A/N: Hello! This is my second fan fiction, I hope you enjoy this one!
Creating this second fan fiction will cause update times to fluctuate. Sometimes I might even just focus on one for a set amount of time, I do not know. I just hope that you will bear with me and the fluctuations (I am actually just assuming there will be fluctuating times, but there most likely will be).
Another thing, I only realize this now, but I work better as soon as I wake up. It is pretty weird, as normally it is harder for people to work when they first wake up, but when it comes it writing, I find it so much easier. I can create bigger chunks of writing in the morning then I can in one afternoon. /:
Finally. In this fan fiction I will make it so all months are just 30 days, for simplicity's sake. There won't be leap years or anything of that sort, just 30 days in a month and 12 months in a year.
Thanks for reading! (';-;)
-January 3rd, Bell's Pov-
"Hah..." I sigh in resignation. Currently I'm searching for a familia to join, however everyone's denying me. Not to mention I just got assaulted by the familia I just tried to join, I can't even remember what familia they were to be honest. Though that just shows how nonexistent they are.
Walking through the streets, I can't help but be a little bit pessimistic about my chances right now.
Basically, I look like total crap. I'm also just wandering through the streets, blood streaming down my head and a constant limping when I walk. It's not exactly been the best few days. After all, I just arrived in Orario, and, seriously?! Who assaults someone that wants to join your familia! I can understand the words of me looking wimpy and scrawny, but just straight up assaulting me? That just sucks.
I guess I'm kinda glad they didn't want me to join them. They're basically a bunch of people who think they're gods because they have a level two.
They even stabbed me with a spear, albeit it didn't go through the entire way, it still went into me. Not a pleasant feeling, I admit. I hold my wound, wincing in pain, though my eyes start to become watered with tears. 'Am I going to die after three days here? Is this the end before I begin?' I question inwardly, though I doubt it matters at all at this point.
Because I will probably die. I'm still walking, but I begin to slow down after a certain point. My legs weaken, my arms fall to my sides, you know the drill.
My vision is slowly darkening, the faint tap of my footsteps grows slower and weaker by the second. Eventually I collapse.
There is only one thought on my mind.
-Miach's Pov-
"Naaza, I'm going out to get some items!" I shout backwards as I open up the door. "Okay, come back soon." I froze when I open the door, complete and utter shock prevented me from moving. She came to the front door and responded softly, but she notices that I've frozen by the door. She becomes curious and walks over to the door and leans over my shoulder, only to find a boy collapsed outside of the building.
The boy has pure white hair, and blood streaming down the side of his head. "My lord..." I mutter as I quickly run down to the boy, lift him over my shoulder and head straight back inside. "Looks like shopping will have to wait." I state to Naaza, she nods in response, but quickly runs off while saying "I'll get the med kit."
I was about to protest, however I realized that we couldn't afford to use any potions, but I had an idea. "Don't grab the med kit Naaza, bring a watered down potion! We'll be able to spare that much." I shouted, I could make out a soft 'okay' from further inside the building. I moved straight into the back, where we have our living space. The blood began to seep through his clothes onto my own, but I ignored that.
I placed him down and waited. After about 3 minutes Naaza came back with a dark recovery potion. The darkness coming from being watered down. "Pass it over please." I asked, she complied and handed the potion towards me. I took out the cork and poured a small amount of the potion on his head wounds. I pulled up his shirt to and gasp in horror and pale at the site. Naaza doesn't fair much better.
"How did he get this..." I mutter, looking at the boys stomach. The poor boy has a hole in the left side of his stomach, probably from a spear. It didn't pierce through the entire way, which is shown through the fact that there isn't any blood on the bottom of the bed, although eventually it will flow from the wound down to the bed. "Naaza, grab the cloth and disinfectant please." I ask, Naaza quickly runs off and returns just as quickly, but with the items.
She hands the items over to me and I slowly, but gently wipe away at the blood. After that I hold the wound with the cloth in hand, and spray the disinfectant onto it. Now I poured about a third of the remaining potion over the wound. For the final touch, I hold the boys jaw, causing it to open, and slowly pour the potion down his mouth.
I wipe my head in relief, as the boys face becomes calmer then it had before. "Few..." I mutter, Naaza is just as relieved as I am, she slowly regains the color in her face. "How did this happen?" Naaza questioned, I simply shook my head, "I don't know." I said, and left it at that. I sat up from the chair by the bed and head back to the front of the store.
I look back to see Naaza following along, face still slightly pale. "Naaza, is it alright if you look after him?" I ask softly, knowing that blood will get to her, especially after the incident she went through. She nods, although shaky, it's still a nod. "Okay." I say softly, and so she walks off to the back to take care of the boy.
-January 4th, Bell's Pov-
"Ughh... my head..." I mutter as I slowly rise from my slumber. My mind kicks into action, as I realize I'm not laying dead on a street. "Wait, what!? Where am I?!" I exclaim in confusion, as I say this, a girl walks through the door. "Good afternoon." She says while bowing, I notice the floppy ears on her head. "My name is Naaza Erisuis of the Miach familia." She explains.
The girl is beautiful that's for sure. I feel my cheeks being set ablaze from embarrassment, although, I still can't help but get a good look at her. Judging by her ears she is a Chienthrope, in other words, a dog person. I also get a quick look around the room, it's small, but comfortable. There's the bed, a coffee table and a bookshelf. Then there's a drawer (imagine the room however you like :D).
At this point I've calmed down, and my mind has stopped racing as fast as before. "Oh... it's nice to meet you, Naaza-san. My name is Bell Cranel, was it you who saved me?" I questioned while looking her up and down, I notice the metal prosthetic arm on her left. "No. Miach saved you, he found you laying outside of our home, close to death.
My eyes begin to become wet with tears. "So both you and Miach saved me... thank god..." As I mutter this, another voice joins us. "Yes, that's me, and you're welcome!" A blue-haired man exclaims as he walks into the room. "Miach, now's probably not the time..." Naaza says quietly, but this just caused Miach to laugh. "Sorry sorry. I just wanted to make an entrance!" He says happily, causing me to start laughing along with him, Naaza gives us both incredulous looks.
"I can't believe you two..." She sighed, though not without a small smile forming on her features, before morphing into a look of concern. "Back to the topic at hand. How are you and how did you get that injured?" Naaza asked, I looked, my face downcast. "I feel fine now, just a little sore. The reason I was so injured was because I tried to join a familia, they kinda, maybe, sorta assaulted me... don't really know why..." I explain, the pure look of shock on both Miach's and Naaza's faces caused me to put on a wry smile.
"I... I'm sorry to hear that, Bell-kun." Miach apologized, though I didn't really understand, it's not his fault, and it's not pity or sympathy I want either. I just want to attain my dreams. "It's not your fault, and I certainly don't need any pity for what happened. All I can blame is my weakness, really." I explain sadly, it's one of the saddest truths I've come to realize in my short time in Orario.
The weak are oppressed under the strong. At least the truly strong people, like the Freya and Loki familia for example, don't just randomly stab someone for trying to join their familia. Though I wouldn't deny the possibility for Freya's familia to go up and stab random people. Those people are slightly psychotic when it comes to their goddess.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Miach asked, my expression fell once again. "I don't know, keep searching for a familia to join?" I wonder aloud, Miach's face seems to brighten. "Then, Bell-kun, join my familia!" Miach exclaimed. I swear I'd never been more shocked in my entire life. "W-What!? Really!?" I question excitedly, Miach nods, "Yes, really. Bell, join the Miach familia!" He exclaimed once again.
I didn't even need to think about my response, "I'll join!" I exclaim happily. Both Miach and Naaza become elated at my exclamation. "Okay. We need to give you a falna now, then you've officially joined the familia." He explained, I nod my head in understanding since I did my research about familia's and the like before I arrived at Orario.
"Done!" Miach exclaimed while handing me a sheet of paper. The process was fairly short, it felt like when someone would draw circles on your back to make you feel better. Just like when my grandpa used to do it.
(A/N: In this fan fiction I decided to do the status in a different way compared to my original method)
Status -
Name: Bell Cranel
Power: 0I
Endurance: 0I
Dexterity: 0I
Agility: 0I
Magic: 0I
Skills: []
Abilities: []
"Don't mind all of the stats being zero. Everyone starts off like that." Miach explained, I nodded my head in response, although it did still slightly bother me. I ignored that though and focused on Miach. "Thank you, God Miach!" I exclaim while bowing. Miach laughed and waved me off, "No 'God,' just call me Miach, most people do." He exclaimed, although I didn't stop bowing.
Eventually I stopped bowing, though I was tempted to continue bowing. "Well, now that that's done, I'll let Naaza show you the ropes on being an adventurer. After all, the saying goes 'No rest for the wicked' haha!" He exclaim with a short chuckle as he walked off.
At this point I'd stood up and faced Naaza, who has been standing there and smiling softly the entire time. I tilt my head, "So, what are you gonna teach me?" I asked, to which Naaza let out a yelp of surprise. It seemed as though she was entranced by something, not sure what though.
-Naaza's Pov-
'He's adorable...' I thought while watching him converse with Miach. He really is a good person, and he is very grateful. He acts extremely innocent, but he seems to understand the dark side of things as well, but chooses to ignore them, or to just deal with them. He actually resembles an Almiraj, except less deadly, although, you can't judge a book by its cover. I learnt that the hard way.
I look at his features, at a glance he would seem like an innocent enough person, but the callouses on his hands state otherwise. 'A hard worker, hopefully a good fighter as well...' I mentally cheer at the prospect. We'd finally be able to get out of this debt if he could be an exceptional adventurer. Though his appearance is a bonus as well, 'Adorable...' I drool mentally, 'No! Don't have these thoughts!' I scold myself mentally.
While doing that, I hadn't realized that Bell and Miach's conversation had ended. "So, what are you gonna teach me?" The sudden question caused me to yelp in surprise. My cheeks flared in embarrassment, "S-Sorry... I... wasn't listening..." I say in shame, head downcast, though he didn't seem to mind at all. "Well, Miach said that you'd teach me the basics about the dungeon." He stated, now knowing what I had to do, I got to work.
I went on to explain how items work, namely potions, considering they are the staple of an adventurer surviving in the dungeon. I explained the different shops, which ones are good and bad, and I ended my explanation on the first floor of the dungeon. "Tomorrow we'll go to the guild, there you'll be able to register as an adventurer." I explained to him, to which he nodded his head in understanding.
"Thank you so much, Naaza-san!" He exclaimed while bowing, I quickly became flustered from this. "U-Uhm, you d-don't need to thank m-me... I'm just doing it to start you off, I didn't even give you much information!" I shout slightly louder then intended. "But I want to thank you!" He exclaimed, 'I didn't expect him to be pushy!' I screamed mentally. "Wai-" I was about to protest, but he continued.
"Throughout my entire time in Orario, this is the first piece of kindness I've been given. I'll always be grateful for this, no matter what you say or do!" He shouted back, causing my cheeks to become an inferno. 'Why am I losing my composure!' I yell mentally again. "O-Ok, just... get some rest, alright?" I ask with concern, though trying to sound as casual as possible. I think I sounded more concerned instead, which I was, but I didn't want him to know that.
"Oh, ok. Once again, thank you, Naaza-san." He said, though I grew a tick mark at the prefix, I rather I'd be called by just my name. "Just call me Naaza, we're family now." I stated, he looked at me, and then laughed. I laughed with him, I don't know why, but the situation just seems funny.
"Okay, Naaza." He said my name in a voice so sweet that I felt like I'd melt at any minute. He's so precious! Like a gem, polished, and removed of any dust.
-The Next Day, Bell's Pov-
We'd arrived at the guild a while ago. Right now I'm filling out papers in an office, with Naaza standing beside me and my new advisor right in front of me. Her name is Eina Tulle, a half-elf.
Name: Bell Cranel
Gender: Male
Age: 13.
Hair Color: White.
Eye Color: Red.
Height: 165cm (5'5).
Birthday: March 4th.
Familia: Miach Familia.
Preferred Weapon: Dual Knives, ambidextrous.
Status -
Level: 1
Power: 0I
Endurance: 0I
Dexterity: 0I
Agility: 0I
Magic: 0I
Skills: []
Abilities: []
That was all the paperwork I had to fill out when it came to personal details. The rest were policies, laws and things of t. Stating that if I die in the dungeon, the familia you're in can't sue them.
"Everything seems to be in order." Eina stated, looking over the pieces of paper I wrote on. "We have starter packs for every new adventurer. These include 3 low quality health potions, 3 basic antidotes, two of your preferred weapon, usually one would be your main and the other a spare, but since you use two, then you can just use both. Finally you get a leather tunic that can go under your normal clothes, shin guards, and arm guards." She explained.
"Wow..." I mutter, looking at the equipment brought before me. Even if these are of the lowest quality, I'm still extremely grateful for any edge I can get. "Thank you Eina-san!" I exclaim happily, Eina chuckled at my antics while Naaza just smiled softly, though I didn't notice Naaza's smile. "Okay, good luck on your first dive in the dungeon, Bell-san." Eina says as we get up to leave.
"Thanks!" I reply, and then we head off, well, I head off. For some reason Naaza can't go to the dungeon, I'm sure they'll tell me in time though.
A/N: I literally plowed through this first chapter in one day (night (2 hours)). I do not know if people are gonna like this, but I like it. Naaza is one of my favorite characters, although a bit of an ass for what she originally does in the canon, she still does it for a good reason, so I can not fault her.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! *^*