Chapter 1: Nonchalance
I find myself surrounded by bright blinding lights and a wall of humans sneering and yelling. I ask myself...'Who woke me up?
After all, it wasn't every day that you fall asleep on your favorite branch and wake up being auctioned off in the infamous Sabaody Archipelago human auction...right? Usually one would find yourself waking up in the exact same place you positioned yourself to sleep...right? So how on earth was she here? Now that story will come later, for now, let's focus on my current predicament.
A question filtered through my head,'Why do you always get into the most troublesome things?'
I could hear someone speaking in the back of my mind, but I was still too out of it to understand and even bother to pay attention.
Still lying down on my side I tried to lift my hand in order to wipe away the sleep from my eyes, but instead found it chained. So, rather than lifting one hand, I lifted both of them up with great success mind you and proceeded to rub my eyes and let out a tired yawn.
I wondered idly why the chains I was bound with were so weak. I had half a mind to berate them for underestimating me, but I proceeded to push myself upwards, letting the metal chains clank loudly on the stone ground. I felt what I knew was a sneeze and looked up at the lights to help it come out easier. And to my great relief, it did, and boy was I glad. There are only a few things in this world that can truly annoy me, and a ruined sneeze is one of them.
"As you can see ladies and gentlemen, this young beautiful girl holds the grace of the Celestial Dragons themselves," I heard the man who I knew to be Disco of the Doflamingo family say as the crowd roared in laughter.
"Ahh...shit... got caught didn't I? Dang..." I said unknowingly that my voice traveled farther than I thought.
Disco shot me an annoyed look and continued his speech.
"Our info tells us that she is proficient in many many types of weapons, which includes a variety of projectile and handheld weapons such as the Longbow, and swords. So you know who to turn to when you need to dispose of anyone, she's very convenient isn't she," Disco laughed and motioned for the auction to start.
'Well, he isn't wrong...'
Sighing she turned towards the crowd and noticed their slightly crazed gazes on her and *tched.
"I guess the auction needs to start right?" she asked no one in particular, "I might as well have some fun while I'm at it," she muttered to herself.
"Anyone wanna buy me?"
The room was silent. She could feel the air almost bursting with incredulity and she lazily grinned, a glint forming in her amethyst eyes.
"Oh come on, not even 50 berries? 100 berries?"
She noticed a no.52 paddle up in the air and a loud shout of 100 thousand berries accompanying it. 'Too low', she thought.
Another raised their paddle and shouted 900 thousand berries. 'Oooh, getting there', she smirked.
Paddle after Paddle and shouts after shouts kept on coming, the price for her kept on rising until she noticed the figures at the back content on just watching the show. Her eyes narrowed. Surely they had more money than they were worth, I mean they were pirates after all. And they were strong, shivers wracked my very being at the touch of their aura. Delicious. "Hey! You guys, yeah you guys at the back. Wanna bid on me?" she motioned herself while a distinct look formed on her face which she was sure they translated as 'If you dare'.
She giggled lightly at the man with the tattoos as he raised his finger up at her wearing a peeved off expression. The man with red hair and red aesthetic was holding onto the chair in front of him so hard that it cracked, making me grin.
'Ooooh, how fun. Their reactions are top tier.'
"300 MILLION BERRIES!" A Celestial Dragon shouted.
Gasps echoed in the room at the sheer amount he was willing to bid on me.
I looked at him in the eyes, winked and smiled cutely. Seeing them certainty left much to be desired. I heard him say to what seems to be his father, "Daddy! Daddy! I want her as a wife of mine! I WANT HER!"
After that outburst, no one dared to bid more on me. Which was disconcerting, truly it seemed that the Celestial Dragons were treated as gods here. She'd have to find a way to report all that she's seen back to him.
Waiting a few more seconds I bowed as best as I could with chains restraining my movements and addressed the audience, "Well, that concludes today's auction ladies and gentlemen. Please find your way out the exit in an orderly fashion."
A chorus of yells and screams were made as I snickered and heard Disco trying to placate the bidders.
"Please! Please! We still have more items in the back! In fact, we'll bring out the special item early today!"
I silently made my way backstage, covertly using my Haki to protect my neck as I ripped it off me. I could hear the worried whispers of the slaves around me, but I paid them no mind as I slipped through the metal bars in hopes of a good nap before I escaped, and curled up beside an old man with a ridiculously large yet nurturing aura.
It felt as if his aura was tempting me, enticing me to dare and trespass into his domain. I was pulled in to his overwhelmingly all-encompassing energy, and I found that I liked it.
Looking up at the man I just so casually used as a pillow, I saw the amusement dancing in his eyes before laying his hand on my head and said, "Now, why are you here little one?"
I grumbled for a few moments, "I'm not small, I can take care of myself..."
He chortled as if what I said was ridiculously amusing. I pouted. "Can you please take care of me while I sleep? Your aura feels really good..."
His laugh died down as he said in low tones, "...Aura? You can feel my aura?"
I just nodded numbly as my world turned dark, sleepiness winning over and his aura lulling me to sleep. I barely caught his small muttering of, "This girl...she can't be," and the slight smile on his mature yet handsome face.
A/N: Okay...Okay ...I know I shouldn't make a new story but...months of being in the hospital with limited access to the internet has made my head spin with hundreds of ideas! My muse has been very active as of late, and as a result, I've got a multitude of stories that I NEED to publish, and my other story Pulse will also have another chapter this week! And it's much longer too!