A/N: I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors and incorrect names or spelling. I am fairly new to writing fan fictions, so any constructive feedback would be highly appreciated. (Totally did not just say it like that to sound smart . enjoy!)

"Grandpa! I want to be an adventurer when I grow up!" A young 6 year old Bell Cranel exclaimed while jumping up and down in the log cabin that his grandfather and himself reside. "When you grow older of course, however that doesn't mean you can't start training now!" The beefier man stated, the man looked very buff, had flowing white hair running all around his face, you pretty much could only see his puffy mouth, large sturdy nose and crimson red eyes.

"Really!?" The young Bell said, beaming with a large smile that seemed to burn away all of the darkness in life. "Why of course! Come, we shall begin now!" The older man exclaimed, also excited at the prospect of training his grandson who, similar to the elder, has pure white hair and deep crimson eyes that could be mistaken for blood. The man walked over to one of the walls in the hut which adorned paintings of gardens and exotic animals that are rare or hard to find. He pulled the center garden painting outwards, when he did it opened up to a small box, he pulled the box out and walked over to the small boy.

"This will be your training weapon for the time being." The man stated, pulling a clean and smooth wooden knife that looked as if it had been brand new, right off the shelve. "This wooden knife was your fathers first training weapon, similarly he had began training at 6 years old. It is up to you to decide if you would like to use it." He said staring straight into the young Bell's eyes sending shivers down his spine, but this did not make him waver. "Of course! If I didn't then I wont ever be able to become strong like he was!" The reply was enthusiastic, but the boys hands betrayed his enthusiasm, as they tightened their grip, unintentionally piercing his skin.

"I like your enthusiasm! However... Bell, if you do ever become strong, never forget how you got there and keep moving forward. Even if that means moving on from family, friends or even enemies that pass way or disappear." The crimson eyed man said, sounding sad, broken, yet firm and resolute, 'I will never let him go down that path by always watching his progress.' The man thought in his head while walking outside with the boy walking closely behind.

- 7 years later (Bell is 13 years old now)-

"Hahhh..." An older Bell Cranel sighed while sliding down an old, dilapidated building in the slums alley area. Bell had just arrived in the dungeon city Bable where, as the name says, has a dungeon inside, used for getting fame, money and glory, some however prefer the adventure and thrill, like the boy wallowing in self pity. "It's because I look scrawny, isn't it..." He let out another sigh, got up and began walking to the next destination. In this world the gods and goddesses had descended upon the mortal plain to seek entertainment, they allow us to become stronger by giving us 'statuses' which you gain by joining a familia.

Walking through the alleys, the young Bell Cranel is currently searching for a familia to join. He had already tried joining the more famous familia's such as the Loki or Freya familia's, however the others in those familia's did not even let him inside of the building because of appearances. Bell walked through the streets until he reached a small quiet spot in an alley, he sat down and pulled out a piece of bread from his pocket, "Two more pieces left..." He muttered, sitting next to steps that led to a door. The door suddenly flung open, revealing a short, well-endowed female who wore a tight, white one piece that had multiple ripped edges in the clothing, signs of hard work. You would think she was a child if it was not for her large chest

"Hello?" The woman called out, only just looking down to spot the bundled up boy sitting on the floor. Said boy was startled and quickly shot up, head facing the floor in a 90 degree angle, spouting apologies a million miles a second. "I'mSoSorryForSittingOutsideOfYourHomeI'llGoNowSorryToBotherYouSoSorry!" He was about to run of, but the woman called out to him. "Wait! If you have nowhere to go, which you most likely do not seeing as you are sitting in an alley, you can come inside. I do not mind." She said to which the boy was grateful for.

The woman went inside before Bell got up, so he scrambled to quickly follow behind. The house was quite broken down and only had the very basic necessities, things like: bathroom, bed, table, chairs, small amount of dishes and food, toilet. The very basic requirements for a stable form of living. There was also a couch which was probably the nicest thing in the room, where both Bell and the woman who named herself Hestia sat, face to face.

"So Bell-kun, how come you were outside of my home?" She questioned, not angry, annoyed or frustrated, just curious. "W-Well... I was looking to join a familia... However no one would take me in, most likely because of my scrawny appearance..." I replied, sadness lacing my voice, though there was slight frustration in there, Bell decided he couldn't blame himself for not being able to join a familia. The goddess seemed to visibly brighten, as the words that came out of her mouth surprised Bell. "Then Bell-kun, join my familia! The Hestia familia!" She exclaimed happily, while Bell was just dazed, 'She was a goddess!?' He thought, utterly shocked that he had not noticed, though it's not like he could have.

And that is how the young man Bell Cranel became apart of the Hestia familia, though this would cause quite the confusion later on, right now it does not matter. Once Bell had gotten his blessing his stats were shown, they were very impressive for how scrawny he looked. They went like this:

Power - H rank, 105. (His overall bodies strength, muscle and defensive capabilities)

Endurance - H rank, 192. (His stamina and health)

Dexterity - G rank, 276. (His ability for hand-eye co-ordination and the ability to perceive things from a distance)

Agility - E rank, 423. (Flexibility, speed and reaction time)

Magic - I rank, 0. (How strong the magic he uses is and the amount of magic he has)

"WHAT!?" The large proportioned goddess yelled upon the sight of Bell Cranels stats. 'His body does not look like it could be this strong from a glance!' The goddess thought to herself, but didn't bother saying it out loud. "What's wrong?" The boy asked tilting his head a little.

"Oh nothing, just that your abilities are quite good for someone who hasn't gone into a dungeon before." She remarked, pointing to the sheet of paper she inscribed the stats onto. "O-Oh... Well I was actually trained since I was young by my grandfather, although he disappeared when I turned 13." The boy said, looking over to the goddess noticing the shocked expression, 'He says someone trained him to be like this!?'

"Well now you need to go to the guild so you can get a beginner weapon and pouch." The goddess said, pointing to a direction randomly, Bell understood though, so he quickly said his goodbye and went off, for adventure!

-1 month later-

A/N: Sorry it is so short!