As Legolas hobbled to the healing ward the passerby's shot him worried smiles. All but one. Galion. Galion just gave him an exasperated and sad stare as he stormed over.

"How bad is it this time Legolas?" He sighed.

"Only my ankle and ribs." The prince replied with a sheepish grin.

"How do you manage to get hurt every time and still walk it off?" Galion questioned concerned. Without even waiting for a reply he offered Legolas his arm. The prince kept walking acting like he hadn't seen the gesture. Galion took things into his own hands and took some of the prince's wieght on his shoulders.

"Galion in fine" Legolas sighed, "really."

"You are going to listen to the healers and do everything they say or your father will hear about this."

Legolas was about to mumble something about his father not caring but bit his toung and just nodded.

At last they were at the huge front doors to the healing ward. They were intricately carved, slabs of oak. Galion helped Legolas to the royal healing rooms. The head healer followed them into the room and ordered the nessesary supplies.

As Legolas lowered himself onto the bed his ribs shifted. At that he couldn't hold back a small gasp. The next thing he knew he was helped out of his shirt by a young elleth.

"Thank you." He smiled with his usual gratitude although slightly winded. As she look at him she blushed madly. Her cheeks turned bright red as she bowed and left the room.

Galion looked from the apprentice to Legolas and shook his head. He certainly had some admirers. "I shall inform your father you have returned." Galion stated leaving no room for argument. At seeing the prince nod he left knowing Legolas was in good hands. As he left the halls of healing he could hear faint giggling.