Vmf447, Lauwy, MstgSzy, 554Laura, RobinAngelena (yeah I enjoy seeing that too), GalaxieGurl (in the show, I believe that Booth wasn't in the know because Brennan wanted to protect him and didn't want to risk him losing his job. In this version, you'll read about his motivations later on), aadams00, kareneb, LoveShipper, dms517, FaithinBones, Michelle Bones, FictionWriter91, mendenbar, regbride12, ZinaR and other guests who have reviewed. Appreciate your reviews immensely.

I kinda liked Flynn and I think he was simply doing his job. I suppose it was reflected in the previous chapter. Now back to the story.

Roberta scratched absently at her blonde hair as she cleaned the bathroom floor. She frowned at the vomit before aiming the water hose at it, washing it down the drain. The contents of someone's stomach, undoubtedly emptied after a night of too much alcohol. Images like this didn't disconcert her. She had seen worse. Happy with her day's work, she made her way out of the Men's bathroom of the local bar. It was quiet now, with most of its small town patrons at work. At night, it was a contrast to what it was like now. The bar bustled with regular customers wanting a drink as they watched whatever game was playing on the large screen tv.

"Here's what's worth three days' work. I've also got Jeff to cook up some wings for you, something for the road. There's also a side salad in there."

"Thank you Mr Hamilton." Roberta said as she pocketed the money and took the bag of greasy chicken wings from the bar owner.

"You sure you can't stay a couple more days? I'm sure you could use the money."

"You have been really kind to me. But I can't stay any longer. I can't risk my husband finding me. He will take my son away from me." It was a well-rehearsed story, one that her father had helped her come up with.

"I still don't understand why you can't go to the cops."

"It's better this way." Roberta replied, hoping the bar owner would understand.

"Well, I wish you all the best."

"Thank you." With that Roberta quickly ducked out of the back entrance. She made the twenty minute walk back to the dark, dingy motel in fifteen. Letting herself in, she was relieved to find everything as it was when she left hours ago.

"Time to go." Max announced as she entered, locking the door behind her. In the tiny motel room, no longer Roberta, Brennan handed Max the bag of chicken wings.

"Dinner. Before we go."

"And yourself?"

"There should be a salad in there."

Max regarded the small pile of greens under the greasy chicken wings. "You know we could live and eat better if you'd just let me steal."

"No Dad, we've been through this. I will not break the law."

"Well you kinda already have Sweetheart."

"I was framed Dad. There is a difference between being accused of something I didn't do and actually doing it."

"Okay, okay. I'll dig in to this sumptuous feast while you grab a quick shower."

Brennan nodded, ignoring her father's sarcasm. She knew the drill. It could be days before she had a chance for a hot shower again and Brennan ducked into the small bathroom, washing away the day's filth. Taking in her surroundings, she marvelled at how quickly she had become accustomed to this new lifestyle. It was new and fascinating to her but at the same time being constantly on the move was exhausting. She had always wanted to provide stability for her daughter, something she felt she lacked growing up. She hoped this little hiccup in her parenting plans would be resolved soon enough.

Max had prepared several new identities for her which she switched between. Roberta was one she found most useful. She quickly learned that most people were sympathetic to a woman with a young child, on the run from an abusive husband. It couldn't be further from the truth. She knew Booth would never lift a finger at her or Christine but she found that the further from fact her backstories were, the easier it was for her to sell them.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, Max handed Christine to her, who gurgled happily at the sight of her mother.

"I've fed her. We're all packed and ready to go. Make sure you eat before you leave."

"Where are we headed to next?"

"Some place a further this time. You might need to stop halfway, spend a night without me. I've left you the address on the bedside table. Remember what I told you about choosing a place safe to spend the night."

Max usually left before Brennan in order to make sure their next place of refuge was safe from Pelant and also the law. Brennan watched as Max gathered his small bag.

"You'll be glad to know we might have someone joining us soon."

Brennan's eyes lit up. "Booth?"

Max smiled back. "Hopefully." And with that the old conman opened the motel room door, leaving Brennan alone with Christine.

She hurriedly sat down to what she knew would be her last meal in awhile, before getting ready to leave with Christine. The thought of being reunited with Booth again gave her an unexpected boost of energy.

"We're going to see Daddy again, Sweetheart," She kissed the top of Christine's head.

"Dada." The baby babbled.

"Yes," Brennan smiled. "Dada."

"I never thought I'd see the day," Luis said as counted the cash in his hand.

"Yeah neither did I." Booth tapped his foot impatiently, glancing over his shoulder. "It's all there Luis."

"Relax. Nobody's gonna know you're here." Satisfied that Booth had paid him the pre-agreed upon amount, Luis dropped the car keys into Booth's open palm.

"Stolen plates are in the trunk. Remember to change 'em when you get home."

"I will, thanks." Booth nodded, pulling the Phillies cap lower over his face.

Luis chuckled. "Nice doin' business with you Agent Booth."

Booth pointed a finger menacingly at Luis. "No one else knows about this you hear?"

"Hey I owe you man. I won't rat you out. Promise."

"Appreciate it."

Booth ducked into the nondescript dark, green car, pulling slowly out onto the street. He could trust Luis, he knew that. The informant had come through on numerous previous occasions and Booth had saved him from prosecution from the law an equal amount of times. He took the longer route home, making sure that he was under the cover of night before pulling up under a bridge. There he quickly changed the license plates of the car, before heading home. He was almost certain he was no longer under surveillance but it never hurt to be extra careful. He parked the car a short distance from his house, walking the remaining distance home.

Once inside the privacy of his residence, Booth checked the time. It was one in the morning. So far everything was going as planned. It had been three long weeks since Brennan had run with Christine and not a day went by that he didn't miss them. The fact that he wasn't with them and that Pelant was possibly out there still intent on harming them made him constantly worry for their safety.

Flynn had him report to the FBI once every couple of days to question him on Brennan's whereabouts. Flynn had said it was just a formality and Booth complied. He had just checked in with Flynn at the FBI the day before. Booth knew he had a couple of days before he would be missed. This was the window he had been waiting for to slip away.

Booth stared at the fake ID Max had prepared for him. The package and instructions to the rendezvous point had arrived mysteriously two days ago, slipped mysteriously under his front door by who, he did not know, but he marvelled at how Max still had his ways. Code words were used in the short letter detailing instructions. Both Max and he knew they had to be wary of Pelant and the pre-determined code words were to assure Booth that he wasn't being lured into a trap.

He scratched at the beard he had grown before pulling the Phillies baseball cap low over his face as he mentally catalogued the things he had packed. Satisfied that he didn't forget anything, he grabbed his overnight bag then in the darkness of the night, slipped out of his house again. Max had instructed him to steal a car, but he simply couldn't. He had planned to get rid of the car that he had bought from Luis as soon as he was reunited with his family. One last thing to do to. He placed a call to Cam.

"Seeley." Cam answered on the fourth ring, her voice heavy with sleep. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah everything's just peachy. I love being single again. Who needs a girlfriend and baby to tie 'em down anyway? I'm better off without them."

"I don't need your sarcasm at one in the morning."

Booth sighed exaggeratedly into the phone. "Look I just… it's not easy being without them."

"Hang in there. You need me to come over?"

"I just wanted you to know, I'm headed to Atlantic City."


"Just for a couple of days. Don't come lookin' for me all right?"

"I don't approve of this. What would Dr Brennan say if she found out you were gambling again?"

"I wasn't lookin' for your approval. And she won't know. Look if you get a break in the case…"

"I'll call you."

"Right, thanks." Booth hung up without giving Cam the chance to reply.

In the weeks that had led up to this moment, he played the part of a man in despair, not caring about his appearance, finally giving in to an addiction he had tried to but failed to fight. His heart leapt at the thought of seeing Brennan and Christine again. Every cell in his being rebelled, telling him it was wrong. He was an officer of the law and in aiding and abetting a known fugitive he risked losing his job and imprisonment. Nothing was more important than family. His girls meant the world to him and he was willing to risk his career and his freedom for them. He picked up the pace, walking silently under the cover of night.

Now back at the car he had just bought, he looked around making sure nobody had noticed him before getting in. He pulled out onto the street, into the darkness of night, driving for a time, putting distance between himself and home before turning on the headlights. He checked constantly, even doubling back to ensure he wasn't being followed. Progress was slow this way but he knew it was necessary. He had never even heard of the small town that he was driving to. He knew it was going to be a couple of days before he would eventually meet up with them but he used the thought of being reunited with his family again to keep him going. This is for the best, he told himself as he drove on into the night.