AN: Hello! So I'm trying to pump out as much chapters while my brain is fresh with the story. After this chapter please tell me some thoughts ect and if you like where this story is going!
Kind regards Ellysa xx
*disclaimer this is Richelle meads world and this story is just my spin of it*
Christians pov.
The clock hanging over the fire place chimed a soft sound alerting me to it being midnight or 12noon if you didn't live nocturnal hours. I swirled the whisky on the rocks in my hand before taking a big gulp, I wasn't much of drinker though with todays events I needed to feel the burn of liquor. A quiet shuffle of feet only picked up by my heighten hearing I looked over to see guardian Summers leaving being replaced with Dimitri, Knowing the schedule this wasn't his watch but had a feeling he had been informed of where I had been today. I gave him a nod and directed my hand for him to take a seat next to me, we were in one of the many lounge rooms in our house at court I would have been happy with a smaller home but with lissa being queen apparently this was one of the perks a 35roomed house. I raised my glass and pointed to the bottle on the glass coffee table silently asking Dimitri if he would like a drink he just shook his head before speaking.
"No thank you Christian by the looks of it you need it more than I do, I take it visiting your aunt didn't go well" he asked with genuine concern on his face.
"Did you know I had a sister? Actually, two sisters a set of twins only around 2 years younger than me" my words came out flat and monotone almost like I didn't believe it myself. Tasha wouldn't lie would she and what would she have to gain from this anyway nothing. My memories of my parents were something I didn't let myself think about. Though surely, I would remember my mother being pregnant I know I was only young but sisters are something you don't forget so easily. I looked up at Dimitri he showed some shock in my words only slightly the rest of his composure was stone faced every guardian I knew had the same sort of stone guardian mask must come with the years of training, I spoke up again this time letting out a sigh.
"Most of my life up and till I met Lissa I felt like I always got the raw end of the deal. What my parents did, always having that shadow over my family and never being able to find my place till she became a big part of my life. It hasn't been easy between us but we always made sense and things always worked out well in the end. When Tasha shot rose than everything came out about what she had done. It was if I couldn't get away from my families' shadow just as things now were getting better the birth of my girls, this gets dropped in my lap what if they're horribly screwed up from there childhood like me what if they had great lives and then I come along with suitcases full of baggage.
"what if they gain a brother that they always felt like there was a missing piece or something good to come out of the past. A brother that I know is fiercely loyal sometimes an witty ass but a brother that will protect them at all costs just like he already does with his own beautiful twin girls" Dimitri said cutting me off, He was right but I was still in shock of the news and knew I needed to find them than I could decide what to do.
"Do you think you could reach out to any contacts you have in Russia Tasha seems to think that's where they could be and that's the only lead I have at this stage, they were born with the names Delilah and Elina "I said picking up my glass having another big gulp before resting it on my knee and looking over at Dimitri.
"Elina and Delilah?" Dimitri repeated eyes narrowing slightly.
"Apparently" I said with a shrug. Dimitri nodded and pulled out his phone quickly tapping in a number before holding it up to his ear, Jesus he worked fast he could at least have waited a decent time to call somebody or maybe he felt as if it was urgent.
"hello mama sorry to call you out of the blue but I need to ask you a question" Dimitri paused before continuing on. "Does Viki still have contact with those two moroi girls? another pause this time longer "I see yes thank you mama ill give you a call soon" Dimitri hung up the phone and turned to me a weird expression on his face he ran his hand though his hair and sighed.
"I don't want to get your hopes up because this could be a crazy coincidence but my sister Viki had two moroi girls she went to the academy with, who she was close with from a young age both sharing the same name but in Russia we called them Eilza and Delka. I only met them a few times they from memory shared similar features to yourself. "Dimitris eyes bore into me looking for a reaction.
"It couldn't be this easy to find them? Tasha had to have known this!" I roared standing up. You don't find your long-lost sisters this easy. I paused taking in a deep breath and turned back to Dimitri.
"Thank you, if you don't mind keep this between us maybe doing some more digging I would greatly appreciated it." I said making my way to the door Dimitri gave me a nod, his eyes told me he understood. I needed to get myself to bed than tomorrow morning speak with Lissa about finding them.
"Christian what a lovely surprise why didn't you tell me this morning you would be coming in! I see you come bringing my favourite, Give me give me please." sang my beautiful wife holding her hands out for the bag of food from her number 1 favourite restraunt at court. Red lantern it was a modern Chinese that had these spring rolls that Lissa was obsessed with, when pregnant with the girls it was pretty much all she ate. I gave her the bag and she dug straight in.
" Sorry for springing it on you, I rang your assistant to make sure you had time. I need to discuss something with you." I spoke smiling at her.
" hmm and you needed food to do it, Did you threaten one of the council members again because I cannot keep using compulsion on people when you have a disagreement" she breathed out getting a tiny crease between her brows, that happened whenever she was concerned.
I gave out a laugh "no not this time its about my visit with Tasha yesterday" I moved closer to her and pulled her over to where a fancy looking lounge sat sitting her down close to me before grabbing her Just stayed silent waiting for me to continue.
"Yesterday, Tasha told me I have two sisters. Twins actually. "my voice was low and questioning as I was still having a hard time believing it myself when spoken out loud.
"oh Christian" lissa pulled me into her arms just squeezing her small arms around my body giving me instant comfort, I relaxed heavily into her. Lissa just knew what my feelings were sometimes before I had time to register them myself always making me feel at home in her arms.
"anything you need me to do, You tell me. Ill pull in all the favours I have too, if that's what you want" Lissa words continued to bring me comfort.
" Perks of having my wife as queen" I responded making her giggle at my words releasing me from her arms but she held on to my hands and looked lovingly into my eyes.
" Makes the hassle of being queen, worth it" she smiled her green eyes big.
" Dimitris following up on some leads for me but thank you" I smiled at my beautiful wife just feeling the love coming off her, If anyone understood about finding out about secret siblings it was lissa she only she found out she had a sister Jill a few years ago.
I said my goodbyes to Lissa leaving her to rule our people. I made my way walking though court trying to settle down my emotions about everything, my mind wandered to what they might be like. Something in me slightly feared that they would have some of my sarcastic humour and another part of me wondered what they might look like. Before my mother turned she had been beautiful with striking features always holding herself so elegantly this train of thought got me thinking what if meeting my sisters would open old wounds and stir up things I had long ago buried what if just looking at them or being with them was too hard. My thoughts were cut off by vibration in my back pocket. I reefed out my phone to see Dimitris calling ID, I answered in a gruff voice.
" Christian, we either got lucky or Tasha knows more than she's letting on I found Delka." Said Dimitri with an edge of caution in his voice causing shock to run though my system.
"whoa ok, What happens next " I spoke letting out a long breath this was happening faster than I think I was ready for.
"Well rose spoke to Abe, He's personally going to Russia to collect Delka than bring her to court" Dimitri sounded as if there was more than he was telling me but I was in enough shock to ask what, I was going to meet one of my sisters.
" Wow alright I spoke to lissa this morning so ill start making arrangements for her stay here. Will Elina be joining her later I asked Dimitri. Maybe having one sister at a time was a good idea less of a shock to the system.
" Delka will let you know Ozera" said Dimitri his voice really kicking in guardian mode. Over the last few years Dimitri and I had found ourselves on a friends basis becoming familiar with each other. So for him to use my last name and switch to guardian mode told me that he was hiding something. I didn't have time to worry about that now I would investigate later for now I had to ring lissa and some serious thinking/processing to do.
" Thank you Dimitri" I said before hanging up the phone. In the last 24hrs I had found out I had twin sisters and in another 24hrs I would be meeting one of them. Boy just when I thought things were settling down.
Thank you for reading hope you like it ! the next chapter will be a lot more interesting so please leave a review and let me know what you think Delka is going to be like!