AN: Hey all hope you're all doing well! Here is the next chapter, and it turned out to be a lot longer than I originally planned, then again I doubt there are many who are going to complain about a longer chapter than normal.

That being said I want to thank everyone for their kind reviews, I really do read and appreciate all of them, even those that a critical, as long as they are also constructive. In regards to that there was one query I wanted to address and that is the flash backs on two of the previous chapters, all questions in those will be resolved, but it will happen as the story progresses. I am trying something new in regards to my story telling, as oppose to giving a big info dump at the start of the story, in the first few chapters. So yes all questions will be resolved, and all loose strings tied up.

Other than that I hope you enjoy and leave a review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or the DC universe, obviously otherwise this would be canon.

( - )

(Last Time)

"You've got to be kidding me?" Robin added on incredulously, looking to the stoic Batman as he did so.

"Hn!" Superboy grunted, recognising the dark haired teen from Cadmus, after all he was one of the few people he actually knew, and one of the few he had already fought with.

"Ermm hello." Miss Martian said shyly, waving awkwardly to Percy when she saw some of the other sidekick's reactions.

"So today is the day, eh." Percy grinned, as he looked around at the other five, younger, surprised looking sidekicks.

( - )

Chapter 5

( - )

(18th July 2010, Mount Justice)

"Recognized: Perseus, B06" Mount Justice's zeta tube platform rang out in a robotic, tinny voice, announcing Percy's arrival in the cave, even as he walked through the teleportation machine, and wasn't that a cool science fiction type thing.

"Gods dammit Diana, it's Percy, just Percy." Percy complained irritably as he walked into the main chamber of the hollowed out mountain, scowling at the funky looking tube like machine in irritation as he did so, he knew Diana had something to do with that designation.

Shaking his head in irritation, Percy tore his eyes away from the machine and instead checked out his new surroundings, a slight smile spreading across his face as he saw it again, it was much nicer than the old shoe factory he had been living in previously.

Adjusting the rucksack on his shoulder, Percy started to move off the platform, only for him to be distract when the familiar, attractive green form of Miss Martian floated over to him, her long cape and shoulder length red hair flowing behind her as she glided through the air with ease.

"Perseus!" Miss Martian said loudly as she floated over to him, a delighted smile on her face at the sight of one of her new teammates, as well as one of the two people, and one robot, who lived at Mount Justice with her.

"Hey, Miss Martian." Percy replied easily, raising a hand in greeting as he continued on into the large chamber, the green Martian girl landing on the ground next to him, before she started to happily walk alongside him.

"You know you only have to call me that when we're on missions. Call me Megan. My real name is M'gann M'orzz but I'm trying out Megan, an earth name since, well you know, since I'm on earth now." M'gann replied with a shy smile, brushing a lock of her dark red hair behind her ear as she did so.

"Got it. Then please just call me Percy, I prefer it to Perseus, it's less formal and… well antiquated. As for on missions, well I've not made up a name yet, I'll have to think on that." Percy said with a slight shrug, as M'gann nodded along with a smile. After which Percy glanced past her, looking around the large empty cave, searching for the other living inhabitant, the Superboy clone, Superboy. "Where's Superboy by the way, I thought he was staying here too?"

"Here." Superboy spoke up as he and the ever stoic looking Aqualad walked out of another room, entering into the main chamber before heading over to the other two as they saw them, even as Percy and Megan made it into the centre.

"Oh, cool." Percy said with a brief nod to the dark haired clone, who after a brief pause gave him a nod in response, after which Percy eyed the Atlantean in amusement, before sending him a nod too, one which Aqualad returned.

"What's with the bags?" Superboy asked bluntly as the group of four came to a stop, his sharp gaze shifting from Percy's face to the rucksack on his shoulder. "I thought you'd already moved in?"

"Hmm, just needed to get the rest of my stuff from my old place?" Percy replied with a shrug, the action jostling the bag and causing the sound of clanging metal to be heard, getting a few raised eyebrows as he did so. "Just a few bits and pieces, not much."

The other three nodded at that, though Aqualad still looked quite curious as to just what Percy had in the bag.

"Recognized: Robin, B02; Kid Flash, B04." The Computer rang out again, cutting off anymore conversation as the zeta tube once again whirled to life as it activated, with Robin and Kid Flash, both of whom were once again in civilian clothes, like the rest of them, walking into the cave moments later.

"Did you ask him? What did he say?" Robin asked Aqualad immediately, not bothering to greet the others, as he instead jumped straight into his questioning, the boy in question having been one of the more vocal members of the team about going on missions.

Seeing this Percy shared an amused look with Megan, before he nodded to Kid Flash, getting one back right away, as well as a smile, after which the other teen moved onto greeting Megan, with much more enthusiasm, and flirtation. Obviously the sidekick was not as bothered about Percy as Robin was, the other sidekick having been quite lukewarm with him thus far. No doubt he was still a little pissy about what happened with Blockbuster.

"He's arriving now." Aqualad replied to Robin, unperturbed by the younger boy's abruptness, his stoic gaze instead shifting to the nearest entrance to the cave. "Superboy and I were just heading to meet him."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kid Flash asked before he ran to the hangar entrance to the cave, the others following after him, even Percy, the group of them arriving just in time to see Red Tornado arrive, flying through the air a miniature tornado hiding his legs from sight.

"Red Tornado!" Kid Flash yelled as Red Tornado landed on the ground, a large grin on his face as he ran up to the humanoid android.

"Greetings. Is there a reason you have intercepted me outside of the cave?" Red Tornado replied in his metallic, robot voice, his expressionless face shifting about as his mechanical gaze roved over the assembled heroes.

"We'd hoped you have a mission for us?" Aqualad spoke up, taking the lead when he saw no one else seemed to be willing too.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." Red Tornado replied bluntly.

"But it's been over a week, and nothing…" Robin spoke up next, his voice pitching slightly as he allowed some of his frustration out.

"You will be tested soon enough." Red Tornado replied blandly, interrupting Robin as he did so. "For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."

That comment didn't go down particularly well with some of the team, as Kid Flash, Aqualad and Robin all scowled, sharing dark looks with each other. Whilst Superboy and Megan just looked on unperturbed for the most part.

As for Percy, he just shrugged it off, sure he wanted to see some action and start getting some experience like Diana had suggested, at the same time though he knew the importance of teamwork, after all whenever he had gone on quests he had gone in a group, a group that had always been at their best when working together towards a common cause.

"This team is not a social club." Aqualad said, once again speaking for the others, or at least the other sidekicks, if not Percy, Superboy and Megan.

"No, but I'm told social interaction is an important team building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarising yourself with the cave." Red Tornado replied as he walked passed them and into the cave, his tone as monotone as ever.

"Keep busy." Kid Flash muttered, watching as the cloaked, red android swept past them.

"Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin chipped in mutinously.

"Oh, I'll find out." M'gann spoke up positively, after which she tried to telepathically read Red Tornado's mind, only for her to get nothing. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot, he's a machine, inorganic. I cannot read his mind." M'gann muttered a few moments later, an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Nice try, though." Kid Flash said encouragingly, a winning smile on his face. "So, uh, you know what I'm thinking right now?" The horny teen asked, wiggling his eyebrows at the attractive Martian, only to be slapped on the back by Robin.

"We all know what you're thinking Wally. Maybe Red has a point. Maybe we should just get to know each other first." Aqualad spoke up dryly, giving Kid Flash an amused look as he did so, before he looked around at the rest of the team, most of whom looked physically younger than him, substantially in Robin's case, save for Percy who looked around his own age, if not a bit older.

"Why?" Superboy asked brusquely.

"It helps with communication, it'll allow us to understand one another capabilities when it comes to strategizing and it'll build up trust, all of which is important, especially if we are going to be working together." Percy rattled off immediately, catching the attention of the rest of the team, all of them reacting differently as Superboy grunted, M'gann nodded nervously, Kid Flash and Aqualad just nodded in acceptance, whilst Robin just narrowed his eyes before he to nodded along grudgingly.

"Why don't we start with touring the cave first?" Aqualad said after a few moments, looking around to the others as he did so.

"Well, Superboy, Percy and I live here. We can play tour guides." M'gann spoke up cheerfully, floating into the air gleefully at the thought of showing off their home.

"Don't look at me." Superboy grunt.

Percy meanwhile just rolled his eyes and shrugged, not opposed to joining a tour, though first he needed to dump his stuff in his room, though calling it a bedroom would be being generous as it looked more like an armoury at present.

"We won't. A private tour sounds much more fun." Wally said, moving closer to M'gann as he did so, once again wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"She never said private." Robin cut in, rolling his eyes as he did so.

"It's team building. We'll all go." Aqualad said decisively as they walked into the cave, with Percy walking slightly ahead.

"I'll catch you up, I just need to drop some stuff off in my room." Percy spoke up, gesturing to his bag before he broke off and headed for his own room.

"Whatever." Robin muttered behind him, Batman junior clearly not as ok with Percy as the rest of the team, likely due to their less than stellar first interaction.

Percy though ignored him, if the sidekick wanted to act like a child that was up to him. He wasn't going to pander to anyone, if they wanted to be friendly then he would reciprocate, if they wanted to be shitty then he would ignore them. He didn't come to the cave to make friends, he came here to gain experience so he could join the Justice League. So he would have the facilities and reinforcements he would need to properly use his abilities to help people and bring positive change, that and hopefully bring a bit of real world logic and morality to the more idealistic members of the League.

Dropping his stuff in his room, Percy spent a few moments putting the spare gauntlets, greaves and bracers he had brought with him onto the armour racks Diana had given him, his gaze flickering over the weapons racks he had set up on the wall too, along with the shields, helmet and other bits and pieces he had brought to the cave. All of it fitting in his very generously sized room, including a new sofa, wardrobe, dresser, TV, computer and nice comfortable double bed. It was a definite improvement compared to his old digs.

Meeting back up with the group a few moments later, wearing just his jeans, boots and T-shirt, his sword and coat having been left back in his room as they weren't needed for a tour of his home, Percy was just in time to catch the end of the tour.

"This would be the front door, and this side would be the back door. The cave is actually the entire mountain." M'gann was saying as she showed the rest of the team around, including Superboy who trundled along dourly after them.

"It was originally hollowed out by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the League." Kid Flash tagged on, looking around the colossal chamber a smirk on his face.

"Then why abandon it for the Hall of Justice?" Superboy asked abruptly.

"The cave's secret location was compromised." Aqualad replied.

"So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yeah. That makes sense." Superboy said.

"If villains know where the cave is then we must be on constant alert." M'gann added on, a flash of worry and concern flitting across her face.

"We're hiding in plain sight. They won't think to look for us here." Robin replied in an attempt to assuage her worries.

"Ah. That makes sense." M'gann said nodding as she did so.

Percy upon hearing that wasn't so sure, after all in his mind a hidden base was always better than 'hiding in plain sight' in a compromised one. After all it was only logical for the villains in the know to keep an eye on Justice League assets, just in case they became active again, which would also allow them to monitor some League activity. Or at least that was Percy's thoughts on the matter.

Before anything else could be said on the matter though, Superboy raised his head, his brow furrowed in confusion as he smelled something.

"I smell smoke." Superboy said.

Hearing that the rest of the group looked around curiously, only for them to be surprised when the red haired Martian let loose a sudden shout.

"My cookies!" M'gann yelled as she took to the air and flew towards the kitchen. The rest of the group following as they saw her use her telekinesis to open the oven and pull a tray of burnt cookies out of the oven. "I was trying out Grammy Jones' recipe from episode Seventeen of… heh, never mind." M'gann then continued, blushing slightly as she saw the others looking at her.

"I bet they'd have tasted great. Besides he doesn't seem to mind." Robin spoke up encouragingly, a hint of amusement in his voice as he saw Kid Flash eating one of the burnt cookies.

"I have a serious metabolism." Kid Flash replied defensively before he went back to polishing off the rest of the burnt treats.

"I'll make more." M'gann said sweetly, the bright smile back on her face as she saw that at least one person liked her food.

"It was sweet of you to make any." Aqualad spoke up, giving M'gann a slight smile as he did so.

"Thanks, Aqualad." M'gann said.

"We're off duty, so please, call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually, my friends call me Kaldur." Aqualad replied, giving a short bow of sorts to the others.

"I'm Wally." Kid Flash tagged on with a bright grin, before he looked over to Robin. "I wouldn't bother asking what Robin's name is. Bat's keeps him from revealing his name."

"Percy, just Percy, though I'm sure I'll make up some alias later." Percy shrugged, pitching in himself, even if everyone present already knew his name, a slight smile coming to his face as he pondered what alias he would actually choose. So far he was torn between 'Riptide' in honour of his old sword and its history, 'Tempest' as a nod to his origins and abilities, or maybe 'Blackjack' a more abstract one referencing his old Pegasus companion and the fact that his last name was Jackson which would also be useful as it wouldn't reveal any of his abilities. Still, they were all interesting options, he just needed to decide on one and stick with it.

"I'm Megan." M'gann said re-introducing herself to the team, ignorant of Percy's thoughts as she instead looked around, getting the nod and smiles from the others, even as Superboy walked away a scowl rather prominent on his face.

"Don't worry, Superboy. We'll find you an earth name too." M'gann then continued, only telepathically this time, beaming her thoughts straight into the Kryptonian clone's mind.

"Get out of my head!" Superboy yelled in response, catching the attention of the others, all of whom had been oblivious to the exchange.

"What's wrong? I don't understand. Everyone on Mars communicated telepathically." M'gann said, only this time into all of their heads, including Percy, all of whom flinched and grabbed their heads at the jarring feeling of having someone else speaking in their minds.

"Please don't do that." Percy grumbled quietly, rubbing his temple with his right hand. This was not the first time he had encountered telepathy, and so he knew he was not immune or anything, however the last few times he had had his mind messed with he hadn't even known it had happened until he was told. Though that might have been because the last few times it had been immortals and the gods subtly delving into his mind without his knowledge, even if they inferred what they had done afterwards.

"M'gann stop. Things are different on Earth. Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy." Aqualad spoke up next, a frown on his face even as he tried to give more context to the other's reactions, after all being an Atlantean he knew there were some big cultural differences between humans and his people, as such he could only imagine the difference was even bigger between Martians and mankind.

"And Superboy has bad experience with telepathy." Kid Flash tagged on, remembering the genomorphs in Cadmus and their control of the clone as he did so.

"I didn't mean to…" M'gann began nervously, looking around worriedly as if afraid they would all reject her now, only to be interrupted by the aggressive voice of Superboy.

"Just stay out!" Superboy told her with a snarl on his face, before he turned and walked off to a nearby couch.

"Don't be a dick, she didn't know." Percy suddenly snapped out his gaze on the clone, who in response stopped and glared at Percy. "You might be just sixteen weeks old or whatever, but you need to fucking grow up."

"What did you say?!" Superboy growled, making to march up to Percy as he did so.

Before he could though, Kaldur and Wally intercepted. "Easy there, we're all friends remember."

An awkward silence followed that as Superboy glared at Percy as if offended that Percy had called him out on his actions. Whilst Percy merely looked back coolly not at all sorry, if someone was going to act like a twat then he would call them on it, it was as simple as that. Diplomacy and politics were never his forte.

"Hello, M'gann. I know what we can do." M'gann suddenly spoke up, breaking the tense silence as the others looked over at her. Only for them to see her smiling as she floated away, gesturing for the others to follow her, which they did, though Superboy did give Percy one last look before he grunted and followed the others.

He's definitely not right in the head that one, Percy thought to himself as he eyed the clone, before he shook it off, as long as he didn't put anyone in harm then he would leave it to the League to handle, surely they were keeping track of the clone and his state of mind.

Following on from that the group took an elevator down to the mountain's hangar bay, where they then approached what looked like a giant, funky looking red and blue ball.

"It's my Martian Bioship." M'gann said in answer to the group's unasked question.

"Cute. Not aerodynamic, but cute." Kid Flash replied swiftly, still try, and failing, to flirt with the Martian.

"It's at rest, silly. I'll wake it." M'gann said, even as, likely following some telepathic command, the ship morphed into a more aerodynamic space ship, still a red and blue colour. Once again using a telepathic command, M'gann opened the ramp to the ship. That done she sent them all a bright smile. "Well, are you coming?"

Hearing the offer they all walked up the ramp and into the ship once it had finished morphing. Only to see that the interior of the ship was actually pretty spacious, the correct number of seats appearing and a control panel rising up from the ground in front of the pilot's seat as they entered.

"Strap in for launch." M'gann said as they all sat down and seatbelts wrapped around them. "Red Tornado, please open bay doors." M'gann continued, before moments later the hangar doors opened and Megan piloted the ship out of the Mountain, the ship a red and blue blur as it whizzed out of the hangar and into the sky.

For Percy this was a slightly uncomfortable experience, one which made him grip the seat of his chair quite tightly. He was never that keen on flying, save for flying on the backs of a Pegasus, call it an instinctive quirk of children of the sea but for the most part he liked to keep his feet on solid earth. That being said his nervousness was pretty justified as Zeus hated his brother's children travelling through his Domain of the Sky and had a pretty nasty attitude. More than once Zeus had proven himself more than willing to kill off one of his brother's children if they crossed him, including bringing down a bolt of lightning on them from the sky.

Pushing his nerves down as the ship flew over the mountain and the nearby town of Happy Harbour, Percy tuned out Wally's worsening attempts to flirt with Megan, Robin's nosey questions about the Bioship and Superboy's brooding. Instead he took the opportunity to look out of the window longingly at the massive ocean below them, he hadn't had a chance to head there yet, despite it now figuratively being on his doorstep.

"I may not have psychic powers, but I can guess what you're thinking. You overreacted, and you don't know how to apologise." Aqualad said quietly to Superboy, pitching his voice low as he tried to speak to the angry clone, though the voice did carry, allowing the nearby Percy to hear it too.

Not that he acknowledged this, instead he continued to look out of the window, only tuning back in when he heard Robin speak up.

"Hey, how about showing us some Martian Shape-shifting?" Robin asked loudly.

M'gann nodded at that, and smiled, unbuckling her seatbelt as she stood up. Glancing around at the rest of her team and seeing that they were all watching, M'gann sent them all another smile before she then turned into a female version of Robin, complete with the boy's caped costume. After which she then morphed into a female version of Kid Flash, both of which were… odd to say the least.

"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Kid Flash asked with a chuckle from where he was seated.

"Yes, yes it is." Percy replied dryly, only to wince when Megan turned into a slim, lithe, dark haired, green eyed version of Percy, with a matching outfit to boot.

Like Kid Flash, Percy very much wanted to comment on how hot he looked as a girl, only he to pause when he realised just how creepy that would sound.

"Impressive, but you know you're not exactly gonna fool anyone with those." Robin said with a slight laugh, relaxing a bit as Megan smiled over at him, still wearing her feminine version of Percy's features.

"Mimicking boys is a lot harder." M'gann said with a shrug, glancing down at her distinctly female body.

"And your clothes?" Aqualad asked curious about how her clothing had changed with the rest of her.

"They're organic like the ship. They respond to my mental commands." M'gann replied cheerfully.

"As long as they're the only ones." Superboy grumbled audibly.

"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?" Wally asked quickly, speaking over Superboy as he saw Megan's smile fade a bit.

"Density shifting? No. I-It's a very advanced technique." M'gann replied with a nervous shrug.

"Flash can vibrate his molecules through walls," Robin spoke up, making another jab at Wally as he did so, "When Wally tries it? Bloody nose!"

"Dude!" Wally shouted, even as a couple of people laughed at the image of Wally running head first into a brick wall.

"Here's something I can do though. Camouflage mode." M'gann then said as she made the entire ship invisible.

"Cool." Percy acknowledged as he looked around at her work, now that was a nifty trick.

"Red Tornado to Team. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbour power plant. I suggest you investigate, covertly. I'm sending you the coordinates." Red Tornado's voice suddenly rang out from one of the sidekick's communicators, drawing an end to the conversation as everyone listened in.

"Aqualad to Red Tornado. Coordinates received and investigating." Aqualad responded curtly before looking around at the rest of the team.

"Adjusting trajectory." M'gann acknowledged, once again mentally controlling her ship as she did so.

"Red Tornado's keeping us busy again." Robin scoffed, the younger boy being the first one to speak, even if what he said was slightly petulant.

"Well a fire led you to Superboy. We should at least find out what caused the alert." M'gann said positively.

"I think I know the cause." Superboy replied brusquely, as the ship shot towards the warehouses at the port and they all saw a large tornado whirling around in the power plant parking lot.

"Hn, a storm, how about that." Percy mused dryly, before he once again tightly gripped the arms of his chair when the ship was caught up in the tornado, the entire vessel shuddering and jostling about as it tried to fight its way out. Fortunately after a few moments of struggle M'gann steadied it and landed it in the parking lot some distance from the tornado.

Following on from which the team quickly got out, only to see the few people still around running for cover as the tornado continued along its path and hit the power plant.

"Robin, are tornadoes common in New England?" Aqualad asked, only to speak to empty air as by the time he turned around Robin had disappeared. The only sign of being a slight echoing laugh as they looked around.

"He was just here." M'gann said in confusion.

"Little shit." Percy tagged on, genuinely surprised as he thought that the Boy Wonder would at least understand working with others, after all wasn't he part of the Bat family with Batman and Batgirl. One would think that would at least instil some discipline in regards to assessing the situation, making as plan and then acting as one cohesive unit.

"I hate it when he does that. Come on." Wally West interrupted, ignoring Percy's acerbic comment as he instead ran towards the building, disappearing in a blur. The rest of them following his lead.

Damn it, I should have brought my sword, Percy grumbled to himself, even as he too followed the others lead, his gaze fixed on the tornado as he pondered whether he could stop it, after all his father's Domain of Storms was the one he knew the least about, and had the least practice with.

( - )

(A few moments later)

Almost immediately upon entering the power plant they were thrown back against the far wall by violent gusts of wind, all five of them completely taken off-guard by the strength of the wind and the suddenness of the attack. A rookie mistake for all involved.

Grunting as he hit the wall, Percy scowled as he forced himself to his feet and massaged his right shoulder, the blast of wind had caught him by surprise and his lack of armour and protection had meant his landing had been more painful that he had expected.

Still he was not badly injured. Looking up he could see the rest of the team, including the newly reappeared Robin, were getting up too, all of them looking over at their attacker. Their attacker who appeared to be a person in a suit of high-tech red armour which had tubes of blue liquid pumping through its shoulders, and ragged material wrapped like a scarf around its head and neck.

"Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked Robin as he helped the impetuous boy to his feet. The rest of the team getting up too, even as powerful winds continued to buffet them.

"Didn't catch his name!" Robin replied rubbing his aching shoulder, "But he plays kind of rough!"

Percy rolled his eyes at that, always with the quips, even as he began to shift away, edging around the large suited villain, looking for an opening. His sea green eyes flicking around as he looked for anything he could use, so far he had the earth and his vibrational waves, as well as the moisture in the coastal air. He had a lot of stuff he could use, but before he did he needed to know the villain's capabilities, he wasn't just about to rush in against an unknown.

"My apologies," Said the villain in a synthesized voice, "You may refer to me as Mr. Twister."

"Damn that is a bad alias, even waterboy and speedy is better," Percy chuckled ignoring the 'hey' from Wally and Kaldur's disapproving look, yeah he could make quips too. The others however ignored him as they instead leapt into action.

Mr. Twister also ignored him, as he instead formed twin tornados in his hands and sent them spinning at a charging Superboy. The twin cyclones succeeding in sending the young clone flying backwards into and then through a wall.

Likewise both Kaldur and M'gann were blown away when they approached, with Kid Flash just running circuits around the villain, his body a blur as he, like Percy, looked for an opening. Whilst he was doing this Robin also acted, flinging several explosive projectiles at the villain, only to have them blow back at him by Mr Twister's twisters.

"We need a plan." Percy mused out loud as he continued to edge around the circumference of the villain's range, even now he was attempting to reach out and control the wind. Only to be met with a distinct lack of success, it was like trying to catch the wind, literally, it kept slipping through his grasp, so different to the fluid nature of water and the solid nature of earth. Wind, it was much more insubstantial.

"Well we're listening if you've got one!" Kid Flash shouted, before he darted in, going for a straight forward charge, hoping to speed through the whirling, swirling wind around Mr Twister.

He didn't succeed, in fact he was sent flying backwards and crashing into the wall besides Percy, the air leaving his lungs with a grunt and a groan.

Percy glanced sideways at this, before he turned and gave up on trying to tame the tornado for the moment, he needed more practice on that front if he were to succeed in usurping another person's control.

Instead he thrust his hand forward, drawing upon the seismic energy from the earth, making the ground below him crack as he absorbed the vibrational energy from the ever vibrating earth, only for him to then project it though the palm of his hand. The seismic wave almost visible as it exploded through the air, and struck the red and blue clad villain, the wave only getting slightly distorted by the wind, not enough to stop it from lifting Mr Twister up and sending him crashing into the power plant wall.

"Get it together you lot, I thought you were supposed to be experienced." Percy then said to the rest, after which he rushed towards the enemy, his hands trailing behind him, collecting the moisture in the air around his hands as he did so, before with a swipe he sent two slashes of water through the air, both of them striking Mr Twister in the chest as he tried to stand, carving an inch deep, X shaped gash into his armour.

"Nice." Robin acknowledged, before he flung three 'birdarangs' at the villain, all three of them exploding in mid-air just ahead of him, the concussive blast once again blowing Mr Twister backwards against the already damaged outer wall of the power plant.

"Keep up the attack, don't let him recover enough to create another twister! Try to disable his armour!" Kaldur shouted, even as he rushed the villain, his tattoos glowing and his water bearers forming two watery hammers as he smashed the first one into the villain's torso and the other into his knee, both blows knocking the villain down and sending him back into the wall, even as Wally zipped in, behind the villain and knocked his other leg out from under him, sending the red and blue clad villain falling back to the ground with a crash.

"Out of the way!" Percy grunted, before he slammed his right foot on the ground, seizing control of the earth with his implacable will, the concrete below him cracking in a line all the way up to the downed villain, after which an eight foot spike of earth erupted from the ground, hitting Mr Twister a glancing blow, cracking the armour on his shoulder, as he attempted to dodge.

The action saving him from being impaled by the spike, but not from being smashed completely through the wall and into the parking lot behind him, his now battle scarred, armoured body rolling several times, before he struggled to get back onto his feet.

"Dude, stop with the lethal attacks!" Kid Flash shouted, even as Robin, Aqualad, Superboy and M'gann rushed outside, keeping up the assault. The team working as a cohesive unit, even if it was just for a few brief moments.

"That wasn't lethal." Percy replied glibly as he headed outside too, "I was only aiming for a bit of slight maiming."

By the time the two of them got outside, they were in time to see Superboy throwing two cars at Mr Twister, only for the villain to create a massive tornado around himself, far bigger than the one before, rising into the air as he did so, fifteen metres or so above cracked, tarmacked car park, catching the cars in it, before he sent them flying back at the sidekicks. One of the cars forcing Aqualad and Robin to dive out of the way as it smashed into the ground, whilst the other hit Superboy head on, only for the boy to catch it with a grunt, stepping back a few steps, before he turned and threw it to one side.

"This is getting too drawn out." Percy grumbled, reaching out as he did so to draw in more of the moisture from the air, once again coating his hands in water, only this time he formed his hands into pistol grips and started firing off highly condensed bullets of water from his hand, with him adding extra propulsion to each bullet as he drew on his limited Aerokinetic abilities. Each one of the bullets shooting through the twister due to their compact size and speed.

That being said they caused only limited damage as they mostly just glanced off of the armour, probably no more painful for the villain than punches from a normal human. Still each one jostled him, and would hopefully distract him enough to disrupt the ever growing cyclone. After all with him now flying he was out of range of Percy's earthen attacks.

"This isn't working!" Kid Flash shouted a few moments later as he was sent hurtling out of the tornado, the boy in question having attempted to stop it by running rapidly in the other direction, only for it to have proven too strong.

"Have you tried talking to him?!" Kaldur shouted, looking to Robin who was the first to engage the villain. "If we find out what he wants, we could possibly talk him down."

Only for Robin to give him a dismissive look, as he instead hurled some more projectiles, each one getting caught by the debris and cars the now massive tornado was picking up, and none of them getting even close to the villain himself.

"Take that as a no." Percy answered for Robin, scowling as he too couldn't get his water bullets through the debris and powerful winds anymore either, with him instead sending out another seismic wave, the vibrational energy bursting through the air and striking the tornado, clearing some of the debris, and showering the villains with pieces of asphalt and wrecked cars, but little more than that. "Besides I think it might be a little late now."

"What do you want?" Kaldur shouted a few moments later, electricity crackling up and down his arms in readiness to defend himself as he tried to get the villains attention, only to be ignored/ unheard as the tornado by now was almost deafening.

"M'gann, read his mind!" Kaldur shouted to the Martian, who by that point was staying back in support, occasionally using her telekinesis to protect the team or to pull out the large bits and pieces of debris from the tornado, even as Superboy continued to fling things in.

Suffice to say they still needed to work on their teamwork, for a moment when things had been going well they had been working well together. Now things had become more complicated, not so much.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to do that!" M'gann replied floating closer to Aqualad to be heard over the raging winds.

"It's okay when it's the bad guys!" Robin shouted back to the girl, as Percy moved closer to the tornado, sending waves of vibrational energy at the tornado from both hands as he did so, all in an attempt to disrupt it and bombard the villain within with the accumulated debris. "Now hurry!"

"Superboy, get back, you too Kid Flash." Aqualad shouted, with Kid Flash darting to where the others were, even as Superboy growled and threw the car he was holding to one side.

M'gann though ignored this, as she instead focused for a second on breaching the villain's mind, only to open her eyes in surprise a few moments later.

"Nothing! I'm getting nothing!" M'gann said to the rest of the team, "Of course! Hello Megan! Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise!"

Everyone stared at her as she said that, even Percy, who by then had begun backing off due to his lack of success, his brow furrowed as he tried to come up with an alternate plan to take this airborne villain down. So far all he could think of was either trying to get the earth up that high, or creating a counter tornado around himself, but even then he wasn't sure he could create one as powerful as the one Mr Twister was currently using, not without more practice anyway, and certainly not one strong enough to fully counter the colossal one Mr Twister was using to defend himself.

"Think about it," M'gann explained, turning to the others to explain, "He's inorganic, and an android! And how many androids do you know that can generate tornados?"

"Red Tornado sent us here," Kaldur muttered carefully.

"After saying we'd be tested soon," Robin tagged on angrily, "This is his test! Something to keep us busy!"

"Speedy called it!" Wally added on as well, his own brow furrowed in irritation, "We're a joke."

Kaldur pounded his fist into his hand in anger. "This game is over!"

"Don't jump to conclusion because of your own insecurities," Percy, growled to the others as he got close enough to hear what they were saying, his brow still furrowed as he then headed forward again and began to draw on the air around him, using the moisture in the air to create the beginning of his own cyclone. After all if he couldn't seize control of Mr Twister's tornado, or overwhelm it with one of his own, he might be able to at least bleed away some of the energy with his own counter one, even if he couldn't do it completely.

"What?" Robin growled, his ire rising, only to be ignored.

Instead Percy headed forwards once more, the air around him swirling into a storm of his own making, one which spread out, lapping against Mr Twister's, the two tempest's swirling counter to one another, weakening both, though Percy's more so.

"Take advantage of the opening!" Percy growled loudly, shouting to be heard, his face intense and his green eyes practically glowing as he tried to maintain the storm, in spite of Mr Twister's tornado overwhelming it.

"What's the point, why play into their hands." Robin shot back snarkily, not moving to attack. Though he did narrow his eyes as Percy reveal yet another ability, the older teen seemed to have a growing list of skills and powers.

Superboy though did act, as he grabbed a nearby, overturned car that was gradually being drawn towards the tornado, and hurled it at Mr Twister's flying figure, the car smashing through the wall of wind and glancing off of the villain's shoulder, knocking him backwards, which in turn made him lessen his storm.

This was good at by that point Percy was running on fumes, creating a storm was not easy, especially when he was overcoming his lack of refined control with brute power.

"You hear that Red Tornado, it's over, we're not playing your game!" Kid Flash added in, shouting as he made himself heard over the dispersing storm. The red head standing alongside the unimpressed Kaldur and Robin as they glared up at the still airborne villain.

"You think I'm Tornado?" Twister laughed recovered from the glancing blow now, before he raised his hand and rapidly summoned dark black clouds over head, "Ironic."

"Oh shit." Percy groaned tiredly looking up at the dark clouds, already predicting what was about to happen.

Before Percy, or any of the other sidekicks could do more than look up, Tornado brought down a massive lightning bolt from the sky, one that struck the ground at their feet with explosive force, sending them all flying backwards.

For Percy it was like being hit with one of Thalia's bolts of lightning, only times by ten, as this was not meant to be a painful, but playful zap. No, this was meant to cause maximum damage.

Groaning with discomfort and tiredness, Percy pushed himself up to his feet, just in time to see Superboy try one last charge at Twister, only to be thrown backwards by a second lightning bolt that struck the Kryptonian clone in the chest and sent him hurtling into the ground with a loud crash!

Growling as he stood up and glared at the flying villain, Percy once again began to gather some seismic energy, if this being was truly an inorganic, or at least going off of what Miss Martian had said, then he was going to try and shatter it, or at least crumble it. He just needed to get in arms range, enough to get a hand on it so he could unleash a full blast of vibrational energy into his body. That would get through its armour.

"Fine," Twister said rising higher into the air, his armour now quite damaged, but still serviceable, "I won't deny you children have power, but playing hide-and-seek with you will not help me achieve my objectives, of fighting a real hero, like Red Tornado, so stay concealed for all I care. But know that if you fight me again, I will show no mercy." With that said he then turned flew off into the sky, vanishing from sight.

"What just happened?" Wally asked as he sat up, ignoring the way Percy sagged slightly, wiping some blood that was dripping down his face from a cut above his eyes.

"I put the Bioship between us," M'gann explained, standing up. "It was cloaked and so it hid us from view."

Superboy growled at that, before he hit the ground in anger. "And that's supposed to make it right? You tricked us into believing that was Red Tornado!"

"Calm down, Superboy," Aqualad said calmly getting up himself as he checked on the state of the rest of the team, "It was a rookie mistake. We all make them. It's fine."

"That's true enough." Percy growled from one side, releasing the energy he had gathered as he instead used his own sweat to seal up the wound on his forehead before he flicked the bloody sweat onto the ground after the job was done. "I made an opening, we had him. If one of you had just gotten off your arses and done something we'd have taken him down."

"Us! No what's not fine is you jumping into the fray alone like that without telling us the rest of the plan," Robin spoke up aggressively. "We had no idea what you were doing, or what you can do. Instead you just acted and expected us all to do the same. Communication is key to team work."

If looks could kill then Robin would have been dead ten times over as Percy glared at him, his sea green eyes boring into the younger boy, making him step backwards. "Listen here you jumped up little shit. You are the one that went running in with no plan, disappearing without a word, and engaging the enemy without even knowing his full capabilities! You need to grow the fuck up or hang up or your cape and tights!"

"Woah dude let's all calm down yeah, mistakes were made but we're all fine!" Wally said trying to calm things down as he saw the furious look on Superboy and Percy's face, the petulant look on Robin's and the upset look on M'gann's.

"Wally is right, mistakes were made by all of us, and that's because we are still trying to get used to fighting together. But going forwards, at least for now, I think it is best if you head back to the base M'gann, you're too inexperienced at the moment, and I don't want you getting hurt or in the way." Kaldur spoke up next, trying to give M'gann a kindly look as he did so.

"Stay out of our way," Superboy muttered added on angrily, before he made to walk off in the direction Twister had gone, Wally and Robin quickly heading after him.

"Prick." Percy said, making sure that Superboy heard him as he did so. "Come with us M'gann, after all how else are you supposed to get experience? The others are young, and arrogant, they think they know better, but that's only because they are just as inexperienced as you."

"You got something to say!?" Superboy snapped, turning on his heel and heading for Percy now. Kid Flash looking on with resignation, whilst Robin just looked angered and offended by Percy's words.

"Nothing you haven't heard before. You need to grow up and stop acting like a petulant little baby." Percy retorted, ignoring Superboy's scowl as he instead brushed past him. "Until you curb your arrogance and learn how to curb your temper you're a liability."

Superboy glowered at Percy as he heard that, but said nothing more as he instead turned and headed for where Twister ran, Wally looking between the two angry powered individuals awkwardly as he followed after them, with the scowling Robin bringing up the rear.

"I was just trying to be part of the team," M'gann said sadly as she saw the others heading off, she appreciated Percy's words, but even so the words of Superboy and Kaldur had been pretty cutting.

"To be honest," Kaldur said from beside Megan looking at the retreating backs of he others, "I'm not sure we really have a team. But Perseus did have a point, I was wrong in the way I treated you."

"No…" M'gann began to protest.

"Yes, I said you are inexperienced, which you are. But I also denied you a chance to get the experience you need. You should come with us and act in support." Kaldur continued on. "I only hope our lack of team work doesn't stop us from achieving victory."

( - )

(A few minutes later)

Running for the docks, the team were just in time to catch Twister as he started creating even more tornados, causing yet more damage. All in order to complete his stated objective of drawing Red Tornado out.

"Kid Flash get any bystanders out of the way." Percy said loudly as they headed for Twister. "Minimising civilian causalities is our primary mission here."

"Right," Wally nodded, opening his mouth to protest for the moment before he swallowed it as he acknowledged Percy's words.

"Miss Martian we need a distraction, can you shapeshift into a member of the League, preferably the one he's after, Red Tornado, and then try and draw Twister closer to the ocean." Percy stated next, looking to the green Martian as he did so, who just nodded before flying off to do as he said, turning into the familiar figure of Red Tornado as she flew high into the air.

"Superboy, Robin help M'gann in drawing Twister away from the docks and closer to the sea. Be innovative." Percy said bluntly, ignoring Superboy's mutinous look and Robin's sneer. "Just do it!"

Despite that though both of them grudgingly nodded at his words, before they ran for Twister, both shouting at the villain and trying to draw him away in their own way as they did so.

"Aqualad you're with me, we're heading into the ocean, once the others get Twister close enough we'll act." Percy continued, he was beyond caring now, if no one else was going to step up and take the lead then he would.

Previously he had taken a back seat, he just letting things happen. That was wrong, there were too many strong and loud personalities on the team, and without someone taking charge there would be chaos.

"Right." Aqualad nodded, before the two of them ran for the coast, both of them leaping into the sea at the same time.

Almost immediately the moment he entered the bring waters, Percy felt rejuvenated by the ocean water infusing his body with strength, washing away his aches and pains. He had truly missed this feeling.

Smiling at the feeling, Percy pushed his arms forwards and shot through the water like a torpedo, Aqualad struggling to keep up as the two whizzed further down the coast, both of them keeping an eye on what was going on above the waterline.

With them easily seeing the now transformed M'gann leading Mr Twister to the coast, even as Superboy and Robin hassled him.

"On five." Percy said underwater, his voice easily heard by Aqualad, much to his surprise, as he raised his hand in the water as the figure of Twister got closer and closer, with him then beginning to count down from five, looking across at Aqualad as he did, both of them easily breathing in the water. "We attack as one, we go fast and give him no chance to recover."

"As you say." Aqualad nodded, pushing aside his confusion over how Percy could talk underwater as he did so, though it would be something he would ask him later. It was going to be one of the many things they all needed to talk about if they were to make this thing team work.

A few moments later as they saw Mr Twister moving overhead, now completely over the sea as he threw bolts of lightning at who he thought as Red Tornado, the two red androids darting about above the sea, the transformed M'gann retreating and dodging, whilst Mr Twister attacked.

"They're still too far overhead." Kaldur muttered to Percy, both of them floating just below the surface and looking up.

"Not for me." Percy replied, before without another word he seized control of all of the surrounding water, lifting it up as he and the sea rapidly rose, the water around him solidifying in a body like shape, with both arms, legs and a formless head.

For those not within the sea it was like witnessing a leviathan emerging from the depths, as the first they saw was a hand erupting from the rough water, the hand shooting up and grabbing Mr Twister, taking the android by surprise, even as Megan turned back to her normal form and flew back to the coast, quickly retreating when she saw the sea bubble even as another hand erupted forth, this one joining the first in holding tightly onto Mr Twister.

Following on from that an entire rapidly torso emerged from the sea, one made entirely of solidified and condensed sea water, and containing Percy where the heart would be, his sea green eyes glowing brightly as he continued to manipulate the water.

"Aqualad!" Robin said as the white haired Atlantean flew out of the ocean, jogging a little due to the momentum, before he joined, Robin, Superboy, M'gann and the newly arrived Kid Flash as they watched Percy.

"Robin, well done, you too M'gann and Superboy." Aqualad acknowledged, turning to those he named before he looked back to Percy, watching as the watery goliath tore the legs and arms off of the struggling Mr Twister, the red and blue android completely at Percy's mercy now they were above the sea. "You as well Kid Flash, thanks for evacuating the docks."

"Woah, did you know he could do that?" Kid Flash asked, ignoring Aqualad's thanks as he instead saw Percy tear off the android limbs and then launch the torso and head ashore, where it landed with a loud crash, and a spray of concrete and broken robot parts.

"I don't think any of us know what he can really do. He's not like Superboy or M'gann, both of whom have abilities that are mostly well known due to both Superman and Martian Manhunter." Aqualad replied simply. "Though I do ponder whether Perseus has Atlantean blood, his abilities are similar to Atlantean Sorcery, only he has not got any noticeable tattoos. In fact his abilities are quite similar to my King's, so he could have royal blood in his veins. Though my King has not mentioned anything, and I know of no other royal bastards…"

Wally resisted rolling his eyes at the mention of magic, instead he just shook his head. "What about the tornado he created or the way he can control the earth? That doesn't sound like it would be in an Atlantean's skillset"

"Maybe a Metahuman Atlantean half-blood," Robin asked, his previous petulance gone as he saw Percy leaving the ocean, his clothing all bone dry despite him having just been completely submerged.

"Whatever, let's just deal with Twister." Superboy growled, scowling at Percy and saying nothing of his feat, as he instead headed to where the sparking and mangled remains of Twister was, the torso soaking wet and ruptured in several places now, all of which revealed a distinctly human looking figure inside the broken armoured suit, one that seemed to be trying to control the all but destroyed robot.

"Sup." Percy said as he approached the group, nodding to Aqualad as he did so. "Sorry about taking over, but I thought the sooner we beat the villain the better."

"It's fine, you made the right call." Aqualad nodded, "We do not do this for fame or recognition. No, we do it to get results, and that is what you did."

Percy nodded at that, still feeling a little guilty about how he had pretty much taken control and started ordering the others around. Then again the team's dynamic was terrible, there were a lot of strong personalities many of which were clashing. As well as that there was an existing dynamic between three of the team, one which somewhat alienated the other three.

Quite frankly they were a bit of a mess at the moment, which is why he had decided to take a lead role, in spite of his reluctance. Of course he knew that he was also as much a problem as some of the others, he had allowed his temper to flare which had meant he had gotten in an argument with Superboy and Robin.

Suffice to say they had a lot of work to do before they became a proper team.

A few moments later the team gathered around what remained of Mr Twister as what remained of the torso opened up and the skinny, frail looking man inside clambered out of the armour.

"F-foul!" The skinny, frightened looking man in the armour gasped out as he stumbled forward, before he fell on the ground, his finger pointed shakily at the group of six heroes. "I-I call foul!"

M'gann narrowed her eyes as she saw this, before a few moments later she used her telekinesis to rip up a large piece of Earth.

"M'gann!" cried Kaldur, his eyes widening as he realized what she was about to do, "No!"

All around the rest of the team reacted similarly, Kid Flash and Robin looking on in horror. Superboy just looking confused and surprised. Even Percy cocked an eyebrow in surprise, he hadn't thought the sweet, kindly Martian had it in her, nor did he think this villain deserved death, not now he knew it was an actual man and not a robot like he had earlier assumed. After all this man hadn't killed anybody, that they knew of, or experimented on, or really hurt anybody seriously, no, all he deserved was a bit of roughing up and a long stint in prison for property damage and assault.

But it was too late though, before anybody could stop her she brought down the rock hard on the old man, crushing him underneath with a loud crunching sound.

For a moment, the whole team was silent, eyes moving back and forth between M'gann and the rock, all of them shocked.

"I don't know how things work on Mars," Robin said slowly, his voice filled with barely restrained anger, "But on Earth, we don't execute our captives!"

Kid Flash sent Percy an awkward look at that.

"Not unless necessary anyway," Percy chipped in, ignoring Wally's face palm and the surprisingly the twitch of Superboy's lips as he apparently held back a smile, his current dislike of Percy warring with his amusement over the comment.

"We don't kill!" Robin shouted, his narrowed eyes flicking irritably over to Percy now, before going back to M'gann.

"You really should trust me," M'gann replied unconcernedly with a smirk, bolstered by the fact that at least none of the others had shouted at her, or condemned her actions at first glance. After which she lifted up the rock and revealed that the robot's pilot was just in fact just an android, one made of gears and cogs.

"That's why I couldn't read his mind," M'gann then explained as Wally grabbed a semi-crushed mechanical eye ball from the remains. "It's because he was an android."

"Cool. A souvenir," Wally said cheerfully, before he pocketed the eye ball and glanced around at the others, all of whom were watching him. "What?"

"Nothing wrong with taking a trophy." Percy shrugged after a few moments, a slight smile on his face.

( - )

(Some time later, back at Mount Justice)

It was later that day that the entire team were all assembled in the main hall of the Cave, all of them standing around as they debriefed Red Tornado on what had happened and the villain's objective. The remaining, crushed parts of the android were all currently laid out before them and Red Tornado, with both Wally and Robin the most technical of the group looking over them.

"It's almost like it was built specifically to fight you," Kaldur observed from where he was standing, his arms folded and an intense look on his face.

"Indeed," Red Tornado added, his robotic eyes scanning over the remains before swivelling back to the team.

"Is that why you sent us to investigate and confront the villain, as oppose to going yourself?" M'gann asked, her brow furrowed as she looked up at the large, red androids visage.

"No," Red Tornado said simply, "I was not aware that there was a villain there, and even if I was I would not have interfered. This was your fight. I do not believe it is my roll to solve your problems. Nor is it your roll to solve mine."

Percy nodded at that, he understood what the Red Android was talking about. You had to let people make their own mistakes, and have their own experiences, otherwise they would never grow. That had been Chiron's approach, and he was the greatest teacher of Heroes to have ever existed.

"But if you're in danger," M'gann said, "Then…"

"Consider this matter closed," Red Tornado shot her down bluntly turning away as he did so, walking away down a hallway.

"Batman, Aquaman, and Flash," Wally muttered, "They'd have jumped right in to fix things."

"I guess if we're going to have a babysitter," Robin tagged on, "A heartless machine is exactly what we need."

"Dude!" Wally hissed, "Harsh!"

"And inaccurate," Red Tornado called back, "I have a heart. Carbon-steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing."

"Right," said a flustered Robin, sending the other amused heroes an awkward look. "Sorry… I'll try to, ah, be more… accurate in the future."

"And more respectful," Kaldur tagged on, his blue eyes flicking to the younger boy as he did so, the boy in question, despite his airs, running his mouth almost as much as Kid Flash did.

"See that you do," said Red Tornado, before he once again turned and walked away.

"Speedy was so wrong about this," Wally smiled as he headed away from the other and towards the kitchen.

"This team thing might just work out," Robin agreed, enthused with their recent success as he, Superboy and M'gann followed.

"Maybe," Percy muttered, still a little leery on the dynamics.

"Indeed," Kaldur added, the two of them sharing a look, both more than aware that there was still a lot more that needed to be done and said before they could call themselves a team.

( - )

AN: So what did you all think? This chapter ended up being a lot more complicated to write than I thought it would. It was actually pretty difficult writing the new team's dynamics and the relationships between the characters, which as you no doubt gathered are not totally harmonious.

For crossovers I am always of the opinion that a new character should make changes, both positive and negative to the storyline, which is in my plot for this story.

This is especially so when introducing a unique character like Percy into the Young Justice team, after all he has more experience than Robin, is older and more authoritative than Aqualad, has a more versatile set of skills than Megan, and has more raw power than Superboy. He pretty much trumps each of the individual characters at the keys things that define their character, or at least at this stage.

This of course creates a lot of friction, like in canon Robin was the one who thought himself better than the others due to him having been crime fighting since he was nine, so for four years, longer than any of the others. Yep in this Percy has more experience, and is older. Same thing for the others, which makes writing reactions and the way their characters developing with such a unique character like Percy in the mix quite difficult. After all Percy's presence could bring about either positive changes or negative ones.

The same could be said for Percy as he will develop differently, and has his own character flaws like the rest of them, as this chapter hopefully showed. None of the characters are perfect, and all of them will act and react in different ways to how they did in canon due to Percy's presence.

So yeah sorry about that rant of sorts, it's just this chapter was a pain to write and even now I am worried about whether I could have done some of the interactions better.

Still other than that I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, there was actions, drama, all it was missing was romance. And on that note as I said last chapter I do have one or two pairings I am angling for (fish pun), if the story develops how I want it too. So if you really want to know ask and I will tell, that beings said I am not confirming anything yet.

Hope you enjoyed and leave a nice long review.

See you all later.
