Attention to anyone who reads this story. Thank you all for reading this far but I have some bad news. I'm sad to say, but I think I've been holding on to this for too long. Thought this might get somewhere, but it's not. The truth is, I did this on a whim. I had no plan. Then I did plan, I had a Capitol plotline that holds no real meaning to anyone, including myself.

I was a naïve writer, trying something new for the first time. Looking back at past chapters, I cringe a little. I need to let this go else or it'll go on for another three years (and I think I'm being optimistic). I hate quitting, cause it makes me feel guilty. But it's best to end it rather than put it out much longer.

That said, I will finish this story - just now it's a long summary. People send me those characters, they may as well know how those character's stories end up. At the very least, we all know which team is which.

*deeep breathe*

Let's end this guys. :)


The 24 tributes were in the arena. They all circled around what looked a forest. But then, in the distance, the tributes and the audience noticed the large skyscrapers around. They were in a city, a large enough city that Lovemunch calls it 'Dieopolis'.

At the moment, it would seem that they were in a forest conservatory. In the center, a cornucopia. Like all cornucopia's, there is supplies in the middle of it.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Start!

The careers were first to in the center and get the weapons, ready to score some kills.

Aspen Wolfe, Iry Hawkfeather, and Cole Lynderly were the only ones who ran away. Everyone else least wanted some supplies or weapons before taking off.

Full of faith, Dorian Fleece walked and prayed. It's likely he simply wants to accept his false idol and die to 'move on to the next life' as he called it. Roxy Flint stabbed him from behind, and left him bleeding to his death. Dorian spoke of 'Vailsha' in his dying words. The first causality of the 172nd Hunger Games. Amazingly, he did manage to convert a few people in the Capitol (like his escort, Riggie Vulcan). Then became somewhat of a martyr in District Three.

And so, fighting gathered. The Anti-careers and other tributes conflicted with the careers. Bliss and Silver fought. Jaeden and Veta Del Mina tackled Cristian, who was soon backed up by Kalvin. Zyra managed to fight off Roxy. Hadley threw a can at Marron. Somnus just got a spear and chose to just stand there for a few minutes.

Volt Nightingale was fighting fellow legacy tribute Calliope Germaine. Soon enough, Calliope proved the better fighter when she killed Volt with her sword. She didn't feel like helping out more after killing him. Emmeline Nightingale, Volt's sister, mentor, and Victor of the 167th Hunger Games, killed herself a year later. She blamed herself for not supporting her brother enough.

Taliah quickly made for supplies, but was caught up Delmara. The girl from the Seven almost died from the career until Delmara was hit by a rock. Delmara turned, and saw the person who threw the rock was Daisy Grove. Daisy told Taliah to run as Delmara went to the small girl in anger. Daisy died saving her ally and speared in her torso for her troubles. District Nine mourned the kind young girl.

Doe and Buck Adler found each other in the chaos and left as soon as possible. But their way was soon blocked up Anet. What should have been a twin death ended up with them leaving, as Anet looked at them sadly and let them go. A few seconds later, however, Marron came barreling in with a mace and hit Anet with it to the side of his head. The kindly career soon had less of a face as Marron bashed his head in with a grin on his face.

Somnus turned away from his ally being killed and set his eyes on the Card Sharks: Veta, Jaeden, and Zyra who were running away. He threw the spear, and got exactly what he wanted - a dead Veta Del Mina with a spear attached to her back. Her partners were horrified as they ran. Jaeden wanted to stay, but Zyra soon snapped him out of it and yelled 'run!' to him.

Just about everyone else managed to escape. A pair of Seven tributes almost didn't.

As he limped away, Aspen found a small bunker behind a tree. He dunked in time from Somnus's gaze. Everyone in Panem considered Aspen incredibly lucky as many believed him to end up died the first minute. But Patricia Lovemunch pretty much planned this 'coincidence', wanted Aspen to survive just a bit longer so he can die later. Amazingly, his district partner and ally, Taliah, climbed a tree because she doesn't know where Aspen is and hide there as well having a bird's eye view.

The careers moved to see that Anet has perished. They gave him a moment of silence for a minute, but soon Delmara spat in anger for having a weak partner and left. The others followed.

Five tributes have perished thus far. That number will increase, sure enough.

Day 1

With Volt, the Anti-careers were without someone to make an explosive trap for them. Coincidentally, Moira appeared as she heard their concerns. The girl offered her knowledge to make the trap. The group was skeptical, but relented. Marron threatened to torture her if she doesn't listen to what they have to say however. Moira, looked like she was already regretting her decision.

The careers went out to hunt others, but in this large arena, it was difficult. The Sevens, Aspen met up after they left. Taliah noticed her district partner leaving his hidden bunker, and was overjoyed to find him alive. Aspen found a backpack filled with food supplies in the bunker, and they went the opposite direction of the careers.

Zyra and Jaeden were on their own, and mourned the loss of their ally. Jaeden more so than Zyra, which angered him as he called Zyra 'heartless'. The two were chilly to one another throughout the day.

Hadley was on her lonesome, and looked left and forth. Now that Panam is aware of her rebel status as she screamed 'Why are you doing this you monsters!?' during her interview and later got tranquilized on-screen. Many are wondering how long this girl will last.

Doe and Buck Adler went to the grocery store, but found that the food there were decorations to their disappointment.

Cole Lynderly managed to escape the round. A boy that said he considered himself 'unlucky' and 'cursed' during the interviews. Well, there might be some basis for this. He saw his district partner, Iry and wondered if he could push his luck to get food. Iry stabbed him in the throat with a knife she found in a the store she was in, finding him annoying.

Iry looked troubled for doing what she did, but complained later about the all blood in her hands.

Day 1. End.

Day 2

Lovemunch promised 'at least one death a day' and wanted to prove how deadly her arena can be.

Iry is following the careers (far away of course), for an unknown reason. A terrible decision, as it wasn't too long for careers to find her. Iry was brought by Somnus and Roxy, who held her side by side. The other careers went to them, with Bliss looks both wary and annoyed. The reason for this was soon revealed as Iry shouted "Bliss! Help me! I'm your sister!" which was soon followed by a shocked reaction from the rest of the group.

Bliss looked at Iry and the rest of the careers, possible seeing the tight position she's in. That said, she was pretty quick when she declared "I don't have a sister". Something to comfort the careers and surprise Iry. Delmara, however, was still suspicious. She aggressively told Bliss to kill Iry to show her loyalty.

Soon after, Iry was begging and telling Bliss to not do so. Bliss almost killed. Almost. But soon after, a police car was driving by and mannequin-looking police officers came out with batons. The car separated the careers and the Twelve girl. Iry was lead to the car and was driven away to safety as the careers fought these robots.

Now, we know that relation between Bliss and Iry, and it's not a good one. Which is why Patricia Lovemuch decided to save Iry - for future drama.

Moving on, Hadley from Eight also had a near-death experience. She was traveling on the road, but another police car came in. The robots came out, and Hadley defended herself with a polearm. Unfortunately, it's not enough. She was soon beaten with batons, and left for dead.

Fortunately for Hadley, she was found by Doe and Buck a minute later. Doe wanted to heal her, Buck wanted to leave her. The two argued, but Buck relented. He says it's a bad idea to help a self-admitted rebel, but Doe doesn't care about that. They had some medicine and bandages, and used it all for Hadley. That lucky rebel girl.

Zyra and Jaeden were also on the city roads, then they noticed a 'DIEOPOLIS ZOO' during this travel. Automatically, they assumed there would be mutts there and no one would be stupid enough to enter such a place. Later on, Jaeden would apologize for his behavior the day before, and Zyra would accept it with mocking grace.

Aspen and Taliah were just going store to store, only finding small packs of cookies. They shared it.

It would appear, however, that there was some infighting between the Anti-careers. Cristian and Kalvin argued about families. Cristian believed them to be useless while Kalvin would say he'd die for them. It bugged Marron, and decided to end it viciously.

He ordered the two to kill each other. He said it'll make things interesting and that 'he can't tell the difference between the two'.

The two were hesitant, but Marron wasn't giving them a choice. Soon enough, Kalvin stabbed Cristian in the chest before Cristian could pull a fast one. And so, the anti-careers went down to three (four if you count Moira). Moira and Silver, meanwhile, didn't really care as Silver kept getting sponsors, which gave them the necessary pieces to create Moira's bomb.

The conflict between the anti-careers and careers will come soon.

Day 3

Moira Balise finished the bomb. The anti-careers were currently being presiding in an empty warehouse, and now that step one of their plan is complete. Step two is underway - that being having Moira lure the careers.

With the careers, having some idea of their plan, Silver suggests that Moira is going to be the bait to lead the careers to the bomb as they don't know she's involved with them. Moira didn't wish to, but Silver and Marron made it clear to her that she didn't have a choice.

Meanwhile, the career's are throwing some shade at Bliss for one reason and another. Delmara thinks her weak, Roxy and Calliope ignores her (possible due to the fact she was about to kill her own sister) and Somnus didn't care at first. Bliss thought him her own ally. Soon enough, Bliss flirted with Somnus as the two seems to have some romantic encounter before hand. He callously called out 'he won't be manipulated so go away' to Bliss. Bliss appeared hurt by this and it's ambiguous to everyone if she genuinely hurt by Somnus's words or if her flirting failed in what she wanted.

It would appear soon enough that Bliss might have enough of this group.

But then, they noticed Moira down the street. The group went to chase after her.

Step two of the anti-careers plan worked as the careers entered the warehouse. Moira entered it by herself and Silver wanted to trigger the bomb manually from outside (killing both Moira and the careers). Sadly, it didn't go as planned as Bliss noticed Silver in the alley nearby and a remote in his hands. Silver pressed the button and the bomb didn't do off.

The plan didn't go as expected.

Soon enough, Bliss went after Silver (the two have a history as she got him kicked out of the careers, making him hold a grudge) with a sword in hand. Silver tried to defend himself against Bliss. But unlike her, he never had training, and soon enough, this rivalry came to an end as Bliss sliced Silver front and center.

Silver's brother, Golden Chase (another Victor/mentor) went into a great depression that went on a decade. He even forced his parents out of his house. Golden would later find some semblance of happiness when he found someone to marry.

Back to Moira being chased by the other careers, the girl from Eight realized she was now surrounded and that her only choice was to manually activate the bomb. She did, and Moira managed to throw the bomb at the careers.

Right in front of Calliope who got the full brunt of the explosion. The girl from Eleven was made to a human toast. The other careers survived due to the bomb not being as long-ranged as expected. Moira attempted to run, but Somnus managed to get a spear into her in the legs.

The explosion managed to cause the building to rumble, and the careers booked it. Unfortunately for the bomb-maker, Moira couldn't go anywhere with her injury and died when the warehouse collapsed.

Calliope was the last legacy tribute, with her father Lev Germaine (one other Victor) realizing his mistake too late for pushing his daughter into the Hunger Games for his own pride. He's later known to fill the hole in his heart with alcohol and drugs until his death. Moira's death also brought her family in tears.

This event eventually caused the end of the anti-careers. Kalvin ditched his last ally, the violent Marron. Marron went his own path as well. Not just those two, however. Bliss decided to cut her losses, took some supplies and the careers without saying a word.

With the careers, only Roxy, Somnus, and Delmara remain.

Hadley was still in the care of Buck and Adler, bandages covered her arms and face. She woke up, but feigned sleep to overhear her rescuer's. They spoke about their lack of supplies, and Buck told Doe that it was a terrible idea to save Hadley. Doe stands by what she did, and says she won't apologize for doing so.

Zyra and Jaeden just went to the corner of the arena, and found an amusement park there. The billboard in front says it's called 'FIVE FLAGS' with 'Death' under it. The latter word seems to be added like it's an afterthought.

Aspen, however, managed to get a crossbow from a sponsor. Taliah and him were overjoyed by it. The two from District Seven decided to camp in some apartment room. They found that many rooms in buildings were either locked or unsafe. Taliah also managed to fall to her death as a room collapsed, but she managed to catch herself, gripping tightly on the side of the broken room and helped up by Aspen.

Iry cried herself to sleep yesterday. Also, seemed very bummed out during Day 3. Probably because of her sister betraying her and the general situation.

Day 4

Iry is now cheered up. She found a candy store. The best part is all the candy inside isn't fake. A far cry from the previous day.

Her sister, Bliss, meanwhile encountered a car full of robotic cops out to get her. She managed to fight them off with some scrapes to show for it.

Hadley decided to wake up properly, and tells the Adler siblings thanks for all their help. Buck was slightly embarrassed by the praise, and Doe called him out on his embarrassment teasingly. Hadley says she'll leave, however. For fear that she's already put them in the Capitol's shitlist. Doe says to her it's fine, but Hadley insists and eventually left.

Buck later said that he probably wouldn't mind Hadley's company, but it's ambiguous if he said to comfort his worried sister or he meant it.

The careers were just heading to the tallest place building in Dieopolis. A glass tower with a rotating observation deck on the top of it. The elevators were available, which Roxy and Somnus used. Delmara opted out and used the stairs instead. The tower was a good place to rest and excellent advantage point to scout out distant tributes - which is probably by the three careers went there. Roxy attempted to cheer the two up, but her efforts fell flat as the two didn't care.

Aspen and Taliah just hanging about, and it's been a good day for them. They managed to escape the robocops and Aspen even got a sponsor who sent him a crossbow.

Jaeden and Zyra are doing alright, they are just playing arcade games and found some candy to eat. They seem to be having a good time in the amusement park. Sadly, the pair is unaware that something is watching them. Something they believed to be a statue and watching as they passed it...

Marron wasn't particularly busy. He just went to a gas station. He quickly got bored and asked the sponsors if there are anyone near by he can attack. A sponsor gave him a note. Marron grinned.

Kalvin went to the zoo.

Everyone watching thought the idiot was going die.

But he didn't, in fact, he found a tiger mutt who almost killed him. Kalvin found meat in his bag and offered it up to the tiger mutt. Now, the two are friends. Somehow. Well, this wasn't the first time a mutt teamed up with a tribute and now, Kalvin is a force to be reckoned him with the tiger he named 'Hobbes'.

Patricia Lovemunch, meanwhile, was disappointed that this day didn't have any deaths, even if it was somewhat interesting. So, for the next day, she'll have a special surprise for the surviving tributes.

Day 5

Early in the morning, Lovemunch announced a special broadcast.

"Hello, our dear remaining tributes! I have a surprise for all of you," the speakerphones all around the city screeched her voice. The tributes looked up, many with worried expressions by this 'surprise' of their tormentor. "We have your families and friends. And once a day, we will kill one them. If you don't do what you're meant to do - oh, I'm sure you all understand."

Many of the tributes who were teamed up were looking at each other.

"Oh, well, if you don't believe me, how about I say the names we have: Opal Lustra, Jet Flint, Douglas Marbrand, Rowan Dempsey, Lyno Lum, Raya Koore, Kaya Allston, Mordi Ganto, Dack Deinan, Spruce Marik, Max Kanstine, Thomas Adler, and Cane Dusting. All these people are at risk, so you all better hop to it."

There were a variety of emotions. Anger. Fear. Indifference (from the most heartless ones).

Soon enough from the announcement, Roxy went berserk. She got her sword and went to go to strike Delmara. She was quick enough to get her spear, and dodge her former comrades attack. Delmara shouts for Somnus for assistance, but he only shrugs and watches in apathy. Reasonably, she shouted he was "Asshole!" as the crazed Roxy kept getting more vicious on her attacks.

The tough and dogmatic leader of the careers died soon enough when Roxy managed to throw a dagger at Delmara's foot, causing her to go off-balance and for Roxy to end her fellow career in a single lunge.

It's clear that Roxy didn't take the news of her brother being a hostage well. She told Somnus to leave before she kills him too, with a noticeably menacing tone. Somnus left casually, wishing Roxy luck.

And so, the career alliance came to an end.

Next up was Buck and Doe traveling in some street, attempting to find anything useful in stores (usually finding nothing). Soon enough, the twins noticed another tribute. It was Marron from Eight. It was obvious he didn't come with any good intentions. The two choose to then run away, Marron swiftly followed.

After at least twenty minutes of constant running, Buck was sweating buckets. His condition is getting the better of him, and Marron is still on his and Doe's tail. Buck came to the conclusion that he had to stop and fight him while Doe can continue fleeing. He told her so, but she heavily protested that she won't leave him. Buck resorted to begging Doe to leave him. And with a heavy heart, she did so.

Marron, by the next two seconds, caught up. Buck was ready to fight him, taking out a pocket knife.

Buck took a valiant strike at the older, taller tribute, but Buck was far more exhausted. This made Marron easily overwhelm Buck as he hit Buck's arm with a mace, making the pocket knife fall. Buck fell in pain, but that wasn't the end of it. No, Marron took it to a whole other level. With sadistic intent, the boy from Eight used his weapon to break all of Buck's limbs. Breaking as many bones as possible before Buck finally died minutes later.

Doe will miss her brother dearly.

Half the tributes are dead, and so, everyone who killed so far will get a break.

Kalvin Kanstine, an unassuming boy, with his tiger mutt Hobbes are up to some shenanigans. Mostly, fighting other mutts in the zoo. They managed to survive with a few scratches. Kalvin appears to be having a great time when he's riding on top of Hobbes.

Bliss is just angrily looking for someone to kill. Iry is continuing to eat candy in that store.

Taliah and Aspen are being careful around buildings, taking it nice and slow with Aspen's leg being the same inconvenience.

Lastly, Zyra and Jaeden are now being chased by costumed mascots.

They managed to outrun the costumed mascots and decided to never go to an amusement park again.

That is all.

Moving on to the executing family twist. Every tribute was nervous about this, and that time has come. It would appear that the unlucky person chosen was...

Spruce Marik, older brother of Taliah.

A holographic video was shown on the air showing Spruce Marik executed. Patricia Lovemunch said, "Remember what you need to do tributes, you don't want your loved ones to end up like Spruce here. You might end up a little crybaby like Taliah."

Taliah was indeed crying heavily over her loss. The only solace was that Aspen was there to comfort her.

Day 6

Yesterday proved more real. Crueler. Even some Capitolites question if it's fair to involve the tributes families into this punishment.

Regardless, many tributes are hunting.

Bliss went to the candy store where she saw Iry. Bliss was unsurprised by this. This sisterly reunion was very soon un-family-like when Bliss took out her sword to commit sororicide. Fortune favors Iry, however, as she got a sponsor gift - one note by her father Newt the Peacekeeper.

Before Bliss can do anything, Iry shows her the note. The note says that their shared father would execute her mother Opal Lustra (both of them are in the Capitol, where it could happen) if she tried to kill Iry. Bliss was angered and said it was a bluff, Iry cheekily said that if she's willing to take that ask. The older sister glared at her for a minute, weighing her option.

"You bitch," Bliss spat.

"Takes one to know one," Iry countered.

Bliss, with great reluctance, made her way out of the candy store, leaving her sister alive. Iry won without even throwing a punch.

Taliah was more driven and angry after yesterday, muttering profanities and looking around for someone to harm. Aspen had to tell her more than once to slow down for him. The death of her sibling is effecting her.

And so, in the middle of the road, Taliah simple stopped. She looked at Aspen, and the two froze. Aspen looked incredibly worried while Taliah just stared blankly. What was once a happy guitarist looks like someone no one would should mess with.

"Just kill me," Taliah says morbidly.

"NO!" Aspen screamed automatically, shocked by this. So was everyone watching. It would appear that Taliah Malik has given up on life.

"Then I'll just go then," Taliah said.

"What about your promise?" Aspen said, sounding very worried. For the moment, it looked like Taliah was about to leave. But she stayed. Aspen kept a close eye on Taliah that day, and kept trying to make awkward conversation as well.

For Jaeden and Zyra, they went to the fire department building where they see one fire-truck on the inside. With Jaeden's skills in automotive engineering, it was an easy for him to turn on the fire truck. Zyra and Jaeden were pretty happening with this find, plus the fact that it has a water cannon could be useful as all the tributes previously had training with it.

Somnus went exploring aka hunting for kids, for the most part. He might have spat on a camera for fun.

Doe was crying, feeling many emotions with her brother now gone. For a long time, tears fell as she hid in some alley. Eventaully, Doe heard someone was behind her...

That someone was Hadley, who is sympathetic to Doe's loss. Hadley comforted Doe, and without any words, the two decided to stick together. Perhaps that is not the best choice to make with Hadley's rebel status, but Doe hardly cares it seems.

Meanwhile Kalvin and his tiger-mutt Hobbes decided to hunt for someone, and found two nearby tributes. Hadley and Doe were surprised by Jaeden and his tiger. After seeing Doe and her tears, Kalvin quickly changed his mind to not kill them. He has a brother as well, and knows that losing a brother would be difficult.

Kalvin talked to the two of them. Hadley hid Doe behind her. The conversation turned to how Buck was killed and Doe said it was Marron. Kalvin was angered to hear this, and said his former teammate was a real piece of work. He tells Doe that he'll search for Marron with Hobbes and kill him. Kalvin left soon after.

Marron is at an arcade. He's scoring first place is all games.

Today's death involving a family member is...

Jet Flint. The younger brother of Roxy Flint.

Said girl screamed in horror and despair, and it seemed that she's lost her mind. Striking everything around her, from cars to signs. Roxy has increasingly more maniac her brother's death, and whoever crosses her path will not have a good time.

Day 7

Iry Hawkfeather turned out to be deep sleeper, not helped by the amount of candy she ate. She believed she earned herself a victory party after surviving her sister. A terrible mistake on her part as she was defenseless. Somnus found her and quickly stabbed her in her sleep. No effort at all in his part, something he's content about.

Everyone woke up soon enough from the cannon that fired, reminding everyone of the grim reality they're stuck in.

Marron found a casino where he played on some slot machines to pass the time. Sadly for him, his fun was cut short when Kalvin arrived his tiger mutt. Marron, seeing this with surprise, went to destroy on slot machine and somehow, managing to break all of them. The slot machines then spitted out lots and lots of poker chips on the ground. This went to benefit Marron as Hobbes the tiger kept tripping on the chips.

Marron soon successfully escaped, but not before locking Kalvin and the tiger mutt in the casino. The casino was built to only have on entrance which is in the front. It would appear that Marron has been sponsored a entrance card by someone (possibly his father) to the arena's casino. Kalvin appears to be increasingly wary Hobbes as time goes on as he's locked in the casino.

Zyra and Jaedan eventually got the fire-truck going and they went off. The water hose appeared to be connected to a water tank inside the truck, but Jaedan says he knows how to connect it to the fire hydrant. Bliss saw them as they drove in a street, but hid.

Roxy is still hunting for tributes. And failed in this day. She took time to throw rocks at windows.

Aspen and Taliah shared stories. Mostly Aspen, Taliah was still mourning.

Hadley and Doe, after some deliberation decided strike at the police station where all the police robots are. They were tired of being chased by them so they gave it a shot (even if it was a suicide mission) Doe managed to distract the robots there by hiding to the building next to it. Hadley, however, sneaked in and found a 'Self Destruct' button.

"What the duck?" Hadley said out loud. She pressed the button.

All the police robots are now turned off and had their heads blown off. Just in the nick of time as Doe was almost going to be caught by them. Both Hadley and Doe were confused by the ridiculousness of having such a button. Even the Gamemaker's were confused with Patricia Lovemunch shouting at people left and right for their ineptitude.

Doe and Hadley looted the police station, but all they found were batons and one working.

On Day 7, the family member who was executed was Dack Deinan, brother of Marron. Marron shrugged apathetically at the announcement, even joked that's one way to get rid of an annoying younger brother.

Day 8

Kalvin killed Hobbes the tiger mutt. He realized it was only a matter of time before Hobbes would get hungry, so he took matters into his own hands. He killed unexpectedly with a hatchet to the brain. Kalvin curses Marron with all his heart, and looked at sadly at his former best friend that happened to be a tiger.

He got hunger soon enough, and ate pieces of Hobbes. Kalvin cried mournful tears and said "You're delicious" as he ate.

The first death of Day 8 (if you don't count Hobbes) was poor Aspen. Unfortunately, Taliah and Aspen were ambushed by the crazed Roxy. Taliah was knocked out, but Aspen managed to shoot Roxy's ear with his crossbow. It was something that greatly angered her and all her might she went to the striking the boy who could never hope to outrun him.

Taliah woke up to see Aspen getting stabbed by the crazed career, but she saw his mouth move to say 'go'. It is morbidly amazing Aspen lasted as long as did warn his district partner. Taliah did leave in fear (Roxy appears too focused on her own bloodthirst to pay attention), and once more, she is saddened by the death of someone close to her. Only this time, she's angry and vengeful.

The fire-truck crew, Jaeden and Zyra found Somnus. Zyra went to hose Somnus with fast-current water which threw him into a building, destroying a window in a process.

Zyra and Jaeden yelled at each other, asking each other if they should check if Somnus is dead or not.

The answer, soon enough, was no. Somnus stood up, gritted as he bled, and aimed his spear.

The spear flew right to Zyra's side, causing her to shout.

Somnus then escaped within a tight alleyway. Jaeden very much wanted to ram into him, but now he has to check up on his ally.

The two from the alliance known as Card Sharks were soon down to one as that attack from the spear was also poisoned (which was given to Somnus by a sponsor yesterday). Zyra sweated, pleaded, Jeaden tried his best, but nothing can be done. She died within minutes.

So, the second tribute to die on Day 9. Now, the third.

A fated meetup has happened. One where Marron was sent by the Gamemakers to the police station where Hadley and Doe resided. The Head Gamemaker very much instructed him to kill a certain tribute, slowly and painfully. He thanked them for showing him where his district partner is.

Hadley and Doe were caught unaware from Marron as he opened the door suddenly and came in with a mace. He managed to get the drop on them, and broke Hadley's arm when he landed his mace on her.

In less than two seconds, another death happened.

Doe screamed and shot Marron. The earlier gun found was put to good use.

He fell to the floor, and a cannon boomed. The monster wearing a human body has perished. Doe shot Marron's body until all the bullets were spent. The little girl cried, not at all happy with her actions despite avenging her brother. Hadley went to reassure her despite her own pain that she did what she had to do.

Bliss didn't do much today, but she did find Aspen's body. Then, she heard footsteps behind her. She sees Taliah there. The two argued, and they were almost going to fight, but Taliah said Roxy was a brutal and she needs to die. Bliss agrees, and eventaully, the two gave something they didn't believe could. They gave their trust.

Sadly for Jaeden Rota, Zyra won't be the only loss he'll suffer this day. Today's person chosen was Mordi Ganto. He's not Jaeden's family, but he was a close friend that punched a Peacekeeper for him in live television. That did not go unnoticed by the Capitol. Mordi was executed, but not without resistance on his part.

Jaeden cried to sleep that night as well as many nights.

Day 9/Last Day

Kalvin was blissfully eating his tiger mutt, waiting and stuck in a casino for two days now. He only had enough for one day till his food went out (said food being his former mutt companion).

But soon enough, he was found by someone.

He was found by Doe who wanted to know what the casino looked like, and she opened the door to find Kalvin. The two embraced each other, in strange relief. After that, it was kinda awkward as Doe took him to Hadley. The small talk was a painful and awkward conversation to witness.

Hadley smiled seeing Doe, but frowned at seeing Kalvin. She has a cloth now that's used as a made-shift sling to hold her broken arm. Kalvin called for peace, saying he's from the same district as Daisy Grove. This did, indeed, earned a point in his favor. So late in the Games, but they still decided to trust each other is a rare thing.

Doe, Hadley, and Kalvin said enough death.

Meanwhile, the other late alliance that is Taliah and Bliss go and call out for Roxy loud as they could in the open streets.

Lo and behold, Roxy came with a vicious smile. On the opposite in the street. Much like a showdown in the times of the wild west, Bliss and Taliah stared at their opponent.

The fighting begins with Roxy speeding towards them with two swords at hand (a difficult technique), but she moves on with slicing Bliss's face and Taliah's shoulder. Regardless of that, her charge can be read as something more describing suicidal and insane as she was left wide open. Bliss stabbed Roxy in the chest while Taliah moved her own weapon, a dagger, to Roxy's eye. It can't be determined who was the one who killed her, so it was chalked up to a dual kill.

They killed Roxy, rather easily all things considered. It should be noted that Roxy didn't sleep at all last night.

Bliss and Taliah were now suspicious of each other now that their target is gone. Will they need to kill each other?

Soon enough, the street they're in was accompanied by a firetruck speeding down full speed, then stomped on the brakes.

Jaeden sees the two tributes putting down their weapons.

Seeing this display, Jaeden asked "What the hell is this?"

All things considered, Bliss and Taliah were tired and they didn't want to run over, so they tossed their weapons. They shouted for a truce, Bliss said all this was bullshit after moments of sudden reflection which Taliah agreed with. Jaeden decided a minute later not to run them over and agreed that the Capitol is crap.

Bliss, Jaeden and Taliah said enough death.

Unknowingly to the tributes, Head Gamemaker Lovemunch wanted their heads to blow up at this point. But sadly for Loovemunch, there was a rebellion and she was the first casualty when her vice captain Aron(?First name unknown?) Blacktyde shot her face and took over. Rebellion, hidden in the Capitol, soon made its way.

Blacktyde made an announcement, "Good news to all the lucky tributes. Rebellion has taken place in the Capitol and now, control has been taken away. Hunger Games will become a thing of the past. Come to the center of the map, citizens. You're safe now."

This new hope appeared and many of the tributes were relieved. Soon enough, all the tributes meet each other. Bliss, Roxy, Taliah, Hadley, Jaeden, Doe. Those six meet one another, but they've been made aware that Somnus is still around.

Said tribute didn't believe in the announcement and slashed Hadley in a back, killing the shocked rebel girl who was inches away from freedom. The other tributes were shocked with Doe screaming her friend's name.

Somnus was about to charge at Doe, who dodged by skipping backwards and then falling down.

The reason Somnus was confident in taking down six tributes was because he noticed none of them had any weapons at hand. He was about to make a stab at Doe, but then, his entire being stopped.

Bliss had a dagger on her.

Something she used to stab Somnus right in the back, the dapper either stabbed right into or close to the heart. "Bye, lover," Bliss said sadly. Somnus fell in pain, and in less than a minute, perished as well. Bliss then threw the dagger away, to show she's not going to use it on any else.

Doe went to Hadley where she cried heavily. The other four tributes looked at the display awkwardly. Only Kalvin felt comfortable enough to hug Doe in comfort.

A few minutes later, a hovercraft arrived there where the rebel leaders on it congratulated the five lucky tributes on their survival.

"It's over now." The rebel's promised.

The Hunger Games are indeed over. Panem has changed. True democracy has been brought and challenged, but overcame it's tribulations.

Fatalities in order:

24 - Dorian Fleece, District Three Male - Stabbed in back by Roxy Flint.

23 - Volt Nightingale, District Five Male - Skewered in the chest by Calliope Germaine.

22 - Daisy Groves, District Nine Female - Speared through chest by Delmara Lum.

21 - Anet Bennet, District Four Male - Head bashed by Marron Deinan.

20 - Veta Del Mina, District Three Female - Spear thrown by Somnus Marbrand.

19 - Cole Lynderly - District Twelve Male - Throat stabbed by Iry Hawkfeather.

18 - Cristian Moldovan - District Eleven Male - Stabbed in the chest by Kalvin Kanstine.

17 - Silver Chase - District One Male - Sliced with a sword by Bliss Lustra.

16 - Calliope Germaine - District Eleven Female - Exploded from bomb by Moira Balise.

15 - Moira Balise - District Six Female - Spear thrown by Somnus and falling warehouse by Moira Balise.

14 - Delmara Lum - District Four Female - Killed by Roxy Flint.

13 - Buck Adler - District Ten Male - Beaten and killed by Marron Deinan.

12 - Iry Hawkfeather - District Twelve Female - Stabbed in her sleep by Somnus Marbrand.

11 - Aspen Wolfe - District Seven Male - Stabbed a bunch by Roxy Flint.

10 - Zyra Koore - District Five Female - Died from poison when stabbed by spear thrown by Somnus Marbrand.

9 - Marron Deinan - District Eight Male - Shot by Doe with a gun.

8 - Roxy Flint - District Two Female - Killed by Taliah Marik and Bliss Lustra.

7 - Hadley Holbrook - District Eight Female - Slashed with a sword by Somnus Marbrand.

6 - Somnus Marbrand - District Two Male - Stabbed in the back by Bliss Lustra, saving Doe's life.

5 Tributes have survived!

The Survivors (and how they spent their lives):

Bliss Lustra - District One Female - Bliss's mother and father got legally married and gave Bliss a new little sister. Bliss promises to keep this one safe. She has regrets on how she treated Iry during the Hunger Games, but what's done is done. Least she didn't kill Iry like she originally planned. Bliss and her father's relationship was always strained when they first met after the Hunger Games, but time made it better. Bliss became a politician, a (necessary) ruthless one, and eventually managed to become President of Panem. She's a forward-party politician, wishing to move away from the dark history of the Capitol and into a new age of exploration. Bliss married a police officer (no more Peacekeepers) and had a bunch of daughters with him, she named one of them Iry. Died in her 100's due to natural causes.

Jaeden Rota - District Six Male - Once he got back home, he went back to his family business and became a mechanic. Eventually, he worked designing future trains and inproved hovercrafts known as helicarriers. Even ended up inventing a special mining machines to clear out debris. Jaeden, unfortunately, died in an car accident in his late 30's. He had no known relationship as he kept his private life secret and his will was sent to his sisters.

Taliah Marik - District Seven Female - Many expected her to face depression after what happened, but she held her back straight and took advantage of the changes Panem is going through. The loss of her brother devastated the family, and Taliah holds a memorial for all those lost in the Hunger Games every year (along with other family members and Mordi who died unjustly in the 172nd Hunger Games). She formed work unions, and became a respected figure in Panem. She got married and divorced to a husband who cheated, but got a son named Wolf out of it. She fought against deadly cancer in her 60's and managed to reach to age seventy which should have not been possible.

Kalvin Kanstine - District Nine Male - He was sad after the Hunger Games, but he got better with the help of his brother Max. Dude spent his life giving cat's home. Eating Hobbes gave his brain a weird transformation. Never married or even dated by all accounts. Live a long life up to his 80's. Surrounded by cats. He was known to be a great friends with Doe Adler, even moved to the same town where she lives so she can keep his cats healthy.

Doe Adler - District Ten Female - Saddened by the loss of her family, Doe had depression that lasted a decade. She sold her family farm and lived in a messy apartment. Her earlier years had her becoming an alcoholic. That said, Kalvin came to visit alongside his brother Max. It was Max Kanstine who helped Doe as he viewed her as a person who saved his brother. Doe was annoyed at first, but grew to appreciate Max. She eventually got a therapist and became a veterinarian. She and Max dated, but it didn't work out. They're still friends and Doe became a cat lady (most of them from Kalvin). She died in her 60's. Her funeral was held, attended by the whole town who respected her for taking care of all the animals for all those years.