Chapter 1: Giving Up
Beta: Shad0wReaper133
A/N: Big thanks to Imyoshi, who gave me the idea for this story (though I did make changes to the execution) and who also looked over this chapter for me.
"A prudent schedule is the key to eternal youth."
It was a quote Ciel had heard a long time ago, spoken by her grandfather, ironically a few days before he died. Whether they were his words or not, was not something Ciel herself was aware of or particularly concerned with. She had taken them to heart regardless in her everyday life, believing that the old adage had at least some semblance of truth buried within it. The human body was a natural slave to habit. Do a certain action enough and eventually stopping would be harder than not. Sleep at a certain time enough and the body will begin to get sleepy during that time. Therefore, scheduling was simply the act of filling an essential role that few used to its fullest extent. Her grandfather knew it and thus lived a long life with energy spare and his mental faculties in check up until his death.
Ciel couldn't remember a time before she woke up every day at 5:00. Or when she didn't eat a meal at 6:05 am after having washed and dressed. What she ate was always planned the day before so that time would not be wasted on pointless deciding. It was one of the few things she took pleasure in, however. Simply because though she always made sure there were enough nutrients in each meal, they were flexible in content. One of the reasons she enjoyed cooking.
School had thrown a rather large wrench in her scheduling ability, however. Not because of classes or homework mind you. Ciel could and did excel at simple things like that, as in Atlas everything was clear and concise in its planning and action. No, the giant wrench was the fact that she'd been assigned to be the partner of Penny, Headmaster Ironwood's niece. Her entrance grade and initiation performance had apparently broken previous records set by Headmaster Ironwood's very own assistant, Winter Schnee, thus making her the clear candidate to be paired with the Headmaster's kin.
While this was a huge honor - she was always reminded as such - Ciel and Penny answered directly to the Headmaster for assignments rather than going about the normal scheduling in the school. At the very beginning, Ciel had been driven half-crazy with the constant interferences with her tight and very precise sequence of preferred events. However, as the days went on and those days turned into weeks, she became content with her now flexible schedule. It had even left open blocks of time for something she'd never felt was needed or wanted. Social time.
"Partner Ciel, are you excited to see Vale for the first time?"
Ciel turned her face from the window to look at Penny. She was sitting on the seat nearest to the aisle, but the two were still adjacent to each other. Something that wasn't particularly needed, considering the large Bullhead had many unoccupied seats. Ciel didn't mind, however. "It is simply another Kingdom. If anything, I'm perverse to the idea."
In Atlas, everything was often timed. The opening and closing of shops, when specific actions could take place, even a curfew in some places. The Kingdom inclined itself to her own habits. Vale was apparently heedless in that regard. Still, Ciel had vowed to her other teammates that she would keep an open mind about the whole ordeal. From what she'd heard from Bender Rojo and Jenny Honeydew - the two others that made up team SPHR - Beacon wasn't a bad learning environment. Not superior to Atlas of course but still adequate.
"But Vale is very interesting, partner Ciel! There's shops, people, and new friends!"
"All things that can be found in Atlas except possibly the latter," responded Ciel, looking out of the window again to stare at the vast ocean of water beneath them. It took a few moments to realize why Penny would even mention friends in the first place. She turned back to face her partner. "I almost forgot, you do have a friend in Vale, correct Madam?"
Penny nodded with a big smile. "Yes, I finally get to see her again," she nearly shouted before slapping a hand over her mouth and looking around shyly. Oh yes, Penny doesn't want the Headmaster to know about her "friend." Thankfully for Penny and Ciel for that matter - she was technically withholding information from a superior - Ironwood was not sitting with them as he often would. Ciel wasn't actually sure why the Headmaster was so protective of his niece and why she got such special treatment, but it wasn't her place to ask. That was another reason why she'd been chosen as Penny's partner, she went by the book.
Now mindful of her surroundings once more, Penny leaned in closer and whispered, "I'll introduce her to you if we get the chance."
Ah, never a dull moment with Penny around. When she was around rather. Ciel looked at her watch to see it was the normally scheduled time when she would begin training her body. However, that would be hard considering the location. Not to mention doing so would simply excite her body more so than it needed before bed. Because of the change in time zones, Ciel had been forced to create an entirely new schedule based off of Vale's time rather than Atlas'. It was... highly annoying. Another reason she avoided long traveling.
"Thank you, Madame." Of course, Ciel wasn't particularly keen on being introduced to new people but would comply with Penny's wishes regardless. Ciel herself was, in fact, the leader of team Sapphire, however, she still was meant to serve as a guard and even servant for Ironwood and by extension, Penny. It was a weird power dynamic but Ciel made it work, like everything else. "I do hope that associating with your friend will not lead to trouble with terrorist again. From what you told me, it was quite the show."
"Oh no," waved Penny, still with a smile. "That was simply a minor coincidence that we were there when terrorist were. I guarantee it can't happen again!"
Sure, sure. Ciel would make sure that a similar incident didn't happen. That's what she was here for, after all, to stop disasters like that from happening. Keeping Penny in line wasn't so difficult in Atlas, and while Vale may prove to be an obstacle, it would be no task she couldn't handle. Ciel sighed and out of habit looked at her watch. Of course, her semblance and fine-tuned body clock meant she didn't have to look at the time to know what it was; however, the act was comforting.
"If you'll excuse me, madame, I will now retire to bed. I wish to acclimate to Vale's time zone before we arrive. I'd suggest you do similarly," spoke Ciel, standing up, ready to head to the back where the bedrooms were. Penny smiled at her.
"Unneeded but appreciated, partner."
Ciel nodded and walked from the seating area, waving her scroll over the door that lead to the bedroom and let herself in. Turning on the light, she once again noticed how small the space was. The dorms in Atlas had not been oriented for comfort in terms of space either. Ciel could barely stretch out both arms without hitting the walls. Of course, this wasn't a problem, simply an observation. The tiny room was also one shade of pristine white, including the bed in the corner, nightstand, and carpet.
She closed the door behind her and meticulously began disrobing and folding all her clothes in a neat pile on the nightstand. Within the nightstand, she retrieved a packet of small tablets and after removing one popped it into her mouth and bit down hard. It fizzed and bubbled within her mouth, which filled with a foamy substance. It was an agent meant to clean teeth if a brush and toothpaste were not available. While convenient, she'd still prefer the alternative, out of habit rather than pure utility.
After the cleaning agent dissipated, she finally laid down in bed and waited for sleep to take her. And usually, it would have had it not been for the fact that she was going to bed at a completely different time. Ciel was on Vale time now not Atlas, thus she wasn't getting tired like she usually would at bedtime. She sighed, realizing that this would mean that she would be groggy by morning. Something that hadn't happened in... many years.
After a few minutes, she managed to drift off.
Jaune wasn't stupid... although he felt the opposite at the moment. Today had been attempt seven to get Weiss' attention and ask her on a date. This time he'd actually wrote a cover to one of Weiss' more obscure songs (figuring that might add bonus points) on guitar, practiced said song for over a week, and then performed said song to her today in the courtyard in front of her and her team. He had even played it perfectly to the point that Yang and Ruby clapped after it was finished. Ruby he knew would clap but Yang?! Surely it must have been good. Blake freaking 'never looks up from a book' Belladonna looked up from her book!
How did Weiss respond, however?
"I'd had hoped the week of peace had meant you'd given up."
It had been such a shock that Jaune hadn't processed it at first, still panting with effort and looking at the girl he admired with hopeful eyes. Like a moron. Though as the realization of being so utterly rejected dawned upon him he suddenly felt very weak. The guitar had slipped through his fingers and fell to the soft grass and when he went to pick it up, Jaune noticed little droplets of water falling onto the grass. He was crying. Crying!
It hadn't been the rejection, not really. Maybe just the accumulation of a lot of things, like the aching in his fingers, the C he'd gotten on a test the day before, or just all the work he'd put in this time. Time had felt frozen at that moment because he didn't want anyone to see him cry. Vaguely he heard Yang speaking to Weiss.
"Gosh Ice Queen, don't you think that was a little harsh?"
"Oh please. If he wants to... oh my god…"
Jaune had finally stood up with guitar in tow once again, showing his tears to the four girls in front of him and the three teammates behind him. Yang looked shocked, which turned into a look of pity. Blake raised an eyebrow. Ruby's mouth dropped open and silver eyes widen at the sight. Then there was Weiss, whose eyes were still wide in shock. He didn't want it. He didn't want any of it. The pity that was no doubt about to come. Jaune wasn't sad, he didn't need pity. He wasn't even aware of why he was crying at the time, just that tears wouldn't stop pouring down his face.
"I'm sorry."
That was what he'd tried to say but that clearly isn't what came out judging by the looks on everyone's face. His voice was so choked with tears that he didn't even attempt to speak again, instead, walking off quickly with his head down.
After running a great length into Beacon's garden, he stopped and collapsed into a soft looking patch of grass exhausted physically and mentally, laying spread eagle on the cool ground underneath the shady canopy of the forest. Which is where Jaune currently found himself. Staring at the branches for answers. The most pertinent answer was to the question, what would Jaune tell his friends when they came to find him. Because they would come find him sooner or later, even if they were giving him his space for now... or trying to hold back Pyrrha from fighting Weiss.
Jaune reached up and touched his face, feeling that the moisture was still there. Well, he couldn't very well go up to his friends while still crying. Though that was another question he wanted an answer to. Why am I still crying? The tears just kept coming, despite the fact Jaune didn't feel sad at all. He'd expected to get rejected anyway. Each time hurt but not by much and this time hadn't hurt, period!
"Then why am I crying?"
As expected, the forest canopy said nothing. Though if the trees had talked that might have been concerning. Eventually, he closed his swollen and heavy eyes, allowing the sounds of nature to take him away. A little rest will do me some good. Maybe I can even avoid being bloodshot if I take a little nap.
Jaune went to reach for his scroll to see what time it was but lost interest half way through the motion. The next class was Professor Goodwitch and it wasn't a class that should be missed lightly. He was just so tired.
Why should I show up anyway, just to get my ass kicked even worse than usual because I'm so tired? Screw it. Someone else can take my place as laughing stock today. Jaune then thought to the encouraging looks on his friend's faces whenever he lost. Always smiling, always saying he got a little better. I guess they won't have to put on their "Jaune needs support" faces today either. His bitterness was directed more to himself than anyone else.
Still laying on his back, eyes closed, he allowed his thoughts to take him. Maybe I cried because just like everything else, my best wasn't good enough. Combat class, tests in Oobleck and Port's class, training with Pyrrha, being a leader, Weiss…
"Maybe it's okay, to give up?"
Jaune once again asked the air around him for answers it simply couldn't provide. Weiss was a dream, almost in the sense of being a validation point for himself. If she, the one who Jaune considered perfection, gave him a chance then maybe that would have finally given him the validation he wanted. He liked her and believed that there was far more than what was on the surface to find than just face value. She wasn't just a pretty face, if that was the case then he'd have given up ages ago. He thought back to something Yang had said offhandedly to him once.
"If you put half as much effort into a different girl you'd probably be married by now."
At the time he had believed it to simply be a joke and waved it off, but what if she was right? Maybe, but maybe not. In all honesty, he didn't feel like trying either. Weiss was the dream and she'd probably always be such for the foreseeable future. However, as Jaune rested, that dream began to fade a little. Whereas before it was a dream, he now saw it for what it really was. A pipe dream. A non-option in the long run.
Jaune Arc was a man of longshots. He'd gotten into Beacon. Not died in Beacon. Made friends in Beacon. And was even a leader in Beacon. Maybe the only logical conclusion was getting the most frigid maiden on RWBY's team to date him. Another long shot. I've tried though, man have I tried. Each attempt more elaborate than the next to a point where it was joked about around the first-year class.
Jaune opened his eyes again and stared off into the canopy. He wanted to try something and only after that would he be set on where to go from here. Taking a large breath of air, Jaune yelled at the top of his lungs, "I give up!"
Oh, that felt really good.
"I give up! I give up! I give up!"
The words felt like honeydew on his lips and fine wine to the tip of his tongue. Although as Jaune kept up his screaming into the forest, tears pricked at the edge of his eyes again before pouring down his face.
With one final moment of clarity, Jaune screamed with all his might, "I GIVE UP!"
Afterward, he once again rested on the grass, panting for air and letting his statement marinate around him. He finally knew why he cried when Weiss rejected him. It was because at that moment... he'd given up.
In typical fashion, his scroll buzzed not even a moment later. Jaune withdrew it out of his pants pocket and as expected, there was a message from Pyrrha. [Where are you?]
Looking at the time, Jaune saw that Combat Class had started a few minutes, meaning he'd been missing from his teammates for the better part of two hours. He was honestly surprised that they had given him that much free time before checking in.
But wow, I can't believe I've been in here for two hours. Where did the time go? This is probably the longest I've ever just sat and thought about one thing.
To be truthful, Jaune didn't want to come back just yet. Being out in nature seemed to have helped in its own way. Maybe he'd have to make a regular thing of this. But for now, he had to be a teammate first. Jaune typed back.
[I got lost.] Jaune looked at his message and then added as an afterthought, [I'm not lost anymore. I'm on the way.]
Pyrrha wouldn't believe that but at least it would buy him time to come up with something that sounded realistic. Problem was that they knew he'd gone to ask Weiss out again. Therefore, they'd probably asked team RWBY if they had seen him. Shit.
Jaune nicked his guitar off the ground and began running towards the school building.
When the leader of team JNPR slid into Combat Class, it was well into its first hour. As covertly as possible, he walked to where his teammates were sitting near team RWBY and took his spot next to his partner with a smile. Out of the corner of his vision, Jaune noticed the girls of their sister team staring at him. He chose to ignore that.
"Sorry I'm late, I got lost in Beacon's garden," whispered the boy to his teammates, praying that team RWBY had said nothing. The weight of the world was taken off his shoulders when none of his friends questioned his statement. That wasn't to say they didn't look skeptical but he could deal with that. Jaune withdrew his scroll, having felt the soft vibration of a new message. [Are you ok?]
It was Ruby. Typical question to ask he supposed. He typed back a response. [I'm fine. There was just something in my eye is all.]
Yeah, that was a long shot even for him that anyone would believe that. But Ruby could be really gullible at times, so maybe, just maybe it would work. Thankfully a distraction arose that was just what he needed to get his mind off the current line of thought. Never would have guessed he'd be happy to get brought down to fight in combat class.
"Jaune Arc and Cardin Winchester, please come down," called Ms. Goodwitch.
Jaune sighed and gripped Crocea Mors, getting wishes of good luck from his teammates. Pyrrha looked hopefully, Ren's stoic nod, Nora winked with a thumb up. They knew he would lose and yet pretended anyway. He didn't deserve them. This would be the last chance to beat Cardin for a while as well because the brunt of the exchange students were apparently coming tomorrow and most of the battles would revolve around them for the foreseeable future.
He didn't feel nervous though, not really. Jaune felt different in some way, more so than he did before humiliating himself in front of Team RWBY. Better than he did in a long time. Maybe all he needed was a really nice cry. Thinking about it, he hadn't cried at all since getting to Beacon. Everything had been overwhelming for so long and even after talking with Pyrrha he hadn't really bared it all, even to himself.
Jaune finally made it down to the ground level and walked onto the platform. Glynda was saying something, but he didn't pay attention. She said the same thing every time anyway. Cardin looked uncharacteristically bored. He usually would revel in beating a weaker opponent and even fringed being bored with victory Though today he looked honestly done with this fight before it even began.
"Hey Arc, any chance you'll forfeit and save me the trouble of thrashing you?" Asked Cardin, swinging his large mace around casually. The unexpected comment combined with the fact the question was toned towards mirthful rather than degrading led to Jaune chuckling before full-blown laughter.
"Ah, yeah I guess it would save both of us trouble. But I already walked all the way down here you see…" spoke Jaune, taking the stance Pyrrha had screwed into his brain.
He decided to leave his shield as a sheath, having never been great at attacking and defending simultaneously. Cardin's impeded expression didn't change at all though Jaune noticed the subtle change his profile, his muscles tensing in preparation. Ms. Goodwitch had given the signal to begin at least a minute ago, though other than banter, neither had moved. And that was odd as well, considering Cardin always went on the attack immediately. Maybe he actually was just tired today.
As if it was a chore, Cardin let out a mighty roar and rushed forward towards Jaune, his mace already making a large arc to cave in his head. Jaune rolled out of the way and backpedaled. He might have been unskilled but the attack had been telegraphed from a mile away. Not only that, it was slower than usual. Not in comparison to Pyrrha or Ren's attacks, but just comparing Cardin to his usual self.
Is he for real? I might actually have a chance if it's like this.
The mental fatigue of the day melted into nothing as Jaune's eyes steeled and his grip hardened. Cardin raised his mace once more with a soft grunt and rushed forward again, this time going for a wide horizontal swing that the blond rival not only avoided but managed to land a punish counter on his enemy's wrist. Then in the same motion rolled once more to avoid Cardin attempting to hit him with an armor-clad shoulder.
Jaune managed to get to his knees and vault away before the deadly mace slammed down on his earlier position. Though to his surprise, Cardin let go of the weapon and lunged at him with unexpected speed. A large hand grasped around Jaune's collar and before he could manage to break free, a second hand - this one in the shape of a fist - connected with his jaw hard. He saw stars, spots danced the waltz before his vision, and the room spun. But for the first time, it wasn't enough. Reflexively he brought up the handle of Crocea Mors and it collided with the bully square in his Adam's apple.
Not where I was aiming but I'll take it.
Cardin let his combatant loose in favor of grasping his throat instinctively. Jaune pressed the advantage and swung his blade with as much force as humanly possible towards his bully's face, more specifically his eyes. Cardin went to cover his face, it was only natural, but Jaune changed direction at the last second and connected with the bony part of Cardin's wrist once more, hearing a delightfully sickening 'pop!' ring out over the arena.
Having actually hit his mark, Jaune barely registered the guttural scream Cardin let out before falling over, clutching his wrist with tears in his eyes. The limb was hanging at an unnatural angle for a gliding joint and the sight nearly made Jaune sick to his stomach.
"Jeezus…" muttered the blonde to himself, still in battle stance despite Cardin rolling on the floor in agony. Jaune looked at the scoreboard to see that his opponent was still in the upper yellow. So, he'd be fine, though that injury would take at least a few hours to heal properly, which meant...
"This battle is over!" Ms. Goodwitch stomped her way onto the platform and stood in between Jaune and Cardin as if he'd hit the man while he was down. She would usually take this time to critique the fight, but she was preoccupied with making sure Cardin was okay. The three members of team CDRL had also come to help up their leader, who characteristically pushed them away. "Take Mr. Winchester to the infirmary," she told his teammates, who rushed to comply.
As they disappeared off the stage, Professor Goodwitch turned back to Jaune, who hadn't moved at all. He still couldn't believe what just happened. "Congratulations on your win Mr. Arc. You were able to act proactively to each attack and it is clear that you've been training your reflexes. However, in the future, I will say to be more cautious of unexpected counters as it almost cost you the win today. You've shown much improvement young man, but there is still room."
"I… yeah." Spoke Jaune, still in a daze.
That was it?
He'd beaten Cardin, but there was none of the raw pleasure Jaune thought he'd get from it. From where he stood, the other boy had just had an off day. Still, he bowed to Ms. Goodwitch and left the stage, heading back up to where he was sitting. Vaguely, he registered clapping from the audience, the loudest of which was coming from Nora, who looked like she might start shooting off grenades to act as impromptu fireworks. She brought a smile to his face, which would surely be mistaken for him being happy with his victory.
Team RWBY, except for Ruby who had jumped over the seats to hug him, seemed to be in shock. He hugged her back with a grin, looking back over to his partner, who was sitting with a small smile. It was clear she really wanted to take Ruby's current position. Ren was much the same, downplaying his approval.
It was only this support that allowed Jaune to feel any semblance of pride in his win. Of course, Cardin would be out for redemption next time they clashed, so he'd better be ready. Until then, however, Jaune allowed his friends to pat him on the back.
The second Goodwitch's class ended, Nora demanded they throw a party in honor of Jaune's first win. Having felt pretty good, Jaune agreed and even went with Ren to raid the cafeteria of food to cook with while the girls of his team set up a party atmosphere in the common area. When he and Ren had gotten back, however, lo and behold that their sister team had shown up as well, more than likely brought by Ruby.
As he and Ren got to cooking - they had settled on making several different flavors of pancakes - the casual batter began to fly, Jaune couldn't help feeling a bit weird. Team RWBY still hadn't commented on what happened just a few hours ago. What with the excitement in beating Cardin, Jaune had nearly forgotten about the whole thing himself. It seemed distant in the past somehow. Especially as the food began to be passed out and Yang procured two bottles of vodka from thin air to add to the punch with all the flair of a master magician. Not long after, the atmosphere had melted into the warm solution of sensation he'd come to expect by now when among friends. Or maybe that was just the alcohol. Either or.
"Pyrrha, they should hire you to teach at this school considering what you've done for Vomit boy," chuckled out Yang, biting into a stack of chocolate pancakes. The red-haired girl laughed and waved off the compliment, flushed from a mixture of pride and punch.
"No, no, no... It has all been a result of Jaune pushing himself. He's... great," she sighed out before relaxing further into the couch. Jaune himself was sitting on beanbag near the corner of the room, flushing at her words. Nora piped up as well, who Ren had thankfully kept the spiked punch away from.
"Hell, yeah he is. He even took my advice and broke something! Not his legs but we can save that for next time," she proclaimed, giving a wink to Jaune. It was far more likely that it would be the other way around but he still returned the gesture with air fist. The mentioning of his accolades finally died down a bit after that, everyone focusing on eating rather than talking or on balancing the line between getting smashed and staying slightly buzzed.
"It's hard to believe the new semester begins tomorrow," spoke Ruby a couple of minutes into a pool game between Ren and Yang everyone had become invested in. "It doesn't even feel like that much time has passed."
Maybe for you.
The first day of school felt like forever ago. This morning felt like forever ago. Jaune stole a look at Weiss. He'd wasted a lot of time pining after her. Thinking back to beating Cardin, he realized he wasted a lot of time being afraid of him. Thinking back, he'd wasted a lot of time neglecting help before allowing Pyrrha to help him. Damn, I wasted a lot of time. I should start scheduling or something. New semester, new Jaune.
Though before that could happen, Jaune needed to set things right. He had felt eyes on him since this party had begun. He stood up from where he was sitting and announced off handily that he was going to the bathroom. A few muttered 'okay' before going back to the intense game of pool. He chuckled and walked out the room walking down the hallway a few paces before stopping and turning around. Sure enough, Weiss was right there.
"Hey... Weiss." Saying her proper name instead of 'Snow Angel' felt weird on his tongue, but better somehow. The heiress seemed to notice the change as well. She walked closer until they were standing but a few feet from each other. He made no move to decrease the distance. "You know, staring at me and meeting in a dark hallway could give off the wrong impression."
"You're a moron," spoke Weiss, her voice the audio equivalent of an ice pick. Jaune smiled and looked up at the ceiling. He saw out the corner of his eye the girl about to speak again. But he cut her off.
"Weiss, before you say anything, I just want to say I'm sorry for today. I put you in an awkward spot and might have made you out to be a villain. Come to think of it, I've been making you a villain since the beginning with my constant flirting. I took you being harsh as just playing hard to get. Your response today was what I needed."
Weiss looked a little taken aback but recovered in a matter of moments. "Be that as it may, I should have been more upfront from the beginning and we both could have saved ourselves the trouble. So, let me be clear, I do not like you, Jaune Arc. Also, regardless of your hindsight, I do apologize for my response earlier. It was... needlessly mean."
Jaune sighed. If only she had said that sooner. If only he'd taken a hint sooner. Though he still couldn't except it like this. "I'll respect your decision... but I would appreciate if you could give me a reason. It would help."
She sighed and seemed to actually be having to think about an answer. Is there one? There was.
"You came off as shallow, considering you began flirting with me as soon as we met. I initially believed you were a just another boy after the Schnee name until it became clear that wasn't the case. Although, then you just came off as a dolt, an incompetent dolt at that. The constant flirting wasn't just annoying, it was disrespectful, really. Every attempt seemed disingenuous, though after today I can admit that wasn't the case. The god-awful pickup lines. Also, you're not my type."
She has a type?
The air felt stale after she finished speaking. Her words stung, ultimately because everything - baring that last one - were things entirely his fault. Jaune licked his chapped lips and nearly began to let loose a torrent of 'I can change' and 'one chance is all I ask.' However, he held it in and breathed it out in the form of a large pint up sigh.
It's time to move on, Jaune.
"Thank you... for your honesty." He flashed a small grin. "Though I've never known you to be anything but honest."
"I've never had a reason to. You weren't worth the effort." Damn, she was cold.
"Fair enough... Well, guess that's all I wanted to know and all I needed to say," He spoke, the burden of this finally being lifted for good. "Guess I'll head back-"
"No," interrupted Weiss, arms crossed, noticeably blocking his way back. He'd probably be scared if it wasn't kind of hot.
"No," confirmed Weiss. "I want to know what you liked about me. If it really wasn't about my appearance, money, or influence. To my knowledge, it's the only thing my suitors ever thought about. So, I'm interested."
Jaune's expression stayed neutral, though inside he was shocked. Despite her even voice and rigid posture, the nature of the question seemed to imply that she was insecure on some level. Maybe all those things really were just what everyone before him had been interested in.
The thought saddened him.
"Well, at first I'll admit that it was just your beauty that struck me. You were like a masterwork painting that had come to life. However, after the first week, I began to notice all sorts of things, like your ability to focus, your diligence to improve yourself, ability to change when wrong. Not to mention that despite all your achievements you still had the humility to become a good teammate and... I guess a lot of it had to do with you being everything I wished I was. To me, you were perfect."
After finishing his spill, Jaune had to catch his breath. It was everything he'd ever want to say to Weiss. It was everything he had never had the guts to just come out and say. All of a sudden, he was back in the courtyard again, looking down at the girl he adored expectantly. She didn't say anything. Instead, staring deep into his eyes. He could already feel the heat radiating off his face. "Well?"
"Thank you for your honesty," she finally said, using the same response he'd used just a minute earlier. They stood in silence in the empty hallway for what felt like years before anyone spoke again. "I believe I misjudged you Arc. Truly."
Does that mean-
"However! That does not mean I wish to date you. It simply means I was wrong and that I feel the need to acknowledge it. Can you respect that?"
Could he? All of this still seemed sort of anticlimactic and deep down he still admired Weiss a lot... but looking deeper, he knew what the answer was. Jaune smiled and stretched out a hand. "Yes. Yes, I can."
She met him halfway and they shook firmly, cementing the end to the whole thing. Jaune - ignoring how heavenly her hand felt - could finally say he felt fully at peace. "Well, guess I really should get back to the party. It was thrown in my honor after all."
He thought he saw the ghost of a smile appear on Weiss' face before he turned around and began walking down the hallway. "Yes, I know what that can be like. Have a good night, Jaune." Weiss walked past the common room and headed onward to team RWBY's dorm before disappearing into it.
Jaune chuckled to himself before going back to the common room. Little had changed, although, now everyone was crowded around the pool table with rapt attention at the pool game between Ren and Yang. Ren looked uncharacteristically sweaty and tense having loosened his collar and let his hair down.
Meanwhile, Yang looked much the same, but had put her hair into a messy ponytail and was now only in a tight tank top. On the edge of the table, Jaune noticed two stacks of lien as well. Nora and Pyrrha were on Ren's side as he held his pool cue in a relaxed grip.
"Come on Ren, you got this!" Spoke Nora, a powdered pancake in one hand and a handful of lien in the other. Ren barely spared her a look, pink eyes glistening in focus.
"Hush Nora," he requested in a soft voice, lining up his shot. Blake, Ruby, and Yang stood on the other side, not speaking, only staring at the table with bated breath. There were two balls left not including the white billiard ball. It seemed Ren was the one behind because he was aiming for a striped three instead of the eight. Jaune hadn't even seen the middle of this game but taking in the stakes, he didn't dare breath or make his presence known.
"Yang Xiao-Long," began Ren, taking his shot and banking the billiard ball off two walls of the table before it connected with the striped 3, sinking it into the furthermost left pocket. Ruby left out a small gasp and Yang bit her lip. Ren looked dead into his opponent's eyes. "You asked if I was a pool shark earlier…"
Ren stood and walked around the table right next to Yang's side, so close that they were touching. He leaned down with a pool cue in hand, lining up what would be the final shot. "To answer that question…" He finally stopped aiming, having calculated everything. Ren looked up into Yang's lavender eyes one last time. "You. Tell. Me."
Looking back at the table, he made the shot with the grace of a master fisherman casting his line, with the accuracy of a silver-eyed sniper and the power of an Ursa's charge.
The 'click' Jaune heard when the two balls met was possibly the most beautiful sound he'd ever witnessed. A tear left Pyrrha's eye. The eight-ball gliding towards the pocket as if pulled magnetically and as expected, met its mark with a heavenly 'thunk.' Nora let out an involuntary moan, Pyrrha along with the other girls seemed to be flushed, and Jaune realized he was erect. Holy cow!
Ren rose from his crouched position and ran a hand through his long, dark hair in a way that could only be described as seductive. He walked past Yang, who was still staring in stunned silence, brushing past her in the process. He snatched up the two stacks of lien.
"I'll be taking that and because of the bet you so foolishly made, it seems team RWBY will be the ones cleaning up instead of my team."
"What! But-" began Ruby before being cut off.
"Interesting, I thought you were a woman of your word Ruby. Was I wrong?" His words shut the girl up before she could even begin. Ren pulled out a hair tie before putting up his hair again. "I believe we are done here. Have fun, ladies."
Yang fell to her knees as Team JPNR walked from the room. Only then did Jaune's team realize he had even come back. The black haired martial artist's personality did a 180 and all of a sudden, he was back to the sleepy teammate of Nora. Ren smiled and Jaune felt his heart leap into his throat. "Hello Jaune, you were gone so long I had begun to worry."
What the what?
It had been only approximately three minutes after Ciel woke up that she was called to Ironwood's office on the large airship. Her stomach complained as she walked the hallways, used to eating fifteen minutes after waking. She ignored it and walked through the ship, saluting at the soldiers walking by but otherwise not speaking with anyone before finally making it to the Headmaster's office. Looking at her watch, she was exactly on time.
Ironwood had always insisted that there was no need to knock if summoned, so she swiped her scroll over the metal door and it slid open, revealing the middle-aged general at a surprising uncluttered marble white desk. The only objects visible being a scroll and cup of coffee. Ciel walked in and the door shut behind her. She took a seat at the single metal chair facing the table. It clearly wasn't meant to be comfortable, perhaps built for the opposite, but the girl didn't mind. Use to her Headmaster's particular way of things.
"Good morning, Headmaster," spoke Ciel, saluting. He nodded and looked back down at his scroll.
"Good morning to you as well Ms. Soleil, I take it you didn't sleep well?"
"You would be correct, Headmaster." Of course, he would know that, being that he was well aware of her religious devotion to schedules, maybe even a passive result of her semblance. "While I'm fully capable of changing one to two things in my routine, redoing the entire thing will be a strain. Nothing I am not prepared for, however."
"Of course."
Once again, he went silent, interested in the scroll in his hand and taking sips of coffee. It took approximately fifteen seconds for Ciel to realize what was going on. Ironwood liked to beat around the bush more than anyone would suspect a man with authoritarian taste. When he was in the mood, or torturing someone, he could cut around the chase for hours or days. It was... effective. It was also something that Ciel had no patience for.
"Headmaster Ironwood, is there a reason you called me here?"
Ironwood looked at her before placing the beverage down. "Yes actually. I called you in here to inform you that I wish for Penny to win the Vital Tournament." The Headmaster left it at that and looked at her expectantly. Ciel stared back until it was clear he was waiting for a response.
"Are you telling me this because it is my job to make sure that it happens, sir?"
That was another thing that Ciel disliked. Orders that were not plainly spoken. Something that no one would ever expect the sure spoken General who always seemed to have a commandment ready on his lips. As expected her question went unanswered.
"Ms. Soleil, many people forget about the Vital Festival during the student exchange and then when they are alerted to the fact that the Tournament is near, they rush to get in extra training with their teammates."
"But that isn't the Atlas way," imputed Ciel, understanding where this was headed.
"No, it isn't. Ideally, it wouldn't be. However, students will be students and children will be children," he spoke the last part with a slight sigh but otherwise seemed unperturbed. Ciel had already begun to put together what he wanted from her without it ever being said. Analyze the best competition while they were still unguarded mentally, create a plan early, then reap the benefits in short order. Certainly not anything outside of her abilities.
"I understand now, Headmaster," she spoke. "I will carry out your wishes to their fullest extent. Discreetly, of course."
"Excellent. In that case, you are dismissed," he replied. Ciel nodded and stood to leave, though before she could get to the door was stopped. "Oh and Ms. Soleil, I must say that you are quite good at reading between the lines."
She turned back around before nodding. "Thank you for the compliment sir."
"Though your patience is still something to be desired. I'd suggest working on it. It can lend you quite the advantage on occasion," he added, making her think back to the beginning of the conversation. It had been a test. She'd surely sure up that weakness in due time.
"I understand Headmaster, I will work tirelessly on it."
"I have no doubt. Now you may leave. Be ready to the depart in approximately three hours."
Three hours, sixteen minutes and twelve seconds.
She saluted one more time before leaving his quarters.
It was morning when Ironwood's airship finally arrived in at Beacon, along with a few passenger ships that were dropping off a few Atlas students for the upcoming Vital Festival. A few students could be seen milling about, likely to check out the new students. It was about what Ciel expected. Looking out over the crowd as she stepped out, Ciel made out the faces of Bender and Jenny within the crowd, their Atlas student uniforms easily sticking out.
Bender Rojo wore the chilly grin he always carried and stood straight in a way that resembled a soldier. His skin was a rich olive, complemented by short black hair and light hazel eyes that could be mistaken for yellow. Jenny Honeydew, his partner, stood close by and waved enthusiastically. She was far paler than her partner, nearly being snow white, though her hair was aquamarine in color. If not for that then she might have been mistaken for a Schnee.
Ciel and Penny walked down the ramp behind General Ironwood, flanked by an escort of troops. The warm breeze of mid-day felt foreign already, Ciel wished for the frigid chill of Atlas already. Looking to her side, she saw that Penny was certainly cheerful to be back in Vale.
It's just another assignment.
As they reached the ground level, her teammates approached the escort from the side. Ironwood gave a hand signal and the two students were allowed to bypass the soldiers and come talk to their teammates. Before Ciel could say anything, she was taken into an extremely unwanted hug by Jenny.
"Helloooo, my dear leader!"
"Oh dear," spoke Ciel, having gone rigid in Jenny's arms. "Please cease all unnecessary contact."
"This is necessary contact."
"Good to see you again Ciel and Penny," spoke the fourth member of team Sapphire, Bender, who grabbed Jenny by the collar and yanked her off their leader. She nodded to him with gratitude.
"Thank you for your assistance, Rojo. It is good to make your acquaintance once again as well. We have much to discuss," thanked Ciel, brushing the wrinkles out of her shirt. "However, it will have to wait-"
"Nonsense," spoke the General, who had a small smile at seeing the teammates reunion. "Ms. Soleil. Ms. Polendina. You are dismissed until further notice. I must speak with Headmaster Ozpin right now at any rate." The soldiers standing by looked to the General.
"Should a few of us stay with the girl?" The girl meaning Penny, who was often flanked by soldiers at all times in public. Something that confused Ciel, considering the girl's enormous strength, though not anything she'd question out loud. Headmaster Ironwood simply kept walking.
"Ms. Soleil can handle it," was all he said. The soldiers grunted in the affirmative before continuing forward with the general, leaving Ciel and her team behind. While it was true Ciel was at the very top of the class, that including students in higher grades, the Headmaster's trust in her was truly surprising at times.
I won't fail him.
"Teacher's pet," muttered Rojo. Ciel ignored his comment. Jenny and Penny had begun chatting about some nonsense or other. Seeing as Jenny was nearly as oblivious as Penny at times, she regretfully had to conversate with him.
"Rojo, did you receive the message I sent you one hour, eighteen minutes, and forty-three seconds prior to this moment." His grin widened.
"That I did. The hit list you requested madame." His voice may have been saturated with snark but he still proceeded in withdrawing his scroll and handing it to her. Despite his infuriating antics, the boy did good work. She scanned through the index of names, memorizing it.
"They're in order?"
"Excellent. Also, please refrain from calling it such in the future. That name would invoke unneeded confusion."
"Is it not accurate though?"
"...Ms. Polendina, Honeydew. We're leaving. Please escort us to our dorm, Rojo," spoke Ciel, refusing to admit that the boy was right. Though the grin he wore proved he already knew. He turned on his heels and march forward.
"Ladies... and Ciel, follow me."
Four years... then I'll kill him. The four walked across the courtyard towards the school, drawing a few glances but little more. Hmm, the campus isn't as horrid as I might have expected. It's unorganized for sure but has a certain charm. Though the students milling about do little to give an impression of discipline.
"Turn to your left and you can see the beautiful Beacon botany; best botanical bar none, baby," narrated Bender, who Ciel had decided to tune out for the duration of her time before reaching the dorm room. Instead, she focused her attention on Jenny.
"Honeydew, how have the classes been for you?"
"They're good, I guess. Honestly, it's a vacation compared to Atlas' pacing."
"I see," replied Ciel, looking at her scroll, where a schedule for the classes were displayed. She trusted Jenny's assessment, enough to change how much time she'd allot for homework and increase the amount of time for espionage. "And have you found the populous to be applicable to prying?"
"Well… I haven't tried to interact with them much…" she said sheepishly. "The only contact I've had is when I think some guys were trying to talk to me but left when Bender came back for some reason."
Ciel added 'brazen' and 'cowardly' to the mental list of Beacon student's attributes. "Good to know. I do hope you haven't been neglecting your studies simply because of a decrease in workload."
"Oh, course not, madame." She spoke in a slightly timid voice. Jenny, while bombastic at times, was surprisingly easy to cull. Maybe that was just Remnant giving Ciel a break, however.
As the team walked, Ciel made a mental note of the way so as to not have to ask again. A left, a right, another right, up a floor… she also made a note of the different rooms they passed as well, spacing in and out of Bender's monologue based on whether or not he was giving actual useful information.
"…and here we are, dorm sweet dorm," spoke the boy, making a grand gesture of pointing out their room. "You'll be happy to know that there's at least 1/3 more square footage than at Atlas. Pretty fancy."
Ciel wasn't sure why that would be much of a selling point considering this team had more room in Atlas than any other, considering Penny didn't stay in the same room. Another condition she was not given a reason for. Speaking of…
"Ms. Polendina, I believe we-"
Turning around, she saw that there was no Penny to be found. Only a few other students milling about. Keeping a straight face, she turned to her teammates. "You wouldn't happen to have seen where Ms. Polendina went?"
Bender began looking around in confusion. Guess that was a no. Jenny was doing much the same. Stay calm. Stay calm. Ciel withdrew her scroll and called Penny. It rang. It rang…then timed out. The Atlas student felt a blood vessel burst.
New semester... new me. New semester, new me.
Similar to two days ago, Jaune felt different, though more complete. Everything that defined him during his last semester was over. No more Weiss pining, no more cowering to Cardin, and no more complaining. Hell, now that Weiss was behind him he might even turn his attention to someone else!
Then why does this still irritate me?
The day had started like any other. He woke up, brushed his teeth, took a shower, ate some food... typical day really. At the moment, his team and team RWBY were chilling in the library. True to his new resolve, Jaune was actually reading a textbook instead of pretending like normal. However, something kept drawing his eyes.
"So, Snow Angel…"
Some blue haired Haven student was flirting with Weiss and while that wouldn't have angered him at all, the fact she was humoring him did. What was different from his approach? Not to mention Jaune could tell the dude wasn't even trying and didn't care. Jaune continued to look down at the textbook on Grimm anatomy. Another thing that bothered him was that based on this evidence, Weiss was a hypocrite! She claimed he had come off as shallow, but there she was getting flustered over someone based on how they looked!
You're over her remember? It shouldn't matter anyway.
Either he wasn't doing a good job hiding his ire or his teammates expected a reaction because he could feel all their eyes on him. They weren't aware of his and Weiss' talk and thus assumed what she was doing hurt him. Jaune refused to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing him anything but impassive at the act. Still, Pyrrha's hand found its way to his.
"Jaune are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well…" she began. "This is the first time I've seen you read a textbook without an X-ray and Vav comic book in front of it. Not to mention you've stared at the same page for ten minutes…"
Jaune raised an eyebrow. "I'll have you know Pyr that I've decided to take my studies more seriously. Also, this is a very interesting page I'll have you know."
Thank goodness the page just happened to be on a complex diagram, so his second statement could be plausible. Pyrrha smiled at him. "That's nice, Jaune. I'm glad to see the change of attitude towards studying."
"Hehe yeah, you know me," laughed Jaune before going back to his book and blocking out all other stimuli.
Yesterday had been a good day. There had been an epic food fight and he'd been able to get in a really good day of training as well, Pyrrha having been extra tough on him. Something about how now that he beat Cardin she could go all out. She was woefully overestimating him but the sentiment was nice. The soreness in his muscles weren't, however. Yesterday had also been good because Weiss was noticeably nicer to him. Even saying good morning to him instead of the other way around. It had shocked everyone at the table.
Pyrrha looked over to where Weiss was talking with Neptune before looking back to him. "You're not mad at all by that?" She asked in a low voice.
"It's not really any of my business is it?"
"It's not?" Asked Nora incredulously, looking up from the book she was sleeping on. The reaction managed to get a chuckle out of Jaune.
"No, it isn't. Never was, really," he spoke, still looking down at his book. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the shocked expression of Pyrrha slowly turned into a small but ever-increasing grin. Gods, she looked happier than when he beat Cardin. Ren and Nora were giving each other looks. They're acting like I said I'm becoming the new Headmaster.
"Oh Jaune, this is an excellent change of attitude! Yes, yes!" Blurted out Pyrrha in a loud voice, clearly trying not to yell. Huh, guess she really hated to see me getting upset over Weiss. Gosh, what a great partner. "I'm glad you finally came to this conclusion."
"Yes, it is quite the healthier change of mindset. Although, I must ask, where did this come from?" Asked Ren. "Now that I recollect, Weiss seemed more cordial to you yesterday. Did something happen between you two?"
"Yeah actually. We finally talked seriously about the whole thing and settled matters," He explained, specifically leaving out why they initially settled matters. They wouldn't judge him if they learned about his break down, but he'd still rather avoid it. Jaune looked over at her again and smiled. "It's better this way."
Pyrrha rested her hand on his forearm in support. A better friend there has never been. "You're right, Jaune. You'll see this is for the best."
Jaune smiled. "Thanks, Pyrrha. I'll try to be a better partner to you this semester as well." Even as he spoke these words he already knew what she'd say.
"You've already been a good partner to me, Jaune," she replied with a smile. Yep, almost word for word.
Jaune chuckled and stood up, stretching his arms and yawning. Honestly, how could anyone be as good to him as Pyrrha was? He'd been a class A douchebag for a good while there and had she judged him for it Jaune wouldn't have blamed the girl at all. Yet, damnation never came.
"Whatever you say, Pyr. I'm still going to try better regardless," yawned out Jaune. When he began walking away from the table, Pyrrha stood up to leave as well before he stopped her. "I'm coming back you know, I'm just headed to the bathroom."
"Oh... right."
Jaune smiled at the small blush on her cheeks and continued walking until he left the library. While it was true that there was a bathroom in the library, he needed an excuse to go for a walk. Not a particularly long one, but just long enough to clear his head. Mhmm, guess I won't have a chance to go to the garden today either. Ever since the first time, he'd been looking for an opportunity to get back, seeing as sitting in grassy area had helped him to think. Though with all the time he was spending with his team, guess it was out of the question for now.
"Hmm, maybe this weekend?" Jaune asked himself out loud. "No... I should really spend that time with my team as well. Although I could-"
"Who are you talking to?"
Jaune nearly didn't register that the words were spoken to him. He took two more paces before stopping and turning his head to see a red-haired girl looking at him with her head cocked to the side. Looking around the hallway and seeing no one else, Jaune concluded that yes, she was talking to him.
"Uh... myself…"
"You can talk to yourself?" She asked, green eyes fluttering at him. Jaune was certain that he'd never met this person before and was positive she wasn't a first-year Beacon student either. Oooohhh, must be one of the visiting students. Man, the other Kingdoms have some weirdos.
"Sure. I talk to myself all the time. It's like thinking but saying them out loud instead of in your head." I can't believe I'm describing this to someone who isn't below age 7. Is this a joke?
"Fascinating," she responded, coming off completely genuine. Jaune's mind blanked on what to say next. This person clearly needed an adult and that was not him.
"Um, so where are you from?"
Huh, that's a surprise. "Cool, I have a friend from Atlas. Do you know Weiss Schnee?" Asked Jaune, despite realizing that it wasn't likely. Penny placed a hand on her chin in thought.
"I do not believe so, but I have met Winter Schnee, the elder sister of Weiss Schnee." This reeled in Jaune's attention further. He hadn't heard Weiss ever mention a sister. Granted maybe it was just common knowledge and it was just another detail he somehow missed. Hmm, I should check that out and see what Weiss will look like when she's older.
"May I ask a question now?"
Jaune looked up from his thoughts. "Hm? Yeah, go for it."
"Do you know a Ruby Rose?"
"Yeah, she's one of my best friends. You know her?"
"Yes, we met on my last trip to Vale and she became my first friend!" She said with glee. Jaune grinned at hearing the information.
"No kidding? Ruby was my first friend at Beacon and I was hers!" Exclaimed Jaune. "Wow, small world, right?" Asked the blond leader raising a hand for a high five.
"No, the world is quite big," she answered before completing the high five, a move that nearly depleted 3% of Jaune's aura, possibly fracturing a bone. It took everything in him to not fall on the ground and do an imitation of Cardin.
"Errrmmm, quite the strength you got there... actually I don't think I caught your name?" Jaune realized, still clutching his arm. Penny nodded in agreement.
"That is correct."
"Okay. Can I get your name then?"
Sigh. Weiss greatly exaggerated Atlas if people like this are walking around. Ruby must have the patience of a saint. "Okay... well, I'm Jaune Arc. Short, sweet... actually never mind. What is your name?"
"My name is-"
"Ms. Polendina," spoke a voice from further down the hallway. Jaune saw 'Ms. Polendina' seize up at the sound, her expression like one of a child caught being up past bedtime. Turning to its source, Jaune caught a glimpse of the new girl that just arrived. She stood straighter than a metal rod, her sharp gaze made him feel inadequate, and the tone of her voice was reminiscent of Glynda Goodwitch. Now, this is how he pictured an Atlas student. "May I ask why you left my supervision when you were instructed otherwise?"
"It's unacceptable nevertheless. I should record it in my report." The red-haired girl found something interesting to look at on the ground, seemingly not being able to look up. The girl's piercing eyes then found their way to Jaune, grounding him in place. "And who are you?"
"J-Jaune. Jaune Arc," he responded immediately, sweating slightly. Her eyes narrowed.
"I see." She outstretched her hand. "I am Ciel Soleil. Excuse my partner."
Jaune found that he had lost the ability to speak at some point, so he just nodded his head and shook hands. Ciel had a very firm grip. Or maybe that was just his arm still recovering from Ms. Polendina. Either way, it left him light-headed.
The girl in blue and white did a 180 on her heels and began walking off. The friend of Ruby followed closely behind, not saying anything else. Within a few seconds, they were out of view.
Arm still throbbing and still slightly confused at the sequence of events, Jaune walked back to the library in a haze, plopping down next to Pyrrha, and let his thoughts catch up. Okay yes, what the hell was that? Anyway, guess I should tell Ruby or something. Looking around, he saw that team RWBY was gone.
"Did team RWBY go back to their dorm?" He asked. Pyrrha looked up from her book and nodded. Well, he could always just message Ruby on his scroll. Although in all the excitement he had forgotten to use the bathroom... with a sigh he stood back up. "I have to speak to Ruby about a thing... I'll be back."
Note to self, use the bathroom in the library next time.
As Jaune withdrew from the library a second, he thought back to the girl he'd run into. Or rather the teammate of the girl he'd run into. Just thinking about her gaze ran a shiver up his spine.
"Teammate Ciel, you mean it!"
Ciel nodded, walking side by side with Penny so as not to lose the girl again. She had just informed Penny that she would neglect to inform Ironwood about this little mishap on the condition it didn't happen again.
Of course, it also benefited Ciel, seeing as the Headmaster wouldn't lose trust in her this way. Though Penny was still a bit too naïve to catch on to that. There another reason why Ciel wasn't angry, however. She had gotten to meet Jaune Arc. He by himself wasn't very important, but who he was teamed with was. At the top of the list Rojo had made for people to look out for come the tournament rested Pyrrha Niko, with Nora Valkyrie not far behind.
It would be advantageous to see him again.
A/N: New story new me. This is the first purely Romanic story I've written thus far and also the first story I'll only be doing with two prospectives. Well, tell me what you think in the comments and I'll see you at the next update.