I am clumsier than I care to admit.

Sure, I am an amazing football player and amazing dancer, but when it comes to everyday life, and simply walking around, doing simple tasks, I am very clumsy.

Stubbing my toe on my first day of school was neither my first or last time doing so.

The next time I stub my toe, it is while walking to lunch with Addison.

We're right next to each other, arm in arm. We've almost made it to the cafeteria when I hit something with my right foot. Pain blossoms in my big toe and I cry out.

I can sense Addison as she stops walking and stands beside me as I glare at the trash can I have hit.

I chew on the inside of my cheek, reminded of the last time this happened. At least this time, no one is going to pull the Zombie Alert over it.

"Aw, man," I groan, still bent over. "That smarts." I hop over to Addison and she lets me lean against her as the pain begins to fade some.

"Are you going to be okay?" she asks.

I nod. "Yep. Just, it happened again."

"Really? Does this happen a lot?"

I nod, able to stand up straighter, although my toe continues to throb. "Yeah. I hit the same toe last time, too."

"Man, that stinks. You don't seem very clumsy."

I shrug. "Maybe."

She looks at me. "What do you mean."

I start walking, ignoring the question. "What do you think they're serving for lunch today? Cauliflower brains, cauliflower brains, or cauliflower brains?"

She laughs, knowing she won't get a straight answer out of me about my clumsiness. Instead, she goes along with my joke. "Hmm," she says, "how about cauliflower brains?"

"Exactly," I reply, sidestepping another trash can. "Not this time," I say, sticking my tongue out at it.

Okay, so maybe I'm only clumsy when I don't pay attention.

Either way, stubbing my toe still hurts.