Twenty days passed since Issei woke up in the hospital after the fight with Trihexa. It was nearing the end of February, but during that time Xenovia's birthday of all things caused the most chaos as her's was on the 14th. But that was the problem for then, now Issei was having a much more interesting one. It was super early in the morning as Issei had been awoken by Akeno's antics of her stripping off his clothes.

It didn't take long for her to get to what she wanted as she was already well prepared with a slippery hand on his cock. When his brain finally activated it put two and two together real quick as he grabbed ahold of her and rolled off the bed with her. In a few moments, Akeno was pinned to the wall as Issei decided what to do with her. She was able to reach down and slid her panties down just far enough so they fell off "Maybe you should do it Issei." She said with a smile on her face.

Issei's brains were thinking in tandem with each other as he thought about it for a moment. "Maybe I shou…" He tried to say as Akeno grabbed hold of his head and kissed him.

"Akeno…" Issei heard as he tilted his head back just enough to see Rias standing there.

"This is my graduation present and I'm not losing out on it." She said as she held onto Issei.

That's when it clicked as he reached over to Rias and pulled her over. "I got a better idea." He pointed over to the door. "We're gonna need a shower." They understood him fully as Rias opened the door so they could go downstairs fully nude. He slung Akeno over his shoulders holding onto her legs as they walked out the door. "Naughty girls get fingered on the walk." He said as they walked out of the room as he stuck two fingers into her pussy.

For once they got some alone time while in the bathroom. But they got just enough time to take care of morning business as they heard the bathroom door open and they saw Ravel "I have some big news." She said as she saw the three of them next to each other in the water. "Oh, I.." Her face turned red "Didn't know that you three were."

There was a loud thud as the door opened up as. "We know you have that room!" Xenovia pointed at them. "Why here and no there?" She asked as Asia waited for an answer from them.

"To think that Lord Michael would let out such technology." Irina had to complain about it.

Akeno looked across Issei and towards Rias. "Maybe we should have used it."

Rias waved her hand shaking it off. "We would need a lock for it." She tried distancing herself away from the question. "Even then each girl would need one."

"I mean you each have bedrooms. Only Irina needs a room like that. Everyone else can get it where ever they want." Issei said to them.

"Yes, that is a good point." Rias thought about it and looked at Ravel "So Ravel what did you come here in the first place?"

"Oh yes." She reached to her side and showed them a tablet as a video played.

(Rating Game World Tournament sign-ups are now available) They heard from the announcer.

"All factions will be able to participate in this."

"I see, so this is what Azazel was talking about." Rias said as she stood up. She looked at Issei "Unfortunately Akeno and I need to go to the Underworld to confirm some things now. Maybe we can do this again some other time."

Akeno quickly followed her as they got dried off and quickly changed into some clothes. Issei pointed his finger between the girls "So uh any of you wanna join in?" Xenovia's clothes were peeled off and thrown about as she jumped in. The others were soon to follow all getting in with him.

The next few days however were not as fun as the bath time experience. Issei was laying his head on the desk at school as the class had finished taking the final tests of the term. It didn't help them as the term was full of nothing but utter chaos in the world that they had to solve, so that left them with little time to study.

The Church Trio made their way over to Issei's desk after everything finished "We kinda fell behind with everything that happened." Asia said not sure of everything.

"Nothing but overwork," Irina told Asia as she was beating on Issei's shoulders as she tried to massage him.

"I enjoyed doing both duties." Xenovia said with a smile.

"That's because you have too much energy. You've always been like this."

"And that's part of the reason why I'm the school president. If I didn't have any energy then I wouldn't be able to do everything."

She wasn't exactly wrong, but that was another matter in general. Issei however saw Matsuda and Motohama walking toward them. "Yo Isei how was your test?" "Did you write down stupid stuff when you answered the questions?"

"Only the most distraught answers. What about you two?" He asked then.

"Were gonna do quite well this time around." This was different from normal how they did poorly on tests. "We ended up studying because you ignored us every time we called you. And because of that, we ended up learning."

"I wanted to go to your place and study with Asia and all of the other girls."

Issei vaguely remembered seeing their names coming across his call list at one point. But with everything that happened of late, that was one of the last things he was concerned with. "To think that of all Rias and Akeno along with Asia Xenovia Irina live in your house. Not to forget Koneko Toujo and Ravel Phoenix the most popular girls of the first year are in your house."

"It's bullshit that even Rossweisse is staying there. It's the best place to cram information into a brain. That and your mom is hot."

Issei pointed at them "Keep it in your pants. But I'm sorry about not answering your calls, things have been busy as of late. I had to take a trip overseas suddenly because of family." Issei didn't lie exactly but he couldn't tell them the whole truth.

"Look who it is the most popular unpopular guy with two unpopular guys." Matsuda and Motohama turned around and saw Kiryuu looking at them.

"You need to define who is who."

She chuckled hearing that. "If you can't figure it out then you need to take the worst outcome."

The two of them were bubbling overhearing that as they looked at Issei. "About Azazel…" There was a collective downturn from all the girls and even Issei as they heard that name. "I heard he had to go back to his old home and just left."

"He was your club supervisor did you guys know about it?"

"Uh yeah kinda. Something happened but he didn't tell us much. Only that he had to leave and poof he was gone." It was a convincing enough lie for the humans but everyone else could see through it.

"Don't be so gloom about it. Who knows what might happen. You might see him again sometime later."

Issei shrugged his shoulders hearing that. It wasn't exactly possible for him to reappear any time soon. But they all had to move on with their lives. Planing was in full swing as the Rating game world tournament was coming up.

With everyone in the clubroom, Kiba handed Asia a stack of papers as she had taken her seat at the desk. "These are everything for the semester."

"Thank you." She said as she started to read them. "Preparations for next year are in full swing and the new students as well. It looks as if we have plenty of events coming up for next year as well. It feels like time passed so quickly with the last year and everything that happened."

"Were going to be second years soon Gaspy." Issei heard Koneko talking to Gasper and Ravel.

"Soon I get to become the senior." Gasper was excited.

"Don't forget that we have to advertise to gather members next month." Ravel said to them.

"Yes, that is quite true." Kiba said thinking about it. "There are people that are affiliated with us who will be joining such as Le Fay and Kunou and even Tosca. Even Sona's knight Bennia will be enrolling. I do not doubt that she would be joining us here."

"Wait," Issei said hearing that. "Tosca is joining us?"

"Oh uh yeah." Kiba was kinda shy hearing that. "She's joining the middle school here and then will be coming here after school."

"Oh well that's good, you're able to help her get with her schoolwork. That and she not gonna be all alone. " Issei thought about the poor girl having to adjust to her new life. Asia and Xenovia were no different but it was different for them as they didn't have to learn a new language just to talk to people.

"I've been thinking about how to address Rias now." Xenovia said while thinking of her problem. "I know Asia is going to call her Sister. Should I call her Sister as well or something else?"

"Have you ever thought about just Rias?" Issei asked her getting Xenovia to question her own thoughts. "Gasper Koneko and even Kiba have more of an issue with what to call her." Said three looked at him "What?"

"We already decided on that." "Once she Graduates we will call her by her name." "It's been a hard decision for us." Koneko Kiba and Gasper said to him.

"Oh well, that's good of you three," Issei said to them. "I never thought about it but what do you guys plan on doing after we graduate?"

"I already started saving money while doing devil jobs." Kiba said getting Issei interested in what he was doing.

"Your saving money? I mean we have plenty of it from merchandising rights of our likenesses."

Kiba twirled his wrist into his other hand. "I plan on opening a bakery here in town. And with our long lives, I will need something to do." Issei thought about it "And since you like cheesecake it would be a good idea to make sure you can get one whenever you want." Kiba knew how to torture and treat him at the same time with one of his big weaknesses.

"You and your voodoo magic of baked good." Issei knew full well he had a weakness for Cheesecake but any baked goods did wonders.

"I was thinking about a job in teaching." Xenovia said getting everyone's attention. It was out of the left-field as nobody had pinned her for a teaching job. "I was thinking about making a school in the human and underworld that prepares kids for higher education. It's a start of an idea but it's too far out for now."

"To think that you are thinking of your future Xenovia. That's not how you use to be, and this is a better change." Irina told her as she thought about it.

"What are your plans then Irina?" Xenovia asked her wondering what she was thinking.

"I plan to go to Kuoh college. Learning what I don't know yet. But as for work, I'll most likely be affiliated with the church due to my status. However, I am free to do whatever I want as long as I show up for emergency meetings. I uhh…" She twiddled her thumbs "I also thought about a bakery in the future. Rias and Akeno have been teaching me how to make things aside from bread but I will be some time before it shows up on the dinner table."

All the girls excelled at cooking this was something that Issei didn't dare interfere with. He had learned how to cook and was acceptable at it but there was a set schedule of who did what kitchen work that the girls agreed upon. "I always expected you to be the stressed-out, overworked office worker." Issei got Irina's attention as he looked around "Kinda like how Rose was before she joined us."

"You know her second choice was a bride."

"XENOVIA!" Irina shouted at her.

"It's a wonderful dream to have." Asia said with a smile as Irina was embarrassed.

"A bride is the easier route compared to the bakery."

"Aside from the obvious, how is that?" Issei asked her.

"Heaven is unstable right now. They want to fill the Seraphim and other high-ranking positions in the future. There are talks of having us reincarnated angels filling in those roles. And the possibility of asking me to fulfill that role is kinda high. If that happens the bakery is out of the question as I would have to work for Heaven the church and all of our followers."

Issei patted her on the head hearing that. It had been tough for everyone every faction had lost core and supporting members. Promotions in all factions would be needed while they repaired everything they could within their powers. Humanity had been spared the large brunt of the damage as some of it could be repaired. But the wall that kept the two worlds hidden had been popped. The underworld was no different as there were bound to be replacements for the Satans who were going to fill the positions? Nobody had a clue who could come close to filling those spots.

"Enough about the gloomy possibilities for now and the happy news. Issei is being promoted to Ultimate class Devil alongside many others are being promoted as well." Kiba said changing the topic.

"Ultimate class in a year. To think that was even possible." Xenovia said trying to admire him.

"Oh please most of you are getting your High-Class status as well. Even Gasper is getting his High-Class promotion skipping the middle rank." War had given all of them a larger spot in the limelight.

There was a knock at the door "Come in." Asia said as the door opened up. A small boy was standing in the doorway.

"Excuse me is Xenovia he… Oh, you are here after all." He made his way to her. Everyone noticed that there were no flaws in his movement as he was in front of her with papers in his hand. "I have some reports for you."

She looked through them for a moment "Alright Ouryuu let's go." Xenovia noticed that there was absolute silence as all eyes were on them "You never introduced yourself to him."

He turned around and smiled "You also said you would introduce me to them… a month ago."

"I uhh forgot." She scratched the back of her head saying that. "This here is our secretary and a first year."

"Nakiri Kouchin Ouryuu. I've heard all the rumors about all of you." He said introducing himself.

"Somewhat of a long name don't you think?" Issei asked the kid.

"Kouchin is a posthumous name but I use it as a middle name. Nakiri Ouryuu is fine."

"Hello Nakiri" Ravel waved at him.

"Oh, the three of you here are here." He saw Ravel Koneko and Gasper.

"Isn't Nakiri one of the Five principal clans?" Asia asked him as she had been reading up on things related to the state of affairs after assuming her new position.

"Yes, I am the current Heir of the Nakiri clan. The previous heir caused some issues with the White Dragon Emperor and Tobio Ikuse."

"Might have to ask Vali about it his little spat. But If I'm not mistaken the other clans are the Himjime, Kushihashi, Doumon, and Shinra."

"That is correct. The Vermillion Bird, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, and the White Tiger."

"Ouryuu here is amazing. He was given a task from Ajuka Beelzebub to search for the remaining Longinus." Xenovia said hyping him up.

"Is that what that phone game he asked me to play is?" Issei asked Nakiri. "Searching for Innovate Clear and Telos Karma."

"Beelzebub has given me the complicated physical tasks that are involved with that." He moved over to Issei and stood in front of him "Issei Hyoudou the Red Dragon Emperor." He got a rise out of Issei saying that. "If I'm honest, I see you as a role model. You wield a Longinus while being a normal high school student. You and your friends were put into dangerous situations and have overcome them. Something like that I how I want to live my life fighting for my own power to control my destiny."

Issei waved him out hearing that "You do understand that I do other things to cope with the ridiculous levels of stuff we have to deal with?"

"I'm willing to support you if your in need of some help." He said getting Issei to think if he wanted something from Issei.

"Yeah… I'll have to see what can be done then."

"Ouryuu has wanted to meet you for a long time now Issei. Seems as if he was finally able to do that today." Xenovia said as she watched Ouryuu move to the door Xenovia took her place and whispered in his ear. "If we need extra help then we should call on him. He's super strong with his powers."

Issei raised an eyebrow hearing that. "How strong?" He asked her.

"Enough" He nodded hearing that wondering how strong this kid could be. Xenovia moved to the door as there was another knock at the door as it opened up.

It was nothing but long red hair as it was Rias. "Ise are you… yes, you are." She said seeing him.

"What's up?" He asked seeing her.

"There's a guest that wants to see you. They are currently waiting in the underground." Rias told him.

"The underground?" He asked as he stood up "Usually they just come to me."

"Just wait and see." She said as he followed her Ravel tagged along with the two of them as she was his manager.

Leaving the club behind the three of them made their way into the underground. What they saw was a dragon that towered over them as they had to tilt their heads back to see the dragon. "This is my first time seeing you. I am the third son of Blaze Meteor Dragon Tannin, Bova." Issei scratched his chin seeing the dragon as it explained why he resembled Tanin so much. "I'm here to request something from you. Issei Hyoudou I would like for you to accept me as your retainer."

Ravel spoke into his ear "Bova is known for causing trouble and getting into fights. He's been dubbed as Bova the Destroyer and with his bad attitude, weirdly, his father is Tannin."

"He's the strongest of Tannin's children." Rias said to him.

Issei reached into a magic circle pulling out a box as he looked down and rifled through the pieces. "When you say a retainer, do you want to be my servant like your father is to Mephisto Pheles?"

"Oh no, I am honored that you would consider it. But it is no secret that you want to assemble a peerage of all women. But I only wish to fight alongside you as a subordinate for sorts."

Hearing that Issei put the box of evil pieces away. "Oh yeah sure. It's nice to know that I'm not going to get approached by a bunch of guys who want to be in my peerage. At least people understand that I want an all-girl peerage." Bova was getting ready to get down on his knees and beg as he stopped. "So I don't have much of an issue with that."

Everyone stopped and looked at Issei. "That was quicker than I expected." Ravel said as she blinked a few times.

Issei pointed at Bova "Look at him, he's a giant dragon. Who knows when it would be good to have power like that on tap for some assistance. Sounds like a good idea to me." They couldn't argue with his logic. Having a dragon in your corner was a great idea and one of Bova's stature was a solid backup. That alone ended what was expected to be a long drawn-out discussion.

However, the weekend plans were already well in effect. That Saturday afternoon the ORC, Issei's parents, and a few others were out on an island out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but water for as far as the eye could see.

"I'm gonna catch more fish than you ever will Xenovia!" Irina said as She ran off with Xenovia with fishing rods.

That's right it was a relaxing day where they were just going to do whatever they wanted. "Oh, you are on!" Xenovia cast her line out into the water.

Rossweisse however had a different as she had on a wetsuit and in her hand a harpoon. "I'm going to catch them well before they can." She wrapped the rope around her arm as she headed out to the water and began her hunt.

"Is she serious about that?" Gorou asked Issei.

He could only shrug "My bets are on her tho. She's weird but determined." Vali stood next to Issei as he was preparing his fishing rod. "I never expected you to come here."

Vali was told of the plans of Issei's father to go fishing and he had no objection to it "Something different." He had brought along Bikou and Arthur as they had gathered at the house this morning.

Kuroka was with Koneko, Ravel, Gasper, and even Valerie as they were looking for a place to fish. "I wanna eat the fishies that you catch!" They could hear Kuroka talking to them as they were finding a spot to fish at.

"You're not getting any of them." They could hear Koneko scold her sister.

The standout thing was Valerie able to walk freely around. She could follow Gasper around wherever she wanted all thanks to the Grigor. Once the grail was retrieved the egg heads at the Grigor were able to reinsert the Grail returning the Sephiroth Grail to its original state.

"No no, keep that away." They heard Le Fay cry out as she was holding onto a fishing rod.

"Come now Le Fay the great witch can't be scared of bugs." Arthur said to her as he was hooking an insect on the hook.

Issei and Vali however made their way over to an area and just sat and cast their lines. "How long have you been fishing for?" Issei asked as he stared off into the distance.

"Azazel took me fishing quite often, It was a handy skill to use when I was out in the wilderness." There was a silence after that for a while as they each tried to reel in a fish. "Your group's promotions are coming up soon."

"Yeah in two days." While the loss of the three Satans was immense, Ajuka had got to work cleaning out the filth that plagued the Rating games."

Vali handed him a scroll as he opened it up. "Vali Lucifer here shall be appointed to Ultimate Class Devil." Issei read it out loud "When the hell did they appoint you to Ultimate class?"

"It's not the first time they tried. I declined it last time and I was going to decline it again but apparently, this was Azazel's wish. Even tho I will receive this in secret."

"Arent you a crown prince?"

Vali waved it off. "Devils only care for those ranks if you're a member of the 72 pillars. Speaking of that you are going to participate right?"

Issei scratched his head hearing that. "I'm not super crazy about fighting right off the bat. Who knows right now."

"I'm going." Vali said with confidence "This is the perfect opportunity to fight other God Class beings. Many of them have already signed up and I'm going to sign up with a few people I know. If anything I can guess Cao Cao Sairorg Bael and Even that Angel Dulio Gesualdo is thinking about making teams. But I know for a fact that Tobio is gathering members to fight."

"I'm kinda surprised that you didn't tell me to participate." He said as he pulled out a fish. "I expected you to tell me to participate when you started talking about who might show up but asking that's weird."

Vali thought about that as Issei wasn't wrong, he would have told him to join the fight when he first met him."I guess I did. I can see that your desires haven't changed. But I can see that you want something else." Vali said as he pulled his rod up and out came a fish larger than his. "As for this, I think I win this competition."

Issei saw that the fish was much larger than the ones he had caught so far. "When did this become a competition?" He genuinely wanted to know. Vali only dangled the fish in front of him as he cast his line again. They were going to be eating fresh fish for quite a while at the rate they were going.

The next day however was much different for Issei as he was standing in front of the old school building looking at it. But he wasn't alone as there was a little girl with golden hair next to him "It's so cool!" She said looking up at him. It was Kunou as she just moved in with them recently as Issei had been taking her around to see the sights of the town. They had been to the elementary middle school combo where she was going to be starting school soon.

Issei looked behind him as they heard something coming towards them as they saw Sona coming towards them. "Well if it isn't the former president, what brings you here Sona?"

She smiled seeing the two of them. "Hello Ise," Sona saw the girl next to him with little fox ears on her head. "You must the princess from Kyoto them? I heard that you would be coming to the elementary school in our town."

Kunou bowed her head "You are Sona Sitri correct?o I am the Daughter of Yasaka the leader of the Kyoto Youkai. My name is Kunou and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Sona nodded hearing Kunou's introduction. "I use my days off looking around the school." She said as she was looking at the old school building. "I remember when I first came here. Rias brought me to this place. She was so happy to show me this place that she wanted to attend this school."

Issei was aware of Rias' story and how she came here. It was one of the things that Rias told him about and how she wanted to come to the human world. "Did she tell you to enroll here?"

"You would think she did but she never suggested it. When I saw this place I think I was just attracted to it like Rias is. When she showed me this place I was already going to go to school in the underworld but I decided against it and came here. Serafall was shocked to think that a princess would be attending school here." She laughed talking about Serafall as her face slumped "But over the last three years many things happened. But there have been many surprises in the last year and plenty to come."

Issei knew what she was going through as he had to deal with it for Rias. The two girls were no different the only thing was how they dealt with the problems. "Oh Sona your here." They heard Saji as they looked and saw him coming towards them.

"Something wrong Saji?" Sona turned around to look at him as she asked him.

"Tsubaki asked me to find you as that is ready."

"I see then." She pushed up her glasses as she returned to her normal self. "Then we should go then"

Saji watched as she left. "Oh and Congrats on your promotion. We all plan on being there as well. By the way the tournament we are going to participate in as I will be fighting with Sona. But what about you? Will you fight with Rias or alone?"

"You know Vali asked me the same thing." Issei avoided the question as even he didn't know what was going to happen yet.

"Say, a lot of us are getting promoted soon." Saji said as he heard Issei answer.

"I heard but congrats on that." Issei was serious about it as there was a lack of promotions so far in the Sitri group.

"Tsubaki is getting a promotion as well. My guess is because of the battle at the Bael Castle. But with the promotion, I can become a teacher so that's good enough for me. So now I can stand on the same stage as you." Saji thought about what he just said as he waved his hands "No no forget that I didn't mean to say it some weirdly."

Issei laughed hearing that "I'm used to hearing weird things like that so don't sweat it.

"I would still like to fight you in the tournament." Saji said with a smile. "I need to get going tho." He said as he took off to follow after Sona.

Kunou watched as Saji walked away. "There's a lot of boys around you that are passionate."

Issei laughed hearing that "You're not wrong. At first, I thought it was weird but after Kiba, it's normal for me now." He reached down and picked her up "Come on we have a few things left to do before the big day tomorrow."

Fate however was with them the following day as everyone was at the Gremory castle getting prepared for the ceremony. Gorou was still speechless as the size of the castle sure he was held up in the castle for a while and he lived in a mansion in the human realm. But this was still a sight to behold. Everyone else was getting ready as they were putting on the last touches for the part. Issei was a simple yet perfectly fitted black suit, with crimson touches and a tie. Rias had on a crimson dress that went in tandem with Issei. "Ise, I'm worried about her." Rias said to him

He nodded knowing full well that she was talking about Grayfia. "I know you are. But everything is going to be fine." He tried to reassure her but what was he going to do? Tell her that he had already laid a plan out after he watched Sirzechs leave Grayfia here all alone till the end of time?

There was a knock on the door as it opened up and one of the maids entered. "Lady Rias and Lord Issei, it's time." She said as the two of them had to leave.

Their destination was in the middle of the city of Lilith while under an escort there. With everyone ready, they walked out of the mansion and were greeted by a sea of people most of them from the TV channels. A channel was opened in the center as they walked down with both peerages and parents with them. "Issei Hyoudou it's your big day today. Can you tell us how your feeling?" "Will you be participating in the Tournament? Sairaorg Bael and Sona Sitri have made their intent on competing." Were one of the few questions he heard from the drowning of voice being shouted at them and the flash of the cameras.

Everyone was quiet and just waved as they boarded the train as it took off speeding down the rails. "How do you deal with that?" Katase asked Rias.

She shrugged her shoulders similar to how Issei would "You get used to it over time."

Not long after they had taken to the air as the train soared in through the sky. "Look at that" Ravel pointed out the large building off in the distance. "That stadium is where some of the matches in the World Tournament will take place."

"So most of the matches taking place in the Underworld?" Issei asked.

"Yes," Rias was quick to answer. "As the Underworld was the least damaged of all the factions we are hosting most of the matches."

"It also makes sense that since the game originated in the underworld we would host the first one." Ravel said as she sat back down.

"After everything that happened, I've heard that Lord Belzebub will be overseeing the organizing of the tournament." They heard coming from Rias's father Zeoticus. "Training other factions to run games when they get set up is going to be vital for them."

"So Azazel got a wish for Rating games for all factions after all." Issei blurted out as he thought back to how Azazel was talking about that a long time ago.

Rias looked out the windows watching as they passed the stadium "I think that Diehauser would have loved the idea of a game like this."

There was nothing but silence as they looked at her. Sure Diehauser had committed serious crimes in the underworld and caused plenty of damage in politics and the games. But at the same time, he did want somebody who was worthy of fighting him at his level and not boosted by the King Pieces. It's not as if it mattered as Diehauser was locked away in a prison cell as this new form of Rating game was on the cusp of beginning.

"So how have the two of you been?" Zeoticus asked Aphrodite and Gorou mainly looked towards Gorou.

"It's been interesting, to say the least." Gorou answered him "I've known about all of this but it's a much larger experience. At least my hearing has returned to normal levels."

"Ah yes…" Zeoticus knew it "Non-Supernatural shouldn't be exposed to explosions of that level. At least the underworld was able to repair that for you. Luckily fighting like that was more of a freak accident. In the underworld, we don't see fights like that all too often. But it seems as if Issei has been breaking that norm far too often." Zeoticus smiled "Speaking of Issei. We have a new product that we are calling Oppai Dragon Milk. It comes from the cows in the Gremory territory and it sure is tasty."

"More products based on this show?" Gorou asked him.

Zeoticus summoned a bottle of it as they had some of it tasting that it was slightly sweeter than normal milk but it wasn't that sugar kind of sweet. "And since he is the figure of the product…"

"How much do you make off this?" Kiryuu asked.

"Enough?" Issei shrugged his shoulders hearing her question "I know you three don't make much money yet, but I think I can splurge on basically anything you want. But you need to ask nicely." He taunted them seeing as right now they were all dressed up in fancy clothing fitting of royalty.

They felt as if the train was slowing down that it would be soon once again that they would be escorted to their destination. With the aid of Limousines and money thrown around like it grew off trees there was nothing but a fanfare as they were hustled into the place where the ceremony was to take place. With haste, everyone was taken to a room where even tho make-up was already done and they were dressed formally but there was always room for some touchups and last-second modifications.

Issei was no different as they got a hold of him and were touching up any minor imperfections they could see making them look as close to perfect as possible. When they were done Issei and Rias were given matching Crimson capes that were added to their formal dress making them even more regal. Issei was looking at Rias as he saw her as nothing but perfection standing in front of him. "Don't say it." She said getting him to smile at her.

"Yes, my lady you do look stunning today. I would take you out for something but even I don't feel like I'm high enough class for the looks you radiate." Issei could smooth talk his way around when he needed to as Rias lowered her head as he could see a faint blush on her face. He held his hand out as she took it "Come it should be time for us." He said as the two of them walked out of the room. All around there were guards for the day as well as VIPs of all factions ranging from the underworld to Greece and everywhere in between. This day while important for some was a showing for everyone that they could get together.

Issei and Rias walked down the aisle of a chapel as cameras were flashing as the two of them were the center of attention. As the two of them got to the head they took their place off to the side of the front stage as there were two seats available and the third one was already occupied by Sona as she had on a blue dress with a blue cape that was over her shoulders. Rias took her seat next to Sona as Issei was on the nearest end towards the center of the room. In the middle was a podium and in front of it was Ajuka Belzebub. "We are gathered here today so that we may wed…" He started to say as everyone looked over to Issei and Rias as both of them were shocked at what they were hearing. But it soon turned to laughter from the whole audience Ajuka looked at the two of them "You should see the look on your faces." Ajuka looked back at the crowd "We are gathered here today for celebration. Plenty of young stars have proved themselves worthy of ranks above them."

Ajuka pulled out a scroll and read off it "For the acts of bravery and determination the Underworld as see fit to promote Momo Hanakai, Reya Kusaka, Tomoe Meguri, Tsubasa Yura, Ruruko Nimura, Bennia, Loup Garou, Katase Yui, Murayama Kaori, and Akia Kiryuu."

Each one of them came through the aisle as their names were called standing before him. For the Sitri team, it was not unexpected but for Issei's girls, it was a shock to be called out to them. When they got to the front they looked towards him wondering what was happened as he only pointed down. Confused but they soon understand as everyone else kneeled before Ajuka as they followed suit. "The Underworld has seen it fit that your achievements in combat will not go unrewarded. While some of you are new to this world what you have done is not out of our recognition. As forth each one of you will be elevated to a Middle-class devil effective immediately. Hard work has gotten you here continue forth and you will among the greats. Now rise."

He watched as they stood up and turned around as there was plenty of clapping and cameras flashing as they had their time in the sunlight of fame. As they moved out of the limelight Ajuka was quick to get the ceremony back on track. "Tsubaki Shinra, Genshirou Saji, Akeno Himejima, Gasper Vladi, Yuuto Kiba, Koneko Toujou, Rossweisse, Asia Argento and Xenovia Quarta." Same as before when each one of them had their name called out they came to the front. "Each one of you has shown to us that your actions in the face of battle and the courage needed to stand up to foes well beyond your mettle is there. Each time they arrived you drove them back you did what was necessary to defend the underworld and even others from annihilation. Your talents from the sword, magics, barrier, healing, and even physical combat will show that there is hope for everyone else."

When he stopped Issei Sona and Rias all stood up at the same time and walked over to their peerage members and stood in front of them. A table rose up from the floor as nine golden crowns emblazoned with jewels. The three of them grabbed crowns as everyone kneeled before them and they placed the crowns upon their heads. Once all the crowns were placed the three of them moved out of the way "And from here on I hereby proclaim you all Servents of Sitri, Gremory, and Hyoudou as High-Class Devils." Each one of them rose to their feet as there were cheering and camera flashes behind them. Ajuka's' right hand motioned over to a black pilar "Now is your first decision as High-Class Devils. Registering with this monument will register you as King's and the choice is yours and you can do it at any time you wish."

Tsubaki, Saji, Xenovia, and of all people Gasper were the only ones to step forward wanting to take on the role of King. "Four of you will take the role. One at a time place your hand on the monument and will be registered as King."

Tsubaki was the first to go to the monument as it floated in the air. She placed her hand on the stone and a faint blue aura emanate from it as it disappeared. "Congratulations." Ajuka said to her.

"That was it?" Tsubaki asked him.

"Aside from this." He handed her a small golden box with a flat top on it. "These are your evil pieces. What's inside is only for you to know." The same thing repeated with the other three as they were excited to have a promotion and their evil pieces. Once everyone was gone Rias and Sona followed everyone off the stage leaving only Issei up there. "And now for the reason why everyone has joined us today."

Issei flicked his left arm as it sent his cape flying into the air revealing on the back of his cape was a large logo of the Red Dragon Emperor. He knelt before Ajuka "Yes sir."

"Issei Hyoudou, your deeds are numerous and victories plentiful. You are being promoted to the rank of Ultimate Class Devil for these deeds. For someone of your age, this is a monumental accomplishment. Few Devils reach this far this early, most devils do not see the world as you do. You have gained a following and changed the underworld in a positive direction. Do you accept this promotion?"

Issei looked up to Ajuka "It is my honor to accept this promotion."

"Then rise, and show them the hope for the underworld."

Hearing that Issei stood up and Ajuka held out a paper he grabbed it and turned around. Just as before but now in full effect, there was the camera's flashing clapping and cheering was louder than before. "Thank you thank you, you are all far too kind. But I have a question for you all. Shall we have a party?" Issei asked the crowd as there was an uproar from all the others from other religions as he knew how some of these people were far too easily. As he stepped down from the stage right as his foot touched the ground a woman started to sing in an opera voice the theme to the Oppai Dragon.

Following everyone else into the larger room next to the ceremony area the party was already started as there was a large table with everyone at it and one around it. "Congratulations Issei." Rias said as he was hanging his cape over the back of the chair he was going to sit at.

"Oh no thank you, Rias. I'm surprised that you were able to keep the secret for so long." He sat down looking at everyone. "The look on your faces when you were all called up was great."

"How many knew about this?" Akeno asked him as all of this was a mystery to them.

"Oh the four of us." Issei told her "Rias Sona Ravel and myself were together when we found out about it. And I begged the two of them to keep quiet about all of the promotions."

"You have no clue how hard it's been." Ravel said shaking her head thinking about it. "With all the talk about Issei's promotion."

"I was wondering why all of the clothes were extra fancy." Kiryuu said as she was able to put everything together "But why tho?"

"Why not? A good surprise for people who have earned the increase in rank. You get your faces in the limelight and everybody wins."

"It's not just that." Rias said to them. "Achievements need to be recognized. And the underworld has had a questionable past in doing that. Now is the time to right those wrongs. While you three are newer to all of this your fighting was above and beyond what anyone could have expected from people of your power levels. Fighting day after day in prolonged battles was rough even for us, but you were able to keep going. And that is why promotions were given to you."

"Look," Issei said getting their attention "Katase and Murayama you two have been learning from the only person who can keep up with me in terms of combat here alongside two holy sword wielders. And Kiryuu has caught the attention of the goddess of the hunt. Outside of having freaky powers, sacred gear, or raw talent, I would have to say you three are doing far better than you should be."

"Why do I get the feeling that you even picked out the clothes for us." Katase asked him knowing that Issei was a perv all too well.

"Issei's choice in clothing is awful I have to dress him so he looks stylish." Rias said as there was some laughter at that.

"I gave the maids some cash, photos, dimensions, and a direction with to get all of your clothes made." He said with a big smile on his face.

"At least it was the maids who did all of them, so I feel much better about it." Katase said as there was a round of laughter from everyone all at Issei's expense.

"All jokes aside…" Murayama spoke out calming down the laughter "What does this promotion entail for us?"

Rias had that answer for them. " For Middle-class devils, not many changes. However, some job opportunities such as teaching in the underworld are locked behind promotions as they require you to have some form of renown or knowledge. Considering you are a part of our group there will be some liberties taken when it comes to jobs as well. It does however allow you to work for the High-Class Devil promotions, as for Ultimate Class Devil… well if I'm honest it's mostly just a prestige thing."

Issei shrugged about that "It's a nice prestige thing tho."

"So this is where the head of the party is." They heard a familiar male voice as they looked over and saw a man with blonde hair and a red suit.

"Brother!" Ravel called out to him "It's good to see that you came here."

"Of course, I came here today, I was invited after all. Tho it is more of an escort duty rather than for fun."

"Riser on escort duty?" Issei asked wondering who of all people he could be escorting.

That's when they saw a tall woman in a red dress with giant twin curls in her blonde hair and a noticeably large chest. "I want to congratulate you Issei, you have surpassed me and attained a rank that anyone in our family has yet to reach."

Issei smiled hearing that "Mother you came." Ravel stood up from her chair and greeted her mother.

"Yes, Riser and I were off to the side watching everything unfold. Unfortunately, we didn't get here early enough to get seats in the main area."

"Yeah, there was quite a bit of people here." Issei said as he scratched the back of his head.

"I think you're more popular than you think you are. But that's just my observation." She nodded her head "Congratulations tho we all look forward to seeing where you plan ongoing. And I do hope Ravel has been well behaved.

He smiled hearing that "Yes has been more than that. I thank you for letting me have her in my peerage."

"That's good to hear" She liked hearing that her daughter was living beyond the expectations set for her. "Well that will be all then, so I will leave you with your friends. Oh and do remember what I said that day."

"Tell me Issei." Riser asked before they got ready to leave "Have your dreams changed?"

He shook his head hearing that "Can't stop won't stop nothing is changing that."

Hearing that she turned around she walked away "Come, Riser, there is much more to enjoy today." She said as Riser followed her in toe satisfied with his answer.

Issei and Ravel sat back down at the table after her mother left "So how does trading work?" Kiryuu asked.

"Oh, that's simple. Once two people agree to make a trade a magic circle is cast upon the floor. In Issei's case, he was trading his blank pieces for already reincarnated pieces so he would hold up his blank evil pieces and the other person would stand in the circle. When the two kings infuse energy into the evil pieces they swap energy remarking the owner or King in the case of trading people."

"So it's like rewriting computer data?" Kiryuu asked after hearing that.

"You could call it that." Rias agreed with her connection on how the two things worked. "It's basically the same operation just with magic." As Rias spoke they felt another presence approach them as they looked over and saw a middle school-aged person with black hair that had a blue tint to it. He was dressed in a silk dress native to India as behind him there was another man alongside Ajuka Beelzebub. "Lord Beelzebub?" Rias asked seeing the three of them as everyone was on a high alert from the raw power that emanate from the young boy.

Ajuka put his hand up to calm them down as he spoke "This person here wants to speak with you. So I brought him here…" His hand pointed down to the young boy "This here is Shiva."

There was a shock from everyone as they knew the name. "Wait as in…" They heard Issei's dad speak as he was already part drunk from drinking

"Yes, the Hindu god." Issei said finishing his dad's words

"Ohhhh dad wa…" His mouth was shut by Aphrodite as she covered his mouth.

"I hope you are all doing well, members of DxD. As the Beelzebub said I am Shiva one of the three pillar gods. I come to you today as I get the feeling that meetings between us are going to become frequent so best to get the introductions out of the way." He stuck his hand out towards Issei.

Issei grabbed ahold and shook his hand "I don't know how we would interact more often."

The taller man behind Shiva spoke up "Congratulations on your promotion."

"Uhhh," Issei said as he looked up at the man as he wasn't sure who he was.

"This here is the prince of Asura." Shiva introduced himself as he pointed up at him.

"Name is Mahabali nice to meet you." As he introduced himself he shook hands with Issei as well. "I've been hearing quite a bit about you and I've wanted to meet you for a while now. Your achievements fighting the Evil Dragons are most impressive that I wanted to fight alongside you against Trihexa."

Issei smiled hearing that "Oh now you're just flattering me." The chances of it being true were fifty-fifty but was he going to take a bet on it, no not exactly. But it wasn't surprising that other gods would be interested him in after his unusual growth pattern.

"I heard that your dream is to be a Harem king and you got famous because of your sexual desires."

"Ehhhhh" Issei tipped his hands back and forth "I got famous because I destroy a girl's clothes and saw her tits. But your not wrong for the most part I am famous for being a pervert. That and the abilities that come with it. I still wonder if I can make an ability to see through clothes like x-ray vision."

"I can't say I've heard of such ability." Shiva said thinking of it. "But tell me you are after women or fame what one is it?"

Issei thought about it for a moment."Those are one and the same in this world are they not? With Fame comes Women and with Women comes Fame, the cycle repeats itself. I want the women more than the fame."

"You are a weird one indeed. So what do you truly desire then?" He waited for Issei's answer.

"It would have to be peace. I'm not a fan of fighting as much as people make it out that I am. But I just keep getting dragged into all of this."

"So then a peaceful life with restraints, something similar to your benefactors. If that is their goal then yours align somewhat close to theirs as well. If that's from your ideals or from the combination of powers then who knows. Ophis seems to be enjoying her time as a result of it. Great Red has always led a carefree life in the gap. Yet what is holding you back? Karma most likely has strapped you with a hefty dilemma." Shiva smiled from his assessment of Issei " The power of two dragon gods combined to look for a harem, I like you more than I thought I would."

[Crafty little bastard knows how to snoop around too well.] Issei heard Ddraig complaining about the invasion.

Shiva looked up at Ajuka and spoke to him "You do remember what Azazel and I talked about?"

"In this case, I would presume it was the one about the question?" Ajuka asked him

"Very much so." He turned back to look at Issei. "Red Dragon Emperor Issei Hyoudou, I would like for you to join me." Rias stood up from her chair to protest it as everyone else was shocked to hear it. But he simply held his hand out to calm her "I'm not looking to take him from you. Only to have him join my forces and allies as well should war between Sakra and I ever break out."

"Shiva…" Beelzebub said trying to deter him.

"Sakra or Indra however you want to call him is increasing his forces to defeat me, this is something most of the supernatural is aware of. He is gathering notable fighters under his belt for when the challenge happens, and I expect that day will come soon rather than later. This tournament has a high probability for him to take action. Cao Cao and the first Sun Wukong are his subordinates so it is only natural that I look for newer members as well."

"We Asuras have decided to join forces with Shiva. If you were to join us that would help assure a victory. Defeating Indra…" as Mahabali spoke the table they were at was shaking as the power he was letting out was moving this "will be most amusing as a team. I can't and never will forgive Indra as my father Vairochana was killed by him."

Shiva held his hand out towards Issei "So will you join me and receive the protection from the God of Destruction."

Issei was hesitant to hear that. "Do you want war?"

"Well it might be fun but just a regular war of old is not interesting." His hand changed from a shake to pointing at him "But just remember you the Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth and the White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star will be God Class beings. Your battles will involve many Gods after the skills you two have. And there's a hidden reason behind everything it's because you like to be surrounded by strong individuals. Whether you know it or admit it you like having strong people around you to fight with." Shiva was amused to pick apart Issei as he took the silence as acceptance he laughed at it. Reaching over he patted Issei on the back "Regarding the Rating Game World Tournament that's coming up I am one of the sponsors of it. And because of that the name of it it will be the Azazel cup. I find it a fitting name considering he is the one who set all of this up right up to the last minute."

"I myself will be participating in the tournament, maybe we can have a duel." Issei raised his right eyebrow hearing that from Mahabali.

"Anything to say?" Shiva asked as he turned around "Assassin of Sakra." Not far away from them was Cao Cao waiting quietly

Cao Cao shrugged his shoulders hearing that "Apologies Shiva, my intention was not to hide but I was going to wait my turn to speak. But it seems as you have forced my hand."

"So even the descendent of Cao Cao has come to speak with the Red Dragon."

"That is correct." Cao Cao said as he looked at Issei "To think that Shiva would take an interest in you as well."

Issei looked at Cao Cao "You are far from the type of person who gives congratulations. So do you come to see the promotions? Or for something else?"

"Your right I'm here on Sakra's behalf, but I have something better to say. I have received permission from Sakra to take place in this tournament and I am going to see how far my power can take me. And I will take down your and Vali's teams."

"You had best have a better plan than Samael's blood then." Issei said as they watched as Cao Cao left. Issei however was starting to wonder if Shiva had a point as he knew more than Issei did about himself. At this point, there was no going back, he looked over and saw that Xenovia was determined as were Ravel and Asia to fight in the tournament.

A few days passed and today was the day, Rias had woken up early and had gotten Issei up as well. Dressing in her school uniform for the last time she got Issei dressed as well with Akeno without getting anyone else up. "You're coming with us Issei." Rias said to him as Akeno and Rias walked with Issei holding onto his arms as they made their way to the school. While it was fun this was going to be one of the last times that they did this as a group, the next time would be without Rias and Akeno.

It was early enough in the morning that nobody was at the school yet. Well almost nobody as when they got there they were greeted by Sona and Tsubaki. "How are the three of you doing?" Sona asked them as they got close enough for a conversation. She didn't wait for an answer as she continued on "I didn't have anything to do this morning and I found myself here, but Tsubaki beat me here today."

"Yeah, I woke up early for some reason. And I just can't explain why it is."

Issei looked at the four girls "I think I can take a guess as to why it is."

The girls shared a laugh at that as they had to make their way toward the club room. When they entered it was the same way they left it and nothing changed as they slept. Rias looked around the room as Akeno went off and made some tea for them "When it first started it was just Akeno and me till Yuuto and the others joined us." Rias said as she moved over to the desk and sat down in the chair.

Issei took a seat on one of the couches as Akeno laughed hearing that "yes just the two of us as we lacked members. Increasing members was kinda hard given our identity. Say Issei did you know that Sona and Tsubaki came by when we first started the club. With them around, it wasn't so lonely with the four of us."

"Then the next year Yuuto joined us even tho we only had three members in the club. But he was and still is always so kind to us as he looked up to us as seniors." Rias said reminiscing about the old times. Kiba is still like that now when it comes to everything, especially the girls. "He cleaned this place up making it fit for Royalty to eat dinner at. I think he did it because he wanted us to have as much fun as possible with our time at it." Weather Rias and Akeno knew it Kiba thought of them as sisters more than anything else. "Then it was just going to be Gasper and Koneko in our final year here at school. But then you and Asia, Xenovia, Irina, and Ravel joined us alongside Rossweisse and Azazel as supervisors. The Clubroom blew up as there was a party here every day is how it felt. Now nobody questions us about our members."

Rias sighed as she looked around the room "We will still use this place for Devil work tomorrow. But it's not going to be the same as being a student."

"Three years" Akeno snapped her fingers "Gone in a flash don't you think so Rias?" Akeno asked knowing what Rias was going through.

"A fleeting instance in our lives." Rias looked at Akeno and smiled.

"But it was a good time." They said in unison knowing that it had all been a fun time.

"Rias, this has been the best time of my life, and I thank you for bringing me here."

"Akeno your my Queen and my best friend. You have supported me so far as vice president thus far and I hope you do the same throughout the rest of our lives." Issei watched as Rias gave the biggest smile she ever could muster. It was the little things that mattered the most. "Issei I wanted to share this with you, that's why we decided to bring you here, but…." She dragged it out as they could hear noises of shoes on the hardwood floors coming towards them.

The door swung open as everyone else appeared and funneled in. "You came here and kept it a secret from us." Irina said leading them in.

"Don't leave me behind!" They heard Rossweisse as she stumbled in as she was trying to put on her heels.

"How about we have one final day together?" Kiba said getting everyone's attention. And it worked as they agreed with him.

Rias and Akeno laughed at the sight that they were seeing. "I guess we can tag along for one final time. We still have some time before the ceremony beings." It was going to be one of the last hours as everyone was together as a club.

After a few hours of play and some preparation, people were gathering in the school's gym that had been set up for graduation. Off to the side, Issei saw Rias chatting to a rather large individual compared to most others around. "Yo Sairaorg" Issei called out as he saw who it was talking to Rias.

"Don't you think you need to act more of your rank now?" He asked as Issei got closer.

"Oh please, you know just as well as I do that's not happening." Rias said as Issei got up to them.

"Yeah, she's not wrong. But hear me out here, this is the human world where I don't have to deal with those social norms." Issei pointed out that crucial fact.

Rias smiled at that "Sairaorg thank you for coming, but there are some things left for us to do before everything starts." She said as she took her leave.

Leaving just the two of them Sairaorg spoke up "Now is the best time to tell you this as I didn't get time to after the ceremony. But I plan on participating in the world tournament."

Issei nodded hearing that "I'm not surprised about that at all. I expected you to join, I did however hear from Cao Cao that he is going to sign up as well."

"I wouldn't be surprised to hear if other gods want to challenge you." Sairaorg smirked thinking about it."

Issei sighed hearing that "Riser, Mahabali, and Vali have talked about it. Hell, even Saji has been talking about the tournament in the last week or so."

Sairaorg held his hand up stopping Issei from continuing "I'll be blunt about it, you need to be in the tournament in some form or another. If I fight you and Rias or you two separately then it will be worth it. But the chance to fight gods will produce intense battles and I will overcome them. And I will be waiting for you." Sairaorg walked over to other guests to chat with them. But Issei already knew what was to come, his attendance was more or less required than requested at this point.

People were falling into place as Issei had taken a seat after having a moment to himself to think of some things for the upcoming days. Looking around he saw a bunch of parents but mainly a group that stuck out like a sore thumb of an over-enthusiastic crimson-haired man with a camera in hand and next to him was Venelana. Not far back was the gruff square-faced man of Barakiel with a camera in hand recording and crying everything as the graduating class was accepting their certificates. And not far behind The Silver maid and a little crimson-haired boy were seen watching everything.

Xenovia was on stage as now that she was the student council president she had a duty to give a speech to the graduating class. While she was talking Issei pulled out his phone and typed away on it asking the important question about dates and times and if this would be possible only to wait for an answer sometime later. Seeing Xenovia bring Sona onto the stage she spoke in front of everyone "We have experienced many things over the last three years. But even now we have our separation. The people we meet here will always be an irreplaceable memory for us." A tear rolled down her face "But we have to move forward and believe that we will see each other sometime in the future. Showing how much we have grown when we return is important. And we must always move forward no matter what.." She bowed her head as there was applause as everyone was taking pictures.

It took a while for all the students to finish with the ceremony but there was plenty of pictures to be taken and more important things to be said out of reach of others. Once they could everyone got Rias and Akeno out of earshot of the rest of the school for some alone time. Kiba lead Gasper and Koneko "Congratulations!" They called out to the girls.

"Thank you." Rias smiled at them as she was happy.

"We uh…" Kiba tried getting the words out but was doing quite well at it. "Since you graduated already…"

"Oh geez, this isn't like you Kiba." Rias chuckled hearing Kiba fail at words. "Just say what you want to say."

"Sister Rias." Kiba said as Gasper followed with Koneko repeating the same thing as she froze hearing that from the three of them. She didn't know if her heart stopped or it just skipped a beat for a moment. "It would be improper to call you president even after you graduated."

Rias had a few tears that she had to wipe away hearing that from them. "Ohhhhh I hope you can call me sister as well." Akeno tried teasing Rias.

"If I'm honest I see the two of you as my sisters after everything we have been through even tho I would still like to call you Akeno."

"Oh" Kiba's words surprised even Akeno and it was the reason why Tsubaki stuck through the rough parts and focused on Kiba.

"Say Rias" Issei called out as he walked up to her "Congratulations," He said with a smile on his face as his eye moved to the right as he caught a glimpse of two idiots trying to eavesdrop on them. "Aside from the people watching us." He said with a quiet voice so only they could hear "I was wondering if you would go out on another date with me now that you graduated?" He asked here grinning from cheek to cheek.

Rias caught wind of what was going on as she saw them as well. "Ise" She reached forward and grabbed him and kissed him taking the advantage of everything making a big show." They all heard running and screaming as they were in a massive uproar seeing what they have just seen.

"Well, that solves that problem with a great effect."

"You know that's going to cause you problems later right?"

He waved it off "Well it will fend off the gay rumors for a while. "

"Hey" Kiba tried to defend himself.

"Love you to Kiba, Anyways I want to say that I've made my decision. I plan on joining the Rating game tournament with my team."

Rias nodded hearing that "Yes everyone is expecting you let alone Sairaorg and Vali." She looked around at everyone "I also plan on entering as this is a perfect time to get experience for the future no matter the result. Even if that means fighting you." She locked eyes with Issei as they both smiled at that. Out of everyone, Rossweisse was the only one confused about what side to take in the upcoming battle. "Rossweisse" Rias called out to her.

"Yes, Rias?"

Rias flicked her finger towards Issei "You will be joining Issei." Hearing that there was a shock from everyone as Rias was giving away an extremely powerful piece. "You can fill a vital hole in Issei's team rather than sticking around here."

"But Rias I am still your servant." Rossweisse was just as lost and didn't know what to do only question it.

Rias walked over to her and hugged the girl "I know you are one of my precious servants. But your potential is better used with Issei rather than me. Also, he is gonna need your help let's be honest about that."

Rossweisse started crying as she hugged Rias as she was getting her back rubbed. "Don't cha worry, I'll watch over him."

Issei chuckled hearing that her accent had slipped out as he saw that Katase and Murayama were surprised to even hear it at all. "Don't fret over it. I'm looking to build a new team with my original members at the core of it all. And even giving you over to Issei you will still be family as we are just one big family anyways. I was thinking about it for a while now, and after Issei joined us people started to join us like wildfire. I don't know if it was destiny that caused Issei and Asia to meet but then after it was Xenovia. And then it just continued with everyone coming as Issei position as the Red Dragon Emperor." She held out her hand to stop Issei before he could say anything. "I know what you're thinking about but no. I want to build my own team with planning rather than fate. They came because of you. It's best that you take care of them. Otherwise, how can I beat Sairaorg, Sona, or Vali's teams if I rely on the same thing they have already seen."

Irina raised her hand up "Oh I heard that teams are being organized by Brave Saints. Mainly around Dulio and I was planning on declining to join." She looked over at Issei "I want to join your team." It wasn't much of a surprise as Issei was going to be her only choice but declining heaven was what surprised the others. "Heaven is important to me. But I want to fight alongside all of you in a big tournament."

There were zero objections to her request. "There's no way I can say no to a request like that." Issei held his hand out as Irina grabbed it and he pulled her over to him. "Thank you so much, darling.

"Oh and Rias." Issei said as she looked at him "I was serious about what I said earlier."

Her face was almost as red as her hair she was about to start crying. "Yes, that sounds enjoyable." She grabbed his hand and headed towards the clubroom as everyone followed to enjoy the final day.

With the day over and the trade made Rossweisse was now in Issei's possession but it was much different. Sitting on a bench looking out to the sandy beach of one of the Japanese islands they were touring as a group. He had some time to think about the games that were to come and who else could be recruited into this madhouse.

Well, that's it, folks, this is the end of this story. All work is focused on my other story and maybe an idea I have as well. But I hope you had fun with this one .