Chapter Four: lazy hip sensei and Emotional turmoil

'Kurama thinking'

'Naruto Thinking'

"Kurama Talking"

"Naruto Talking"

Jutsu will be spoken normally from now on.-

Iruka's Class Team Assignment's

The classroom was full of students waiting to find out what their teams would be for the foreseeable future and who was going to be there sensei's.

Except a select few, these few were Sasuke who was too busy thinking and plotting about how his sensei better be strong, so he can become stronger himself to defeat HIM. Ino who was still having conflicted feelings about Sasuke and more recently Naruto.

All Sasuke's fangirls who were hoping to be on his team and finally Shikamaru who was hoping his sensei would let him just sit down and watch the clouds

Iruka was also just sitting in his chair at his desk waiting for the correct time to announce the teams when suddenly there was a large flash of yellow that lasted all but a second when if vanished in its place was on Naruto Uzumaki with the same book that he remembered a certain silver-haired jonin reading.

When what the book truly was, was his father's journal which he disguised to look like an Icha Icha book. Just to piss people off really

'God ever since I matured my need for subtle pranks and trickery has increased.' Naruto thought

"NARUTO WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Iruka all but yelled in shock at how little brother figure has just appeared in a flash.

Naruto wasn't going to reply because he thought Iruka was just joking but noticed that he plus the class was looking for an answer.


"Dobe I demand you teach me that jutsu you used to get into the classroom." One stuck up Uchia brat decided to announce.

Naruto simply turned to the direction of Sasuke lowered his book slightly, so his eyes were showing and performed a double eye smile.

"huh you say something?" he answered in probably the most nonchalant tone they have ever heard.


A certain silvered haired join just woke up suddenly and felt the urge to pump his fist into the air.

"huh strange, wait aren't I supposed to be at the academy in like an hour?" he thought nonchalantly

"Oh, wait I don't go to the academy." He spoke as he went to attempt to sleep again before realising something.

"SHIT IM SUPPOSED TO MEET MY TEAM TODAY!" he all but yelled still somehow in a nonchalant tone he then remembered something vital that he couldn't believe he forgot.

"oh…wait...I don't care." And went back to sleep.

After he spoke those words a sudden green beast decided to shout something about HIP attitudes dampening the flame of youths.


Everyone suddenly faces faulted when they heard Naruto's reply will inside naruto's mind Kurama was laughing so hard he could have sworn he was going to die.


Meanwhile, Sasuke had an entirely different reaction he was seething in rage at being ignored and by the class dobe as well.

"HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME YOU PATHETIC WE- "before he could continue,

he noticed Naruto still wasn't even paying him any attention.

Iruka noticing the commotion that might take place decided to use his original jutsu 'THE DEMON LARGE HEAD JUTSU' and yelled

"SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" everyone promptly shut up and found their seats.

"right good, now we can get onto the teams," Iruka said standing up favouring his right leg over his left because it was still injured from that night with Mizuki. "Team one…."Naruto just decided to not even pay attention until he here's what team he was one and then proceeds to continue not listening

Eventually, Iruka got to his team. "and team 7 will be Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki. Your team sensei will be Kakashi Hatake."

Once all the fangirls heard this, they let out moans and death glares at Sakura for being with their precious 'Sasuke-Kun'

Sakura, on the other hand, was hopeful that being on Sasuke's team could help 'Hmm if I'm his team it could help me bag and tag Sasuke-kun but that Baka naruto better not get in my way'

With that said, Naruto returned to his father's journal reading about how his father wanted to add his element to the Rasengan making it an incomplete jutsu.

'Damn dad sure was a badass to create a jutsu as strong as the Rasengan and still somehow make it an incomplete jutsu.'

Same room 3 hours later team 7 alone

"It has been three hours where is this guy," Sakura whined while Sasuke gave an agreeing grunt and Naruto well he didn't even look up from his book.

Finally after 8 more minutes of waiting a silver-haired jonin came in the room reading what appeared to be the same book as Naruto and with more nonchalant than Naruto could ever hope to achieve at this moment spoke.

"First impressions….I like the blonde one with the book." Que sweat drop from Sasuke and Sakura

"Meet me on the roof in 5 minutes don't be late" and he vanished in the standard leaf shunshin

The three left in the room were startled but quickly got over when Naruto disappeared in the same yellow flash he appeared with.

"Guess we should go to the roof now," Sakura said in her usual cheery way but all she got in response was a nod and a grunt from Sasuke.

With Naruto on the roof

Kakashi was juts chilling on the roof thinking of his new potential team that even if he wanted, he couldn't fail because of the Civilian Council and Elders had quite forcefully suggestion that he should pass the team because and he quotes.

'We can't have a last loyal Uchiha think we are holding back it will make him repent us.' Repent them his ass they just want to kiss his ass some more to make him happy and not abandon the village.

'But then again I bargained with the Hokage that if he wanted me to teach Sasuke I'd have to get Naruto on my team. This way I can attempt to be the big brother I was supposed to be instead of being ordered by the council to have no contact with him.'

Kakashi's inner monologue was cut short by a quick flash of yellow and Naruto was standing there reading his father's journal disguised as icha icha.

'WAS THE...THE HIRAISHIN!' thought Kakashi in awe

"Yo," Naruto spoke with a two-fingered salute.

Kakashi just stood there dumbfounded hiding is awe at seeing his sensei's jutsu and at how his little brother just pulled an imitation of him.

"Hmm, you say something?" Kakashi asked

Naruto was going to respond when Sakura and Sasuke showed up.

"Right ok team 7 I am going to need you guys to do a little introduction, your likes dislikes and hobbies," Kakashi spoke not even taking a moment to look away from his book.

'so this was my dad's student? From what I read he acts more like that Obito kid with being late than he used to.' Thought naruto "That's because Obito died he took it pretty hard to the point of emulating him." Kurama decided to add

"Hey sensei why don't you go first so we get an idea of what to say?" sakura the supposed smartest kunoichi of the year said

'Isn't she supposed to be top kunoichi?' Kakashi thought

"well I guess I could go first. Alright, my name is Kakashi Hatake things I like things you too young for, Dislikes are and my dreams are..." Still not even glancing up from his book.

'Damn that was badass' naruto thought with a smirk.

'All we got was his name' Sasuke and sakura thought.

"Now you pinky go," Kakashi spoke

'He didn't 'I THINK HE DID SHARANNO!' that cyclops!' sakura and inner sakura thought.

"Well, my name is Sakura Haruno I like…(glances at Sasuke with pink dusting her cheeks) my dreams…(same) I dislike INO-PIG and Naruto-baka!" Sakura all but yelled at the end

Naruto didn't even bother to look up from his book.

'So she's a fangirl' Kakashi thought with a sweatdrop. ' now I feel as if lord third is just making fun of me.'

"Right, tall and broody," Kakashi spoke indicating to Sasuke which caused him to scowl

Naruto was just holding in some laughs at Sasuke's nickname.

"Name is Sasuke Uchiha, I don't like much and dislike more. My dream is no it's not a dream because I will make it a reality to kill a certain someone and restart my clan." Sasuke spoke in a sharp voice.

'So bet he wants to kill his brother.' Naruto thought

'So cool Sasuke-Kun, wait to kill someone?' Sakura thought

'Fangirl and Avenger fuck me' Kakashi thought almost crying tears.

"Right Well Naruto you go." 'Let's see what my bro tells them.'

"I going to trust you guys but what is said here does not repeat because it's 1 of the S-Rank secrets of my life," Naruto spoke in the most serious voice that Sasuke and sakura have ever heard him speak with.

'HE ISNT GOING TO TELL THEM ABOUT KYUUBI IS HE?' Kakashi thought while looking at his lil brother figure with serious eyes that all but asked 'Kyuubi?' But at naruto's shake of his head, Kakashi visibly calmed down.

'S-Rank secret, naruto?' Sasuke thought once naruto finished speaking.

'S-Rank secret his he trying to sound cool?' Sakura thought thinking about if he is trying to one-up Sasuke.

They all thought this is a few seconds and after they agreed to not tell anyone under the penalty of death he spoke.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki my likes are ramen and my bloodline, dislikes would be well the three minutes it takes to make the ramen and is people who don't understand what's the difference from a scroll and a kunai. Hobbies well gardening and training. My dreams one day to surpass my father and become the best Hokage." Once he was done he silently waited for Kakashi to understand the hidden message he sent him.

"Naruto do you know about your father's team?" Kakashi couldn't wait to now be able to train Naruto and if Naruto knew about his parents be a big bro figure.

Naruto nodded with a small smirk "Hai Kakashi-Sensei" Kakashi Also smirked hearing that.

But of course all good things have to come to an end and as such, it happened.

"Naruto-Baka what do you mean bloodline and surpass your father all you are is a useless clan less orphan so stop trying to one-up Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled as she went to hit Naruto on the head only for him to disappear and reappear behind Sakura with a kunai at her throat.

It happened so fast one minute she was going to hit Naruto only for him to appear behind her with a kunai at her throat and eyes narrowed in a wave of anger induced stare.

"Don't talk about things you don't know Sakura," Naruto spoke as he removed his blade turned to Kakashi and said.

"Kakashi I already know the answer to your test and I don't need to complete it considering I am a field promoted genin but I shall show up so you understand my skillset." The tone in he used spoke millions on his mood it was a harsh sharp cold tone showing how pissed he was at Sakura for saying things about his Father. Once he was finished his form flickered with a flash of yellow and he was gone.

They just say there in silence until


Sasuke narrowed his eyes in anger at sakura before he too felt this ominous presence and located the origin which was their sensei.

"Sakura, I recommend you don't say those things about Naruto's parents again or I will personally deal with your attitude, Now meet me tomorrow at 5 am and no breakfast." And like that he was gone.

Training Ground 7. 8 AM

Sasuke and Sakura have just spent the last 3 hours waiting for their sensei and teammate Naruto they were tired and hungry but Sasuke was too proud to show it and Sakura didn't want to upset Sasuke.

Suddenly there was a flash of yellow and when it vanished there stood Naruto and their Sensei.

"YOUR LATE BOTH OF YOU!" sakura screeched out to the two late members of her team. Sasuke just grunted in agreement.

"I ran into a black cat and had to take a long way around in case I got bad luck" Kakashi spoke nonchalantly

"and I got lost on the road of life," Naruto spoke just as nonchalantly as Kakashi. The truth was they spent the last 3 hours talking about naruto's parents and how to fix Sasuke's brooding and sakura's fangirls

"LIES!" she continued to screech before being cut off by Kakashi explaining the rules of the bell test and that there were only two bells and whoever doesn't get bell gets sent back to the academy and they should come at him with the intent to kill.

After he spoke an announce they had till noon they started and Sasuke and sakura vanished while naruto stayed in place.

"Yo Kakashi-sensei time for you to test my skill so how you wanna start this out?" Naruto asked getting into his father's hummingbird style stance while Kakashi settled into the Hatake Fang style which was about speed similar to the hummingbird but where the hummingbird used elbows knees and anything while attacking joints and pressure points the Hatake fang style focused on fast body shots to shut down the body's organs.

"We shall start with Lesson #1 Tai-Jutsu" Kakashi replied as he rushed naruto decided to take it out slowly he threw a few jabs all blocked by Naruto quite easily after 5 minutes of that he decided to take it up a notch and started throwing in kicks and false shots at medium to high chunin strength and speed.

Naruto was slightly hard-pressed using taijutsu only was hard against a seasoned jonin who had years of experience but Naruto made up for that with is an innate ability of unpredictability.

He and Kakashi have been going at it now for about 10 minutes and he was starting to tire out. 'Shit…Dodge. faint left-right hook faint turn into a spring kick dodge.' Naruto's mind was going at insane speeds to keep up with Kakashi's experience which was being helped by naruto's bloodline's passive ability's such as increased brain flow and function in the synapse making it easy for him to see what was happening, but he still didn't have a pure speed required to keep up and that was undoubtedly his downfall.

During this spar Sasuke was fuming at what he was watching 'DOBE HOW CAN HE DO THIS WHERE IS THIS POWER FROM I NEED IT TO END HIM I WILL GET YOUR SECRETS!'

Meanwhile, sakura is just denying it is Naruto out there and imagining it as Sasuke. Delusional fangirl

After Naruto dodged another few jabs and roundhouses from Kakashi they stopped.

"Your pretty good I was nearing low jonin there at the end. I'd say the only thing holding back is that your experience is non-existent, and you are following your kata's too religiously you need to be able to switch to whatever kata you need at a moment notice not continue through as if it were a list but other than that pretty decent now. Lesson #2 Ninjutsu." Kakashi spoke and without missing a beat launched a large-sized fireball at him.

"Shit Wind Style: Gale Palm" Naruto used on of the Jutsu's from his father's scrolls which managed to overpower the fireball due to naruto's high concentration and potent chakra.

A few more earth style Jutsu's and finally Kakashi decided to step it up to medium jonin so he could put him on the spot.

"Earth Style: Underworld Swamp" Kakashi yelled and the ground under Naruto Proceeded to turn into a swampy gooey mud that he was slowly being swallowed by.

But Naruto wasn't having it going through hand seals faster than even he anticipated he shouted "nope you're coming with me! Lighting Style: Electrostatic Whip" out of both his hands appeared solid constructs of lighting in a whip form that wrapped around Kakashi's leg and waist pulling him towards him.

Once Kakashi was close enough he used the substitution to get out before he could be buried with Naruto.

Realising he substituted Naruto flashed out of the swamp and started looking for Kakashi while resting his body but still on guard.

But he couldn't rest long as Kakashi suddenly appeared under him and dragged him from his ankle down to the ground until he was only a head poking out.

Naruto may now be a calm collected guy but he still had his moments in which his prankster and rage can overtake control and right now having his pride hurt so fast against Kakashi not even rationalising that he is a seasoned jonin decided to end this test and be on his way to Ichiraku's comforting ramen.

"Well seems your ninjutsu cou-"Kakashi never finished his gloating as Naruto vanished in a yellow flash appeared next to Kakashi stole the bells and disappeared again only to reappear not even a second later with Sasuke and Sakura both looking queasy and trying not to vomit up whatever was in their stomachs.

Naruto then proceeded to give the bells to them and death glare Kakashi.

"there" and he was gone in another flash

Naruto flashed into his apartment and was frustrated with himself his already messy apartment looks like a rhino just barged through it.

Punching the floorboards once more naruto yells out in rage.


Gradually the punches and yells decrease as naruto succumbs to an emotional weak point and just sits there letting tears through his eyes while he tries to hold them back.

"I train so hard only to get shot down within the first 30 minutes of the spar and the first 5 minutes of the Ninjutsu test. What did I do wrong I have worked my chakra control from non-existent to mid chunin and still it's not enough I've mastered my taijutsu and its still not enough!"

"I grow up going through the worst life throws at me and I defy it all only to get more thrown my way"

While this was going on Kurama was thinking about how finally all the years of torment and pain added to the revelation of his parents has finally sent him to overedge.

'I wish I could help him but he needs to go through this by himself if he ever wants to move on.' Kurama thought as Naruto slowly started shaking with sobs and finally succumbed to sleep a few hours later.

The entire time Kakashi stood outside hand extended about to nock the door only to stop when hearing what's going on inside.

'He's going through an emotional breakthrough all of his pent up emotions have finally slipped through his mask of happiness and goofiness and under it all was a sad lonely boy but he needs this if he truly ever wants to become stronger he will come out of this and be stronger than ever before and I'll do my best to help him get there. No longer will I allow the council to control my actions with him fuck them if he needs me I'll be there but right now he needs to be alone.' And with that, he vanished to the memorial to spend the next few hours looking and reflecting on his mistakes.


Ok so like I'm trying to throw in some mental barriers for Naruto to pass which he will finally pass during wave when he tells inari off about moping around.

But until then Sasuke will start to mellow out and maybe sakura but meh Kakashi will well he'll be Kakashi but actually train them before wave he'll teach them basic chakra control such as tree walking and water walking, he will also teach them defensive Jutsu's, tactics and strategy by playing for an hour each with shogi or go.

So NarutoXTemari will probably be what happens with this story but isn't set in stone. Might not even do a pairing actually till much later.