CD: Alrighty then! Last chapter!

Rune: Already? *looks at the remaining story* That's rather short for an ending.

CD: Well, what do you expect? I finished the darn thing at an unholy hour of the morning!

Rath: What'd you do that for? Why not wait until later?

Thatz: I'll bet she typed it up in 5 minutes just to get it over with.

Rune: You know very well that she worked hard on this story…

Rath: *sees list of reviews* *blinks* Hey, 13 reviews… that's lot for you, CD.

CD: *proudly* Yeah, and 12 different reviewers! It beat my other fic!

Thatz: Having only 13 reviews is nothing to be proud of…

CD: *grabs a homemade flame-thrower, consisting of a lighter duct-taped to a bottle of hair spray* Don't make me use this on you…

Rune: *quickly takes the 'flame-thrower' away from CD* Don't burn him to death!

CD: *sigh* You're right. Oh well. I'd like to thank the absolutely, positively, astoundingly wonderful reviewers who took the time to read and review the previous chapter, specifically Tsumi, Neo-Kitty (I wish they were nicer too, but what can I say… I don't hate 'em!), wingnut, and last but not least, Tani Gesakusha! *bows* Thank you all!

Rath, Rune and Thatz: CyberDeletion does not own Dragon Knights…

CD: On to the last, really short chappie! ^_^

The legend is real.

I am a descendant of the elf.

I have the flute from the legend.

Mai sees the flute around my neck and stifles a gasp. She hurries me into the kitchen, out of earshot of everyone else.

"Where did you get that flute?" she demands.

"Thatz took it from the Manor and decided he couldn't sell it for much so he let me have it."

"Do you know what that thing can do? It's a lethal weapon!"

"Yes, I know, I read about it in your book. I need to do something about it."

"You might not be able to do anything. You said that you saw the ghost last night, right? That means that the demons should be here any minute. They're after the flute."

I suddenly got an idea. I start heading upstairs to grab my coat and the flute's case before heading out.

"Where are you going?" asks Mai.

"I've got an idea, and it's simple enough to possibly work!" I call as I reach the top of the stairs. Less than a minute later, I'm running in the fierce storm towards the origin of the problem: the Manor.

The doors still open for me as I run through the halls, trying to remember where the room with the instruments is. After what feels like hours but is probably only minutes, I find the room where Thatz had dropped the alabaster statue. I retrace my steps from there and find myself placing the flute, complete with its case and sheets of music, back where it had been. I run to the broken window and look outside, shielding my eyes from the rain to see if there are any demons or ghosts heading this way. I once again regret my actions, even though no one has seen me. The ghosts and demons don't know the flute is here yet, so the ghosts are probably still searching the town. As a matter of fact, the demons are probably terrorizing the town right now, too. I jump out the window and land the right way this time, not having been pushed. I run back toward the town as fast as my feet can carry me.

I get back to town and see that I was right, that the demons are or at least were here. I see two unidentifiable bodies lying mangled on the ground already. When I get to the inn, it is dark and empty. It looks like there was a struggle there because many things are broken and damaged and blood is splattered on some of the walls. A few of the bodies of the people I had seen playing "Monopoly" earlier are strewn about. I recognize one of them and know that a demon had finally gotten the better of Rath. I stand there, stunned, not knowing what to do, only knowing that this could have been prevented. I spot to round orbs half-hidden under some wreckage. I dig them out and discover the Dragon Eyes.

I remember how Thatz wanted to use them to find the nearest town, before we came to this one. Now I wish that I had let him. The three of us would probably end up somewhere else, away from the Manor and the flute. This wouldn't have happened and no one would have died.

"I wish," I say aloud, my voice sounding strange and out of place in the relative quiet, "That I could start over. I wish I had let Thatz try to use the Dragon Eyes when he wanted to." To my astonishment, the Dragon Eyes began to glow. That meant they were going to grant my wish! I smile, the last thing I do before time undoes itself.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" I ask, looking skeptically around at the dense foliage surrounding us. We three Dragon Knights have been walking for hours and the little patches of sky I can see tell me that the distance to the nearest town will be traveled amid a downpour if we don't get there soon. I knew we shouldn't have taken that "Shortcut" Thatz insisted on.

"Well, actually, this isn't really a way…" starts Thatz, the food and treasure obsessed Dragon Knight of Earth. "If we could only use the Dragon Eyes, we could probably figure out the way to the nearest town quicker than we could with my map."

"Don't get me started, Thatz. We don't know how to use them and they're not ours to use in the first place," I say, but then something in the back of my mind tells me to let him at least try, so I concede. "… But I guess just trying to use them couldn't hurt much."

Thatz grabs the Dragon Eyes and starts looking them over, as though there might be instructions written on part of it. "I wish I knew how to use these things… hey! Wish, that's it! I wish we knew where the nearest town with good food is." The Dragon Eyes glow only briefly. Thatz shakes them. "I don't think they're working. I still don't know where the nearest town is. Anyone else?" Rath and I both shake our heads.

Thatz sighs and tries looking at his map again. "Hey, the map says there's a road right by here… oops, I guess we were going the wrong way this whole time."

"You guess?" I say, slightly annoyed.

"Hey, Thatz is right! We're right next to a road!" says Rath, running towards it. Thatz runs after him, saying something about being an expert map-reader. I laugh and look back in the direction that we were heading in. I wonder, where would we have ended up if we had continued traveling that way?

"Rune! Hurry up, or we're gonna leave you there!" yells Rath.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I call, running towards the newly found road and a different future.

CD: There! It's done! My first finished chaptered fic!

Rath and Thatz: *glaring* You killed us…

CD: *nervously* Uh… blame the unholy hour of the morning?

Rune: CyberDeletion? There's one more thing you need to take care of… *points to Digimagic's reviews* What in Dusis are they talking about?

CD: Oh, yes. I have a reply from one of my original characters, Kat. *clears throat* "To Bakura: Die, now. Contrary to popular (or at least your) belief, I am not a nutcase. Nor am I a kitten. My Yami is also neither of these things. I do not know why a character from a different series is posting here, but do know this: you will not, I repeat, not live long enough to post again. If that does not come to pass, you will at least sustain enough bodily harm to insure you will not be moving for a long, long time. To Sarah and Kit: I know CD appreciates your positive review. To Neko: I'm not going to ask how you got my candy bars." …Yeah.

Thatz: That was long, and too sane-sounding to belong to one of your characters.

CD: *ties up Thatz, gags him, and puts a "For Rent" sign on him* Whoever wants him can have him until the next time I write a fic with him in it. You've just got to share it with anyone else that wants him until then.

Rath: Hey! You can't just rent people like that!

Rune: You're right, she can't!

CD: *ties Rath and Rune up, too* *puts a "For Rent" sign on Rath* Same stuff applies for Rath as it does Thatz. I'm keeping Rune, though. *bows* Thank you all for spending your valuable time reading and reviewing!