Alright so this is the Prologue of the rewrite of the Angels story. Its going to be tons better i hope. I mean the story may be YEARS old and i haven't updated in fucking forever. I was like 14 and going through hard times- now i'm 19 almost 20 and feeling fairly secure atm. Actually have a little bit of spare time so fuck yeah. Also i don't really have a plan in mind. I let the story come as i'm writing, which may take longer but that's the way i write. If you are reading thank you!

The cover photo is fan art by a beloved reader i saved- and for some reason i legit cannot find her in my pm's or maybe i'm also overlooking her in the reviews? idk but shes amazing! and i will forever love her!

This is short for a reason- just a short little prelude

The Start

A trembling hand slowly reached forward and grasped at the loose soil- trying to pull the weight of a body forward. A moan of pain was released into the air as a frail woman struggled to pull herself forward. Her once white dress that she had loved so dearly was covered in blood and ripped to shreds, barely covering her modesty. Mumbled prayers left her lips as she pulled herself up to a body. Hands clasped at the man's limp hands. "Please, oh please my love." she pulled his cold hand to her chest and reached towards the bloody face, blank and devoid of life.

Tears began to gather and she looked around her at the carnage. Fire was burning the men who lay dead, and the men who were still alive but unable to go any further. The once beautiful field was now a field of death. She released the hand that was held to the chest and let it fall to the ground. Slowly she gasped for breath to pull herself up to a sitting position and nearly choked on the blood flowing from her lips.

Leaning over the mans face, her tears fell upon his cheeks. Fingers ran over his eyelids closing them to the world. She sneered at the body in pain. Why? Why had she done this? She knew before- it was only going to cause her pain. Why was she so damn weak!? Pained laughter escaped her lips and her gaze softened. She doesn't regret it. Not one bit really. She would do it all over again for him- for his love. Her vision began to blur and she slouched directly over pale lips.

One last kiss

One last kiss for her beloved.

She felt the blood flowing freely from her lips- from her ears and nose. The woman fell next to to body. It was so hot. It seemed the fire had reached them. She could still hear screams but she no longer knew if they were real or memory. With uncaring eyes she watched the fire close in around them. So beautiful they where. So bright and clear.

Gurgling screams left her mouth as she began to burn. Pain long lasting. Death finally coming. Finally peace.

The screams stopped. The field silent. Only the crackling of fire remain.