Dlbn: Its almost Halloween again! The plot requires so much that a one-two shot isn't really plausible, so I'm going to update as frequently as I can until the finale on Halloween.

Nbld: If we even have time. Vow renewal for my sisters in the morning/day and trick or treating with my son, boyfriend, best friend, and sisters at night. One way or another, we'll find time to conclude on time.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and Nightmare. Everything canon belongs to Yun Kouga. I make NO money off this.


A private-feeling café in the dead center of Kyoto wasn't the best meeting place, but it was so obvious, that most people wouldn't give it a second glance as being an option. That's what made it the perfect spot for meetings that were better off kept in the dark. Aoyagi Seimei sat in a dimly lit back corner of the café with his fighter Nisei and partner-in-crime, Chouma. The curly haired raven wore sunglasses to obscure his eyes, making him more suspicious because he was in a dark corner of a café in the daytime. The Fighter was clicking away at a laptop, attempting to use a black-market style online chat room to keep in contact with the people the trio was waiting for. The greenette was tapping her long, painted nails against the table, wearing an expression of utter boredom. She stretched out her long legs and her back until she heard a satisfying pop, but even that moment of distraction wasn't enough.

"When are they gonna get here, Akame? Did anyone answer you yet?" She wondered.

"About ten minutes out." Nisei replied, mouse clicking across the screen faster than Seimei's black covered eyes could follow.

"What in the world are you doing?" He wondered.

"Just some side work; don't worry about it."

Seimei cocked an eyebrow. "Side work?" He questioned. "Why would your attention be anywhere but here?" He used a gloved hand to turn the other's chin so they were eye to eye.

Nisei swallowed hard, fingers never stopping on the keyboard. "How do you think I afford all the tech that makes your schemes possible, Seimei? I need the money."

"Ninety percent of it goes to gaming and other shit." Chouma pointed out.

Nisei glared. His attention turned towards the door as he sensed another Unit close by.

"They're here." He informed the others.

Seimei let go of the only Fighter in the group and brushed off his gloves as the door opened. In walked a young man with spiky red hair and bright yellow eyes, and a young woman with dark black hair and matching eyes. The four eerie yellow orbs fixated on the trio in the back as the girl nudged her companion and nodded towards them. Though the three knew he wasn't a threat, something in their eyes made Nisei shudder and Seimei swallow harshly. It was unlike either of the Beloved duo to be frightened of anyone, let alone another Unit, but both quickly hid their fears by putting on their best I'm not intimidated looks as Nisei went back to working on his laptop and Chouma cocked an eyebrow. The other Unit was always fascinating to her. While she adamantly claimed that she and Seimei were a lot alike and he insisted the opposite was true, it was obvious to more than a few people that they possessed many common traits and even their viewpoint on the rest of the world. She blinked a second time and the duo were suddenly right at the side of the table, just staring at the trio as if waiting for an invitation.

"Ah, Nightmare, I believe." Seimei spoke first, standing. "Please, have a seat."

"Thank you." They spoke as one, taking seats across from the others.

Chouma inched her chair a little closer to Seimei's as he sat down as well.

"Why did you call us here?" The male's voice was almost monotone.

"I have a proposition for you." Seimei offered. "We are short on time, so I will be blunt. We have a common enemy. Septimal Moon."

"And your point?" The woman asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Her voice had a bit of an upwards inflection indicative of a question, unlike her companion.

"I want to make them suffer." Seimei stated as if he was deciding what he wanted off the menu for dinner.

"Everyone knows of your troubles with Septimal Moon, Beloved." The girl informed.

"Don't you think that any harm coming to them will traced back directly to you?" He asked.

"Or one of your allies."

"Or us." They spoke as one.

"I know your power. You don't think I've done my research? You specialize in psychological warfare, do you not?" Seimei wondered.

"In battle, yes." The boy confirmed.

"But we're not foolish enough to attack Septimal Moon head on."

"Too obvious."

"Easy to trace back."

"Our power is limited to face to face interactions, Beloved." Speaking as one.

"You cause things to happen." Nisei added for Seimei. "I've seen some of your work…Units driven to near insanity by the visions you leave behind once your battle is finished."

The Unit looked at him as one, making the teen shiver. Their movements were timed a little too well.

"Your point, Fighter?" The girl cocked an eyebrow.

"I also know that you don't just cause those things in battle…you can use spells on the outside to have the same effect."

"Revenge is best served cold." Chouma observed, looking away when the twins turned to look at her. "Can you not be so synchronized? It's like I'm dealing with the twins from The Shining…"

Seimei cleared his throat, obviously a little embarrassed by his companions' lack of bravado. Considering what they planned on doing as their end game, he'd need people who weren't going to falter under pressure; let alone the stares of two slightly eerie-yes, he'd admit it-Unit members.

"All I need you to do is cast a spell." Seimei stated. "We know you've done it before."

"Under contract perhaps." The boy stated.

"Are you proposing a contract yourself?" The girl asked.

"We don't do this kind of thing for free."

"Even you aren't immune from our cost."

"So what are you offering us, Aoyagi-kun?" They asked together, cocking their heads to the left.

Seimei nodded towards Nisei. The ravenette put up a finger and finished typing on the computer before he turned it to show the Unit what their offer was. The two stared at one another, bond shimmering as they communicated. Just when it felt like they weren't going to take the offer, they nodded.

"You have a deal." They agreed. "But we require up-front payment."

Nisei didn't say anything, just pulled a white envelope from his inner coat pocket and handed it to the twins. The boy grabbed it and opened it, counting while the girl stared at them.

"You just want some nightmares?" She wondered.

"With after effects, of course." Seimei nodded.

"This will affect all members of Septimal Moon…?"

"Hai. Preferably."

"We can do it." The boy announced, handing the girl the money to count again. "A personalized spell targeting Septimal Moon."

"A little revenge from the outside." She confirmed the money was right with a nod and a shove of the white packet into her jacket pocket.

"Don't go gentle, either." Seimei stated.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Beloved-kun." They stood as one and bowed. "We look forward to serving you."

The trio watched as they left. Chouma let out a shuddering sigh. "Well, that was the scariest thing I've seen in a good long while." She complained. "I vote getting the hell out of here and having some real fun."

"I have work to do." Nisei snapped his laptop closed and stood before anyone could object. "Are you done with me today, Seimei?"

His Sacrifice nodded and hummed approval. "You're free to go."

Nisei stood.

"You, Seimei?" Chouma wondered.

"I'm going home to rest…I've been in public long enough for the day." Seimei answered.

"I'll walk you home first, the." Nisei offered, though he knew the order was hidden in Seimei's word somewhere so his offer was more of an acknowledgement.

"So I'm the only one not being a wet blanket here, okay." She stood with a huff. "I just hope you know what you're fucking doing, Seimei. In case you forgot, we used to be Septimal Moon, too."

The Unit watched her leave.

"We'll be fine." Seimei snorted. "We're not Septimal Moon anymore."

"I just hope their spell realizes that." Nisei muttered.

Seimei didn't dignify the other with a response as they left the café together.