A/N: Any character's or recognizable dialogue/place etc. Belong to A&E and ABC.

After a long day of fighting off the newest Big Bad, Emma Swan gratefully plopped down on the couch, with her third drink in her hand. She knew she should have had some tea to help sober her up a bit. She had too much to drink already, knew her emotions free fall when she drank. Contrary to popular belief, Emma Swan was not a bad ass without any feelings besides rage and ass kicking. She did have feelings, she just kept them shoved down deep in her soul. It was a habit she had to learn the hard way, when one of the snot nosed brats in her newest foster home got sick of her crying about her parents and stole her favorite stuffed rabbit so she'd "have something to cry about." She found it later in a fire pit, mangled beyond repair.

Shaking off the memory, Emma picked up her cell phone, hand shaking, dialing one of the few contacts in her phone. He answered on the second ring.

'Hello?" came Rumpelstiltskin's voice, his soft lilting brogue instantly bringing tears to her eyes.

"Hey Rumple, are you able to talk?" She then heard the soft squeak of a chair and then a door softly being closed. "Of course, dear. What do you need?'

Emma took a shaky breath, let it out and replied "I need you to lie to me".

"What?" came Rumple's replied, "Why on earth would you want me to lie to you?"

"I need you to lie to me" she repeated, "I know you don't "a sob escaped her throat before she could muffle it "I know you don't care about me the same way I care about you. I know you don't-can't- love me back. But I am so tired of hanging on by my fingertips. I'm ready to let go, and I know I can't. So I need you to lie to me. "

She took a deep breath for courage for what she was about to say next." Tell me you love me. Convince me that if I were to leave, your whole world would shatter and break. Make me believe you love me. Even if it's only for tonight. Even if it's only a lie".

He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "I love you sweetheart. I love you so much sometime it hurts. Please don't leave me. Everyone I have ever loved has left me in one way or another. I don't want to lose you too".