then and bought the map of of his lands and the surrounding lands. He pointed to the southern most point on map. "This is the location of house peat. House fenne and house cray are the nearest houses to house peats lands. I fear that if I leave my lands in such dire times they will be attacked next. I have called my banners here to retake our lands."
Annabeth studied the map. She understood his predicament. " Lord howland Reed I will help you retake your castle and further strengthen your borders from future attack , I promise you that. I warn you though that neither I nor any of the other champions can help you directly in fight. I cannot raise my sword against the living ,unless provoked . It is the nature of the quest. Before we came here the gods of our world tied our hands in that regard. But tonight we will scout the land till then you gather your forces. "
"I will be honoured to have your help my lady. I promise you I will help you in gaining eddard's approval." Howland replied.
Night came and annabeth departed with a scout from howland's forces and Piper with her. Jason and yasha stayed behind. Piper had her charmspeak and she had her magical invisibility cap. Plus they were women. Few people suspect womens in this world. 'They obviously have yet to meet womens like black widow from avengers movie' she thought.
They took a small wooden fishing boat and rowed for three hours straight. Finally they reached the castle of peats. It was not much castle bit a big house surrounded by small houses. The whole settlement was covered by twenty feet walls. It was just a large village which could have housed no more than population of 1000. House peat was a very small house , she decided.
"They obviously have yet to learn how we cranngoman keep our seats hidden." Harren, the scout told them looking at the open bonfires that had been lit at various places in the settlement, with disdain. "We never burn a single candle in night outside of our houses. It gives away our position to enemies. With our moving houses and bog filled land it is practically impossible to find us. Many Frey's would have died just to take a house as small as that of peats."
Annabeth docked the boat on a small , secluded and dark part of the land on the outskirts of the wall with no watch men in sight. "Ok harren you remain near our boat , me and Piper will go inside . " She ordered him before moving towards the the base of the wall.
"My lady" he asked hesitantly " how will you by pass the wall."
Annabeth gave him a smile before she joined both her hands and formed a foothold. Piper walked towards her with sufficiently long rope.
" You ready" she asked her.
"Bring it chase" Piper replied before taking a running start and used her hands as a pulley where annabeth launched her twenty feet high. Then she dangled the rope from the top of the wall. Poor harren was standing there with his mouth agape. Annabeth scaled the wall and together her and Piper landed on the other side silently.
"You scout the north , I scout the south. We meet here in one hour" annabeth told Piper before wearing her Yankees magical cap and disappearing. Piper also charmed herself to look as a serving maid and made her way north.
For one hour she scouted the southern parts of land. Gathering army strength stationed there, the no. of prisoners in the dungeon. At one hour mark she reached the rezevndous point. Piper was already there , waiting for her. She looked angry and a little disgusted.
"What happened" she asked Piper.
Piper just looked back with a scowl. "The men here are pigs. If I didn't have my hands tied by the fates I would have killed every last one of them. It was horrible annabeth. Those poor women." A single tear roled down her eyes. She then looked up towards the wall. Annabeth understood that whatever Piper had seen was not good and that she just wanted to get out of there.
They went the same way they entered. Harren was waiting for them on the otherside. He seemed distressed but upon seeing them safe he released a sigh. Together they rowed the boat back towards grey water watch with plans to retake the peats lands back from the freys, churning in her mind.
Howland Reed
The small boat was spotted just as the sun begin to rise. It meant that the champions scouting mission was successful. Soon the boat docked and it's three travellers landed the shore of grey water watch.
"Lord howland Reed , though time was short I hope you have assembled your people. We march soon and retake your land." Annabeth told him. That meant she had a plan of action with minimum casualties on both sides. He was starting to understand that, that was what there quest was all about. Unite the living against the dead.
"Follow me my lady, others will arrive shortly. I only had a day to gather my banner mens." Howland replied. Annabeth nodded and together they followed him to the great hall. It was being prepared to receive guest from all over the marsh lands.
By afternoon a representative of every vassel house loyal to house reed was present there. Because annabeth and piper were sitting next to him many were sending suspious glances there way. Even after he told them who they really were many didnt believe him.
"I dont care if you believe what lord howland reed told you. I am not here to assert my dominance or ask for praises. I am here to help you regain your lands without much bloodshed." Annabeth told them, speaking loudly. Even if she was a girl of only ten and seven years of age, there was something in her voice that carried authority. The hall became quiet.
"I scouted the southern part of peats land while Piper here scouted the north. In total there are around 600 Frey men holding the castle lead by lord ryman Frey and his son edwyn Frey. From what Piper was able to gather was that another 600 Frey men under young lord walder Frey will arrive in two days time to reinforce the castle." She let that information sink in there mind while she got up and unfolded a parchment with detailed drawing of the lands of peats , no doubt drawn by herself.
"I give you 24 hours to gather 300 men at least with enough transportation. Tomorrow noon we march on the peats land and reclaim it. No Raven's leave or reach any castle of marshlands. You capture the three next in line freys and we will brocher a deal with late walder frey in return. Once they leave your lands i will help you to strengthen your borders." Annabeth told them enthusiastically. Her enthusiasm was contagious as many of the gatherd Lords were nodding along.
"And how do you plan on taking the castle manned by 600 men with 20 foot tall walls on all sides, with just 300 men. We will be slaughtered before we even reach the shore" lord howard cray, lord of Cray's land asked her. A valid question, but his tone of voice stated that he didn't hold any words spoken by annabeth in high regards. Well some people needed to see by there own eyes to believe and howland had a hunch that he will get a spectacular show sometime soon.
"You are right lord...?" Annabeth asked while looking towards him.
"Howard, howard crey of creys land." He replied proudly while sneering in her direction like it was her fault that she didn't know his name.
"As I was saying lord Howard crey, a front assault will surely be suicide in this is why we will not launch a full frontal assault" annabeth replied , ignoring the man's tone. Then she procedded to tell them her whole plan. After hearing it the small fraction who were against anything annabeth said also nodded and looked impressed.
Howland ordered his banner men to return to there keeps and come back with as many men as they can gather in such short time. He himself sent his runners to gather his men. With annabeths plan and the dedication of his men he was sure that Victory would be there's.
Ok done with this. Next chapter will be reclaiming of peats lands.
Note: I wanted to end annabeth, Piper and Jason's journey in just one chapter but it will take more then four. Haven't decided yet.
A) two people asked me about ygritte. To answer them : ygritte is my of with just a name from the show. It's highly unlikely that she will meet jon so I just took the name for my oc.
B) to another reviewer with a long name yes it's annabeth centric because I just find it easy to like and write her character. And sorry but I think most chapters would be annabeth centric only. I will try to write in others pov bit they will be dull as compared to how Riordan portrays them.
C) AACM25. : Thanks for your reviews. Here is answers to your queries.
1) annabeth didn't want to show what all the demigods can do so limited demonstration
2)the Starks conquered skagos 100 years ago. I read an article which told me that skagosi were decended from giants . Just assume that the stanes were not present on the battlefield and they are the only one who have giant statures in skagos. Rest all are normal sized humans.
3) you are right Jason couldn't be mistaken for a lannister. Can't change anything about it now though.
D) Caragor: Annabeth was pretending to be a healer. Doctors can tell you if you are poisoned without being a detective.
Note2: I have final exams for my first year from 3rd of July 26 july. So I am not sure how many updates you will get before 26. Be patient please
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