Constructive criticism is welcome.

SpaceCowboy2013 made the original storyline for this, and I'm planning on finishing this fight.

Disney owns Star Wars, Microsoft owns Halo, that is all.



2070 - Space travel becomes as commonplace as air travel, with the Moon becoming covered in settlements as a result. The four superpowers of Earth, the United States, the European Union, the Republic of China, and the Russian Federation, along with the smaller space faring nations of Korea, Iran, Japan, India, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, and Egypt, agree to form a single scientific body to explore and colonize the solar system. These nations' space agencies are combined into one, headed under the United Nations and is coined the UNCA, the United Nations Colonial Administration.

2074 - With the Earth's population reaching 12 billion and still rising, the UNCA begins to terraform Mars, Saturn's Moons, and the Jovian moons, including Europa. The first orbital elevator begins construction and is finished in five years by the UNCA in Texas, allowing massive amounts of raw materials to be moved into space. Another four elevators began construction shortly after the completion of the Texan tether, one in Cuba, one in Kenya, one in Malaysia, and one in India.

2081 - Mars is successfully terraformed into a lush green world with several large oceans and dozens of seas, rivers, and lakes. The great colonization begins, with millions of people settling the Martian surface and the first cities begin to appear. Extensive mining of the asteroid belt begins.

2085 - With Earth's population rapidly rising and the production of food and resources struggling to catch up, the four major superpowers increase cooperation through the UN. Artificial gravity is perfected and the technology soon revolutionizes space travel, allowing long trips to be undertaken without bone and muscle deterioration.

2095 - Dozens of floating cities are built in Venus's upper atmosphere, allowing millions of colonists to settle there. The population of Mars reaches 1 billion and the total human population throughout the Sol system reaches 20 billion. As the UN and UNCA realize that the human race must expand outside the Sol system, research into faster than light travel begins.

2115 - Conflict sparks throughout the Sol system when a neo-Fascist movement, the Freiden, attack UN Colonial Advisors on Io. The Freiden also retaliated against their Communist counterparts, the Koslovics, after years of being targeted by them. This marks the beginning of the Interplanetary War. Fierce fighting on Earth, especially in the rainforests of South America, erupts between UN, Koslovic, and Freiden forces.

2116 - The UN establishes the UNSC, the United Nations Space Command, as the military arm of the UN to combat the separatist movements. The UNSC mobilizes a massive armada to combat the rebel space forces. The Earth's orbit becomes militarized as defenses are constructed. Luna (Earth's Moon) and Venus are also fortified. Terrorist attacks supported by the Freiden and Koslovics all over the globe lead the nations of the world to found the United Earth Government, uniting all of the nations of the Earth for the first time in history.

2117 - The first major naval engagement between fleets in space takes place above Mars in a heated three-way battle between the UNSC, Frieden, and Koslovic forces. Naval doctrine for the next several hundred years is defined above the Red Planet. The UNSC defeats the Freiden and Koslovic forces in several month-long battles which rack up thousands of casualties on each side. The UNSC regains control over the atmosphere of Mars, its orbital facilities, space ports, as well as the planet's orbital elevators. However, the Koslovic ground forces present on Mars had several ground to space laser batteries near Argyre Planitia, which were heavily defended and kept the UNSC from landing any substantial amount of troops.

A UNSC Marine captain named Andrew White suggests that teams of elite marines be dropped from warships waiting in orbit behind enemy lines via Human Entry Vehicles, or HEV pods for short. These formations come to be known as Drop Jet units.

Although the name hadn't yet been sewn on, the ODSTs were born.

2118 - During a lull in the war, the ODSTs were deployed successfully on the battlefield and the Koslovic defense soon crumbled. The last remnants of resistance on Earth are crushed by the might of the UNSC, Mars is liberated soon after. The UNSC fleet, reinforced twofold, liberates the Jovian moons and the moons of Saturn. The Interplanetary War comes to a close after the Callisto Treaty, in which Freiden and Koslovic commanders surrender their arms to the UNSC.

2119 - The population of the Sol System booms after the Interplanetary War, which was much more devastating than the First and Second World Wars combined. This population boom, coupled with the famine caused by the rainforest campaigns on Earth, made the coming decade difficult for most people.

2132 - Two brilliant scientists named Tobias Fleming Shaw and Wallace Fujikawa lead a team of engineers and theoretical physicists to develop Faster-Than-Light travel to free Humanity from the Sol System. They drafted designs for the Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine, with a functioning prototype made not long after. The Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine works by creating a wormhole between normal space and the alternate plane dubbed 'slipspace', also known as Shaw-Fujikawa space and slipstream space. The wormhole acts as a shortcut, allowing long distances to be covered in a reasonable amount of time. The UEG soon tests the drive on a UNSC Destroyer, the Columbus.

The Columbus makes a short jump across the Solar system, proving the drive works and that FTL has been achieved, but also that inter-system jumps can be dangerous, as the Columbus is nearly trapped in the Oort Cloud.

2133 - The first probes equipped with a Shaw-Fujikawa drive reach one of the nearest star systems to Earth with a known terrestrial planet, Epsilon Eridani. The probes bring back images that shock Humanity, an Earth-like planet.

2134 - The first interstellar colonization ships leave Sol, lead by the titanic Santa Maria, escorted by dozens of slipspace capable UNSC warships, and head for the Epsilon Eridani system with several hundred thousand colonists in tow. The trip takes three days but the fleet arrives and soon colonizes the planet, which is named:


2150 - All of the systems with planetary bodies within fifty lightyears of Earth are colonized, creating the core of what would later be known as the Inner Colonies. Some systems, like Epsilon Eridani, have colonies on multiple planets.

The UNSC begins to have more control over the colonization efforts as more and more alien fossils are discovered on several planets, allowing many to agree that a large military is needed just in case the possible first contact goes wrong. Humanity soon controls over 100 planets and Reach becomes a military hub second only to Earth as its population exceeds 1 billion. The total human population reaches 30 Billion.

2200 - The first coilgun is created for use in space combat, which accelerates a large slug using a linear system of magnetic field coils down a long shaft, accelerating the projectile to incredible velocities (although a spinal-mounted Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (MAC) would not be fitted onto a UNSC vessel until much later during the Insurrection).

Ship-mounted directed-energy weapons such as lasers become common and firearms technology has considerably advanced, to the point of using Gauss weaponry.

Initial experimentation with Metal Storm technology stagnates for numerous reasons, including inability to create sufficient precision, accuracy, velocity, and sustainment of fire. The UNCA is reorganized into the Colonial Administration Authority, or CAA, with a new military arm, the Colonial Military Administration (CMA).

2315 - The ORION Project is initiated in order to create supersoldiers for the UNSC. Initial results were promising and the project led to the adoption of new equipment meant to enhance a soldier's fighting capacity, but eventually fizzled out during the decades of relative peace.

2400 - The UEG has expanded to over 1000 worlds. The total human population exceeds 100 billion. The remains of an advanced alien spacecraft are recovered. Little do they know that it is in fact an abandoned Covenant explorer ship.

Expansion halts as the UNSC and UEG realize that protecting the Outer Colonies is difficult. Defenses on all of the worlds are expanded.

2480 - Unrest swells on the fringes of the UEG territory due to the discontent caused by the CAA's oversight of the Outer Colonies, leading to a gigantic build up in the UNSC as it finds itself surrounded by the prospect of more than worlds rising up in revolt, but interminable and interstellar war.

The seeds of the Insurrection are planted, and rebellion is inevitable.

2491 - The Carver Findings are published, predicting a breakdown in colonial governance and civil war tearing apart human society unless strict governmental control was established, reinforced by an immediate and permanent military presence.

The ORION Project is reinitiated. ORION's goal is to create genetically and cybernetically enhanced supersoldiers to combat the growing threat of the rebels. 65 candidates were initially selected, with 5 times that number at the height of the program. These soldiers later came to be known retroactively as SPARTAN-Is.

2492 - On the colony of Far Isle, a local rebellion spirals out of the control of local peacekeeping forces. In a series of escalating events, the UNSC deploys nuclear weapons which wipe out the colony. This event was one of the catalysts for the Insurrection

2494 - The Callisto Incident kicks off the Insurrection after Lieutenant Preston J. Cole's victory.

Human space becomes engulfed in warfare.

2496 - Operation: CHARLEMAGNE sees the first deployment of ORION supersoldiers in the Eridanus system.

2507 - Doctor Catherine Halsey meets Doctor Elias Carver, points out the flaws in his findings, and is noted by Captain Hieronymus Stanforth. Three weeks later, she recalculates the Carver Findings as part of a UNSC funded grant and discovers the situation to be much more dire.

Convinced by her dire discovery, she agrees to join ONI.

2517 - With the Insurrection in full swing in the Outer Colonies, the next step of the ORION program goes forward under Dr. Catherine Halsey as the SPARTAN-II program. 75 children are conscripted, kidnapped, to undergo brutal training and receive extreme genetic augmentations. Due to improved augmentation procedures, all 75 survive, although some are left physically, but not mentally, inept. Before rehabilitation was attempted for those left crippled, 35 were suitable for combat.

The legendary SPARTAN-IIs are born.

2525 - First contact is made on the Outer Colony world of Harvest with an advanced, hostile spacefaring civilization known as the Covenant. Contact is subsequently lost with Harvest and an unarmed scout ship, CMA Argo, is sent to investigate, fearing the Insurrection had taken over the planet. Contact with the Argo is lost, prompting a CMA battlegroup to be dispatched.

The CMA Heracles returns as its only survivor, limping its way back to Reach in order to warn the UNSC. Now a Vice Admiral, Preston J. Cole is given command of Battle Group X-Ray and charged with retaking the planet.

2526 - Battle Group X-Ray arrives in the system, retaking control of the planet's orbit while losing 13 ships to 1 Covenant vessel. Although it was initially claimed that Harvest's communication satellites were attacked by Insurrectionists, UNSC leadership decided to reveal the threat of the Covenant to the public.

Upon Cole's return to Earth, his victory over Harvest was greatly exaggerated. He was promoted to Admiral and subsequently given command of the 3rd Fleet, then proceeded to lead the 'Cole Campaigns' from 2526–2532.

Despite Cole's pyrrhic victory, the Covenant began swarming the Outer Colonies and were determined to retake control of Harvest. Harvest becomes embroiled in a 5 year long UNSC campaign to drive out the Covenant.

SPARTAN-II supersoldiers are able to capture a Covenant frigate, the Radiant Arrow, and transport it to a remote outpost to be studied.

2530 - After the battle of Groombridge-1830, the UNSC initiates the 'Cole Protocol' devised by Admiral Cole. The early enactment of this protocol buys humanity much needed time, saving billions of lives in the long run. Humanity massively fortifies the Inner Colonies and throws all of its resources into total war. The Insurrection began to subside, although it would remain active throughout and after the war.

2531 - Harvest is finally retaken, swelling sagging morale. After the First Battle of Arcadia, the UNSC Spirit of Fire pursued the retreating Covenant forces to rescue the captured Dr. Ellen Anders. They reach Shield 0459, a Forerunner shield world containing unstoppable warships to be used to exterminate humanity. The crew of the Spirit of Fire uses the ship's FTL drive to destroy the planet. During the battle, Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee is killed by Sergeant John Forge. After reaching a safe distance, the slipspace drive is overloaded remotely, destroying the Flood infection and the fleet of Forerunner ships.

The Spirit of Fire is set adrift through the vacuum of space.

2532 - At the battle of Wafira, a young Lieutenant Junior Grade by the name of Gregory White, a direct descendant of Andrew White, defeats a CAS assault carrier with only a destroyer by using a series of intricate traps, including nuclear mines, and using asteroids as cover. The victory boosts sagging morale as the now Captain White becomes a hero for humanity alongside Admiral Cole.

Two months later, Cole goes on an offensive with his fleet and retakes three star systems besieged by the Covenant.

2535 - At the battle of Sargasso, Captain White, through the use of what some would come to call space guerilla tactics, defeats a larger Covenant force of 23 ships with a fleet of only 12 by using the same tricks he employed at Wafira, luring parts of the Covenant fleet into traps and defeating them in detail.

2536 - The Covenant begins an offensive cutting deep into the Outer Colonies, the UNSC, outgunned, loses nearly 60 star systems and 100 worlds are turned to glass. Rear Admiral White begins to realize the desperate measures needed to win against the Covenant.

2537 - Seeing that the Covenant will likely reach the Inner Colonies within ten years and the fact that the UNSC is stretched too thin, UNSC HIGHCOM issues what comes to be known as the White Doctrine.

The game plan, drawn up by Rear Admiral White (with help from Admirals Cole and Hood), calls for the evacuation of non-essential Outer Colonies and for their populations to be moved to the well-defended Inner Colonies. It additionally calls for a redeployment of the remaining ships in the Outer Colonies, with 25% of them being allocated to assist in the evacuation effort and escorting the civilians to the safer Inner Colonies.

The remaining 75% of ships would be reorganized to engage in hit and run tactics, luring the Covenant into traps using evacuated and abandoned worlds as bait. The Outer Colonies of Arcadia, New Jerusalem, Escala III, Midguard, and Meridian are chosen to be staging areas for these fleets, in order to keep a resupplying fleet from inadvertently leading the Covenant to the Inner Colonies.

Some worlds crucial to the war effort are left inhabited, and some civilians opt to disregard the evacuation orders and remain in their homes at their own risk. These worlds, now sparsely populated, would be instrumental in making the Covenant believe that nothing was amiss. Venezia was one such world where thousands opted to stay.

2541 - With the evacuation of the Outer Colonies 35% complete, the reorganized fleets move to begin their work, destroying as many Covenant assets as possible while delaying the enemy's march towards the Inner Colonies and buying the UNSC invaluable time.

The UNSC fleets lay their traps, beginning to bleed the Covenant's forces by attacking supply hubs and luring them to abandoned worlds only to be destroyed by UNSC ships numbering in the hundreds.

2542 - The Overlord Defense Grid above Earth is completed, consisting of over 300 SMAC Orbital Defense Platforms and a fleet of nearly 1500 of the UNSC's most advanced ships just to defend Earth alone. The defenses of the rest of the Sol system consist of 500 ships and 30 SMACs over Mars, 100 warships and 10 SMACs over Venus, with the colonies of the Jovian and Saturn moons defended by 100 warships and various other stations.

The defenses of Reach are expanded as well to include 90 SMACs and a fleet of 750 warships. All of the Inner Colonies are fortified to include at least one ODP and no less than 50 ships.

2543 - At the Battle of Psi Serpentis, a system only 47.8 light years from Earth, Admiral Cole led Battle Group India into battle. Utilizing a previously unheard-of precision in-system jump to the gas giant of Viperidae, Admiral Cole engaged waiting Covenant forces.

After the battle had raged for some time, the rest of the UNSC fleet disengaged, seemingly leaving behind Cole's flagship, the Everest. Cole began to move his flagship into the gas giant's core, taunting the Covenant to provoke them into following him into the gas giant's magnetosphere, preventing them from using plasma weaponry.

To cover his true masterstroke, he launched thousands of archer missiles at the Covenant. While this attack was seemingly ineffective, it concealed the launching of 105 Shiva-class nukes, which ignited the planet's core, temporarily turning it into a brown dwarf, apparently engulfing his ship alongside over 300 Covenant vessels.

2544 - Due to the difficulties and shortcomings of Operations: SILENT STORM, PROMETHEUS, and TORPEDO, development of the NOVA bomb project is accelerated.

2547 - 4 years after the battle of Psi Serpentis, Admiral Cole reappears at Earth. Using the UNSC Io to open a slipspace portal in the atmosphere of Viperidae, Cole and his ship entered the slipspace portal, escaping the devastation. Claiming to have been trying to make his way back to Human space for 4 years, he declined to comment further, with Fleet Admiral Lord Hood supporting his decision and forbidding any sort of interrogation.

With the morale boost from news of his survival, the SPARTANs are formally revealed to the public by ONI, becoming instant legends.

2548 - The first deployments of NOVA bombs by the UNSC wipe out key Covenant shipbuilding worlds, staging areas, and other strategic Covenant locations which greatly stall the Covenant's rate of advance.

2549 - The AI Cortana is created.

With her help, research into advanced technology captured from the Covenant accelerates and proves to be fruitful. Energy shields, the one thing hampering the UNSC in space, are developed and installed on UNSC ships as fast as possible alongside many other new inventions.

2550 - The fleets under Rear Admiral White and Admiral Cole (whose fleet was formerly under the command of Vice Admiral Danforth Whitcomb), having spent ten years successfully harassing the Covenant, are pulled back to Midguard where they await the looming attack.

The attack came later that year. The UNSC fleets, each once over 800 ships apiece, were now diminished to a combined strength of only 342, with only half of that having been refitted with shields.

Nevertheless, they are forced to face off against over twice their number. Supported by Midguard's 23 SMAC ODPs, the opposing fleets grinded each other to scrap. The UNSC fleet was reduced to 135 ships within the first three hours, the Covenant fleet reduced to around 200 ships, with half of the ODPs taken out by enemy fire. Covenant ground forces managed to contest half the planet.

The battle turns into a stalemate as the valiant defenders hold their ground. Five battles take place over the next year as the UNSC is unable to send reinforcements due to the Covenant finally launching an invasion of the Inner Colonies, led by Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee.

Helmet cam footage of a Banished raid on the Carter Guard Armory gives ONI their first glimpses of Atriox.

2551 - The UNSC manages to hold the Covenant at bay but still loses two hundred colonies as Thel 'Vadamee pushes through the bolstered defenses and improved ships of the Inner Colonies over the course of hundreds of skirmishes. Many incursions on colonial soil are defeated by the combined UNSC ground forces thanks to the Navy's marked improvement.

2552 - Commander Jacob Keyes performs the Keyes Loop at the Battle of Sigma Octanus IV, earning a promotion to Captain afterwards.

Although a tactical victory, a tracking device placed on his ship revealed the location of Reach to the Covenant, and data recovered from the planet would enable the Covenant to find Installation 04, Alpha Halo.

In preparation for Operation: RED FLAG, Captain Keyes was given command of the Halcyon-class light cruiser Pillar of Autumn upon his arrival at Reach. The Pillar of Autumn had been recently refitted for a second time, being equipped with experimental shielding, an even more state of the art power plant, and an enhanced armament.

Before the operation could be undertaken, a monstrous Covenant armada of over 900 ships was detected heading towards Reach. The UNSC dug in its heels into the planet, and braced for the impending assault. The battle quickly devolved into a meat grinder, lasting for weeks as reinforcements continuously poured in from both sides.

Against all odds, Reach's defenses manage to hold together and the planet is saved. Curiously, during the waning hours of the battle, a Covenant battlegroup goes on a seemingly random jump towards the middle of uncharted space away from the Inner Colonies after receiving strange signals from beneath the surface of Reach. The Pillar of Autumn chases after the ship.

The events of Alpha Halo transpire.

After returning to Reach on the captured Ascendent Justice, Operation: FIRST STRIKE is carried out by 10 Spartan IIs led by the Master Chief. The strike force attacks and destroys the Covenant repair and refit station Unyielding Hierophant and a fleet of 500 ships set to be a part of the invasion of Earth by overloading the station's reactors.

While on the station, the Spartans uncover the coordinates of four heavily populated Covenant worlds. This leads to Operation: VENGEANCE, what would become known as the Great Counteroffensive. An ONI force of prowlers delivers a deadly package to each of the located planets, NOVA bombs, killing billions of Sangheili and other Covenant species while turning four worlds into asteroid fields. This was followed up by the first UNSC invasion of a Covenant world. Though it was only a small moon colony, the Covenant was about to get a taste of their own medicine in genocide.

2553 - A small fleet of Covenant ships led by the High Prophet of Regret jumps into the Sol system with the hopes of activating the portal to Installation 00, the Ark. The Battle of Earth begins. The Covenant force is slaughtered by the Home Fleet and the Overlord Defense Grid with minimal losses.

Despite this, Truth's ship managed to slip through a pinpoint hole in the defenses and land forces in the city of New Mombasa. The first stage of the Battle of Mombasa takes place, ending as Regret flees via an atmospheric slipspace jump, causing widespread damage to the city and destroying its orbital elevator. The frigate In Amber Clad,commanded by Commander Miranda Keyes, manages to give chase.

The events of Delta Halo transpire and the Covenant Civil War, otherwise known as the Great Schism, breaks out.

The second stage of the Battle of Earth begins when Covenant Loyalist forces launch an all out attack on the Human homeworld. The battle rages on as the UNSC holds the Covenant at bay. The defenses of the Sol System and Earth prove to be nearly unbreakable, though casualties are high on both sides. During this time the Covenant Separatists, led by the Sangheilli, form an alliance with Humanity while battles rage across Covenant and ex-Covenant space. The Prophet of Truth, having evacuated the Covenant holy city of High Charity via the Forerunner Dreadnought, heads to Earth.

The battle for the Sol system continues into its third stage as Truth and a fleet of Covenant capital ships penetrate the defensive lines over Earth by using the Dreadnaught as a shield to reach the surface of Africa. There, the small fleet, under constant attack from UNSC forces, vaporize Lake Victoria and excavate a gargantuan Forerunner facility that acts as a portal to the Ark, Installation 00.

Truth and his fleet slip through the portal as the Sangheilli and Humans give chase. During the battle for Installation 00, Truth is defeated, as is the Gravemind and the Flood.

The Master Chief, Commander Miranda Keyes, Sergeant Johnson, and Arbiter Thel 'Vadam activate the rebuilt Alpha Halo and escape using the UNSC Frigate Forward Unto Dawn.

The Human Covenant War comes to an end, leaving the UNSC as well as the Sangheili and other Separatists victorious, though pockets of Loyalist resistance remain. Several San'Shyuum survived the destruction of High Charity, and are thought to have gone looking for their homeworld, Janjur Qom.

The 28 year long war cost Humanity roughly 55 billion civilians, 28 billion UNSCDF personnel, and 951 colonies.

2554 - The UEG signs a defensive pact with the Sangheilli and begins to terraform and settle the scarred Outer Colonies once again, and repopulate the colonies left unscathed but evacuated. WIth the majority of the Inner Colonies intact, this process is swift.

2556 - The Great Schism continues on as Sangheili fleets engage Covenant Loyalists in short border skirmishes. The Sangheilli, believed to have lost the technical expertise to create new ships and technology thanks to the Prophets, proves that the opposite is correct, and begin to design and manufacture their own weapons and equipment.

Though the peace and alliance between the Sangheili and the Humans is still set in stone, many Humans begin to keep an eye on their decades old enemy turned friend as a result of their military expansion. A cure for AI rampancy is also found.

2557 – The UNSC stumbles upon the Forerunner shield world of Requiem. It is here that they awaken the Ur-Didact and his army of Prometheans. The UNSC Infinity and its Spartan IVs contingent get their first real field test. UNSC forces battle against the Prometheans on Requiem for months, eventually forcing the Didact to withdraw far away from known space, and crushing Jul 'Mdama's Covenant Remnant forces.

A giant shockwave comes to the Humans and their allies. A Forerunner, the Librarian, reveals that the Humans are the rightful "Reclaimers" of the old Forerunner Empire and the Mantle of Responsibility. This revelation is accompanied by the location of key Forerunner artifacts and planets.

2558 - The construction of the GUARDIAN Early Warning Sensor Net, first begun in 2555, is completed. GUARDIAN sensors have a greater ability to scan vast swathes of territory compared to the Remote Scanning Outposts used prior, which were more for warning singular UEG systems. GUARDIAN sensors have much greater range in comparison to the prior system. This wall of sensors placed on the edge of UNSC space allows them to have early warning of any activity near the 'border' of human space.

2560 (Early) - The UNSC is quickly recovering from the war, when GUARDIAN Sensor 231 detects an anomaly on the very edge of its range. Upon closer review it is discovered that the anomaly is a ship of an entirely unknown design and an ONI prowler is sent to investigate.

When the Night Owl arrives at the location, it is found to be a ruined hulk of a derelict warship. Upon further investigation its crew is discovered to consist mostly of robots, most of them armed. However, the few organic corpses that appeared to be the controllers of the ship are of a species unknown to the UNSC or Swords of Sanghelios.

As the AIs of ONI decrypt the computer banks of the ship, the UNSC learns that the wreck is actually extragalactic in origin, originally from the Andromeda Galaxy, and belonged to a faction named the Confederacy of Independent Systems, involved in a war with a large interstellar power calling itself the Galactic Republic.

What is even more shocking is the fact that the Andromeda Galaxy seems to be heavily populated by humans as well. It is further uncovered that the CIS warship came to the Milky Way through a spacetime distortion, linking the two galaxies together, or at least making FTL travel significantly faster between them. The source of these distortions is unknown.

The UNSC sends out clandestine teams to explore Andromeda and gather information. They discover the history of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Jedi, the Republic, and the war, called the Clone Wars, which appears to have broken out only years ago. The UNSC learns that, though it is small, its comparatively highly developed colonies along with a large, well trained, well equipped, and experienced military coupled with the large defenses built as a result of the Covenant War, would be a major power in the Andromeda Galaxy.

However, as the likelihood of the UEG being discovered by the CIS or Galactic Republic grows, the UNSC decides to reveal their findings about the state of Andromeda to the public.

Once again, the UEG is massively shocked by this revelation. Immediately, discussions and debates arise. People question if they should isolate themselves entirely from the warring states. The last thing they wanted was another war, even if they were prepared for it. There is also wonder stemming from the question of how the Andromeda humans ended up there in the first place.

The speculation is soon squashed when the existence of the UEG is revealed when a Republic cruiser with a Jedi Knight, named Anakin Skywalker, onboard jumps out of the spacetime anomaly into one of the systems where a GUARDIAN station is, apparently in search of the very ship the UNSC found.

Great confusion is stirred up when they speak a form of English, initially assumed to be from translation software, but is pushed to the side.

The UEG is forced to initiate contact, with ambassadors making formal contact with the Republic. Though exact locations of most UEG planets are withheld, limited trade is allowed between the Milky Way and Andromeda through heavily defended, uninhabited checkpoint systems and with the installation of trade transponders on merchant vessels. If a ship was found outside a designated system or had no transponder, it would automatically be intercepted or destroyed by UNSC or CMA forces.

The Republic, after seeing that the UEG is a well organized power and witnessing the UNSC fleet that made contact, immediately tried to coerce the UNSC into joining them in their war against the CIS. To the surprise of the Republic Chancellor and the Jedi, they adamantly refuse to get involved. However, the biggest shock delivered to Andromeda, and especially to the Jedi Order, is the fact that beings from the Milky Way are completely devoid in the Force, a fact that shakes the very foundation of the Order to its core.

The presence of a great power operating from another galaxy stirs up great interest, and fear, in the Andromeda Galaxy. In order to distinguish themselves from the Andromeda Humans, the Milky Way Humans began to call themselves Terrans, after the Latin word for Earth, Terra. Trinkets of antiquated Terran technology begin to appear across the galaxy, being subsequently analyzed and dissected by the Republic and CIS alike.

Their discoveries lead the intelligence communities of both factions to presume that the UNSC would be a minor player in the galactic community militarily speaking, with biases against the projectile weapons the UNSC used.

Culturally however, Terran media became vastly popular with Andromedans. Terran music became its own genre, the Holonet soon became filled with dozens of channels dedicated to broadcasting Terran shows and films (with a tremendous financial kickback to the Terran companies).

ONI operatives are once again dispatched across Andromeda, this time under orders to uncover the dirty laundry of the Clone War, which many UEG citizens found despicable due to the Republic's use of clones being seen as nothing more than slavery.

The UNSC eventually discover that the entire Clone War was nothing more than a very complex conspiracy supported by ex-Jedi and what are believed to be high ranking members of the Republic government, though their identities are unknown. This information is kept under tight wraps.

The UEG slowly begins to isolate itself from the intergalactic community, not going out of its way for diplomatic missions, visits, or trade deals. As the Clone War raged on, many elements of the CIS called on the UEG for aid. The UNSC begins to provide humanitarian aid to CIS systems, leading to a build up of uneasy tension between the UEG and the Republic. The UEG begins to secretly provide intelligence to the beleaguered CIS, and prepares for war.

2560 (Late) - A Venator-class Star Destroyer, part of an arriving invasion fleet, fires on a UNSC frigate escorting a freighter over a CIS world. The Star Destroyer believed the frigate to be assisting the defense forces of the planet, and were subsequently treated as hostile when the UNSC ship didn't respond to the demands of the Republic fleet. The Star Destroyer managed to destroy the unshielded freighter, but was heavily damaged in the ensuing response from the UNSC frigate. The frigate then proceeded to retreat from the system before it could be apprehended by an arriving Republic battlegroup.

2561 (Present) -

Tensions are at an alltime high, both Andromeda and the Milky Way hold their breaths as both sides prepare for the inevitable:


UNSC Equipment

MA6 Assault Rifle - First trialed in 2511, this rifle shares many looks with the older, more conventional MA5 rifle series. However the overall appearance is where the similarities end. The weapon has a unique design that Misriah Armory spent years designing. The barrel is lined with electromagnetic coils, but uses conventional cartridges and conventional firing methods, wherein a hammer strikes the firing pin; the firing pin strikes the primer and so on. If the firing computer is functioning properly, the electromagnetic coils will further accelerate the projectile as it moves along the barrel. If not, it functions as a regular rifle. This design choice was a result of a variety of complications arising from the trial process, yet Misriah managed to rifle can be chambered for a multitude of calibers, just as its MA5 predecessor.

When in working order, the accuracy and muzzle velocity is dramatic, with an accurate range of over 1000 yards and a muzzle velocity in excess of 2440 m/s. The MA6 platform hosts a fire control system necessary to properly time the coils and a miniaturized targeting computer able to interface with standard UNSC smart-link hardware. This weapon is known to be able to drain or penetrate Sangheili Minor energy shields in 4 to 6 hits. The major drawback to the design is the complicated electronics fitted into the rifle.

While UNSC personnel are trained how to perform field diagnostics, the rifle's electronics suite would have to be repaired by a technician or replaced altogether. A malfunction of this sort would not hinder the rifle's inherent ability to fire however as it still has the conventional firing mechanism as a backup.

M100 Stanchion II Gauss Rifle - The original M99 Stanchion Gauss rifle was a sniper/anti-material rifle that served throughout the late 2400s and into the Covenant War. However, the UNSC realized that it needed a weapon halfway between the range/power of the original Stanchion and the MA6. Gauss technology was in use long before 2551 when this weapon was introduced, but the Stanchion II was an innovative design.

Helped along with technology reverse engineered from captured Covenant weapons, the M100 is a fully contained coil rifle that is only 4 feet long, compared to the nearly 7 foot long M99. Though it sacrifices rate of fire for power, the weapon's 5.4mm tungsten slugs can take out almost anything on the battlefield in as little as one hit with its muzzle velocity of 6,300 m/s. The M100 standard capacity magazine holds 10 slugs.

In terms of looks, the M100 is comparable to a smaller M99 Stanchion. The battery, based on those found in Covenant plasma weapon designs, of the weapon is contained in a small magazine-like pack attached to the front of the trigger guard which gives enough power for 100 fully charged shots, after which the battery can be simply ejected and replaced.

AA-22 Automatic Shotgun - Adopted by the UNSC Marine Corps in 2500 to deal with urban combat and boarding actions against the growing Insurrection, the AA-22 delivers devastating close range firepower. As the name suggests, this weapon is the distant offspring of the vaunted AA-12 Automatic Shotgun. Similar to the M45 Shotgun or M90 CAWS, the AA-22 can be chambered for 8, 10, or 12 gauge shells. A standard magazine holds ten 12 gauge shells or thirty from a drum magazine and fires at a rate of 400 rounds a minute.

MGS-953 Squad Automatic Weapon - From the same generation of weapons as the MA6 rifle, a typical Marine Corps squad carries two MGS-953 SAWs, and the fire superiority this gives them makes Brutes second guess charging into battle. It can be fed ammunition from a belt or a programmable fire rate of up to 1000 rounds a minute coupled with the same coilgun technology as the MA6, the MGS-953 proved itself to be deadly against Covenant and Insurrectionist forces.

M7/9 SMG - At the start of the Covenant War it became clear that the caseless 5x23mm rounds used by the M7 SMG were not powerful enough to be of much use against the shields of Elites. Instead of building an entirely new weapon, Misriah Armory decided to save time and money by simply rechambering the weapon to fire the larger 9x17mm, 9x19, or 9x21mm rounds to combine stopping power with the penetration abilities of the smaller and faster 5x23mm caseless round to defeat armor and energy shields. The M7/9 was slightly altered to make room for the ejection mechanisms. The standard magazine uses a 40 round double stack magazine. It was a tremendous success and was effective against the Covenant onslaught. The M7/9 variants are designated as M7G1 to M7G5 in the Marine Corps.

Shoulder Fired Metal Storm-40mm - The SFMS-40 (also known as SFGL-MSL40) is a prototype in the UNSC arsenal as of 2548 under the nomenclature: Launcher, Metal Storm, 40mm, 9-Tube, XM40.

The SFMS-40, colloquially known as the 'Meat Grinder,' is General Dynamic's answer to the problem of being swarmed by Unggoy or Yanme'e at close quarters where a shotgun would fail to kill the enemy in sufficient numbers.

The weapon is a unique, upscaled take on Misriah's archaic Metal Storm firing system. The weapon is a boxy, shoulder fired launcher. However, that is all that this weapon has in common with other launcher systems.

The weapon consists of nine 40mm barrels which are each loaded with five 40mm grenades. This unique launcher is usually loaded with canister shot, turning the weapon into an oversized shotgun. A single 40mm shell loaded with canister shot can decimate an entire platoon of charging Unggoy in a single shot if aimed properly. To make things worse for an opponent, the barrels can be programmed by the user to fire consecutively or in bursts. The weapon also can fire non lethal rounds such as tear gas, which makes this weapon popular with police forces on colony worlds and Earth herself; alongside the other lethal rounds such as slugs or the typical high explosive grenades. They can also fire fully programmable smart grenades with airburst capabilities, turning the weapon into an impromptu mortar tube. Many Marines compare the weapon to an aimable claymore with 45 uses. As of 2561, the weapon is rarely seen.

UFM-78 Underbarrel Triethylaluminum Fueled Flamethrower Attachment - This attachment introduced in 2548 take up the majority of the bottom attachment rail on MA6s and even older MA5s for uses in niche Spec Ops roles to the mundane role of clearing thick brush. It makes the standard Infantryman or Marine into a CQB nightmare. About one Marine in a combat engineer squad will be equipped with a flamethrower attachment. The weapon is far more common in ODST units.

M56 Powered Armor - The latest in personal UNSC armor technology introduced in 2556, the M56 can trace its roots to the Future Force Warrior systems and mechanical exoskeletons employed by the United States in the 21st century.

Using reactive carbon nanotubes built into the arms, back, and leg pieces of the BDU, the M56 suit allows for the wearer to carry far more weight into combat, run at bursts of up to 20 mph in full gear, and lift three times their bodyweight. The armored plates, made up of carbon ceramics and titanium alloy, are highly resistant to small arms fire up to 12.7mm in certain locations and can withstand up to five direct hits from Sangheili plasma rifles. Marines sometimes also carry an attachable rebreather and mask for limited EVA operations or in case of emergency decompression on a ship.

The M56 exosuit carries an onboard shield generator which is capable of taking dozens of hits from energy weapons. ODSTs use an M56 variant, the M62, which is more durable and boasts more modern shield technology.

Since it is a relatively new design, only a few active units have received this special armor. Many units still use the older BDUs consisting of the M52B armor and CH252 helmet augmented with personal shielding.

M62 Power Armor - The M62 Power Armor is a more powerful variant or the standard Marine M56 that uses slightly enhanced carbon nanofibers complimented with small mechanical joints on the arms, knees, shoulders and back to double the carrying capacity of an M62 suit over the standard M56. The suit is pressurized and can stand up to vacuum for an hour, even more with an attached oxygen pack.

However, the largest reason the UNSC adopted this more powerful model is due to the fact that ODSTs carry very heavy weapons loadouts as necessitated by their orbital insertion. The M62 makes hefting these weapons far more easy. The latest model incorporates small advances gleaned from the MJOLNIR project.

UNSC Vehicles

M20 Combat Vehicle 'Warthog' - Introduced in 2500, the upgrade of the older M12 Warthog, the M20 has a more powerful engine, stronger armor, and a rear-mounted M41 LAAG. It also has multiple variants, such as a troop transport, a command center, and an ambulance, but mainly functions as a fast reconnaissance vehicle. It is equipped with a small shield generator that can protect it from threats long enough for the M20 to withdraw.

M38 APC 'Panda' - Rolled off the assembly line in 2530, The 8-wheeled M38 armored personnel carrier ferries troops to and from the battlefield. It can protect against all small arms fire and can take multiple hits from directed energy weapons. Normally armed with a 25mm autocannon, it has proved to be a versatile weapons platform, being used for multiple roles such as anti-air, logistics, and as a mortar carrier. It is equipped with composite armor plating and a shield generator that enhances its capacity in dealing with mines, shrapnel, etc. An active protection system also defeats mortar rounds, rockets, and even tank shells.

M43 IFV 'Boar' - Pressed into service alongside the Recluse, the tracked M43 IFV keeps troops protected and carries them to the frontline, and supports the infantry in combat. It was designed to keep up with the M1000 Recluse MBT, which it is easily capable of. A standard armament consists of a 30mm autocannon, a 40mm grenade launcher, and an ATGM launcher. It is equipped with a shield generator that aids in protecting against all battlefield threats alongside its composite plating. It is fitted with the same APS as the M38.

M1000 MBT 'Recluse' - Based on the venerable Scorpion and Grizzly tanks, the Recluse was introduced in 2531 and became the most powerful MBT ever fielded by the UNSC. A standard Recluse comes armed with a 125mm cannon, two 12.7mm machine guns, and two 25mm light anti-air guns (LAAGs).

Unlike its predecessors, it has a more conventional manned turret layout. Whereas the Scorpion is favored by Marine Expeditionary Forces, the Recluse is an absolute brawler selected by the Army, with a crew of a gunner, commander, and driver. The armor is far thicker than the Scorpion, and its effectiveness is further increased by its angled plating. The titanium alloy armor and composite plates can withstand numerous hits from Hunter assault cannons and several direct hits from a Wraith, as well as dozens of hits from conventional cannon shells. It is additionally fitted with the same APS as the M38. The far sleeker tank uses a fusion reactor to power the beast to speeds exceeding 60 mph.

UNSC Aircraft

FS-837 Fighter 'Fascine' - Adopted after the war in 2555 as an evolution to the Emergency Defense Fighter designs, the Fascine is a giant leap forward in fighter technology. With a wingspan roughly half the size of the Longsword, the Fascine is faster and far more maneuverable than the older platform The most revolutionary concept utilized by some variants of the Fascine is a fully enclosed cockpit, opting to utilize view screens (jokingly referred to as the 'coffin' system) to give the pilot a 360 degree view at all times while not having to compromise its armor plating.

The Fascine has a long predatory beak and swept-forward wings. In addition to its two large engine nacelles and RCS, the Fascine has two small omnidirectional thrust capable engines allowing the Fascine to flip over and spin on its axis for better angles of attack during dogfights, a deadly advantage. Also having two inward-swept tail fins and two canards, the Fascine is just as maneuverable, nimble, and deadly in atmosphere as in space. It is armed with two 50mm cannons and, on some variants, a pulse laser. It can also store twenty missiles internally, with many more being mountable on weapon hardpoints on the wings and on its belly. The Fascine serves as a deadly force multiplier alongside the other UNSC fighters.

UNSC Starships

Andraste-Class Heavy Frigate - The Andraste-class heavy frigate is the result of the gradual evolution of UNSC warships through the Human-Covenant War. Essentially an upgrade of the Paris-class, the Andraste was introduced in 2550 with hesitation as a stop gap measure to hastily replace fleet losses. It was met with heavy criticisms, but when it began to be refitted with its intended energy weapon armament after the war, it was quickly met with strong approval within the fleet.

Length - 535 Meters

Hull- 1.1 Meters of Titanium-A3 Battleplate

Defenses - Mark III Shield Generator, ECM, ECCM


- 1 MAC (Firing a 600 ton round at 25% the speed of light with the destructive force of ~423 gigatons of TNT)

- 1 Mark 15 Breakwater Naval Coilgun Battery

- 2 Mark 40 Spitfire Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 12 M66 Sentry Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 8 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries (8 in 'Quickshot' configuration, 1 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries paired with 2 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns)

- 4 Magna-320 Pulse Lasers

- 10 Mark 1 Particle Cannon Batteries

- 40 M58 Archer Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 24 M390 Streak-II Missiles Pods

- 10 M97 Lance Guided Missile Weapon System Batteries

- 6 Shiva Nuclear Missiles

- 10 Variant V HAVOK Nuclear Missiles

- 4 Fury Nuclear Missiles

- 12 M2950 Harpoon Nuclear Missiles

- 18 50mm M870 Rampart Point Defense Guns

- 16 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns (16 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 36 M710 Bulwark Point Defense Guns

- 12 50mm Helical Railgun CIWS

- 10 AN/SEQ-11 Point-Defense Laser Arrays

Standard Complement

- 12 C712 Longswords

- 8 Pelicans

- 1 Infantry Company

Gibraltar-Class Heavy Destroyer - Developed from experiences during the Human-Covenant war, this class of destroyer came to represent the new standard for UNSC destroyers. The Gibraltar will prove itself to be a match for larger ships with its heavy armament and thick armor.

Length - 535 Meters

Hull - 2.1 Meters of Titanium-A3 Battleplate

Defenses - Mark III Shield Generator, ECM, ECCM


- 2 MACs

- 4 Mark 15 Breakwater Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 8 Mark 40 Spitfire Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 16 M66 Sentry Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 16 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries (16 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 15 Mark 1 Particle Cannon Batteries

- 40 M58 Archer Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 5 M75 Rapier Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 10 M96 Howler Missile Pods (20 Missiles/Pod)

- 16 M390 Streak-II Missiles Pods

- 5 M97 Lance GMWS Batteries

- 6 Shiva Nuclear Missiles

- 10 Variant V Nuclear Missiles

- 10 Fury Nuclear Missiles

- 6 M965 Fortress Point Defense Guns

- 26 M910 Rampart Point Defense Guns

- 14 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns

- 36 M710 Bulwark Point Defense Guns

- 18 50mm Helical Railgun CIWS

- 10 AN/SEQ-11 Point-Defense Laser Arrays

Standard Complement

- 12 Fascines

- 8 Pelicans

- 1 Infantry Company

Marathon-Class Heavy Cruiser (Refit) - These cruisers held the line against the Covenant's superior firepower successfully throughout the Human-Covenant War. A force to be reckoned with even before their refits, with new technology like shields they only became more powerful.

Length - 1,192 Meters

Hull - 1.91 Meters of Titanium-A3 Battleplate

Defenses - Mark III Shield Generator, ECM, ECCM


- 2 Heavy MACs (900 ton slugs at 25% the speed of light with the destructive force of ~634 gigatons of TNT)

- 12 Mark 15 Breakwater Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 8 Mark 40 Spitfire Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 12 M66 Sentry Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 15 310mm Railguns

- 20 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries (12 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 1 Energy Projector

- 12 Magna-320 Pulse Lasers

- 24 Mark 1 Particle Cannon Batteries

- 70 Oversized M58 Archer Missile Pods (60 Missiles/Pod)

- 30 M75 Rapier Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 20 M96 Howler Missile Pods (20 Missiles/Pod)

- 10 M97 Lance GMWS Batteries

- 10 Shiva Nuclear Missiles

- 16 Variant V HAVOK Nuclear Missiles

- 6 Fury Nuclear Missiles

- 4 M4020 Bident Fusion Missiles

- 28 M965 Fortress Point Defense Guns

- 60 M910 Rampart Point Defense Guns

- 54 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns (30 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 82 M710 Bulwark Point Defense Guns

- 24 AN/SEQ-11 Point-Defense Laser Arrays

Standard Complement

- 8 C709 Longswords

- 24 Fascines

- 24 Pelicans

- 1 Infantry Battalion

Warlock-Class Battlecruiser - Before the plans for the Warlock had even been drafted up, by 2542 it had become apparent that the Marathon-class which preceded the Warlock was a powerful, but aging platform. The UNSC could build Marathons at Reach, Earth, Mars and about a dozen other Inner Colonies at a pace of about eighty a year, but they needed a ship that would more easily incorporate research projects the UNSC were undertaking. As such, in 2554, the Warlock-class was launched.

Length – 1502 Meters

Hull - 2.3 Meters of Titanium-A3 Battleplate

Defenses - Mark III Shield Generator, ECM, ECCM


- 2 Heavy MACs

- 12 Mark 15 Breakwater Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 8 Mark 40 Spitfire Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 14 M66 Sentry Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 40 100mm Railguns

- 48 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries (24 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 3 Energy Projectors

- 25 Mark 1 Particle Cannon Batteries

- 12 Secondary Duel Mount Particle Cannons

- 100 M58 Archer Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 55 M76 Rapier Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 40 M96 Howler Missile Pods (20 Missiles/Pod)

- 20 M97 Lance GMWS Batteries

- 10 Shiva Nuclear Missiles

- 15 Variant V HAVOK Nuclear Missiles

- 4 M4093 Hyperion Nuclear Missiles

- 4 M4020 Bident Fusion Missiles

- 6 Fury Nuclear Missiles

- 32 M965 Fortress Point Defense Guns

- 106 M910 Rampart Point Defense Guns

- 68 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns (40 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 96 M710 Bulwark Point Defense Guns

- 96 AN/SEQ-11 Point-Defense Laser Arrays

Standard Complement

- 8 C709 Longswords

- 40 Fascine Fighters

- 64 Pelicans

- 1 Infantry Battalion

Concordia-Class Heavy Carrier - Designed as a replacement for aging UNSC carriers, like the Punic-class, it boasts thick armor and a heavy armament that allows the ship to take on Covenant capital ships on its own right, allowing its fighters and bombers to focus on their mission rather than having to defend the carrier.

Length - 3124 Meters

Hull - 2.6 Meters of Titanium-A Battleplate

Defenses - Mark III Shield Generator, ECM, ECCM


- 1 CR-02 Series 7 Super MAC

- 12 Mark 15 Breakwater Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 8 Mark 40 Spitfire Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 10 M66 Sentry Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 40 100mm Railguns

- 120 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries (100 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 4 Energy Projectors

- 40 Mark 1 Particle Cannon Batteries (12 in dual-mount configuration)

- 325 Archer Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 100 M76 Rapier Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 150 M96 Howler Missiles Pods (20 Missiles/Pod)

- 20 M97 Lance GMWS Batteries

- 10 Shiva Nuclear Missiles

- 16 Variant V HAVOK Nuclear Missiles

- 6 M4093 Hyperion Nuclear Missiles

- 4 M4020 Bident Fusion Missiles

- 6 Fury Nuclear Missiles

- 210 M910 Rampart Point Defense Guns

- 250 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns (200 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 50 M810 Helix Point Defense Guns

- 192 M710 Bulwark Point Defense Guns

- 40 AN/SEQ-11 Point-Defense Laser Arrays

Standard Complement

- 32 C709 Longswords

- 120 C712 Longswords

- 264 Fascine Fighters

- 256 Pelicans

- 1 Infantry Division

Medusa-Class Battleship - The design for these powerful ships were conceived in the first years of the Human-Covenant War. After being rolled out in 2538, the Medusa-class proved formidable in battle, being able to go toe to toe with Covenant ships. Although seeing little action in the ongoing war against Covenant holdouts, whenever it arrives on scene it inspires its allies and strikes terror into its enemies. Its mere presence often decided the outcome in skirmishes against Covenant and Insurrectionist forces.

Hull - 3.2 Meters of Titanium-A3 Battleplate

Defenses - Mark III Shield Generator with Mark II Backup, ECM, ECCM

Length - 2,900 Meters


- 4 Heavy MACs

- 24 Mark 15 Breakwater Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 54 Mark 40 Spitfire Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 72 M66 Sentry Naval Coilgun Batteries

- 24 310mm Railguns

- 115 100mm Railguns

- 120 Mark 55 Castor Naval Coilgun Batteries (100 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 5 Energy Projectors (2 turreted on lateral surfaces)

- 80 Mark 1 Particle Cannon Batteries (40 in dual mount configuration)

- 600 M58 Archer Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 350 M76 Rapier Missile Pods (30 Missiles/Pod)

- 400 M96 Howler Missile Pods (20 Missiles/Pod)

- 25 M97 Lance GMWS Batteries

- 30 Shiva Nuclear Missiles

- 25 Variant V HAVOK Nuclear Missiles

- 10 M4093 Hyperion Nuclear Missiles

- 8 M4020 Bident Fusion Missiles

- 24 Fury Nuclear Missiles

- 252 M965 Fortress Point Defense Guns

- 280 M910 Rampart Point Defense Guns

- 250 Mark 57 Arena Point Defense Guns (200 in 'Quickshot' configuration)

- 130 M810 Helix Point Defense Guns

- 876 M710 Bulwark Point Defense Guns

- 340 Point Defense Pulse Lasers

Standard Complement

- 16 C709 Longswords

- 120 Fascines

- 196 Pelicans

- 2 Infantry Brigades

UEG Facts

UEG Population- 120 Billion

Population of Earth - 15 Billion.

Population of Reach - 7 Billion

UEG Controlled Worlds - 950

Inner Colonies - 220 colonies (containing 70% of population)

UNSC Manpower - 7.7 Billion Active Duty Personnel

CMA Reserve Manpower - 3.3 Billion

Military Eligible - 16 Billion

UNSC Fleet Strength

~ 1,500 Cradle Class Mobile Repair & Refit Platforms

~ 500 Mobile Construction Yards

~ 500 Planetary Assault Platforms (Modified repair & refit platforms)

~ 10,000 Various Hospital Ships

~ 50,000 Various Supply Ships

~ 43,000 Total Combat Vessels

~ 5,000 Mako-Class Corvettes

~ 3,000 Gladius-Class Corvettes

~ 5,000 Stalwart-Class Light Frigates

~ 3,000 Charon-Class Light Frigates

~ 5,000 Paris-Class Heavy Frigates

~ 4,000 Andraste-Class Heavy Frigates

~ 3,000 Strident-Class Frigates

~ 2,000 Anlace-Class Frigates

~ 5,000 Halberd-Class Light Destroyers

~ 3,000 Gibraltar-Class Heavy Destroyers

~ 1,600 Marathon-Class Cruisers

~ 1,000 Warlock-Class Battlecruisers

~ 1,300 Autumn-Class Heavy Cruisers (All older Halcyon-Class Light Cruisers have been refitted and upgraded to the Autumn-Class's specifications)

~ 300 Valiant-Class Super Heavy Cruisers

~ 100 Vindication-Class Light Battleships

- 20 Medusa-Class Battleships

~ 300 Phoenix-Class Colony Ships (Refitted for planetary assault)

- 250 Poseidon-Class Light Carriers

- 200 Orion-Class Assault Carriers

- 75 Epoch-Class Heavy Carriers

~ 100 Concordia-Class Heavy Carriers

- 10 Punic-Class Supercarriers

- 2 Infinity-Class Supercarriers