Imagine a world where almost everyone on Earth had some kind of superpower or extraordinary ability A world where heroes where so common that hundreds of schools across the planet had opened everywhere from Germany to Australia for the sole purpose of training the next generation of heroes.
Oh, and that in that world they call powers "Quirks".
Now imagine that in that world, there was someone that was perfectly happy where they were. Someone that was already doing well in their own classes preparing them to be both a Hero and someone that could possibly get a job that they really liked and did well in.
Now Imagine that that person was suddenly, and almost randomly, shipped almost halfway across the world for little or no explained reason in a exchange program that they didn't even know their school had. That they had little more than half a week to say their goodbyes, pack, and fork over almost all of their savings just to take a rush course in the language. Let alone the customs and inhabitants.
Now see that young person be ripped away from the only home they'd ever known because of some force and cause that even their parents and most trusted teachers could only vaguely clue them in on.
And throw in the fact that somehow they'd have to, for some god-forsaken fault of classic school bureaucracy, take not just one, but two Hero courses simultaneously, after the first classes had already begun.
Now imagine yourself in that unlucky person's shoes, and ask yourself:
Does it really matter that what you've been sent to is seen as one of the greatest Hero schools in the world?
No it does not.
Because, after all, timing can be everything.