"I wasn't lying," Tonks declared in panic, which was one of the worst lies she had ever told in her life. The red glow wasn't needed to show that.
"Oh, your incredible device disagrees," Harry answered as he spanked her ass once more, making her shiver helplessly, her hands stiff-cuffed. Not exactly a treatment she expected … especially not in the middle of the Auror headquarters.
"We need to stop!" she gasped, and this time, the device gave a green signal.
"Yes, but do you want to stop?" he asked. That, Tonks left unanswered, very much aware how it would result in.
She felt her wetness grow much to her shame.
"No answer, how interesting. Then, I should focus on your punishment," he said.
"What punishment?" she gasped.
"For all those lies you told, of course," he said as he patted her head, almost like an unusual display of compassion … but she knew what would follow. Worse, she didn't want to reject it.
She hated herself for it. She was supposed to be a strong, independent auror, not like the concubine her sexy name had implied. An implication that she did her best to reject. It was nobody's fault for hers, unable to resist the call. Even as he positioned behind her, a familiar presence pressing against her core, her body responded with desire and jubilation.
"Yes, I don't want to stop," she admitted, the green glow feeling like a beautiful dream.
"Good, how about if we make it more fun, then?" he said.
"W-what do you have in mind," she muttered, predicting the upcoming order. Under any circumstances, she would have hexed any man who dared to suggest she wear someone else's visage, but considering she was the one who started it, she was hardly in a position to argue against it.
"Some interesting stuff," he teased her mockingly as he slapped her ass once again. "We still have a meeting to go. And, it's going to be a stressful meeting. I would use a nice mental image to help my stress."
"W-what do you want?" Tonks murmured, barely able to follow his order. She understood he was asking her to transform, which was supposed to be her red line in any relationship, treating her just like a sex object.
A line she had long surrendered.
"Come on, Nym, you're a smart girl," Harry said, but Tonks failed to understand. "I'm going to have a meeting with the minister herself, and that would be very stressful for a poor guy like me. And, if I see her in a more compromising position…"
"You —" Tonks gasped before being interrupted by a moan as he pushed inside even deeper. "You want me to change my appearance to Amelia Bones, my old boss, and the current Minister of Magic," she completed, shocked.
"Yes," he answered simply, spanking her ass as he did so. "And, I want you to do it immediately. We don't have a lot of time to waste sweetie. Time is ticking. Faster."
Tonks shivered in shock, fear … and desire. It was the riskiest thing she could ever do, especially in the middle of the ministry. If she got caught, her career would be completely ruined.
Yet, despite the risk of getting caught, she loved it, so, even when the cuffs around her disappeared, she maintained her position until he flipped her. His smile widened as rather than looking at her usual appearance, he looked at a busty redhead who was currently the strongest woman in the country.
"Amazing tits, minister," he commented, and she followed it just as quickly. He leaned forward to capture her nipples between his fingers, squeezing them hard.
The pleasure radiated through her body. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of losing herself. The surrender felt amazing, the pleasure getting even more intense as his tongue flickered across her nipple.
Yet, the taboo she was breaking was immense. She kept her eyes closed. "What if we get caught," she whispered.
"Don't worry," he said kissing her other nipple, "I'm too important for them to anger. I'm sure the Minister would be understanding."
"Please, not her," Tonks gasped, the name of her professional idol hardly helping her to feel any better even as she was disguised as her. He chuckled as he continued to suck her nipples for a while before he slowly kissed down her stomach, planting one on her belly button.
Tonks wanted to protest, to beg him to go faster, but she was too scared of him stopping to dare him. However, when he slipped between her legs and planted his mouth to her core, the reason for her lack of protest changed.
She kept her mouth shut, because if she opened, only moans would escape. She just focused on the way his tongue pushed inside her, teasing her aggressively.
A hint of panic passed through her when he pulled back, afraid that it was the end. Luckily, she felt his presence against her once more soon … but in a different way.
It was his shaft, which, at this point, was feeling familiar. He pushed inside, triggering a moan that echoed in the room, loud enough to make her glad for the silencing enchantments buried on the walls.
She surrendered to the pleasure.
Amelia Bones was alone in her office, trying to gather her courage for the meeting. It was supposed to be just a meeting … but considering the accidental encounter she had with the other party, she believed the other people would have been understanding…
If she ever gathered enough courage to tell how she was accidentally mistaken for her niece by her niece's boyfriend … and never correcting it until she ended up locked between a wall and him, getting the most incredible pounding she received.
That had been confusing enough … but she hoped that, by staying alone for an hour, she would recover enough to have a productive meeting.
Then, she received an alert from the new interrogation room she had built. While that interrogation room was being set, she had integrated several alerts directly connected to her, to make sure no one abused it in a way that could be harmful to ministry.
She could imagine a few people using it for their benefit. So, when she received the alert, she was ready to punish the people responsibly. She used the magical mirror to see what was going on.
And met with a sight she wasn't expecting. One of her star Aurors, bent on the desk, teased and molested while using the magical truth detection. Amelia watched, convinced it would come to a quick end.
Instead, she watched as Harry bent Tonks over a table, taking her down mercilessly. She knew she should have been angry at him for cheating on her niece … but after the events of the previous night, she found it difficult to actually feel anger at that.
Instead, she found herself watching the show as Harry leveraged his position between her legs to the limit, his hips merciless; an approach Amelia was intensely familiar with.
She knew it was wrong, very wrong, but it didn't prevent her from slipping a hand between her legs as she watched the show, imagining the same thing happening to her.
Then, she didn't need to imagine anymore, not when Harry gave Tonks an order … and Amelia found herself looking at her own visage, naked and horny as she got abused repeatedly, not given even a second to breathe.
"That whore…" Amelia gasped, unable to believe her daring. She knew she should feel anger, and if it wasn't for the notable accident of the night before, she might have been able to gather the necessary indignation.
Instead, she enjoyed her naughty show … until she couldn't.
She apparated to the interrogation room, her wand already out. The moment she appeared, she cast a spell, targeting Harry, one that ensured that he was momentarily stunned. Not a stunner to send him unconscious, but a modified version to put him into a dazed state for a fleeting moment.
"Auror Tonks," Amelia growled as she looked at Tonks, watching in satisfaction as her eyes widened, her hair color shifting to a shocking pink while the rest stayed the same. Amelia cast another spell, one that locked Tonks into her looks.
"B-boss," she stammered as she tried to stand up, only to collapse. However, it didn't look like her usual clumsiness but something more impressive. Her legs were still not working due to arousal. She tried to change, only to fail, so relied on her arms to cover her body.
She was smart enough not to make an attempt at her wand.
"Do you want try and come up with an explanation, Auror Tonks," Amelia delivered in a chilly tone, enjoying the way Tonks shivered in fear — which, in her state, was not free of arousal. She shook her head in panic. "I thought so. Go and apparate home, you can have the rest of the day off trying to come up with an excuse."
Tonks looked at Harry, her panic growing.
"Leave him, we still have our meeting, and I'm sure he can handle facing me after all the helpful practice you have helped him with."
That didn't help Tonks' panic, but her fear was strong enough for her to grab her wand apparate, leaving Amelia with Harry.
Amelia looked at the naked and dazed boy. They still had some time to kill … and he owed him after the previous mix-up.
Author notes:
Hi guys. Just a reminder. Once again, my pat re on is only for my original stories.
If you're interested in my original stories, please visit Pa t-reon / dirk_grey