After they went to the ice cream shop for their first real date, they had made it a regular thing. Once a month, Zed and Addison would meet at one of their houses before they walked to the ice cream shop for a frozen treat.

Ever since the integration program had reached outside of the school, older Zombies had been given jobs outside of Zombie town. Some of these zombies had put their heads together with the human workers at the shop and helped come up with new, better ice cream flavours.

By their fourth date, there were more flavours than ever before.

Zed and Addison quickly ordered and sat down with their frozen treats.

"This looks so good!" said Addison, licking her lips at her strawberry-chocolate ice cream.

"Yeah," agreed Zed, already digging into his Oreo ice cream.

A few minutes into their food, Zed cried out, clutching his head.

"What's wrong?!" Addison exclaimed, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Zed shivered, holding his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "Bwaine fweeze."

She raised her eyebrow, amused. "Brain freeze?"

"Un-huh," he said still trying to get rid of it.

She laughed at this.

"S'not funny," he mumbled, even though there was a tiny smirk on his lips. "It hurts."

"I'm sorry," she said between chuckles. "But it is."

His smile widened. "Maybe just a little."