A/N: I own nothing except my OC is my first try at an actual fic, instead of just a OS. Reviews would be lovely,please and thank you!

The door to the pawnshop opened and closed shut with a bang.

"Come out here Gold, I know you're in here." Rumpelstiltskin parted the curtain from the back of his shop and walked to where Regina was standing in front of the counter, palms flat, looking pissed off enough to hurl a fireball at her old mentor. Rumpelstiltskin turned to face Regina." To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, your Majesty?" he asked calmly, seemingly unaware that he was extremely close to becoming a burnt lizard.

"You don't deserve her love" she snarled. "You don't deserve something so pure and bright. She loves you. For what reason, I have the faintest idea, but she 're wounding her each time you pick Belle. She sacrificed herself and her needs time and time again for you but you didn't care. As long as Belle and Gideon are safe, the rest of the world could burn, right?" Regina scoffed, her face a picture of disgust.

"What are you prattling on about dearie?"

"Lyra loves you. She loves you, and she too scared to admit it, even on her death bed."

"She's dying? Where is she?" Rumple shrieked, becoming more panicked as a silence descended over the two.

Regina, seeming to decide to reply , only said "Your front porch."

Rumplestitlsikin waved his hand and appeared on the front porch of his Victorian salmon colored estate.

"Lyra?! " Rumple shrieked, walking quickly to where she lay on the front steps, Belle hovering over her, clutching Gideon to her chest. "What happened?" Rumple inquired, looking up at Belle.

"Lyra decided to take Gideon on the porch to play since it was a nice day. She insisted that I take a '10 minute sanity break' so I made myself a cup of tea. I was sitting by the window watching Gideon and Lyra push a ball back and forth when suddenly she just collapsed." Belle looked slightly worried, Gideon becoming quickly attached to his god mom within the first couple month of Lyra watching him.

Rumple waves his hand and poofs himself and Lyra inside. He settles Lyra's body on a sofa and waves his hand again to do a diagnostic scan when Emma Swan comes bursting in the front door.

"Gold, what happened? I heard Lyra collapsed and ran straight here."

Angry at being interrupted Rumple quipped "What ,have you come to arrest me again?" then he sighed and said,

"I was just about to find out myself when you came barging in here. I frankly don't care if this sound rude or not, , but why, exactly are you here?"

Emma raised her eyebrow slightly at the comment, but said, "Well, it may be hard for you to believe, but Lyra's my friend. She helped me out when I was the Dark One and I promise to repay her somehow."

"Even though your magical powers have improved greatly since when you first discovered them, ,I still sincerely doubt that you could provide much assistance."

A beep sounded and Rumple and Emma watched what the scan had found.

"She's dying of a blackened heart, but how?" Rumple pulled Lyra's heart of her chest to confirm. Turning the blanked, shriveled heart this way and that, he puzzled over how someone as good and caring as Lyra had a blackened heart.

"Oh no,Lyra…" Emma breathed, "So that was the price."

Rumple gently and carefully put Lyra's heart back in her chest, before whirling to face Emma.

If looks could kill, Emma would certainly be halfway to the Underworld by now. The look Gold gave her was dangerously calm. It instantly reminded her that, no matter how long he has been "Good" for Belle and Gideon's sake, Rumpelstiltskin still was the Dark One "The Price of what, Ms. Swan?".

"The-The price for controlling the Darkness inside of me when I was the Dark One" Emma stuttered out, "When I was the Dark One, I could tell I was getting worse before I -" she trailed off, seemingly lost in the memories of her short stint as the Dark One.

"Before you kidnapped me. It's alright you can say it." Rumple chimed in when Emma seemed to be at a loss of what to say

"Yeah,since that." Emma supplied somewhat lamely.

"But why would Lyra agree to something like that? She's not stupid, she knows that Magic always comes with a price and controlling the Darkness must have came with a steep one. What's so valuable to her that she would willingly sacrifice bits of her soul?"

"You really have to ask, Dearie?" A familiar voice asked, followed by a slightly-insane sounding giggle "I gathered you were dense, but I never thought that you were quite this dense."

Startled, Rumple turned his head to find the Dark One version of himself staring back at him.

"What do you mean? Why are you here? Go away"

"Oh, you have no idea, do you? Still don't believe anyone can love you?"

"Belle loves me, and so does Gideon! You know very well they do!" Rumple yelled, getting fed up with the Darkness's caginess.

"Oh, we are well aware of your maid and spawn's everlasting love for , I was referring to the young lady who is slowing dying on your furniture. " The imp looks at Lyra and then sniffs dismissively and says "I wonder how talented your maid is at getting blood stains out of upholstery. I guess we'll shall soon find out."

"No she doesn't" Rumple said, fully aware of how insane he looked arguing to thin air. He was about to ignore the Imp completely (which is what he usually did when he was in someone else company besides Belles.) until Emma turned to the Imp and said " ." The imp huffed and said "Very well."