And I'm back! So it's finally time we dip into the main series proper. This is the official start to my version of, the Galuna Island arc. How will Erdan's presence change things? You'll have to read to find out. That's all I have to say, so let's jump right into it!
As Lucy made her way back home. She was also lost in thought. "Wow. Mystogan and Laxus. That is so cool! I can't believe how many famous wizards are in Fairy Tail." She grinned slyly. "And I think I'm starting to see how everybody's ranked in the guild." Of course given her own ego, the blonde celestial wizard ranked herself higher on the guilds totem pole then she really is.
Opening her apartment door, she was greeted not with the quietness of her room. But instead...
"Welcome home." grunted Natsu as he did sit-ups on her bed.
"S'up?" said Happy while lifting weights beside him.
"AHHHH! YOU GUYS STINK!" She yelled as she, literally, kicked them out of her bed. "Why don't you jerks work out at your own house?!"
Natsu grinned happily. "Now Lucy, if we wanna work together like a team-" He then pulled a pink dumbbell out of thin air. "-we have to train like one!"
"We thought you'd like the pink dumbbell." Happy added.
The two knuckleheads ignored her outburst, and started doing push-ups on the floor.
"We have to knock it up a notch if we wanna beat Erza and Laxus. Erdan too! My pride as a Dragon Slayer is on the line!"
"From the way you talk, it sounds like you want to slay Erdan." Lucy pointed out.
"Of course not. I'll just beat him into a gooey pulp!"
"Aye, sir!"
"Jeez. You two are hopeless. Also, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT! I just wanted some peace and quiet!" Natsu and Happy then started picking up speed.
"Don't worry, we'll train quietly, Lucy." Natsu whispered.
"Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me?" she cried comically.
"I've made a decision. Our team is ready for the big time, S-Class." Happy then pulled out a job flyer. However, this one had a big S stamped on it. This was clearly one of the S-class quests Mirajane had been talking about.
"How's you get that?! I thought we weren't allowed on the second floor?!"
"Well I just climbed the stairs, and took it." The blue cat responded.
"Since this is our first S-Class quest we decided to go with the smallest reward we found on the board. But seven million, is still a lot of jewel." The fire wizard said with a thumbs up.
"We're not ready! If the master knew you had this he'd be furious."
"Yeah, but I think he'll be really impressed if we actually manage to pull it off."
Lucy sighed and sat in a chair. "You know this may be the dumbest thing you've ever done Natsu. If you wanna rise though the ranks, you should try following the guilds rule."
"Jeez, we're never gonna make S-class with that attitude."
"You can go if you want. But I'm staying right here."
"But the job is saving a tropical island." Happy added.
"Really?" After a few moments of silence...
"It's the cursed island of Galuna!" The Dragon Slayer and his cat said in a haunting tone.
"No way! Definitely not going!"
"I'll give you half the fish I catch Lucy." Happy said, trying to sweeten the deal. While still using the creepy voice for some reason.
"Fine, we're out of here."
"Aye." Just as they were leaving a question entered Lucy's mind.
"Are you totally sure no one saw you?" She asked the cat.
"Aye. I was super sneaky."
"Sigh That's good to know. Now then, I believe you two were leaving." For some reason Natsu and Happy decided to leave via the widow, instead of the door. When they opened it Lucy was going to tell them to use the door. But she never got the chance as a ghostly figure suddenly popped up out of nowhere.
"Hey kids, wanna see a dead body?!" All three screamed as Natsu tried to punch it. However, the ghost moved it's head to the side. Avoiding the strike completely. "Hey, hey there pal! It's me." The spectral form then faded to reveal Erdan.
"Wait Erdan? What are you doing here?" The blonde asked.
"I saw Happy steal something and decided to follow." This angered Lucy who grabbed onto Happy's cheeks and stared to pull.
"Yell at him later. Pinky, talk now."
"I was trying to convince Lucy to go on an S-Class quest with me and Happy. But she's being a buzz kill, trying to get us to follow "the rules"."
"Ah Lucy, your never going to get anywhere if you do that."
"That's what I said!"
"You think I could have become the saviour of Skyrim like... a bunch of time over, if I always followed the rules. Oblivion no!" Erdan pointed out. "But, if your going to be a pansy about it, I guess I'll just have to go along instead."
This caused the two's eyes to widen. "Wait a second you want to come along?" Happy and Natsu asked at the same time.
"Sure, sounds like fun. Plus it's gotta pay a crap ton of money, right?"
"Don't be an idiot! You just joined the guild and your already breaking it's rules?!" Turning her back to them as Lucy started to lecture him. "This is a perfect time to make a good impression, with master Makarov. I'm sorry, but you'll definitely regret it if you go."
"I respect your opinion and understand your worries Lucy. Your concern for my well being is truly touching, and appreciated."
"Ah, thanks." She was touched by his words.
"But I'm afraid that, despite my respect, I can't listen to you this time since me and the guys are already halfway there." Her eyes snapped open at that. Turning around, she saw that nobody was there. "See yah." Said thin air.
"HOW'D HE DO THAT?!" she shouted loudly.
"How'd yah do that man?" asked Natsu as they walked together down the street.
"Throw Voice shout. Great for pranks." Erdan said with a smirk. "So why did you leave the job posting in her place, again?"
"Because she's going to come. At least when she takes a closer look at it."
True to form, three seconds later they heard the Celestial mage call for them to wait up.
The next morning Makarov sat at his usual spot ontop of the counter, in the Fairy Tail guild hall. Relaxing this fine morning while sipping some booze. That peace was shattered when Mirajane came running down from the second floor.
"Master! I don't know what happened, but one of the S-Class jobs have gone missing!"
For a moment he seemed unfazed. Remaining completely calm as he took another sip. Immediately after all that calm disappeared, as he did a sip take, before turning to face her. "WHAT?!" He cried.
Because it was pretty quiet around the guild right now, almost everyone heard what Mira said. All of them were shocked to say the least.
"Say what? One of the jobs from the second floor is missin'?" Wakaba said in disbelief.
"But the jobs up there are S-Class quests. Anyone one know who took it?" Macao asked.
"Well, it's either someone really strong or really stupid." another girl in the guild chimed in. She had purple hair and wore glasses. Her name was Laki Olietta.
"I know who. A little blue cat flew up here and ripped it off the board." said an all-too-familiar voice. Mira quickly turned to see Laxus on the second floor.
"It was Happy?" with this new information, the guild began to mutter to each other. Some louder then others.
"He must've stolen it for Natsu and Lucy!" Wakaba realized.
"That's crazy! What were they thinking?!" Macao exclaimed.
"They got some nerve, taking on that S-Class quest." commented a cowboy looking wizard that had black hair and wore a poncho. He was Alzack, guns magic user and partner to Bisca. Speaking of Bisca...
"I dunno if I'd call it nerve, but it's definitely dumb." she remarked.
Laxus smirked. "It wasn't just them. I also saw our guild's newest nutcase chasing after them."
"Erdan went too?!" Makarov yelled, his eyes big as plates.
"Are you serious?!" The Macao slapped his forehead. "That guy is crazy! He has no idea how dangerous S-Class quests can be!"
"Takin' an S-Class quest without permission is a serious breach of the rules." Laxus said with a smirk. "Hey, Gramps! Stunts like that will get you kicked out of the guild, am I right?"
Makarov simply stood on the bar's counter with his head lowered, arms crossed, and eyes closed. Thinking over the situation as Laxus continued.
"Not that it matters. It's not like those losers are gonna make it back from an S-Class quest."
Laxus's attention then turn to Mirajane, who had walked up the stairs and was staring at him angrily, with her hands firmly on her hips. "Which is all the more reason you should have stopped them!"
"Oh, lighten up." He dismissed. "All I saw was a blue cat flying off with a piece of paper in it's paws trying to be sneaky, as well as someone in armour chasing after him. I had no idea it was Happy. But then again, I guess I should have made sure Erdan didn't run off. Who knows what trouble someone with his limited faculties might get into."
It was bad enough that this arrogant S-Class wizard had let Happy fly off with the job to begin with, obviously knowing it was him and where he was going, but allowing someone who had joined not but a few hours prior was even worse. Mira was giving him an intense, angry glare. However he just shrugged it off.
"You haven't given me that look in a while." he mentioned.
"This isn't good." said the short man. "Well, which job did they take?"
"For lifting the curse... on Galuna Island."
Makarov's eyes widened from shock. "WHAT?!"
"GALUNA ISLAND?!" Macao and Wakaba shouted.
"Are they insane?!" Laki cried.
"They're even dumber then we thought!" Alzack and Bisca remarked, just as stunned as everyone else.
Everyone in the guild was beginning to panic now. None of the S-Class quests were what you'd call pleasant, but that particular job had been left untouched for a good reason. Said reason being a combination of all the nasty stories that came from there, plus the fact that nobody that had taken that job ever came back.
Makarov leapt down from his spot and looked up at the arrogant blonde wizard. "Laxus! Go and fetch them at once!"
"Yeah, right." He said with a dismissive wave. "I got better things to do, Gramps. And besides, I thought everyone in Fairy Tail is supposed to be able to take care of themselves?"
"I don't care how you feel about Natsu!" He shouted. Clearly losing his patience. "None of them realize what they're getting themselves into! The fact is, your the only one strong enough to bring them back by force!"
"Sorry Master... but I'm afraid I gotta disagree with you." Grey said as he stood up from his seat.
Meanwhile, Natsu, Lucy, Erdan and Happy all arrived in the picturesque port of Hargeon. As they walked Lucy was taking a walk down memory lane.
"Wow, this takes me back." she commented. "It seems like only yesterday when we met here for the first time, Natsu."
"It practically was yesterday." he retorted. "You don't have to get all mushy."
"Yeah, you sound like an old lady." Happy snickered. That comment earned him an angry glare from the blonde, although, it did little to stop his laughing. After a few moments she returned to her normal chipper attitude.
"Well, let's go find a boat that will take us to Galuna." Lucy said.
Natsu instantly grew a panicked expression when Lucy mentioned a boat. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! Forget the boat! Why can't we just swim for it?!"
"Or maybe walk it?" Erdan added. Everyone deadpanned at that. Well... except Natsu.
"Can we really do that?!" He asked, with a big dopey grin.
"Natsu, nobody can do that." The Celestial wizard told him. "Well... maybe water magic users I guess. But definitely not us."
"Actually I have these boots which let me do just that. Once walked all the way to Solstheim, with those babies."
"I... you know what forget it. Even if you can, what about us? You gonna carry us all the way there." Lucy said, trying to poke holes in his plan.
"Yep." She faceplanted out of sheer stupidity.
"ALRIGHT THEN, let's go to Galuna!" Natsu declared from his new spot on Erdan's shoulders.
"Aye, sir!" Responded Happy who was on his partners head.
"That makes two. Well, hop on Lucy."
"I'M NOT DOING THAT AND WE'RE NOT WALKING! We are finding a boat and that's, that."
"Don't listen to her buddy. We can make it, now charge!" Natsu tried to tell him.
"Do you even know where Galuna is?" She asked. Sure enough he did not.
"Good point blondie. Gosh your smart."
She smiled triumphantly. "Why thank you."
"But I'm afraid that I must respectfully decline your suggestion, since me and the guys are already half way there." Turning to face them she discovered the trio had once again vanished. Looking out to sea, she saw Erdan wearing a pair of ancient looking metal and fur boots. Remarkably, he was actually running across the water no problem. Natsu and Happy cheered all the while.
"AH NO YOU DON'T!" Lucy then pulled out a small silver key. "Open Gate of The Clock Constellation: Horologium!"
A loud ring filled the air as pink smoke covered the three of them. A loud splash could be heard, then nothing. The three had also disappeared. A few minutes later, a walking grandfather clock climbed out of the water. Inside of it's chest compartment were Erdan, Natsu and Happy all scrunched up.
"I hope I've made by point clear now."
"Aye, says the little blue cat." The spirit called Horologium said for Happy.
"Now then let's get us a boat!" Lucy said, thrusting her arm into the air.
"Ah man this sucks! The pink haired ruffian complains."
"Get your tail out of my eye, fur ball! Demands the armoured gentlemen."
Eventually they were let out, and helped Lucy look. However, no matter where or who they turned too, nobody wanted to head to Galuna. Everyone kept saying that the island was cursed and wouldn't go near it. Some even told our intrepid gang that they would turn into demons if they set foot on the island.
"Well Lucy I hate to be that guy. Ah who am I kidding, I love being that guy. But I don't think we're conscripting a boat." Erdan told her while sitting on a barrel.
"Alright!" Natsu cheered. "Looks like we gotta run for it after all. Come on buddy, let's get going!"
"I found you." said Grey from behind them. Everyone, minus Erdan, jumped back in surprise.
"It's Grey!" said Lucy, stating the obvious.
"What are you doing here?" Natsu asked.
"Gramps found out about your hairbrained scheme, and sent me to bring you back."
"Why?! We're not in danger yet."
"If you come back now, you might avoid being kicked out of the guild, maybe."
Lucy was scared of getting kicked out, but Natsu was undeterred. "I don't care. I'm going on this S-Class quest!" He told his rival.
"Man, you way out of your league here, just come home. When Erza finds out she's gonna be so angry." When he mentioned the redhead, everyone who knew here twinged in fear. Erdan however was a-ok.
"Not sure why everyone seems to be scared of her. I mean, her aura was a bit intimidating, but over all she seemed harmless. I bet I could sweet talk her down, if push came to shove." The Dragonborn thought to himself. Having zero clue the true terror of Erza Scarlet.
"Please Grey you gotta help me! I tried to talk them out of it, but they forced me to come." Happy told him, while flying over and holding onto his shoulder.
"YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR!" Lucy shouted at the cat.
"I have to prove my power to Erza. So like it or not I'm going!" Natsu told him, with a fire in his eyes.
"Master ordered me to bring you home. I'll drag back to Fairy Tail if I have too!" Grey reared back his hand and summoned a light blue magic circle in it. "Don't make me hurt you buddy!"
"I'd like to see you try!" he retorted, conjuring an orange one in his. It was then that the guy that just turned them down, perked up.
"Excuse me, are you guys wizards? Have you come to lift the curse on the island?"
"Well, maybe."
"You bet your ass."
"Not gonna happen!"
"... Get in." The boat man told them. Surprising everyone.
Once again Grey tried to protest, but was silence by a swift kick/punch from Natsu and Erdan. "We're all ready to go when you are." Erdan told him, while his pink haired friend slung the ice wizard over his shoulder. Not three seconds after getting onto the boat, Natsu started turning green, then purple. He then rushed to the back and hung over the edge.
"What's with him?" the white haired Dovahkiin asked. This guy looked ready to keel over any moment.
"Oh, Natsu get's super motion sick." Happy told him.
A little bit later Grey woke up, but couldn't move since he'd been tied up shortly after leaving by Erdan.
"Ok, I'm kinda getting scared." Lucy mentioned, in a scared voice.
"Look on the bright side, at least your not tied up!" said Grey.
"This is your fault too!" he told the boat guy. "Why'd you let us on here anyway?"
"The names Bobo. And if you must know, I used to be a citizen of Galuna Island. But I had to flee. I just couldn't take it anymore."
"I must warn you. Tragedy befalls any who set foot on that island. That is, unless your able to lift the curse." Moving his cloak to the side. Everyone but Natsu's eyes widened when he showed his left arm. It was purple, and almost insectoid in structure.
"Wow your arm! What happened to it?"
"Is that... the curse?" the busty blonde asked, frightenedly.
"... We're almost there." following his eyes. They saw a small island not too far away. What Erdan noticed right off the bat, was a bright light emanating from the top of it. Lucy noticed this to.
"That's weird. Why is the mountain top glowing like that?" Turning to ask the boat guy, she found that he had disappeared. "What the?! Why does this keep happening?"
"Did he fall out?" asked Grey.
"Um, guys. Don't look now, but we have a bigger problem." Erdan told them. Sounding worried. Looking off to the side, they all saw a huge titlewave about three seconds away from swallowing them up.
"Now don't panic! Just stay calm!" The stripper wizard told his friends.
"Happy! Can you fly the boat over the wave?!" Lucy desperately asked the cat.
"I'M NOT STRONG ENOUGH!" Erdan tried to shout at it in hopes that he may stop it. However, the wave was just a little faster then him. It crashed down on everyone, sweeping them away.
Lucy was the first to wake up. Looking over the beach, she saw Natsu and Grey laying there, while Happy's entire top half was buried.
"Looks like we made it you guys!" Natsu said.
"We're lucky that wave washed us ashore."
"I wouldn't exactly call it luck." Grey said in an annoyed tone.
"I can't help but wonder what happened to the guy that brought us here." The blonde wondered. "Right after he told us about the curse he vanished." It was about now she realized one member of their party was missing.
"Hey, wait a second. Where's Erdan?" Sure enough, there was absolutely no sign of him.
"FORGET ABOUT THAT STUFF FOR NOW, AND LET'S GO EXPLORING!" The pink haired Dragonslayer said.
"We've been here for like thirty seconds, and you guys have already forgot about the mission? We also have to look for Erdan."
"He's a big boy, I know he can take care of himself. I'm sure he'll join up with us later. In the mean time, let's go!" After a while they happened upon a village. It was the only one on the island, and the source of the request. Just one thing blocked the path in. A massive fence with a large "Keep Out" sign on it.
"Man. When they say keep out, they mean it." Natsu commented.
"Anyone home?" Lucy called out. "We've come to help you!"
"... Let's bust in!"
"Who goes there?" Yelled someone from atop the gate.
"We're wizards from Fairy Tail, responding to your request."
"Ah geez, more of you?!" This confused them. "Look, we don't know what happened. But would you come and collect your friend? He's freaking everyone out."
"Friend?... You don't thing?"
"I bet it is." Grey said dryly.
The gates soon opened up to reveal the villagers. They all wore robes, making it impossible to tell what they all looked like. However, the person most front and centre was short and had a large cane.
"It's like we're stepping into a giant monsters mouth." Happy said playfully.
"Are you trying to freak me out?!" Lucy whispered to him.
"I'm Moka, the village chief. On behalf of everyone I'd like to welcome you." said the shorter person, whos voice indicated he was a man. "Now I don't mean to alarm you. But you might want to look over there."
Pointing with his cane, the four saw Erdan standing not too far away. "Erdan! What's up man?" Natsu called out as he ran over. As he got close, he noticed something off. The Dovahkiin was just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. Not moving, not blinking. His eyes were also glazed over.
"What's with him?" he asked, as he examined his friend. Lucy, Grey and Happy soon joined him.
"It's like he's a statue or something." Grey pointed out.
"What happened to him?" asked Lucy.
"We're not sure. After letting him in, he told us there were more coming. We offered to let him wait in one of our huts, but he declined. He then went over there and has been standing completely still ever since." Moka told them.
"And you haven't tried to snap him out of it?"
"We've tried several times. Each one more loud, and obnoxious then the last! But no reaction at all." Natsu then got an idea.
"Well then! If he won't wake up from noise, we're just gonna have to beat him awake!"
"Of course you'd come up with that idea." Lucy deadpanned.
"Don't be an idiot dragon breath. You might just end up making it worse."
"Shut up ice princess! Besides, we won't know till we try!" Coding his fist in flames, Natsu went right for the face. Erdan's eyes suddenly returned to normal and, with an impressive show of reflex's, grabbed onto his arm and tossed the Dragonslayer over his shoulder.
"You trying to kill me or something?!" he asked.
"Your awake!" Happy cheered.
"Of course I'm awake. Hell, I was never asleep!"
"Then what were you doing just a moment ago? It's like your brain just... I don't know... turned off." Wondered the only female member of their group.
"... Wait what?"
"Hold on? Can you all not just do that whenever you feel like it? Except when enemies are around." They all just stared at him confusingly.
"Ah-hem!" All their attention returned to Moka. "I am happy to see you are alright young man. But getting back down to business, there is something you all must see. Now my people!"
Everyone from the village discarded their robes. And what the Fairy Tail team saw shocked them. Various parts of these people's bodies were disfigured. In truth, those parts looked like they belonged on demons.
"It's just like what happened to the boat guy." Grey muttered.
"Yeah." Lucy responded.
"Oh wow, your sideburns!" Natsu proclaimed. Completely ignoring Moka's demonic arm.
"Not that! I was trying to show you what's happened to my arm! Everyone on the island has suffered from terrible disfigurement. Not even the animals are safe."
"Pardon me sir. But how do you know it's a curse?" asked the stripping ice wizard. "It could be just some kind of infectious decease."
"We've consulted with dozens of doctors, and they all agree no such decease exists!"
"Well only one way to be certain." Erdan said, nonchalantly. Reaching behind his back, he pulled out a small red potion. Then walked up to a man with a green pincer for an arm.
"C-Can I help you?" he asked.
"Yes. Drink this."
"What? Why? What is it?"
"I said drink!" Grabbing onto his head, the Dragonborn forced the potion down his throat. Causing the cursed man to cough wildly when it was all gone.
"Cough cough what the hell cough cough was tha… hum?"
"Are you ok?" asked a random village woman.
"Yes actually. In fact, I feel great!"
"Uh huh. Well it's definitely not a decease. Otherwise that potion would have cured it. Guess you all are cursed, sucks for you." Erdan once again said nonchalantly.
"We're going to talk about that later." Commented Grey before turning his attention back to the villagers. "When did all this start?"
"Several years ago, when the moon fell under an evil spell." Moka clarified.
"What kind of spell?" asked Lucy. Sounding a little sceptical about the idea of the moon itself, somehow being cursed.
"I'm not sure. All we know is that one day it's colour began to change. Becoming an ominous purple."
"Wait, but it wasn't purple last night." Mentioned our drunken Dragonslayer. As if on cue, the clouds began to shift. Revealing the moon and, just like he said, it was indeed purple.
"Wow. It is purple." Lucy muttered.
"It's the curse." said the village leader, fright very clear in his voice. "Stand back. The change is upon us."
All of a sudden everyone started screaming in pain. It was then their bodies began to change. Twisting and morphing to resemble their demonic parts. After a minute, the transformations had stopped. All the villagers now looked just like demons.
"I'm sorry if our appearance frightens you." Moka apologized. As he now had purple, scaly skin, pointed ears and horns.
"Wow! You all look so cool! All those horns and spikes, so awesome!" Natsu hollered. Causing everyone to sweatdrop.
"He thinks we look cool?"
"Nobody's ever said that before."
"Natsu, your being insensitive! They don't want to look like this." Lucy scolded.
"Really? Well, sorry about that. Guess we should help them." All of his friends facepalmed at that. He'd already forgotten that, this was the reason they were there in the first place. The chief then continued.
"As you can see, whenever the light of the moon comes out, everyone in the village takes on a demon form. If this isn't a curse, then what is it? We'll return to normal when the sun rises, but there are some who lose their minds and never change back. All we can do for these poor souls is to put them to death." Everyone was shocked to hear this.
"But they may get better eventually!" Natsu protested.
"If we wait that long, they will kill us all." he then began to cry as he pulled out a photo. "We've tried to capture them, but they always break free. Once it takes hold there is no way to reverse it. This fowl curse has even forced me to kill my own son."
Letting the photo fall, everybody got a good look at the man in question. It was the same guy from the boat!
"But that's the guys from the boat!" Lucy pointed out. "But, we just saw-"
"SSSHHH." silenced Grey. "I get now why he disappeared on us. He's dead, but his soul can't rest in peace."
"How'd he get such a small, and realistic painting?" Erdan thought to himself. The gravity of the situation not lost on him. But his curiosity was getting the better of him right now.
Moka then bowed his head to them. Tears still in his eyes. "Please lift the curse from our island. If you don't we may all fall victim to it."
"We're not going to let that happen!" shouted Natsu. "We can fix this. We promise you."
"There is only one way this curse can be lifted. The moon... the moon must be wiped, from the sky!" The Fairy Tail group deadpanned simultaneously.
After a little bit, everyone was shown to the hut where they'd be staying for the night.
"I never knew the moon could be so creepy." Happy said to himself.
"Hurry up and close the window!" Lucy shouted. "You heard what the chief said, we have to stay out of the moon light! You may not care, but I don't wanna risk turning into some freaky lookin monster!"
"I'm not sure about this job, guys." said the pyro wizard. Sounding more irritated the worried.
"How do they expect use to accomplish this?" asked Grey.
"I wonder how many punches it would take?" Natsu asked. "You think I can handle it?"
"Oh yeah. You go right ahead, pal. I'll even shout you up there, for free." Erdan said sarcastically, while gulping down a bottle of mead.
"Natsu, there isn't a wizard in the world strong enough to do that." said the blonde, as she shook her head.
"But that's what they hired us to do!" he objected. "If we back out now, it'll make Fairy Tail look bad!"
"What their asking for can't be done!" his rival countered, then asked. "How would you even get up there, anyway?"
"With Happy, duh."
"Say what?!" said cat shot back.
"How about this. We go searching around in the morning, and try to find the answer on the island first. Then, if nothing comes up, we try taking the moon out." everyone stared at the Dovahkiin funny, except Natsu.
"Did you not just hear me and Grey, Erdan? It can't be done!"
"If flame brain over here tried punching it sure. But shouting? Well, let's just say you'd be surprised what I've shouted away."
"Well, you kids have fun playing in make-believe land." Looking over her shoulder, Lucy saw that Grey had already stripped down to his boxers. "But I'm hitting the sack."
"Please don't take off any more." she pleaded.
"Who you calling kid? I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest one here!"
"All right! Our investigation starts tomorrow." Natsu added, before jumping into his sleeping mat. "Let's hit the sack."
"Aye, sir." Happy mimicked.
Lucy soon followed suit. However she didn't get to sleep long, as both young men next to her snored.
"How am I supposed to get any sleep, when the beast and the perv keep snoring?!" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Erdan. Still sitting there, still drinking. His helmet sitting right next to him.
"Can't sleep?" he asked.
"Yes but what about you? Shouldn't you be trying to get some shut eye?"
"Not really. Every since I woke up in that carriage, I haven't really needed to sleep."
"Say what?" the more she learned about him, the more people like Natsu and Grey seemed normal.
"Regardless, if you need some help getting to sleep. I do know a special technique to help."
"Really? Please show me!" she pleaded. Making his way over, he stopped about a foot away from her.
"Ok, so the first step is not to move. If you do, there is a good change I will screw up. Can you do that?" he asked. And she nodded.
"You sure this will work?"
"Oh yeah. Almost always worked when me and my friends would go into the wilderness. Alright, now the first step is- WHACK!" Out of the blue he punched her right in the face. She then fell over, her eyes swirling as she lay there.
"Pisst. Hey Lucy, you still awake?" No response. "Told you it would work. Now, come back to me you delicious bottle of joy."
Done! Wow, this took way too long! Sorry about the wait by the way. I recently got a new job, and things were hectic there for a while. But things have calmed down a lot which finally gave me the freedom to finish this. I'll try my best to not make the next chapter take as long.
I know Erdan didn't change that much this chapter, but there wasn't much he could. Going forward however is a different story. So be prepared for that. Also, I know one of you asked for a double pair. Here is my answer to that. If I did it will probably be with someone you don't expect.
Don't really have much to say so I'll just do the traditional sign off. Make sure to leave me a review. Follow and favorite this story if your so inclined. And I'll see you all next time.