Chapter 2: well this sucks
Now that his shirt was off the full extent of the damage to his chest was visible to all behind the small curtain. It was a mess of purple, green, and red bruises, all in different stages of healing. The head healer, Cuilwen was gently wiping away the blood and grime on his chest to see the extent of the damage. Cuilwen then brought his hands up and prodded a few bruises on the prince's abdomen. Moving up he ran his hands along each rib looking for breaks and bruises. Even though his touch was light the pain blinded Legolas and it only got worse when he coughed.
Frowning Cuilwen moved on.
"Breathe as deeply as you can manage." Cuilwen instructed bringing his ear to Legolas' chest. With a shuddering breath Legolas brought in a large amount of air.
"I don't believe your lungs have been affected so that's good." He stated, standing up. He quickly and skillfully wrapped his victim's ribs.
"Now we just need to get your boot off that foot." The healer said disappointed.
"On three," he continued, "One...two…" With quick tug his foot was free. Gasping and wincing Legolas pinned the healer with a glare. If looks could kill, Cuilwen wouldn't have stood a chance.
"Stop that!" Cuilwen admonished giving him a stare of his own.
Just then an apprentice broke the tense atmosphere when he brought a bucket of cold water, rags, tea, and a poultice.
"Drink your tea and rest while I tend your foot." The healer directed. With a little disgust Legolas downed the tea not even trying to hide his grimace at the taste. As the Cuilwen manipulated the joint Legolas already knew the pain numbing tea was making the process bearable. Legolas's ankle was covered in cool rags and a poultice for the swelling he realized how tired he was.
After he was free of pain, from medications, and able to hobble with help the prince was returned to his chambers.
"I will return in the morning to check your wounds and give you more tea." Cuilwen said while propping his foot on a pillow while he laid down.
"Goodnight and thank you for the help. Both of you" Legolas said including the apprentice that had helped him to his rooms.
As both Cuilwen and the apprentice bowed and left Legolas ignored the fact that the apprentice's eyes had lingered on his healing stash tucked in his closet. With a final sigh Legolas took to the world of dreams hoping to feel better by morning.