Naruto: The Transmigrant
'kurama/summon thinking'
'Naruto Thinking'
Naruto wasn't entirely sure how he got into this situation everything was going well until he found out his team was Team 7 with Sasuke and Ino under Kakashi Hatake.
Now he was fine with that what he wasn't fine with was the fact that he had to wait 3 hours for Kakashi to show up then go through introductions were the jonin went out of his way to hide information about himself.
Told them they had to show up tomorrow at training ground 7 at 5am and not to eat breakfast.
Like who wouldn't eat breakfast before a test?
He was so eating breakfast he didn't miss it when he was asura so he wasn't going to miss it now as naruto. Some instant ramen by some 6 cups for breakfast later naruto is making is way to the training ground.
Were he proceed to have to wait another 3 hours before Kakashi showed up and announced the test in which they had to get a pair of bells of him but the one who didn't get a bell was sent back to academy.
Now he knew that was bullshit he read his history he knew teams were in 4 man cells with a jonin leader and 3 genin.
So he thought of what way for all of them to pass he watched as Ino engaged in tai-jutsu and Kakashi pulled out a book like he did during his exams which caused her to freeze long enough for him to place her in a genjutsu.
Then Sasuke in his infinite wisdom thought he was strong enough to take Kakashi solo and in turned got his ass handed to him and buried up to his neck. It was during those moments I thought of an idea.
Teamwork that was how we pass.
Only one problem they wouldn't work with so I'll get the bells and give it to them.
"If you don't come at me with the intent to kill you'll fail, GO" ok they've had a few minutes should be enough time for them to hide.
He may appear to be reading his book but really he was looking for his test participants, 'ok so Ino is just standing there behind that tree. Im going to need to work on that.' He looks around some more until he notices sasuke hiding in some shrubbery 'Hmm he is concealing his chakra pretty well for a new graduate but could be better.'
Kakashi then spent the rest of the time trying to find Naruto but just couldn't
'What the hell where is he? I mean I expected good stealth from him considering his past but damn this he's good' While Kakashi may sound like he is praising Naruto's stealth skills which he is, he is just sad at what it took for him to gain those skills.
About 30 minutes one Genjutsu infused Ino and buried Sasuke Later Kakashi was still waiting for Naruto to show himself. And just as he thought that Naruto flickered into existence no sound or poof that usually accompanies the shunshin, but he could tell it wasn't just pure speed, it was as if he was just there.
As Naruto saw Kakashi waiting for him he decided to use his Ninshu style: Shunshin an appeared about 15 ft away from Kakashi.
He noticed Kakashi's lone eye widen for just a second before he regained his composer.
"So Naruto come to try your luck?" Kakashi spoke has he turned a page in his book and glanced up to Naruto to see what he would do.
Naruto just stood there one hand going to his pouch incredibly slowly Kakashi was wondering what he was taking out when he pulled out a book and juts like Kakashi started reading.
"Nah I mean this test is about teamwork right and besides why fight you when I already have the bells?" Naruto spoke using his other hand to show he did indeed already have the bells.
Shocking Kakashi, Ino and Sasuke who all just got into the clearing with Naruto and Kakashi.
"What but how?" Kakashi couldn't help but ask after verifying those were the bells.
"Yeah how could a dobe like you get the bells when an elite Uchiha couldn't?" Sasuke spoke in a tone as if he really believe he was an Elite Shinobi.
'Was sasuke always like this?' Ino couldn't help but ask herself 'and sasuke failed where Naruto won. Was the Naruto we knew just a mask?'
"well it was simple as Kakashi was occupied fighting you sasuke I just came along and took the bells." He answered not even glancing up from his book. If kakashi wasn't dumbfounded that a genin could sneak up on him mid fight and manage to take something that was attached to his belt he would of fist pumped and started yelling about how he finally had a mini-me like Guy did with that lee kid.
"But naruto how did you sneak up on me while I was fighting?" he asked.
"I used a jutsu I created." He replied simply in a nonchalant tone that said that it wasn't even a big deal.
"Created a jutsu" Ino murmured under her breath in complete shock her entire image of Naruto has just been flipped ever since the exams when he showed up looking hot as hell in his new clothes he's just been rewriting his entire self.
"What Jutsu did you create Naruto that would allow you to sneak up on me?" Kakashi couldn't help but be proud of his student/little brother he created a working jutsu at 12 when he himself couldn't create one until he was 13! 'Damn Naruto just how much did you hide of yourself.'
Naruto just chuckled nervously "Well its not really a jutsu. More of a different way of utilising chakra then using a jutsu. It's my variant of the Shunshin jutsu that I actually saw you and a green guy use during a spar a few years ago."
'he recreated the shunshin and made it more battle oriented to be able to sneak up on me not make a sound or disrupt the air around himself and steal the bells then get out of there before I even noticed anything' Kakashi was gobsmacked
"could you show me this jutsu Naruto?" Kakashi asked as soon as he asked though Naruto nodded then flickered out of existence and Kakashi felt a kunai at his throat not even a second later.
"I command you to teach me this variant of the shunshin dobe." Sasuke unsurprisingly spoke as if believing he would learn it.
'hmm that brat tries anything on my lil-bro and I'll give him an elemental variant of the thousand years of death' Kakashi thought while still reading
"No sasuke I won't teach you how to use my variant of the shunshin. Now here take the bells" He says has he throws a bell to Ino and Sasuke.
Kakashi was extremely proud for a multitude of reasons. One he created a new way of utilizing chakra, Two he just put that Uchiha in his place and Three gave his teammates the bells.
"But Naruto wont you go back to the academy?" Ino asked whilst Sasuke was actually thinking the same thing.
But Kakashi came to the save. "No he just passed this test for you both. The true meaning was teamwork and by giving you the bells he passes. Now look at this Monument." As he walks away towards a large stone slab.
"This monument holds the name of every single Konoha nin that has died in service. My Friends and comrades are on this stone." He spoke in an almost dead tone. Shocking his students to the core.
"My Father died when I was young, I Graduated at 5 became chunin at 6 jonin at 13. I was considered a once in a decade kind of prodigy, I Knew so much mastered so much but it wasn't until my best friend who I never even told was my best friend died did I realise that what he used to say was true and ever since then I've lived by his Nindo his ninja creed. 'Those who don't follow the rules are trash, yes that's true but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash the lowest of the low.' I hope you three take that to heart and are always there for your comrades I only wish I was there for mine." Kakashi spoke in a tone that started of dead but slowly became full of pride and respect.
"As of now were Team 7, Were going to be training for 2 months straight I'll be setting a dietary plan for all of you and a strict workout routine. Well be undergoing 4 D rank missions a day for every mission we miss I'll worse you to do a punishment. Meet here tomorrow at 6am don't be late. Oh and naruto meet me at the hokages office." And just like that kakashi was gone in the classic shunshin
(Im going to make kakashi train them seriously which will cause sasuke to change into a more positive person well until orochimaru's curse mark which will activate Indra's Chakra and change his primal instincts to those of Indra's. Tell me if you want him to gain Indra's memories or not because im not sure how that would workout but im thinking.)
The new team 7 just sat there going over what they have just been told each thinking separate things.
Ino was thinking about this new diet and workout sessions that she would be forced to do and how it might ruin her figure.
Sasuke was thinking about how maybe what kakashi said was right, maybe he didn't need to go after itachi alone maybe he could make bonds and friends and begrudgingly his respect grew for the man.
Naruto saw his eagerness for training grow while his Asura side just gained the ultimate respect for the man and the hardships he has faced.
Kurama was just thinking about how much fun it was to well now have his brother back not that he would ever admit it but he enjoyed having his older brother figure back and could already feel his hate going away but maybe that was because of the hellish tortu-training he was thinking of putting his brother/container through.
Naruto suddenly felt the need to shiver but repressed it like a pro.
"Well I would offer to go get food with you guys but I got to meet kakashi-sensei at Jiji's office bye." And like that he just flickered out of existence
Not even a second after disappearing did Ino surprisingly just walk away from sasuke.
'dobe you actually are good for something Hn.
Hokage's Office with Kakashi and other jonin
"Right well lets get this over with what teams have passed." Asked The hokage in his HOKAGE MODE
"Team 1 fail"
"Team 2 fail"
"Team 3 fail"
You get the drift
"Team 7 consisting of Sasuke Uchiha, Ino Yamanaka and Naruto Uzumakiā¦ Pass." Kakashi lazily said while reading his precious icha icha.
"Could you please explain how they passed please Kakashi?" Asked Hiruzen he wanted to know how his surrogate grandson did. To be honest he was worried about him ever since about 9 years ago Naruto had a mode shift, he was a lot more attentive and well smarted but hid it well behind his mask of goofiness and pranks. In fact, he hid it so well it took Hiruzen until Naruto was 10 to figure it out.
"well I gave them the bell test and they passed" Kakashi informed the others waited for him to go into more detail but realising he wasn't a random jonin decided to speak up.
"I bet it was the Uchiha Genius that figured it out I mean he was rooky of the year, so he had to of figured it out." He spoke with such confidence that it was tangible in the air.
Murmurs of agreements could be heard but none noticed how Kakashi's features went from lazy and laid back to what appeared to be anger and aggression.
Asuma having noticed this decided to ask Kakashi to speak up "Hey Kakashi how did they pass exactly?"
The others having heard the question immediately quietened to hear how the amazing Uchiha hair figured it out but what they heard was not what they expected.
Kakashi told them of how he trapped Ino in a Genjutsu after a little tai-jutsu brawl and how he was then attacked by the Uchiha which he buried up to his neck and how he was demanding to be let out because he was an Elite Uchiha.
But it was when he started what happened next that froze everyone.
"After burying the Uchiha I was confronted by Naruto Uzumaki and all he did was pull out a book and said that he wasn't even going to do anything, and he knew the answer of the test was about teamwork the entire time."
After he spoke all he got was complete silence which caused him to smirk same with the hokage.
"Wait if he figured it out how did they pass?" Asked a confused Jonin
More whisper and murmurs of agreements followed shortly after so he decided to tell them.
"Well what happened next actually shocked me as well if I'm being honest" Ok now he's got their attention how could Naruto Uzumaki surprise a jonin and one like 'The Kakashi Hatake of The Sharingan'
Kuranai(SPL) couldn't hold it anymore. "How did he surprise you 'The Kakashi of the Sharingan'." She spoke in shock as well.
Everyone in the room quickly silenced themselves so they could learn how he did it even the hidden Anbu guards wanted to know.
Then Kakashi dropped the bomb "Well it is simple he had already gotten the bells without me even knowing."
Shock and stunned expressions all around. The hokages pipe fell out of his mouth along with his son's cigarette, The Anbu guards lost concentration on their Jutsu's to stay hidden and flickered into existence.
"how" was all the hokage could ask he really wanted to know and he wasn't the only one.
'Should I tell them? Yeah I got to tell them how awesome he is!' kakashi thought to himself
"Well has he told me after the test that it was a jutsu he created and in his own words said. 'Well it's not really a jutsu. More of a different way of utilising chakra then using a jutsu. It's my variant of the Shunshin jutsu' but let me tell you when he got the bells was during my tai-jutsu fight with the Uchiha and I didn't even sense his approach there was no noise, no poof of smoke or leaves he appeared and vanished as if he wasn't even there." Kakashi finished of with shocking them more.
A 12 year old making a new way to manipulate and utilize chakra and recreate the shunshin with it to the point were he just appears and disappears without a fully trained Jonin taking notice of him while mid fight with his guard up.
One word described their thoughts it wasn't anything among the lines of demon or anything like that it was one word they all thought they would never associate with Naruto Uzumaki.
Amazing no not amazing that could only be done by someone who was a genius making a new way to use chakra is revolutionary it hasn't been done since The Sage Of Six Paths introduced Chakra.
Kakashi chose this moment to speak up again.
"If I was being honest after I asked him to show it to me it looked as if it was my sensei's Hiraishin jutsu just without the flash or seal markers."
The hokage coughed to get there attention back they then proceeded to say that two more teams passed Teams 8 and 10 with genin Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame on team 8 and Sakura Haruno, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akamichi(SPL) on team 10.
After that all the jonin par Kakashi filled out the room leaving Kakashi the hokage and the hidden Anbu in the room alone.
"So Kakashi what do you want?" Hiruzen asked after they were alone.
"Oh nothing just waiting on Naruto to get here I was going to have him explain his new way of using chakra to you and show you the jutsu." Kakashi replied without missing a beat.
Not even 2 minutes after saying that did Naruto appear in the middle of the office in a flicker and just like Kakashi explained you couldn't even sense him when he first appeared at all he was just there.
"Yo Jiji, Kakashi-Sensei what was it you wanted?" Naruto asked
"Oh well naruto I was wondering if you could explain to me and Kakashi the way you are utilizing your chakra?" The hokage asked genuinely wanting to know after all he was 'The Professor' and even he couldn't think of a new way of using chakra.
"ha brother look at then wanting to new the new way of using chakra which is actually the way father originally taught them how to use it." Kurama laughed inside naruto's head
"I could if you send out your Anbu and DON'T TELL ANYONE unless I say its alright." Naruto spoke his asura side coming out.
The hokage noticed his seriousness and send out his Anbu and put up silencing seals
"Now, the way we usually use chakra is well just sort of like guiding it right and letting flow the way we want it to and adding out chakra nature if we wish right?" He asked getting two nods in response from the cycloptic-jonin and the hokage.
"Well the way I'm using it is completely different instead of guiding it and letting it flow I'm sort of willing it and bending it to do what I want whilst still letting it flow naturally through my chakra network. When doing this I realised it makes techniques much, much stronger and with elemental techniques you can do them with less hand sings just change the nature and will the chakra to do what you want. Want a fireball will it to become one when you expel the chakra, Want the earth to protect you with an earth wall charge it with earth natured chakra and will it to become a wall to protect you."
"Chakra isn't just energy its life energy and our chakra is our life energy, ours so it does what we want it to when we want it to you don't only make it do what you want but you let it flow naturally instead of just guiding it."
"This new way of using chakra is what I'm going to call Ninshu and im not going to be teaching it to anyone I don't trust it shall be considered as a clan technique just like the nara's shadow jutsu."
This shocked both the hokage and jonin they didn't expect that but they also wondered why no one had ever tried it before because Naruto was right when ninja's use techniques all they do is guide the chakra no one has ever just went and as Naruto said it 'bend it to their will' whilst still letting their chakra flow naturally through their pathways while making it do what you want it to do.
"That is revolutionary Naruto-Kun" The hokage said with a look of awe. Kakashi could only nod dumbly.
"Just imagine the possibility's all you could do with it, its limitless!" The hokage all but yelled.
But then they both noticed naruto's face it was set in a serious face.
"I'm going to be honest with you both because I trust you but no interruptions." He spoke and in return got two serious nods and their full attention.
"I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze I'm a direct descendant of Asura Otsutsuki who was the second son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki was but the world knew him as The Sage of Six Paths."
Before they could even talk, he continued.
"But before I continue I must explain some thing about his son's Indra Otsutsuki The first Uchiha and Asura Otsutsuki The first Senju and technically the first Uzumaki."
When he got there nods he explained how they constantly fought and how it was because Hagoromo made Asura his successor which pissed of Indra which caused Indra and Asura to fight for many years which subsequently caused their clans to hate each other as well which was why the Uchiha never got along with the Senju nor Uzumaki clans.
He then went on to how because their chakra was so powerful and well potent that it simply couldn't dissipate like a normal person's chakra does after death.
"Because of this their chakra has reincarnated into people who hold the same personality and goals. Indra's Transmigrant would strive for power and complete control whilst Asura's would go for love, Understanding and Peace. In total they have only transmigrated and reincarnated twice." Naruto said
At this the hokage interrupted. "Naruto you said this had happened twice suppose we believe this do you know who these transmigrant are?" Kakashi nodded showing how he wished to know who they were because if they were as strong as what Naruto said Indra and Asura were surely they would have heard of them throughout history.
Naruto nodded. "Yes, I do know who they are the first two you" he pointed to Hiruzen "actually knew on a personal level I believe."
"I knew the first two? But how is that possible Indra and Asura died about thousand years ago so why would their first Transmigrant show up during my life time?" Hiruzen couldn't help but ask.
"Well it's because as I said their chakra sought out people who would not only have their personality traits but their goals and obviously after their deaths it was just the clan warring era, so the chakra waited until the first set was born."
"Ok I understand it now but who were the first set?" Kakashi asked now fully understanding how it worked.
"The first set of Transmigrant were two extremely powerful shinobi both in locked in their own level that no one could else could ever hope to achieve." As Naruto said that the two listening were trying to figure out who could be a part of this set.
"I know you are trying to figure out who these people were, but I'll just tell you remember the set of brothers are forced to fight each other until one dies and restarts the cycle or manages to convince the other that their ideals are wrong because after all one is the sun whilst the other is the moon."
They both nodded in understanding but couldn't help but feel that how could two people be forced to fight each other.
"Ok Here I go, Indra's first Transmigrant was his direct descendant Madara Uchiha which is why is Sharingan was stronger than the other Uchiha's he had Indra's dormant chakra fulling his DNA and chakra making it more powerful."
This made them both Kakashi and Hiruzen freeze if what Naruto says is true then that can only mean that Asura's first Transmigrant was
"And Asura's First Transmigrant that you could probably guess now was Hashirama Senju our first Hokage, It Is also why he has the wood release bloodline and was a natural Sage. It was Asura's dormant chakra which was the Yang half of the sage's chakra that also caused Hashirama's body to be so strong compared to the average Senju."
Silence was all the room was the now as Naruto waited for them to fully accept and understand what he said.
About 5 minutes later Hiruzen says something which snaps Kakashi out of thought.
"It all makes sense now as to why they were so strong. There presence was also so overwhelming, but it also explains why they also saw each other as brothers since they met. Indra and Asura's dormant chakra connected them on a spiritual level that even they couldn't understand it must also be why they truly trusted one another until Madara left the village."
Kakashi chose this time to speak up. "Your right but Naruto how do you know all this. From what you've told us it all makes sense which either means it's a well thought out lie or the truth." He said seriously.
"Yes, that I would like to know as well naruto-kun." Hiruzen agreed
As they said all that Naruto charged up his chakra splitting it up into from Naruto/Asura's chakra to just Asura's chakra. Just because his chakras has merged doesn't mean he can separate it, but cool thing is it keeps it size the same as his normal merged chakra level.
Once he realized they stopped talking he used his chakra to form a spectral figure of what Asura looked like around him and in a voice mixed from Naruto's and Asura's spoke.
"I know because I am not only just the second transmigrant of Asura but his full reincarnation I am Asura and he is Naruto, we are One." As he spoke his full chakra presence was released which glowed a golden green blue colour that cracked the floor and ceiling
Both the witnesses were shocked for different reasons though.
Kakashi was shocked not only because now he knew it was true but because if what Naruto/asura just said was true then Naruto has fully merged with his Asura identity which means he could be infinitely stronger than lord Shodaime or Madara could ever hope to be.
Hiruzen was shocked for not only the same reasons as Kakashi but because the boy- no man who stood before him was the reincarnation of Asura and subsequently the reincarnation of his sensei. He could tell he wasn't lying because this chakra felt the same as Hashirama-sensei did but Infinitely Stronger than Hashirama's could ever hope to be.
As Naruto let them soak it all up, he dispelled Asura's Chakra and let it slowly merge back with his he waited about 15 minutes for them to snap out of it and when they did Hiruzen and Kakashi asked two different questions that shared the same premise.
Hiruzen asked first.
"Naruto or Asura which would you like to be called?"
Naruto gave a chuckle and replied "Jiji it's still me call me Naruto I may have my past life memories, but I am Naruto and Asura and my time as Asura as long Since passed. So please call me Naruto."
Hiruzen then asked the question that was really on his mind. "Well if you gained Asura's memories do you think you will eventually gain Hashirama-sensei's memories as well?" he was truly curious if his sensei's technical reincarnation would gain his memories as well.
"Jiji, I think I will eventually gain my memories of my time as Hashirama when my body is ready to adjust to his Power, Knowledge, memories and Chakra which I would say wouldn't be for a few years maybe when I'm 16 my body would be ready."
Hiruzen was floored here was is Sensei' reincarnation that would eventually regain his memories of his time as the Shodaime Hokage.
But before he could ask anymore questions Kakashi voiced his one and sole question that he had. "Naruto if you have the full abilities of Asura unlike Lord Shodaime would that mean you also have acquired Wood Release?"
Hiruzen was also eager because if the wood release was back with the full powered chakra of its original user and with time Hashirama's chakra that could mean it would be stronger than before, Infinitely stronger.
Naruto in response to the question just did the snake hand seal and said a few words.
"Wood release: Growth Of Life" and a few bonsai and other small flowers and plant life grew around the office all in locations that would be out of the way to any on occupying the space.
"Yes, I do have the wood release, Ice release and magnet release because of my natural Chakra nature before I gained Asura's chakra was wind and combine that with water is ice and with earth is magnet release but that's not all with asura's chakra I also gained affinity's for fire and lightning which means I have every possible elemental kekkei genkai."
If they thought that they couldn't be shocked or awed anymore well, they were wrong. Every elemental kekkei genkai available. Naruto snapped them out of it with his goodbye
"Well it is getting late and I want to get an early sleep, see you later jiji and you at 6am Kakashi-sensei." And just like that he was gone
Once he was gone for a few seconds Hiruzen spoke.
"Well that certainly was an eye opener and a complete reprogram of how I understood the world and chakra now I'm going to follow his lead and sleep" only to look at where Kakashi was standing to see him already gone.
Ok so did more building into the characters a little bit.
Set up more NarutoXIno and Chill Sasuke
Made kakashi and actual teacher and made Naruto Slightly Op but meh he wont be godlike just a lot of abilities and besides he wont learn ice release fully until after meeting Haku or magnet release until the 1 month break from the chunin exams.
The other's he will use rarely. He might use Swift release but with his Ninshu style: Shunshin and Hiraishin it isn't really needed.
Please voice your opinions and possible ideas in a review and I shall take it into consideration when writing the next chapter.