The Monsterhood Friend chapter 1

Welcome to a new version of The Monsterhood friend the last didn't go so well for me hitting my worst weakness, love relationship I'm going to change that okay, please enjoy and I'm very sorry

Monday morning stretches the bedroom of our friend Shiva Abaddon he lays in a sloppy mess of a bed having pillows thrown off and the blanket twisted and tied and bunched in a corner. The light shines upon the bedroom, shining on Shiva which he retorted into the blanket cacoon for the next minute or so until he remembers the date. "OH Shit! I need to get up", in a haste he launches the blanket off him and jumps off his bed and changes extremely fast in the neatly placed uniform his mother prepares for him. In a rush he blitzed down stairs and stole a piece of toast from one of his sister, the oldest to be precise "Hey you thief give it back!", "nope". He was running while devouring the toast until he came to the bus stop where he would find the bus waiting, with friction slowing his speed he stopped right in front of the bus, the doors open and to find a crazy haired lady staring him down, "one way trip to Yōkai Academy, are.. you.. rea.. dy."

"I sure hell am".

The bus driver had a few people on board all in separate corners I decided to sit in the front and try to find out more about this highschool I'm going to. "So one way trip to Yōkai Academy what's that about?

"you.. will… be.. stay.. ing.. at.. their… dorms…", man she talks slow.

"and I believe that their separating boys and girls?"

"yes…", so cool

"now… don't.. get.. any i… dears… like… pe.. ak.. ing.."

"of course I'm not a fan of glorifying over half naked chicks"

"that… is… what… they… all… say…". Mmm what talk of next oh "what are some of the staff like? Do you know them?

"of.. course…, i… know… the… prince…. A.. bel.. and.. a.. noth…. er… bus… drive… er"

"cool, cool"

"and… both… are…. fun… ny… and… sweet.."

"nice to hear, cool". After a while of driving I'm faced with a darken tunnel the driver simply speeds ups to about 100k and hour, which is scary odd how a bus can do that. Then rainbow colours started spreading across the tunnel and we ended up at the bus stop next to a cliff facing the ocean. I was first off taking in the area of spooky trees lumbering around and purple skies dancing across and the air so dense of tension and drama and only a day in the year, its going to get ruff.