Marinette and Adrien were both enjoying the fairly Akuma free week.
Monday, well it was Monday. Everyone expected an Akuma on Monday. But there was none, instead of an Akuma the teachers took the opportunity to give their classes tests to see what they really need to teach and what they can skip.
Tuesday, while everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for the first scream the teachers and all our heroes, the ones that always had to leave during school for an attack, took full advantage and worked their hardest to get back on track.
Wednesday, citizens realized that an attack just might not happen, however, our two heroes of this era decided that something was up. Normal life might be back on track, but for our two lovable idiots stayed, who stayed up the entire night searching every nook and cranny of the city and some streets surrounding the city well Wednesday was just torture for the two of them.
Thursday, people were back to being on high tensions with butterflies and everyone kept an extra focus on not letting things get to them. Nobody wanted to be the reason that there was an Akuma after such a long break of no Akumas.
So then came Friday. The citizens were hopeful that had beaten Hawk Moth in a way, by not being Akumatized. Of course, at this point Ladybug and Chat Noir were driving themselves crazy by looking for a hidden Akuma thinking that Hawk Moth had outsmarted them in that way. It's not until noon, on that Friday when three figures appeared in the sky and started to fall.
Marinette, being in a park with her friends and having seen the three figures appear, out of nowhere too, made up an excuse to her friends and ran off to a nearby alley. Ladybug did wait for Chat Noir to show up before scooping two of the three figures out of the air. The third started to stir just as they were about to hit the ground. Ladybug just landed on a roof before turning around in time to watch the darkly colored and strange dressed figure tense up and glitch out of existence. Looking a bit closer Ladybug did not realize that the other two had woken up and had joined her at the edge of the building.
"Oh, come on!" Ladybug leaped back when a female's voice came from the figure that looked like but with a twist, who was pacing around the roof pulling at her in total frustration, "We find her, and then we find out that she can teleport us through time, and on top of that we're in a timeline with another Dame Luck." The female stopped and looked right at her, then at something next to her. Looking at her side Ladybug found Chat Noir, who was looking like he was trying to solve an algebra problem.
"Okay, so." A male voice spoke up, looking to her other side Ladybug found the last figure awake and looking another version of Chat Noir. "This may not be the best situation but," the male trailed off with his arms spread wide waiting for something, "Okay honestly I was hoping for someone else to have found a bright side. Because I fur one, am completely lost."
The female once more groaned and ran her hand down her face before looking at the male. "Worst pun to date."
"But it got you to stop freaking out, so step one done." The female did not look impressed but popped a hip and folded her arms as if giving him permission to continue whatever rant or crazy idea he wants to talk about. "Step two, calmly figure out what exactly happened."
"And how are we supposed to do that when the Akuma has slipped through our fingers, again?" The female switch which hip was popped while putting a hand on the newly popped hip.
"By calmly talking to Dame Luck and Malchance." The male gestured to where Ladybug and Chat Noir was just starting to unfreeze.
"Wait a second." Chat took the lead and held his hand up. "Who are the two of you?" Ladybug barely nod her head before the two people looked at them with raised eyebrows, Ladybug couldn't help but just channel her inner civilian.
"Dame Luck." The female, dressed in a ladybug skirt that cut off above the knees in the front and ended at the floor in the back, with a cropped jacket, elbow gloves and heeled thigh boots of the same design with a black bodysuit underneath used as a shirt and to hide skin that showed between the ladybug garments, and finally the classic ladybug mask covered her face. Dame Luck as she was calling herself flicked her dark-haired braid over her shoulder which ended just above her lower back.
"Malchance." The blond male bowed the way Chat would, at the waist, which brought attention to his black baggy pants that covered his feet, as the man slowly straightened Ladybug could not help but to stare at his bare chest and arms which transferred into furry hands and claws, in his blond hair were cat ears, and his face was covered with a black blindfold with two green slits where his eyes would be. Ladybug felt Chat stiffen next to her, and she finally felt herself be kicked into high gear.
"Great, now that we know your names. Give up your Akumatized items." Ladybug barely had time to finish her sentence before the two victims started to laugh.
"Sorry, probably should have given you more information." Dame Luck sobered up first and walked over to the two heroes. "We are from the 22nd century. We are from the United States and the city we protect is New York City. We also have no clue how we're able to understand each other so it might be wise just to chalk it up to Tikki and Plagg."
"Wow, if that's not a rushed introduction then I don't know what is." Chat murmured beside Ladybug.
"Yeah, well, the figure that fell through the ground earlier is our Akuma." Malchance started.
"From the 22nd century." Dame Luck supplied.
"And the two of us really need to get home." Malchance continued.
"We also have no information about it other than the fact that it can go through time." Dame Luck once more interrupted.
"And it seems that it can only go through time when it's touching the two of us." Malchance just rolled with it.
"However, that's as much information that we have." The two of them were finally quiet.
Ladybug opened her mouth as if to say something and waited for either of them to interrupt but since neither of them did Ladybug went ahead to say, "Alright then, Chat. You take Malchance to recharge your Kwami, and I'll take Dame Luck to recharge our Kwami." Chat nod in agreement and turned to leap away but when neither of the future heroes moved to go with them, the present heroes looked at them in question.
"Uh, you two gonna get moving?" Chat Noir gestured to leaping across the roofs.
"We don't see why we just can't do it right here." Malchance gestured to the roof beneath the four of them.
"Wait a second. Do the two of you know each other out of the suit?" Ladybug slowly stepped towards them as if she were walking on ice. the looks "And you two don't?" She got back just confirmed it. "Hate to break it to you two, but Chat Noir and I don't know each other's civilian forms."