Big Bad

Chapter 31

Stiles and Derek froze, as they felt the mental flood gates opening, revealing that a supernatural had entered Beacon Hills and their territory. Stiles glanced down at his hot curly fries and groaned dramatically. Wishing to pout, unable to believe that their very first date was being interrupted. "She has the worst timing, EVER." Stiles declared, staring expectantly at Derek, his date. Unfortunately, Derek was in no mood for such words, just knowing that Kate Argent was anywhere near him was enough to get him to lock up as fear suffused him. He hated himself for reacting that way, but he just couldn't help it. The fear he felt for her was immense, she'd killed his family, took everyone he loved from him, and scarred those who had survived. Laura had never been the same after that, and Cora he'd thought her dead for so long.

Derek swallowed thickly, grasping a hold of Stiles hand, looking around warily, the food already forgotten. He wouldn't lose them, no, he wouldn't, not again. She would die, this time, he would make sure she died, rip her apart and burn her body. Then scatter the ashes in the four corners of Beacon Hills so nobody could resurrect her again. knowing his luck, that's exactly what would happen, but without any other Argent left it wasn't like anyone wished to see her return, nobody cared about her.

"Hey, Derek? Everything is okay," Stiles reassured him, "She's nowhere near us or the pack, let us call them and tell them what we know." He'd wanted Kate Argent dead since he found out the truth behind the Hale fire. Naturally when Peter killed her, he'd gotten a sense of satisfaction out of it, then he'd found out she was still alive, and had changed into a werejaguar of all things! A loner, a lone hunter, and lone werejaguar, well, at least she'd get to live to regret it this time. His fingers drifted to his tattoo, which could draw in and let out wolfsbane, mistletoe and mountain ash at his command. The magic he was capable of could still blow his own mind, he'd get used to it eventually he was sure, until then he'd continue to come up with even more awesome magic's.

"Is it bothering you?" Derek asked, noticing his attention on the tattoos, of course, he did. He watched Stiles closely, and considering that Argent was near, his attention was obsessive.

Stiles shook his head, "None of them are," he reassured Derek, his newest Pikachu tattoo was a little red, but that happens, Stiles took great care to prevent any infection going above and beyond what was required in the care and maintenance of his tattoos. He could only use potions in a pinch, since there was already magical properties and runes imbedded in the tattoo. He hadn't had to use potions yet, and hoped never to need to. He couldn't wait to test out how good it worked, perhaps his chance was coming along, attempting to sneak up on the Hale pack.

As if that would work ever again.

Oh, no, they not only had the Nemeton but a wizard who had ensured the entire territory was mapped out and spelled so they knew all that moved. They'd honestly both expected to be overwhelmed, given how many supernatural's there actually were within the confines of Beacon Hills, but it wasn't.

Their park might be small but it was mighty and most would reconsider going against them, especially after what happened to Deaton's sister. Which they were pretty sure had made its way around the entirety of the supernatural world, and maybe, just maybe the magical world.

It was time to prove themselves, yet again.

Stiles used speed dial to call Peter, he always answered his phone no matter what.

"You're supposed to be on a date, not calling me," Peter said dryly, his sarcasm positively oozing amusement.

"She's here," Stiles told him, any other day he'd be all for giving and receiving sarcastic retorts from Peter – truly he was hilarious – and everyone was so easily offended that he rarely got to do this. Today wasn't the day, they would have plenty other times to quip one another.

"Where?" Peter asked, any amusement had faded, fast. "Quickly now, Harry will have felt it." His tone becoming more urgent, not that he thought for a second Harry wouldn't be able to deal with her himself. One on one without magic, yes, with magic easily as breathing. Just like Deucalion, although, it hadn't been without battle scars – faded as they might be now – and worries.

Derek answered before Stiles could try and sense the area again; to find out the exact location, he must be keeping a really good inner eye on her.

"I'm on my way," was all Peter stated before he was off like a shot. He knew Harry would already be on his way, it wasn't a guess, the second he felt that drain open and the wards alert those that could – Derek, Stiles, Cora and Harry – he would already be there.

Peter took a few seconds to wonder where Cora could be…she had jumped out the property just moments before the phone call…he cursed colourfully, realizing that Cora was also trying to take care of the problem. Trying to prove she could be a good left hand, despite him telling her that she would be given time and never to react impulsively, it would only lead to her death. He knew it was ironic him saying as such since he was the most impulsive person in the world it seemed. Cora definitely ended up with his impulsivity, was rash just like him, Talia would blame it all on him of course. Cora out of all her siblings had spent the least amount of time with her mother, as she helped more and more people, leaving Derek and Cora at home, with Laura going with her as the Alpha heir.

Peter sped up as much as he could, until he literally felt dizzy as he made for the location, not that he needed to make for the location on its' own long. He could smell the disgusting lingering scent of sewar that helped him along in finding the location with scent alone. Which he greatly preferred, especially whilst going as fast as he was. Bursts of adrenaline and worry came in short surges. As much as he would like to say she was easy to kill, he knew she wasn't not even as a human. He'd had to play every trick in the book to get her close enough to kill.

The fact she hadn't died still infuriated him, he couldn't believe she'd actually survived and turned. He did get a sense of satisfaction knowing it was a werejaguar though. The idea of her becoming a werewolf and his beta – not that it would have been noticed since he did die not long after – turned his stomach something fierce. Bad enough having to endure Scott McCall the disgusting stupid fool that he was, he still cursed the fact he'd bitten the idiot instead of Stiles, Stiles would have been better, although, the idea of him not having his magic and becoming the Emissary was the only saving grace for that particular situation.

That and the fact that Stiles was Derek's mate, both would know, although, knowing Derek, it's likely he would have ran away from Beacon Hills with his tail tucked between his legs! Derek didn't know how to make good decisions, they always backfired to some degree. It's why Derek had become so indecisive. Questioned himself to the point of sickness, he should know, he knew the scent well. Derek was getting better now though, becoming decisive, an Alpha worthy of the title. Between Stiles, him and Harry, Derek would become the best Alpha. Better than his mother, especially considering he was becoming friendly with other Were's. Derek wasn't keeping the pack insular. He'd actually confessed to enjoying the day and experiencing the supernatural world at its fullest. Asking him if that was how he felt when he learned it wasn't just them. Sure, he'd known other Were's existed, but nothing could have prepared him for the full reality of it. Talia had truly done everyone a disservice, and their pack had paid the price in blood and loss. Derek was now seeing the whole supernatural and magical world in all its glory.

He'd wanted to share that with his entire pack way back when. No matter. Peter shrugged off his errant thoughts as he skidded to a halt, a wheezing laugh breaking out of him, despite his inability to breathe momentarily. Yes, even werewolves could get breathless, he'd just ran a mile in a few seconds. Okay, it was more than a few seconds, but he hadn't timed himself. He also absolutely did not trip over his own feet, and anyone that said he did, was a liar.

"What on earth?" Peter muttered, as he gracefully wiped the debris that had landed on him when he skidded to a halt.

Kate Argent was held aloft with a single band of mountain ash around her neck, she was ungracefully attempting to claw of the ring to disperse it. However, she couldn't connect to it, she was unable to touch it, not even her claws could do anything. Her face was a furious red, but it wasn't easy for a Were to die, regardless of their species.

"Too soon?" Harry teased, sitting on a log, watching the scene with supreme satisfaction.

"Nothing it too soon for her," Peter retorted, "How long have you been here?" wondering if Harry had been here even before the alert went off, after all they'd been talking about sewars, he wouldn't be surprised if Harry had done something to find her sooner.

"Couple of minutes, she was easier to subdue than anticipated," Harry confessed with a smirk, "She was wondering what I was, she's never seen purple eyes before…now she's just filled with naught but panic and fear as she struggles to think, how to get out of this, to survive, to kill me but no, she decided she didn't want to kill me, she wants to figure out what I am. Experimentation."

Kate's eyes were bulging out of their sockets, whether it was the inability to breathe or the fact Harry knew what she was thinking nobody knew.

Peter laughed, it was filled with fond amusement, but his gaze? Oh, that was cold and calculating as he stared Kate Argent down. Or up as the case may be. Since she was currently wrestling with thin air, magic truly was wonderful, wasn't it?

"Derek needs closure," Harry commented, "Could he deal with this?" gesturing at Kate, indicating more of the fact she was going to endure torture unlike anyone had been tortured with. Flicking the mountain ash ring down, letting her feet touch the ground, and let her breathe for a few seconds before magicking her back up in the air.

Peter chuckled, gleaming deviously at the huntress, "Has she wondered about her family at all?" knowing Harry could read minds if he chose to do so, and knew he had, he'd revealed as such moments prior after all. His arm wrapping around Harry's back, standing behind him, enjoying the show.

"She is now," Harry told him with a laugh, delighting in her torment. "Ooo prejudiced too, my goodness you should hear the disgust she feels right now…coming from a rapist and paedophile that's really saying something." It was nothing he hadn't heard before, but oof, she truly was something else considering her own disgusting…inclinations.

Letting her fall to the ground, loud snapping could be heard as bones in her leg shattered, the wrong angle of her fall. The loud wail of anguish she wrestled out was music to their ears. "Please STOP LET ME GO! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME GOOOOO!" she screamed to high heavens, with far more energy than she should have considering she shouldn't have room to breathe properly whilst choking.

"Can you caterwaul any louder?" Stiles complained, wiggling his finger in his ear in annoyance. As he ambled through the forest, there was a lot of it in Beacon Hills, helped cover up any nastiness, especially since they were a bit away from the trails people liked to hike or run on.

"How do you think we feel?" Harry said dryly, thankful for the noise dampening spells he'd erected.


"That noise is going to attract people," Stiles pointed out, wincing in pain at the strength of Derek's grip, bloody hell, he needed to learn a spell to make him as strong as a werewolf and do it back. The idea was actually a good one, he liked the idea very much.

Harry chuffed, "Unlikely, she'd need to break the magic on my silencing spells," and just like that Kate stopped her shrieking, she was smart, her attempts to get help thinking the 'good guys' wouldn't want to hurt an innocent bystander or if good luck willing, bystanders. Which was true enough, they wouldn't, but thing was, she hadn't done her digging, didn't realize what the pack was capable of now. That and she thought her strength and abilities would gain her the upper hand. She hadn't brought anything with her to defend herself.

"What did she want the de-aging spell for?" Stiles asked, watching in gross fascination as her leg injury healed incorrectly with the bone still protruding from her thigh. That was so gross! It made sense then why they were so quick to put the bones back into position, hunting out a stick, giving it a feel before he walked up to her, not too close he didn't want kicked, then with a few tests, he wacked her leg with such brutal force the bone snapped off entirely, and fell to the floor.

The wail she let out was ignored by the four men, although Derek did swallow and step back, sensing of wretchedness.

"What will happen to that leg?" Stiles asked, poking at it, the skin had healed entirely over it, the bone still remaining on the ground.

"Nothing," Peter chortled in amusement, grateful that Stiles was on their side, the little sociopath that he was. It was probably a good thing he hadn't known about the supernatural sooner, the sadist in Stiles wouldn't have been able to resist sticking the knife in. He leaned back against the giant boulder watching the scene with fascination.

"But without a bone it would be…" Stiles protested, sticking the stick in further, but it snapped instead of driving straight through. "Awww!"

"It would be excruciatingly painful for the rest of their lives," Peter answered, and it would be, the open agony of having a half bone in your body? The constant infections? The pain whilst walking? Yes, it would be a horrible existence, but as werewolves the pain would fade but come back again over and over.

"Too bad she's not going to live long enough," Stiles grumbled, throwing the broken stick away absently, "So, the spell? why did you want it?" shoving his plaid shirt up, so that his arm was bare, "Pikachu go!" he called out, his and on his tattoo as he swiped his left hand over it, the lightening went with it, the blue bolt of lightning hit Kate with alarming accuracy.

Kate's body began to shake and shudder before smoking as she screamed, unable to take it, it left her horribly vulnerable much like the mountain ash. It prevented her from turning into her Were half, which meant she was suffering as a human, like every single werewolf or were creature she'd ever kidnapped, tortured and killed.

Peter couldn't help but snort in amusement, it truly was the most hilarious thing, the words Stiles used to activate his magic so to speak. The tattoo had the image of Pikachu on it, in Pikachu's hand was Thor's hammer. At least Angela didn't react, but she must have heard her share of things people wanted inked upon their flesh. Stiles continued to go to her after the initial tattoo, paying for her time of course, or doing a deal in trade. His finger brushing up and down where his own tattoo once sat.

"Better never use that on a human, you'll obliterate them," Harry commented idly, as he watched her impassively. There was nobody who deserved this more than her, well, there was one he could say deserved it more, and they would be next on his list. Once things calmed down in Beacon Hills – which it should now that they had dealt with the Alpha Pack, the Darach and of course, soon enough, Kate Argent – he would seek out the rest of the people who had hurt his godson with great delight.

"What did you want with the de-aging spell?" Stiles asked her, after ceasing his attack for the moment.

His features did not click with the tone of his spell, his face was filled with a glow, an excitement to him. Like he was a little boy being told he was going to get curly fries after school. There was no denying that Stiles was enjoying himself, but his voice? It was laced with a furious vengeance that let everyone know he was not to be trifled with. His emotions too spoke of an enormous amount of childish glee and wonder.

When she remained stubbornly mute, Stiles commanded his Pikachu to go once more, dialling it up a notch.

Derek shuffled uncomfortably, honestly, the three of them revelled in this sort of activity, he didn't. Too many times on the other side had made it that way, either that or he just didn't have it in him to torture people. No, it wasn't people, it was her, he just wanted her out of his life, and wanted her dead for definite. Yes, he'd do whatever it took, even torture, or endure it, to protect his pack, but Kate Argent was a whole other can of worms. Ever since he found out she'd survived he'd wanted to run, but he knew he wouldn't survive on his own. He wanted to keep his pack, he wanted to be a good Alpha, and somehow against all odds, with Peter and Harry's help he was becoming a good Alpha.

"You, okay?" Harry asked, moving to lean against the boulder with Peter, gazing at him with an arched brow, it wasn't like him to be distracted, to do so now? In front of Kate Argent? Quite peculiar, then again, he was with people he trusted at his back.

Peter let out a little hum, "I am well, just wondering whether to get a new tattoo." One to replace the one that had been lost when he ended up with forth degree burns all over him. From the bitch in front of him.

Harry winced, feeling the bile threatening to rise up, to know just how badly Peter burnt that it literally burnt off the entire tattoo ink. He wished he'd checked on Peter, on them all, just once, so that he could have found out about Peter and healed him. Or worse, not been pissed off enough to close the bond down entirely. Unfortunately, even he wasn't omnipotent, and wasn't able to see what was coming otherwise none of it would have occurred. Derek would have his entire family, he'd have Peter and his beautiful godson, Teddy and Andromeda.

They just had to learn to live with the horror of what they'd seen. Revenge helped him feel a little better, but at the end of the day, Harry knew revenge was cheap, it didn't help at the end of the day. You still didn't have your loved ones, but at least everyone else was safe. Peter and Harry already knew that revenge didn't make everything better. Harry through Voldemort, Peter through Argent's…let's call it first death.

"Whenever you're ready," Harry said, squeezing his shoulder, before rubbing the back of his neck absently, Peters thoughts must have taken quite a dark turn.

Peter curtly nodded, before standing slowly, gesturing for Stiles to stop so she could hear him properly and process what he was saying. "You know, I hated how easy and clean your death was when I thought I had killed you. Now look at me, how fortunate am I, that I get a chance to redo it, and without all due haste too." He'd honestly and stupidly thought if he couldn't get rid of the body, that Derek would. He knew how to clean up supernatural kills, but not, they had to give her the chance to turn.

Argent laughed, supernatural eyes flashing between normal and her Werejaguar colour, "They'll avenge me, you'll never know peace." She vowed.

Harry blinked rapidly, "Bloody hell, she actually thinks they will." Her heartbeat hadn't stuttered once, even under all that pressure. Then again, given what she does, perhaps she truly never gave any signs of a lie. It likely made her very good at what she did, a real sociopath.

"Are you under the mistaken impression there's any Argent left from the American branch of hunters?" Harry asked her in amusement, while the others were busy shaking their heads. "Except yourself of course, but the hunters wouldn't associate with you, you've been written off by everyone, they knew what you are. A sociopathic raping paedophile."

Derek flinched violently at the words as if he'd been struck with the force of a mountain.

"Oh, no, we've dealt with the rest of the American Argent branch, your precious little niece, your deluded brother and your…"

"Nazi father, does that even have any impact or are they just proud of themselves?" Harry wondered in annoyance. "Just like Hitler failed, you'll always fail in riding the world of anything you deem an abomination." There would always be people willing to step up and protect the supernatural beings, look at Stiles, and there were likely hundreds of them all over the world, not quite as dramatic as Stiles or as brave, but there nonetheless.

"Likely proud," Peter commented, not even tripping up over the fact Harry had spoken before he could finish his sentence, they did it frequently enough that it didn't bother him. "They have no humanity in them, it's pulled out of them when they are young." He knew most families kept their children out of it, and educated them when they were adults. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, Christopher Argent had done so, but look at what became of her, watching someone being tortured barely a few days after finding out and keeping quiet, perfect little heiress.

"You're lying," Kate roared, her body wrestling with itself to get out of its trappings but unable to do so causing her to shriek in incandescent rage.

"Manners! Pikachu go!"

And she was writhing in mid-air for an entirely different reason.

"Those silencing spells must be really good," Derek commented, wincing, the pain of his ears ringing rather uncomfortably, how could they act like it didn't bother them the slightest. Then he felt his own hearing begin to dim, not entirely, just so that her shrieking didn't hurt his ears. Part of him panicked at the very idea of being so vulnerable the other part of him was thankful for it. No wonder it hadn't bothered them. "Is this…is this how humans hear?" he couldn't help but be fascinated by the idea. All his life he'd been a werewolf, he didn't know the human limitations, or rather have experience with them. He knew that werewolves were superior in every single way, hearing, sight, speed, stamina, healing.

It didn't sound appealing, at all, which surprised him that Scott had no desire to be a werewolf and that Stiles had turned it down. He frequently as of late, wondered if it was his magic that was unconsciously enforcing Stiles to have no desire to be a werewolf. No, he didn't think so, he just thought Stiles was unique. It took someone…rare to say no to being a werewolf. To giving up all those enhanced abilities that could have been his. It's not like Stiles didn't think about it, he knew Stiles well enough to know he'd have started a pros and cons list the second he found out about the supernatural world. He wondered if Stiles could actually become a werewolf or if he would die.

Harry laughed, "More or less, some can hear better than others." it just depended on the human, some were born hard of hearing, some born deaf it didn't take from them, they adapted, quite successfully. It felt like the first time in a long time since he'd had anything positive to think about when it came to humanity, Harry couldn't help but think.

"Why did you want the de-aging spell?" Stiles commanded, staring darkly at Kate, just begging for her to keep her mouth shut so he could hurt her some more.

"Should I tell him we know?" Harry whispered to Peter with a savage grin.

"No, give him a little more time," Peter answered quietly, huffing a laugh, Stiles was truly a vindictive shit, it was good though, it meant the pack would be that much safer. He'd ensure Derek would be a good Alpha in their absence, and likely be the first person to contact them if they got in over their heads. That itself was a big bonus.

Harry laughed softly, it's a good job they'd spelled Derek's ears otherwise he would have heard them and tattled on them to Stiles. "Or perhaps we should just wait and see if he can get answers on his own."

"What the hell, we have time," Peter commented, as Harry idly dropped her to the ground, where she writhed on the floor instead of mid-air.

"She's going some very interesting colours," Stiles stated matter of factly, not getting close to her, he wasn't that stupid, it was the first thing he learned from his dad to stay well away from a Perp even if it seems like they were down. "I never knew anyone could go that colour of purple." Letting up the spell after which she coughed and spluttered grasping deep breathes.

"You never met my uncle," Harry said sardonically, flicking Argent back into the air, "Now, oh, he did go interesting colours, all he had to do was stand up, or have me talking back to him he went such a dark shade of purple." His features twisting in bitter amusement, he hated the fucker, who unsurprisingly had a heart attack followed by a stroke half a year later, and was bed bound for the next seven years, unable to do anything, if there was someone who deserved such a fate, it was him.

"Would I have wanted to?" Stiles asked, naturally noticing the dangerous look on Peter's face. Using his Pikachu on her again.

Harry snorted, "Mate, just being you would have turned him purple in rage," shaking his head ruefully, anything out of the ordinary made his uncle mad. "I would have loved to have seen his face if he met Peter." Hell, he reckoned the tub of lard would have had another heart attack a fatal one if he'd met Peter.

"He wouldn't have survived our meeting," Peter stated bluntly, being completely truthful, after everything he'd done to Harry as a child? He would have made sure he was killed and buried him so that his remains were never found.


Harry straightened up entirely, his entire focus on Stiles shocked, his gaze going to Kate who was screaming like her entire body was undergoing immense torture. That shouldn't have been possible, he shouldn't be capable of his magic, unless it was just intention behind it? He just stared as the seconds turned into minutes, and nobody thought to tell Stiles that specific spell was a dangerous one to hold someone onto.

Then there was silence.

"Huh, what happened?" Stiles asked, "Has she been knocked out?" looking disappointed.

Harry swallowed, before kneeling down, wrenching her head to face his, and his eyes closed after he gained confirmation. "Damn," now she wouldn't be aware of her end.

"Is she dead?" Stiles asked, Derek shook his head, already sensing she was still breathing.

"She may well be, everything that makes her, her is gone." Harry sighed, standing up, "Damn, kid, it took four of the most powerful wizards an hour to break the Longbottom Aurors with that spell and you did it in two minutes…"

Peter kicked her with his foot, the crack of a bone breaking but no reaction, she just continued to drool dead to the world.

Stiles stared, "I didn't really expect that," he confessed, "It didn't happen when you used it!" he protested.

Harry stared at Stiles impassively for a few seconds before bluntly stating, "I've told you; our magic is different, this is the reason you don't get to use or read my bloody books!" even he couldn't have bloody deduced this could have happened though, he didn't need any further help with spark imagination.

Stiles just grinned sheepishly, "Oops?"

Harry snorted, "Avada Kedavra!" he shot the spell at Kate Argent, ending her existence once and for all. "Back away," he spoke, his gaze finding Peter's making sure he did back off. "Ignis!" and a flame shot out of his hand, encompassing Kate Argent, he was slightly disappointed he hadn't gotten to use that spell to make her know what it was like to burn and heal over and over again until her Were's healing finally gave him, and those who had died in horrific agony with the likes was unknown.

For the first time in what felt like days, but was barely fifteen minutes, Derek relaxed, finally, finally she was really gone. There was no coming back from this, he almost, almost wanted to break down in relief. He just wanted to hide away, to process what had just happened, yet he couldn't, he was an Alpha, he had a duty to his pack. She was gone, she was no longer a threat to his pack, to his remaining blood. The nightmares he'd had over something happening to Peter or worse Cora had been terrifying.

Using bits of debris to create small urns, he shuffled it in, before handing it to Peter who disappeared without a single comment.

"Do you think he's upset?" Stiles asked Harry, as he busily scooped up more of Argent's remains and stuffed them into a wooden urn – looks like magic worked best with similar stuff, pebble = stone urn, stick = wooden urn of all things. If there was one person he didn't wish to upset, it was definitely Peter and not to forget Harry too.

"Peter?" Harry questioned before laughing, genuinely amused, "Merlin, no, he's used to these sorts of things happening around me, ask him to tell you about the Patrick incident." An amused smirk lingering on his face, that had been a very fun time.

"What happened?" Stiles demanded to know, almost vibrating on the spot.

"Another time kid, I promise," Harry sighed, nobody was in the mood for conversation, well, almost nobody. "Here, put it somewhere bury it wherever you like." It's not like even if they put all the ashes together that she could be revived, but better safe than sorry. Shoving one of the urns at Derek, he could even say goodbye to the woman who he thought he knew for all he cared.

Emotions could be so bloody messy, Harry thought, as he watched Derek stricken by grief and rage in equal measures take the urn and run in the opposite direction from Peter and himself.

The rest Harry used magic to disappear, now she definitely couldn't come back.

"Where's mine?" Stiles asked, frowning displeased.

"They need to let go, and surprisingly this is a good way to do it," Harry told him, "Derek will need you tonight," he'd likely need the entire pack if he was being honest. Stiles likely knew this, but it didn't hurt to help them on the road to mating.

Stiles swallowed, wanting to rage at the very idea of Derek or Peter needing 'closure' from Argents ashes, but he was likely right. He still didn't like it though, he guessed he'd be telling his father he wasn't coming home tonight again. Thank the gods there was nobody to refute that like Isaacs father who would have tattled immediately. There hadn't been someone that Mr. Issac had met that he liked, perhaps except his oldest son, according to Issac, but Issac worshiped his older brother who had died far from home in a bid to get as far away from his father as possible.

After a few moments, yells of utter rage penetrated the forest, well, it appeared as if he hadn't been wrong, Derek definitely needed that. Would likely need something to soothe his throat, as he listened to the furious yelling, the questions of why him, what had he done to deserve it, that he hated her.

Stiles heard none of this of course, but Peter and Harry could, a head leaning against his back let him know Peter was back. Hooking his arm around Peter's head, he kissed him, giving him silent reassurances that he was here. They listened to Derek finally grieve for his family, for what Kate did to him properly, as Stiles sat down, still very human and in need of relief from his aching feet.

Stiles meanwhile watched Peter and Harry, he wanted to make sure that they were truly alright about his…screwup. He hadn't intended to kill her; he just wanted her to pay for what she did. He'd used the same spell that Harry had while torturing Deaton and it had sounded very, very painful so he wanted to try it on her – who better? – to see for himself and not just hear over a phone. If he was honest, it did make him leery about using the spell again. It had happened so fast; he couldn't risk it. "I thought Were's could heal, shouldn't she have been able to get fixed?"

"Physically perhaps, but you broke her, her mind couldn't endure the torture anymore and for the lack of better words she cracked." Harry explained indifferently. "Perhaps you just put too much magic into it, your hatred of her will have affected it too. Do me a favour though…don't use my spells to cast magic again, focus on your runes." They could speculate all night but have no answer, regretfully.

Stiles flushed red in embarrassment, before nodding in confirmation that he would not do so again.

"Will we return home or stay with the others tonight?" Harry questioned quietly, letting Stiles stew in his own embarrassment. It was a learning curve, everyone magical went through one at some point or another. As intelligent and brilliant as Stiles was, he would make mistakes, it was a fact of life. Nobody was perfect.

"I would prefer to remain close," Peter murmured against Harry's skin causing him to shiver.

"Are you sure?" a small whine left Harry's lips, he wasn't going to fuck Peter in the pack house, no matter the number of spells that were up.

"I'm not sure I could force myself to be anywhere else this evening," Peter confessed quietly, not when he could hear the unmitigated pain that Derek was expressing.

Harry nodded, he understood, he even felt it a bit himself, which was odd, he'd never expected to be able to actually become part of a pack. He thought he'd be the literal version of a lone wolf, that couldn't be either an Alpha or Omega. For a time, he had Peter, then he'd been on his own and he'd honestly found it difficult. Now he had both, everyone might see them as big bads, but to the pack? They were the protectors and they would remain that way.

Sometime later, Derek did return, covered in dirt and blood, his own, of course, looking like he'd gone ten rounds with a bloody bull.

"Come on big bad, let's go home." Stiles called out, of course, referring to Peter who he had called 'big bad' before another big bad appeared just as bad as Peter.

"I think he might just be as bad as me," Harry laughed into Peter's chest, his merriment genuine.

"The world doesn't need another you, so I hope not." Peter commented as they began to make their way back to the loft.

"You heard them, let's go big bad." Purple eyes twinkled as they met each other, losing themselves in the moment.

A/N – I actually got 3K written in one day, it's a miracle these days let me tell you LOL but it felt good in being able to get it written though! Go figure it would happen written my teen wolf/HP story while I have to literally slog through my HP or HP/HOD (house of the dragon) stories heh! Hopefully it means change is on the horizon though and that I'll be able to update more often! I'm sorry you've waited so long for an update and it's likely there will only be a few more chapters before this story is complete so if there's anything you want to see written before it's finished (up to and including Stiles inheritance from his family) let me know! Thank you all for sticking with me through the story please and I hope you're all having a happy new year guys R&R