Previously on HMLB….

Reginia and Emma scooted closer to Lyra as Ruby stalked toward Rumplestitskin.

She crouched, showing her pink gum. Rumplestitskin held his hands in front of him, trying to futilely ward off being eaten.

Suddenly, a disembodied voice spoke.

"I know a wolf whose been extremely good. C'mere Rubes, come here girl. Come get the steak."

Ruby got up from her crouch and started wagging her tail in recognition. She trotted over to where Lyra lay.

"Hey Emma, can you grab the steak from off of my stomach and just drop it on the floor in front of my body?"

Even with being a little weirded out at Lyra's voice coming from nowhere, Emma still did at Lyra asked and slowly scooted around the couch and dropped the steak in front of Lyra.

Once the Werewolf was no longer a threat, Lyra decided to explain.

"So, I'm in some sort of Limbo, I guess you could call it. I'm basically one way Skyping you right now." As if she could see the confusion on her Mates's and Regina's face she added "Or mirror-calling you? Anyway- I can see and hear you but you can only hear me. So, we've been brainstorming and the only thing we could come up with is True Love's Kiss, but since I don't have one of those-"

"Yes, you do, Momma. You just don't want to admit it." A very familiar voice chimed in.

"Neal?" Emma said.

"Bae?" Rumplestitskin was trembling from his-almost werewolf attack and hearing his son's voice nearly sent him over the edge.

"Hey Poppa. Hey Emma."

"I thought you were happy where you were." Emma speaking to his son reminded Rumplestitskin that The Savior spoke with Bae while in the Underworld and was never going to tell him. Anger bubbled in him at the reminder.

"I am." Bae replied, "I'm only here to help Momma."

"I thought you killed Milah, Rumple?" the Queen interjected.

"I did" Rumple said though his teeth "Thank you ever so much for that reminder, Your Majesty."

"He means Lyra, don't you?" Emma interjected, having had enough drama for the day without wanting to add a magical spat into the mix.

"Yes, I do. I mean, I actually think she has something to tell you Poppa, Don't you Momma?"

"Baelfire! No, I don't. I definitely don't!"

"Lyra, before Ruby transformed, she insisted in the fact that she couldn't hurt me. Not wouldn't, but couldn't, as if I were physically protected somehow."

When Lyra offered no reply, he continued.

"The only instance of someone being protected from a wolf attack is if that person is either the wolf's mate, or the mate of a packmate. Since I know for a fact that Ms. Lucas has found her mate, that leaves yourself and Granny. While I tolerate the woman, I sincerely hope I'm not Granny's mate."

At that, Lyra choked out a laugh. "No, definitely not Granny's mate."

She took a deep breath and repeated the words that changed her life. "Rumplestitskin, you're MY mate."