Reader's P.O.V

Most people wake up in a bed in the morning. Feeling energized and comfortable. But Sasuke didn't. He passed out on the bathroom floor. He was still lying there. It was around noon when Sasuke started waking up. He's head spinning like crazy. He's legs were still speared wide open with semen dripping out of his ass. He tried getting up slowly but he's lower half was burning. Naruto must've tared his ass. He could see semen mixed with blood underneath him. Since it was too painfull to get up. Sasuke started crawling towards the bathtub.

Sasuke's P.O.V

After turning on the hot water. I very carefully go in. "ahh" I sigh in relief. Hot water always helped lower my pain. It felt as if the water was melting away my pain. At moments like this I wonder why I stay with Naruto. "You love him" a voice in my head said. Have I gone insane? Probably, but I'm not crazy enough to leave Naruto. He gets violent at the thought of me talking to someone else. I don't even want to know what he'd do if I left him.

Being in hot water makes me feel like sleeping. But I can't it's probably lunch time now. I should make lunch for Naruto and me. He'll throw a fit if food isn't waiting for him by 2 exactly. After being in the bathtub for a while I decide its time to get out. I start getting up it still hurts but less than before now. I cringe as I look at the mess on the floor. My ripped up clothes beside the sink. My shirt was the only thing not ripped up but it was soaked in semen and blood. I pick up the clothes or lack there of and get out of the washroom.

Naruto's P.O.V

Sasuke just passed out but that doesn't mean im gonna stop fucking him. I'm not gonna stop until I see blood. Until I know he hurts. Then maybe next time he'll think twice before being late. I hate people who are late. I don't hate Sasuke though I could never hate him. I eventually get bored of fucking him. It's no fun when Sasuke's quiet. I'm still mad though. I need a drink. I leave home wanting to go to a bar.

"That whore. Who does he think he is? Talking back to me." I can't stop thinking about how mad I am at Sasuke. He thinks he can make wait. God dammit I'm still getting worked up. I fast walk to the nearest bar. Which just so happens to be a gay bar. I enter the place I immediately take notice of a few prostitutes. I wonder if I should buy a one night stand. I don't get much time to think as I notice one of my friends calling me.

It's Sai he must be here for a drink too. I make my way towards him. I put a huge grin on my face as I say "Yo Sai! How are you?" Sai gives one of his fake smiles at me and replies " I'm fine Naruto. But I'm guessing you're not since you're here after all." I give a small chuckle before talking again. " Well you know how it is. I got into a little argument with Sasuke. The bastard was so mad at me that he wouldn't let me sleep with him." I pout childishly after speaking. Sai then offers me a drink, I accept graciously. After a couple drinks he leaves. That's when I ordered the hard alcohols. I drink and I drink until I got approached by a male prostitute. He offers me a one night stand free of charge. He said he's been watching me for a while and loved to get a taste of me.

He has the same hair color as Sasuke but he's nowhere near as beautiful as him. I think about his offer but who am I kidding. I'm too drunk to make a rational decision. I grab his waist and pull him closer I only ask one question. "Which hotel do you wanna go to?" He says he's staying at a hotel near here. He leads me to it shortly after. When we arrive I don't even bother taking a shower. I just push him down on the bed and fuck him right then and there. Hey, Atleast I used protection.