Thanks to a friend I found my motivation to continue but like I said I am changing the reason Lincoln ends up there because I absolutely HATED using the NSL excuse and with the new episodes and animated movie, I got some more material.
I do not own the Loud House or One Piece
(The Loud House)
It was nighttime at the Loud House. After a busy and usually chaotic day, all the Louds had settled down for the night, well except for one. When he was sure everyone was asleep, we cut to Lincoln's room to see if he is still awake.
"Oh, hello," he said, "I know it's been a while since I've talked to you guys. Man, so much has happened. We took a trip to Scotland, we all moved up a grade, Lori went to college, Lily started preschool and many, many more crazy shenanigans. Though I bet you're wondering, what am I doing up in the middle of night? Am I trying to get the sweet spot again?"
Lincoln peeks out the door to make sure no one is out there before he continues, "Well, the answer is no. You see I'm going to go check on something, that is very valuable to me in the basement. It is so special to me that I won't let me sisters know about or even touch it and if they do find out and damage it, I will go Lola levels of crazy on them and make them pay every cent back, but I will explain more when I get there.
Lincoln quietly closes the door and looks around to make sure no one heard that, seeing no one did he smiled, and tip toed down the hall when he heard a small soft voice say, "Lincoln?"
Lincoln turned and saw Lily had gotten out of her crib; she was rubbing her eyes as she looked at Lincoln who froze mid step and said, "Uh...hi Lily."
"Where you go, Linky?" Lily asked.
"I'm...going to the bathroom?" Lincoln said but Lily could tell he was hiding something.
"Where. go?" said Lily sternly as a two-year-old could.
Lincoln sighed and said, "Okay, I'm going to my secret place."
Lily smiled and said, "Luffy?"
"Yes, Luffy," Lincoln said as he saw Lily raise her hands up wanting to be carried, "And I'm guessing you don't want to wait until tomorrow to read?"
Lily nods her head and still holds her hands up as Lincoln says, "Lily, you know you have to sleep or else you're going to be..."
Lily then used the weakness that beat all Loud men everywhere, the puppy dog eyes. Lincoln held on for as long as he could, but he eventually said, "Fine."
Lily let out a cheer before Lincoln held up his finger to quiet her, "Shh! You don't want anyone to hear right?"
Lily nods as Lincoln picks her up, "But Lily, no matter if it's a cliffhanger you have to agree to only one chapter then it's back to bed, okay?"
"Ok," said Lily as she hugged Lincoln.
Lincoln smiled and carried her downstairs; they looked around the dining room to make sure no one was in it. They then snuck threw the kitchen towards the basement door. Lincoln grabbed the door handle, and they snuck quietly down the stairs, even with a few creaks and groans. When they reached the bottom, they passed a circular machine until they made it to a wall.
"I know you guys might think this is just a wall, but it's not," said Lincoln as he pulled down a tarp that was colored to look like the wall, reveling a bookshelf, that was filled with One Piece Manga.
"One Piece!" Lily cheered.
"That's right," said Lincoln, "I am a One Piece fanboy and proud of it. Lily caught me reading it one time and she became a fan as well. This book series is my favorite, in fact in my opinion, it surpasses Ace Savey and David Steele by a mile, but enough of that, you ready to find out what happens to Oden, Lily?"
Lily nods her head and Lincoln grabs the new manga he got this morning, but upstairs they did not know that trouble was coming.
"So, this is the place?" asked a female voice.
"Yes," said another woman's voice.
"I remember the house we were based next to," said a male voice.
"One of the greatest enemies to Georgia peaches everywhere!" said another male voice.
"Very well," said the first female voice weirded out by that comment.
Four figures stepped out of the bushes near the Loud House, it was no other than Morag and the Miller family. They approached the house and stood at the front door. Morag pulled out her scepter, which had a new red crystal in it. She aimed it at the door and a red beam fired out of it, destroying the entire door and making a big hole in the front of the house.
"We're coming for you, Lincoln Loud," said Ryan.
(The Basement)
Downstairs, Lincoln and Lily heard the explosion. Lily shook in fear and started to tear up. Lincoln was scared as well, but seeing his little sister scared he swallowed his fear. He picked Lily up, set the manga down and they snuck up the stairs. The sounds from upstairs sounded like a scuffle, but then Lincoln froze when he heard the sound of a scream. He picked up the pace and quietly opened the door and peaked out. He saw no one there.
Then he and Lily heard a muffled scream coming from the living room. Lincoln snuck in that direction; Lily cling close to him. They peeked around the corner and looked into the living room and to their horror, they saw their family tied and gagged. Standing in front of the family was Morag, as well as Ryan and Carley from the Miller family.
Lily was about to gasp, but Lincoln covered her mouth to keep her quiet. They then heard someone coming down the staircase, they ducked back behind the corner as Jeff came down the stairs.
"He's not up there," said Jeff angrily, "And neither is the baby!
"Where is he?!" shouted Morag angrily.
They all cried in muffled terror until Morag had enough and approached Luna and aimed her scepter, then turned around the house and shouted, "Lincoln! Come out now or I do to your musical sister what I did to the front door!"
Lincoln had used this moment of distraction to hide under the dining room table and set Lily down, "Stay here," he told Lily, "And don't come out until they have left the living room, then untie our family."
Lily was still scared but she nodded. Lincoln crawled out from under the table and swiped a plate before sneaking back to the corner and observed, but Morag was growing impatient as was the Miller family.
"Okay, Lincoln!" shouted Morag, "You don't believe us? Then watch this!"
Morag aimed a red beam right at Luna, who was now starting to tear up, then suddenly a plate came out of nowhere and hit Morag's hand, knocking the scepter out of her hand and Morag let out a scream of pain.
"You guys want me?!" shouted Lincoln as everyone turned and saw him standing in the dining room, "Then come and get me!"
Lincoln took off running as Morag growled, "GET HIM!"
Morag and the Miller family gave chase to Lincoln as the loud family struggled to get out, just then they saw Lily coming towards them and took off their gags, before going around and started to untie Luna, but it was a bit hard for her.
"C'mon Lily!" said Luna, "You can do it!"
Lincoln ran down into the basement as Morag and the Miller family gave chase. He closed the door behind him and locked it, but this just made them laugh as Morag said, "You think locking the door will stop us?!"
Morag aimed her scepter at the door and blew it off its hinges, Morag looked smug as she stepped in...only to step on a roller skate causing her to stumble and fall down the stairs, letting go of the scepter. The Miller family seeing this were more careful as they came down the stairs.
"Ugh!" said Morag getting up, "That brat will get what is coming to him!"
"Still have to catch me first!" said Lincoln, his voice echoing in the basement.
"We're spies! We will get you..." Carley started, but then she felt herself step in something.
She looked down and saw she got stuck in tar, she tried to pull herself out, but couldn't. Jeff jumped over the railing as did Ryan. They all looked around trying to find where Lincoln was hiding. Just then they heard a bang, they turned and looked at a boiler, they went over to check, and Ryan opened it and peaked his head inside. Just then Lincoln banged on the boiler and boiler and Ryan fell to the ground feeling woozy.
"RYAN!" shouted Jeff and Carley.
"Alright," said Lincoln as he turned around and to everyone's shock, he was holding the scepter that Morag dropped, "Everyone will remain in place until the police come! So, nobody move!"
"Lincoln!" shouted a voice.
Lincoln, Morag and the Miller Family looked up the stairs and saw Rita, "We called the police," she said.
"Good," said Lincoln.
"I'm not losing this time!" shouted Morag.
Morag then jumped at Lincoln and grabbed the scepter and they both struggled with it. Neither of them noticed that the spear was glowing red. Lincoln tried with all his might but Morag pulled it out of his grasp and Lincoln stumbled and fell onto his back.
"Now Lincoln Loud, I will-" Morag started before the scepter went off and fired.
There was a groan of pain, and everyone gasped in shock, Jeff and Carley the most. The beam had fired and struck Jeff right through the heart, or I should say obliterated his heart, leaving only a hole in it. Jeff was wide eyed as the light faded from his eyes and he fell to the ground dead.
"DAD!/JEFF!" both Ryan and Carley gasped in shock as Rita screamed.
Rita's scream brought the whole family running to the door as Lynn Sr. asked, "What's going on?"
"Look what you did!" said Lincoln to Morag.
"It was an honest mistake," said Morag shrugging her shoulders.
"You murdered my dad!" said Ryan angrily.
"You knew what we were getting into when we agreed to kill Lincoln Loud," said Morag, "No matter the cost."
Carley sobbed and even Lincoln looked down sad, he may not have liked these people, but he did not want to die. Just then a scream was heard, and Ryan leaped at Morag with great rage and start biting and clawing at her face.
"OUCH! GET OFF ME, YOU MISERABLE LITTLE BRAT!" shouted Morag as she tried to pull Ryan off of her.
Morag dropped the scepter and Lincoln saw his chance he ran forward to get it, but just then Morag and Ryan dumped into Lincoln's bookshelf knocking it over. His One Piece Mangas began spilling all over the ground. One of them stumbled and fell onto the machine and opened on a specific page. the device scanned it, as Lisa looked down in horror.
"Lincoln! Get out of there!" shouted Lisa.
Before Lincoln could ask the device suddenly turned on and the portal opened. It created a great suction force, but because of being stuck in tar, Carly remained stuck in place, but her husbands body was the first to get sucked in, Morag and Ryan were too busy fighting to notice, but by the time they did it was too late, and they were sucked in, one by one Lincoln's One Piece Mangas were also sucked in, as well as some of Lisa's experiments.
During that time Lincoln tried to run for the stairs, but Carly blocked him from going up, just saying, "I have lost my husband and son, but at least I can make you suffer."
"Lincoln!" cried his family.
Lincoln knew he was going to be sucked in but thinking quickly threw the scepter towards his family shouting, "Take it! I don't know where I'm going but I can't let that come with me!"
"Lincoln!" shouted his family as Lynn caught it.
Lincoln was then sucked into the portal and soon just then the portal closed to the Loud Families shock and horror. Rita fell to the ground and cried her eyes out, Lynn Sr. tried to comfort her, but he wasn't doing any better. Leni looked like she broke unable to comprehend what just happened, Luna and Luan looked like they were in denial at what they saw, Lynn held the scepter in her hands, gripping it tightly as if trying to break it, Lucy had her mouth dropped as tears rolled down her face, the twins were hugging each other crying and Lisa just had her mouth dropped and then let out a wail.
"Lincoln!" cried Lily as she tried to run down the stairs but was then stopped and held back by Luna.
Carley just laughed as tears rolled down her face and said, "MY FAMILY IS GONE BUT SO IS OUR GREATEST ENEMY!"
Carley just kept laughing and crying like mad as the louds mourned for their lost brother, even as the police showed up wondering what the heck was going on.
(Space between)
Lincoln screamed as he flew through the spatial area, he looked around and saw images flash by him, he thought he recognized some, but he was not sure why. He also saw Ryan and Morag still fighting punching each other, biting and clawing. He also saw Jeff's body as well as his Mangas and Lisa's inventions.
Just then Morag punched Ryan and he was sent flying and dumped into his dad's body. Jeff drifted to the edge of the space and then fell right through. This made Ryan even more angry and then grabbing one of the Mangas, he threw it at Morag, and it hit her in the face.
Lincoln quickly jumped into action, seeing what was happening and grabbed his books. While Ryan and Morag continued their battle, Lincoln tried to grab all of them, but after ten, he found he couldn't carry anymore.
'How am I going to get all of these?' thought Lincoln to himself.
Then as luck would have it, he saw some of Lisa's experiments pass by and he leapt for them. He grabbed a backpack and put his Mangas inside. He moved fast and quickly grabbed and watch and put it on his wrist. He was about to grab the others but just then he felt someone grab him, he turned and saw Morag.
"Oh, trying to save your sister's work?" asked Morag with a bruised and scratched face, "You should be more worried about yourself!"
"Like you should me!" shouted Ryan as he threw a fired a gun at Morag who ducked and shouted, "You missed!"
"No, he didn't!" said Lincoln trying to get out of Morag's grasp.
"Oh, so you side with-AHHH!" said Morag as she felt the beam hit her back.
"A laser gun that never misses, I'm going to enjoy this!" said Ryan as he started firing.
Lincoln got out of the way as Ryan kept firing and hitting Morag. Lincoln looked on in horror, he didn't want to see anyone else die, but he didn't know what to do. Just then he looked down at the watch and saw there we a number of buttons on it, he pressed one and saw an orange laser come out, it hit the work bench and a copy of the work bench appeared next to it.
"What the?" thought Lincoln to himself.
He then heard groans of pain, he looked and saw Morag scorched and barley hanging on with her life, Lincoln looked up and saw Ryan aiming the gun at her and shouted, "THIS IS FOR MY FATHER YOU WITCH!"
"No!" shouted Lincoln as he grabbed the workbench copy and threw it at Ryan.
Ryan turned to look and saw the work bench flying towards him, he struck him before he could dodge and let go of the gun, causing both him and the gun to fall into the space and disappeared. Lincoln sighed in relief, but then felt something hit his head, he looked and saw volume 86 of One Piece hit him. He grabbed it and stuffed it into the backpack. Then saw more of them come flying at him, he grabbed them all and stuffed them into the backpack, which he felt was not getting full.
"You think because you saved me, I will let you go?" Lincoln looked up and saw it was Morag throwing the Mangas, but she looked out of it.
Lincoln just kept right on catching them and putting them in the backpack and then eventually Morag passed out and drifted to the side of the space and just like Ryan and Jeff's body disappeared.
Lincoln sighed in relief as he still floated down the spatial line but then noticed something, 'Where were the rest of Lisa's inventions?' he thought to himself.
He feared they had fall through the space between, but he didn't mull it over cause now he was all alone. No Family, no Friends, not even enemies, just him and his One Piece Mangas. He floated around and started grabbing the rest of volumes and putting them in the backpack. After he collected the last one, he laid down on his back and just floated into down the spatial line.
'So where am I even going?' he thought to himself.
Just then a bright light appeared at the end, Lincoln looked up and was relieved when he saw he made it to the end but then started panicking as he saw that he was now going to start falling down, and Lincoln did the only thing he could...he screamed.
"Damn it Luffy! Stop eating all the food," Garp said as he decked Luffy.
"Ow, stupid grandpa!" said Luffy.
Ace was just eating what Luffy left over and still mulling to himself. It had been a month since Sabo died and he still felt sad though he didn't really express it.
"Hey, do you hear that?" Luffy asked.
"Don't try to distract from your punishment!" Garp said until he heard it to.
They all heard a scream but couldn't make out where it was coming from until they looked up and saw some white-haired kid coming down right on top of them.
"Don't worry I gotcha ya!" shouted Luffy as he held out his hands...only to miss and have to kid land next to them.
"Nice catch," Ace said deadpanning.
"Sorry," said Luffy.
"Hey! Kid you, ok?" Garp asked.
They looked at the kid and saw he had no response, they poked him, and he twitched so they knew he was alive. Then something else fell from the sky and hit Ace on the head. Luffy laughed at that only to get bopped on the head.
"One piece?" Garp asked.
"That's the One piece?" Luffy asked.
"No that is not but it appears to be a book called it, "Ace said picking it up but when he looked inside the pages were blank until he came to a certain page and saw themselves in their camping trip.
"Wait! Is that us?!" Luffy asked
"What is this kid?" Garp asked looking down at Lincoln.
There finally finished the first chapter, this was one crazy ride, but I am relieved that I don't have to use NSL anymore.
As for Lisa's inventions they will have a connection to Lincoln as well and he will have more stuff to do apart from helping Luffy and the others.
Hope you guys liked it.