I am so sorry about the wait guys! I know this chapter had taken forever!

Thank you guys so much for the reviews! I feel horrible for making you wait so long for this chapter. Thank you Faqeera, Perhentian, TMarvoloRiddle1944 ( I have noticed that I have been putting a little more Draco/Harry in than I had intended but *hint* that won't last much longer), Luna Radcliff (I love writing the Harry/ Tom scenes and they will becoming a larger part of the story soon), hiina, and guest

The library was dark when Harry realized he should begin heading back to the Gryffindor common room. The hall was mostly empty, save for a small group of Ravenclaws huddled at a table far from him. Harry yawned and turned looked out the window close to him and regarded the pink hues the sun was throwing across the sky as it sunk below the forbidden forest, curfew would be soon, and he wasn't interested in an unpleasant meeting with Filtch.

He looked down at the old book before him, it was one of the only books he could find on dream magic. The majority of the book was how to defend yourself if an enemy were to send you hostile dreams, but they were always temporary, and the attacker had to mark the victim in some way first. There was a small section of wizards who became bonded and would share dreams with their partner, but they would share a telepathic link while awake if that were the case.

The section of the book that drew Harry's attention was one that spoke of magic creatures. There was a small list of creatures that had 'mates' and would share dreams once they were bonded. Harry wasn't sure that was the case either, as in the case for almost every magical creature they could not form a bond with their mate until the mate had turned 17, which Harry was not. The description fit Harry's circumstances the best though, aside from him having the dreams for as long as he could remember.

Harry was somewhat disappointed, he was hoping to have somewhat of an understanding of what was happening to him. The thought kept nagging at him that maybe his dream companion was simply a figment of his imagination, a friend when Sirius was busy working that never went away. Harry was reluctant to believe that, however, the thought of his dream companion being real was as exciting as it was terrifying.

Harry wasn't sure why the idea of a real person visiting his dreams didn't unnerve him, it certainly should. He wanted to talk to Ron and Hermione about it, but he couldn't bring himself to. It felt like the man from his dreams was his own little secret and belonged to a different Harry. In his dreams, Harry wasn't a Gryffindor, an orphan or a Quidditch player- he was just Harry. It felt wrong to allow anyone else into his personal sanctuary.

Maybe the man from his dreams was real and not a figment of his imagination, maybe he was just an ordinary wizard who needed sanctuary, just like Harry did after becoming orphaned. There was nothing evil about that, just a meeting like similar souls who need peace.

Harry signed in resignation, the mystery would not be solved tonight. He looked up and noticed the group of Ravenclaws had already left. He piled his notes on top of his book and shrugged his jumper back over his head, surprised at how dark the library had become. He turned to regard the dying sun one last time, watching the last of its light cascade its light across the forest. The Hogwarts grounds looked beautiful in the evening, Harry decided that he would go flying soon to have a better view. As he was admiring the small sliver of the lake visible from this side of the castle, a flicker of movement far below caught his eye.

Harry squinted as best as he could, he could see two dark figures gliding along through the shadows of the forbidden forest, heading into their dark depths. It was too dark and too far away for Harry to be able to recognize them, but he still scrunched his face trying to figure out who would be crazy enough to head into the forest at night. Harry noticed one of the figures wasn't wearing a cloak but had a blue jumper on instead, but that was the only distinguishing characteristic he could see.

Harry watched until the two had disappeared into the forest before he turned his back and headed out of the library, pondering the notes he had written and the lack of any leads. He had to go back and forget a book he left on the table called: Obscure uses for flora in potions, it was one Hermione wanted since seeing Snape's private potion room.


"My friend, if you would tell me who the imitators are, I would be more than willing to remove the problem they have created," Severus said stiffly as they made their way into the darkness of the forest. He gripped the vial of red liquid tighter as anger coursed through him at the thought of the killings in the name of their dead lord.

Riddle glided along beside him like a shadow, if Severus didn't feel the waves of dark magic rolling off the man, he wouldn't have noticed him. "Don't worry yourself with them, Severus, they pose no threat. Voldemort is dead and if they believe these archaic messages for me will change anything then they have become more magic than when they were human."

"Their change of Voldemort's mark is revolting and a disgrace," Severus added darkly. He scratched his forearm absent-mindedly, he was not a fan of the mark but it was disturbing to see the profane change of it.

"They are currently on their way to Hogwarts. Why search them out when they could meet me on my turf where I have the advantage?" Riddle chuckled softly.

"You know what happened to Nymphadora Tonks." Snape said softly, an inexplicable pang of pity filling his heart for Black. "Black is going to do something rash."

The dark-haired man seemed to grin slightly, but Severus could have been mistaken. "Black is a trained Auror, he can handle himself. Though if Harry were to lose his godfather, he'd be alone, save for me."

Severus felt a rush of unexpected anger through him and stopped in his tracks, "That will destroy Potter and you know it."

Tom stopped in his tracks, rounding to face the potions professor. His eyes glowed brightly, standing out bright against his pure white skin. Severus's gaze landed on the man's bow-like crimson lips, with sharp incisors poking out slightly. "My relationship with Harry is my business, I will not allow him to suffer unnecessarily. Tonks was going to be fine if she had not gone back to little Hangleton. As long as Black does not do anything idiotic, he will be fine."

Severus cocked his head to the side, "And what of Harry then, Tom? What if they target him because he is the boy who lived? Their previous targets were those who turned their back on Voldemort's cause after your fall, who's to say they won't try to kill him for you?"

Riddle's body stiffened slightly but continued walking into the forest, forcing Severus to follow begrudgingly. "They will not attack Harry. They have left him at the end of their game. They expect me to welcome them here, to kill Harry and rejuvenate the death eaters. They expect me to follow the trail of gifts they have created and rejoice in the completion of the game. In any case, they will be dead long before they ever try to hurt him."

Riddle's tone was venomous, and Snape knew better than to comment on the topic any further. He tried to imagine the men behind the attacks, running through the list of Death-eaters through his mind. The majority of them were either dead or in Azkaban. He wondered if Black knew who he was dealing with, or what he was dealing with. The man's distress would normally be satisfying for him, but Severus felt cold at the thought of the man who tormented him throughout his childhood being in such a state. He would get over his loss, in time.

Severus suppressed a shiver as he followed Riddle deeper into the forest. No light permeated the thick blanket of trees and the noise from the castle was no longer audible. It was dark and ominously quiet, save for the soft crunch of leaves beneath the potions professor's shoes, Riddle glides through the path like a ghost- or predator stalking its prey. Severus liked to imagine the former, it gave him more peace. He wasn't afraid of Riddle, not anymore, but he knew that could change in a moment notice.

"I could speak with him in our dream, Severus." Riddle's smooth baritone cut through the silence smoother than a warm knife through butter.

Severus' eyes shot up in surprise. "Potter? Your bond is drawing you closer, it is less than a year and a half now before he is mature and will feel it, too."

Riddle was silent for a minute, allowing the knowledge to wash over him like a warm shower. "I would have expected him to grow more of an attachment by now." His tone was light, but Severus could hear the dark depth beneath. He snapped a stick aggressively beneath his foot, startling the potions professor.

"You haven't given it an opportunity to grow, all he knows from you is hate." Severus pointed out, slightly worried his words would anger the vampire before him.

Riddle stopped and turned to face him. Severus stared for a moment, it was not very often he saw the man getting ready for a feeding, free from bounds and in the darkness. Riddle's pale skin glowed as if the moon reflected light from within him, he seemed taller and more muscular. His movements were smoother than a viper's, but Severus knew the vampire before him was much faster than a snake at the moment, and if he chose to make Severus a meal then the potions master would be dead before he even realized it.

The most notable change was Riddle's eyes, which were a vivid red, brighter than blood. Severus cast his eyes down, unable to look at the vampire before him without shivering. He felt coldness radiating out from the beast before him, similar to what he had felt when he was unfortunate enough to come close to a Dementor of Azkaban. The creature before him was a predator, meant to take a life as easily as breathing.

"The boy is my mate, I should not need to pander to his emotional whims to gain his attention." Riddle's voice was a hiss and could have easily belonged to a snake. He took a silent step closer to Severus.

Severus quickly reached into his robe and grabbed the deep red potion that had been nestled safely in his pocket. He uncorked the top before handing it to the terrifyingly hostile vampire before him. "Of course, I didn't mean any offense. Tom, you must take your potion before something ...regrettable happens."

Riddle seemed to realize himself and took a step back from the potions master. He reached behind himself and easily slipped his navy jumper off, leaving his chest bare. The vampire nodded and grabbed the potion, finishing it in a single drink.

Severus felt a sense of calm when the glow of Riddle's skin seemed to dull, and his eyes became a deeper, less intense form of red. "Thank you, my friend."

Riddle took a moment to let the potion flow through him before he answered, "It has been too long since I have hunted, being around Potter is becoming more difficult."

Severus nodded slowly and thought carefully before speaking, not wanting to offend the volatile vampire before him. "Perhaps it will soon be time for you to leave Hogwarts, Tom, until the boy comes of age."

"I will not leave him, Severus, you know that." Riddle hissed back. "I will remain here until he comes of age and then we will leave together, but not before that, especially with the threat on its way." He paused and looked up through the dense to the castle beyond, that was aglow with moonlight. Riddle's posture relaxed slightly, and his face softened, Severus could see his eyes glowing with a different kind of hunger- a kind that would not be satiated that night. He couldn't be sure, but Severus thought the emotion that flitted across his one-time lord's face was something akin to sadness.

The thought hit him like a wave: this is not Lord Voldemort. Voldemort died that night, many years ago and was just a memory. Severus knew this already, but it wasn't until he saw the raw emotion on the man's face that he completely believed it. The man before him wasn't Tom Riddle, the boy who killed hundreds and became a dark lord. Tom Riddle had become something more, someone Severus didn't quite understand and didn't think he ever would.

Snape cast his eyes to the mossing ground, feeling like an intruding during Riddle's personal moment. He was never one to handle emotion well and he knew that any words he could say would cheapen the moment for Riddle.

"Did I ever tell you why I was so well suited to becoming a tyrant, Severus?" Tom murmured.

Severus raised an eyebrow at the vampire before him and shook his head in response.

"The whore who gave birth to me had fed a filthy muggle a love potion." Tom let out a hollow, humorless chuckle. "I was conceived under its influence. A member of the Slytherin bloodline raped a simple muggle and was cast aside once she released him from the potion's influence. I was not able to ever feel love because of it, I wasn't even able to understand it.*"

"Before I met Harry…" Riddle spoke softly, barely more than a whisper. "Before I met Harry, I did not have a wide range of emotions. I murdered my own father and felt nothing but satisfaction. I tore my soul into so many pieces that drove me into my own brand of insanity. I build walls around myself, so high and so impenetrable that no one could save me anymore. When I heard the prophesy, I was so ready, so willing to kill a child. I thought nothing of it, of course, I had killed many others before.

"I arrived at the Potters, and Harry just stared up at me." Riddle paused, as in lost in his own thoughts, his gaze never once turning away from Hogwarts. "He looked me in the eye, a monster, after witnessing me kill his mother and did not cry. It had been many years that anything had managed to unnerve me before then, but he did. That little baby managed to shift something inside Voldemort, and it was terrifying, so I cast the curse."

Riddle's statuesque face softened into a small, sad smile. "Harry killed Voldemort and saved me. His magic tore through every wall Voldemort created, every memory, every feeling until I was all that existed- just a man made of broken pieces. It was him that filled my broken pieces with himself, made whole by the sheer power of Harry's being. I felt everything. Everything that Voldemort was never able to feel, Harry gave to me. His heart and soul filled the broken parts in me. Harry received a few things from me, he received every part of me he could, but it was never equal."

Riddle then turned to look at Snape, his face stoic once again. "That is why I will not leave Harry, because I cannot. I am as much Harry as I am myself, we share magical cores." Clearly Riddle had enough of the conversation and looked away from the school. Abruptly, the vampire began walking off down the path, further into the depths of the forest.

"I will not question that again, my friend, have a safe hunt," Severus spoke softly, stunned and unsure of what to make of the information that was recently given to him.

Riddle was already slinking into the darkness, his form blending in with the shadows as if he were born from one. "Thank you, Severus. Your potions are well brewed and do well to contain my… less than pleasant instincts." His voice even sounded more human as he slunk away, leaving the potions master alone in the silent forest. Severus was relieved, the Bloodborne potion would allow Tom to maintain a human mind as he hunted, rather than losing himself to his instincts and going on a killing spree. It would be a disaster if Tom ever hunted without it, a vampire/wizard hybrid with his power would cause unknown chaos.

Severus gave the area Riddle disappeared into one last glance before he cast a Lumos and began heading back to the castle. He snatched Riddle's jumper off the mossy ground, knowing Riddle would not think to come back for it.


Sirius arrived in Little Whinging like a tsunami, boring down on the Aurors that surrounded a tiny cottage outside the village.

There was a crowd of residents who had been woken early, eager to see what was causing a ruckus in a normally quiet village. It seemed after the last few months, they had come to expect something terrible had happened. The Aurors had set up a perimeter so none of them could get too close to the house. As Sirius came upon the scene, he saw Kingsley and his under-secretary climbing up from a cellar.

"What's this about, Kingsley?" Sirius barrelled up to the man, fear growing in his chest as he caught the grim look on the man's face. "Where's Tonks?"

Kingsley placed his hand on Sirius's shoulder firmly, stopping him from entering the cellar. "Sirius, I am going to take you home. We need to speak, and it cannot be here."

"Kingsley, where is Nymphadora?" Sirius stared questioned, his voice low and apprehensive. Panic was building in him and the longer his boss gave him a look of pity, the angrier he felt.

"My friend please come with me. We cannot discuss this here-"Kingsley started but Sirius shoved the man's hand off his shoulder and past Aurors to charge down to the cellar.

A wizard he vaguely remembered from last year's trainees was climbing up the stairs as he saw Sirius. The man gave Sirius a sad nod and moved to allow him to pass. Kingsley and his group followed Sirius down swiftly.

Sirius had known death before. He felt the death of his best friends, almost every member of his family, and countless friends from the Order of the Phoenix and his life as an Auror, but he had never felt anything like this before.

Tonk's lifeless body was laid out before him, her chest torn open.

Sirius didn't feel himself fall to his knees or the cold trail of tears running down his cheeks. He didn't notice the group of Aurors who were crowded by his side or the dark mark that had plagued his nightmares for too long, he couldn't feel anything at all. He could vaguely hear someone trying to speak to him, maybe trying to move him? It didn't matter. Sirius didn't really see how anything could matter anymore.

Sirius felt his gaze involuntarily shift to the left, to the crude Hogwarts crest that had been written in blood on the wall beside his dead lover's head, barely decipherable after the blood had run but it appeared to be somewhat dried. The message was clear enough.

Sirius felt the coldness of wet blood on his knees as he shifted closer to his departed love. Blood was pooled around her, and Sirius knew it was going to be all over him too, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Numbly, he reached a blood-covered hand to brush the bangs out of her eyes. Her eyes always were so beautiful, even with the lives lost from them. His hand trembled as he tucked her blood-crusted hair behind her ear.

"Sirius… Harry." Sirius vaguely heard Kingsley whisper softly. The sound of his godson's name cutting through the numbness in his heart, filling it with anger.

He pressed one last kiss to Tonk's forehead before shakily rising to his feet.

He wiped the blood from his lips, but he knew the stain would stay with him.


Harry woke up groggily. He had hoped to dream of his companion again, but he had dreams of flying through the forest on his broom instead.

Breakfast had been a fairly quiet affair, the Gryffindors were all nervous for their first lesson that day with Professor Riddle as today they would be taught how to resist the Imperious Curse. Most students were not confident of their chances of throwing it off, Harry included. Harry knew he was strong-willed, and when faced with the curse cast by his peers, he was fairly confident he could throw it off but as much as he hated to admit it- Riddle was powerful.

A curse from Riddle would be difficult to resist, Harry was sure of that. Hermione had been researching the subject and most wizards had to practice for years before learning how to throw the imperious curse off. If he wanted to become an Auror then he knew he had to learn faster, and he was hoping that today would prove he had some natural talent at it.

Harry wondered how the man's mood might affect the strength of the curse. He remembered Riddle mentioning how one's emotions can strengthen certain spells. He glanced up at the head table, but the dark-haired professor was nowhere to be found, and neither was Snape. Harry shook off his disappointment, if the professor was too busy to eat breakfast then he might be too hungry to focus on casting the curse. Strangely, the thought did nothing to deter his disappointment.

He cast one last glance up at the head table before gathering his books and following his classmates to class.

As the Gryffindors made their way to Defence Against the Dark Arts, Harry listened to the rest of his housemates discussing their tactics on how to beat the curse.

"Me Mum told me that the closer you are to the person casting it, the harder it is to throw off, or the more you like them-I guess." Seamus was saying to Dean Thomas just behind the golden trio.

Ron turned around and gave them a laugh. "Well, none of the girls in Hogwarts will have any luck against Riddle then, eh?" He gave a sharp look.

Hermione gave the ginger a shove in response, "just because professor Riddle is rather good-looking doesn't mean we'll be any less likely to throw off the curse against him, Ronald!"

Dean Thomas chuckled and beaconed to Lavender and Pavarti who were walking slightly ahead of the group, gushing loudly about their professor and how they'd do anything for him without being cursed. "Speak for yourself, Granger."

Hermione sighed loudly and shook her head at the love-struck girls. "Well, some of us at least have self-respect." She added softly, too low for them to hear.

The group arrived at the defense against the dark arts classroom and entered the empty classroom. Harry was surprised to notice that the window covers were all closed, and the light was sparse. Strangely, Riddle was nowhere to be seen in the dimly lit room. Harry couldn't shrug off the disappointment that pricked at him sharply.

Suddenly the window coverings were spelled open at once and the morning light penetrated the dark classroom. The students looked up to see an exhausted-looking Snape sitting behind Riddle's desk. Harry was surprised to see how dark the bags under the potions professor's eyes were and how pale his complexion was. "Professor Riddle will be out momentarily, everyone prepare yourselves in the meantime." With a flick of his wrist, the desks shoved themselves against the walls, clearing space in the middle of the room.

Harry tucked his books out of the way and stood by Ron and Hermione. "Riddle has never been late for class, what do you think he's doing?"

Hermione, frowning, just shrugged and cast a quick glance at the potion's professor. "I'm not sure. Is it just me or does Snape look like death today?"

"Maybe he was up and about as the giant bat he is, sucking out people's souls." Ron let out a little snicker. The image of Snape flying around as a bat caused Harry to snicker, as well.

Hermione opened her mouth, probably to reprimand the ginger before the door to Riddle's private rooms slammed open, silencing the room. Snape stiffened and turned around to see the cause of the sudden noise.

Riddle stood in the doorway and looked over the class. Harry felt his whole body stiffen, and heard a few students make sounds of surprise. Riddle looked completely different than Harry had ever seen him. The man was normally statuesque, with every strand of hair in place, no wrinkles in his clothing or any other noticeable imperfections. The man that stood before them was totally different.

Riddle ran a hand through his thick black hair that was currently as wild as Harry's own. His eyes, normally a deep blue, were almost electric and shone with a wildness that shocked Harry. Riddle wasn't wearing an outer robe, only slacks, and a muggle vest. He glided down the stairs with more grace than usual.

Harry hadn't noticed how much he was staring until Riddle's gaze landed on him and he noticed a glimmer in the older man's eye. Something in the man's stare struck something deep in Harry, something familiar that he couldn't seem to place but filled his belly with warmth. He was so busy studying the man that he didn't notice when Riddle started explaining what would happen during the lesson.

"You will break into partners and practice the curse on each other. If you properly cast the curse, you will give your partner exactly one minute to break out of it and if they do not then you will lift the curse! You will NOT force your partner to do anything other than saying your name. If you do not follow these rules, then you will be punished." He paused and scanned the students, allowing his words to sink in. Harry's heart missed a beat as the man's gaze passed over him.

Behind him, he heard a group of girls he assumed were lavender and Pavarti discussing how attractive the man looked. Harry had to stop himself from rolling his eye.

"You will not cast this curse anywhere other than this classroom. There are wards that will detect it and you will be in serious trouble. Do not think for one second that we will not know if you cast it." Riddle walked closer until he was standing before the group, his voice going cold. "To bear the type of control over others as you do with the Imperious curse is more than just a prosecutable offense, it harms your core to continually use it. Only a coward relies on such a means to control others, and unfortunately, there is a chance that you will come to face it. With that being said, you need to be prepared."

Harry felt the weight of Riddle's gaze fall on him as he continued. "Such control over others is dangerous, many great witches and wizards have succumbed to the temptation and lost themselves in the acquisition of it. If your will is strong enough, you will be able to fight off almost all those who mean to control it."

"Almost all, Sir?" Harry heard Draco ask quietly to his left.

Riddle paused for a moment and Harry thought he saw the man's gaze flash to him for a moment. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy. There are circumstances when no matter how strong your will is, your opponent will be able to control you. Can anyone give me an example?"

Hermione's hand shot up in the air quickly and Riddle gave her a short nod. "When your opponent had magical creature blood, Sir?"

Riddle gave the bushy-haired girl a slight smile that sent a shock up Harry's spine and caused the girl to blush. "Close, Ms. Granger, but a very good point. Even creatures such as Veela who have allure that can control others can be beaten if one's convictions are strong enough. The simple thing that will determine your success in throwing off the curse is your feelings toward the castor. If the castor is someone you care about or someone that you harbor some sort of emotion towards that you may not even realize, then it becomes exponentially more difficult to throw off the course. As far as magical creatures, this is true for their natural allure as it is for the imperious curse. This is one of the main reasons why Veela mates have left their families for their Veela."

"So, if someone we care about cast the curse on us, we'd have no luck shaking it off?" Harry heard Dean ask behind him.

"Depending on how skilled there are with the curse, yes. A master would be able to use negative emotions to their advantage, as well, such as strong hate. This being said, that is not much of a factor until you become very experienced, for the average duel, it is only the strength of your convictions that matters." Riddle confirmed before breaking the class up into groups. "Everyone choose a partner. Professor Snape and I will be around to help give you tips and if you or your partner are unable to cast the curse, we will for you. If any of you are successful in casting off the curse, one of us will cast it on you to give you experience with a more trained opponent."

Harry turned around to the Gryffindors to find a partner when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Miss the chance of cursing Potty? No chance. I'm your partner Potter." Harry turned to see Draco giving him a devilish grin.

Harry rolled his eyes and followed the blond to their corner, "Whatever Malfoy, you couldn't control a puppy."

"We'll see about that, Potter," Draco said in an obnoxious tone that he knew would annoy the raven-haired boy. "I'll be kind enough to even let you go first."

Harry cocked an eyebrow at the blond-haired boy, but Draco just gave him a little nod and subtle smile.

Harry took a deep break and repeated the curse in his head a few times, preparing for it. He took a quick look around the classroom to see how the other groups were faring.

Ron was attempting to cast the curse on Hermione, his face was scrunched up in concentration but didn't seem to be having much luck. Blaise Zambini seemed to be having the best luck out of anyone, his partner Pansy Parkinson was standing there with a blank look on her face, clearly under the curse. Snape was angrily demonstrating to Seamus how to move his wand and Riddle was analyzing Parkinson with a keen eye, he caught Harry looking at him, so the Gryffindor quickly turned back to his partner.

Taking in a deep breath, Harry held his wand out before him and in a strong voice said, "Imperio."

He expected a surge of magic to flow through him to his wand, but strangely nothing happened. Frowning he looked up at Draco to see the blond shrug, surprised that the curse did not work. "Figures you'd be too much of a chicken to cast it." Draco's words were soft and could have been endearments if you weren't paying attention.

"Do you need help, Mr. Potter?" Harry felt a surge of anger as he heard Riddle come up behind him.

"No, Sir," Harry said stiffly.

Harry turned back to Draco and took a deep breath, holding out his wand. He felt the weight of Riddle's gaze on him and determination surged through him. He had to cast the curse, he couldn't look weak in front of the smug professor. In order to cast the curse, he had to have a true desire to control Draco. He looked his somewhat- boyfriend in his clear grey eyes and imagined completely dominating his will so the blond boy was staring at him blankly.

"Imperio!" Harry growled with more force and held his wand out, squeezing it tight.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the blond before him and almost groaned when he felt no magic surge through him. The curse failed again.

"Stand aside, Mr. Potter, I'll cast the curse on Draco as you're clearly unable to." Riddle drawled beside him in a sharp tone that made Harry feel like dirt. As Harry dropped his head and stood back, the professor stepped out to Draco fluidly.

Draco's brow furrowed as Riddle held his wand toward him. "As soon as the curse is cast, remember to focus, Draco. Imperio!"

The light left the professor's wand instantly and hit Draco in the chest. Harry watched with wide eyes as Draco's face automatically went slack. Draco's whole body slackened, and Harry was afraid he would fall to his knees. Harry turned to look at Riddle and the man was completely at ease, eyeing down the blond, it surprised Harry how easily the man could cast such a strong curse.

After a few moments, Riddle cleared his throat and commanded, "Draco, say my name."

Draco's eyes glazed over, and he automatically replied, "Professor Thomas Riddle." His expression hadn't changed, his lips had barely moved, and his voice was a dreamy monotone.

Riddle shot the blond a frown and waited a moment before flicking his wrist. Almost at once Draco gasped and kneeled over, shaking his head. His face was far too pale. "I couldn't do anything at all, that was awful." He shuddered.

Riddle walked over and gave Draco and short nod, "imagine it was an enemy casting the curse, forcing you to commit crimes your conscious mind would never dream of. You fought it well though, Draco." Draco's head shot up at the compliment and his cheeks grew pink (much to Harry's chagrin).

Riddle turned his head to Harry, his eyes boring into him and the corner of his bow-shaped lips twitching into a hint of a smile. "Now, Mr. Potter, maybe you will fare better on the receiving end this time, hm?" This caused anger to flare through him and Harry bit back a remark that probably would have landed him in detention. "Draco, go ahead when ready."

Draco straightened himself and turned to the raven-haired boy. Harry took a deep breath and readied himself. Draco's face was straight-set with determination and he raised his wand straight at him. "Imperio!"

Harry braced himself as he felt the spell hit him, covering him like a blanket. He felt fuzz starting to seep into his mind and melt his thoughts away. Harry imagined Riddle watching wearing the smug smile he always used with him, waiting for him to fail. Riddle was expecting him to fail, waiting for it, like he did at casting the curse and it infuriated him. The fuzz filling his mind tried to wipe the thoughts from his mind, but he clung onto them.

He clung to his anger towards his professor and allowed it to push the fuzz out of his mind. Somewhere, he heard someone asking him something, but he blocked the sound out. He frowned as he started pushing the fog from his mind. After what seemed like hours, he finally managed to push the remaining fog out of his mind. The hadn't realized that his eyes had shut and opened them with a start.

"Congratulations, Mr. Potter. It seems that you are the only one who has managed to successfully throw off the curse." Snape drawled from in front of him. Harry was surprised to see that we rest of the class had stopped attempting the curse and gathered to watch him get cursed. Harry looked up to see Snape giving him a frown.

"Let's see how you fare against someone with experience," Snape said with a glint in his eye and raised his wand to Harry. "Imperio!"

Harry didn't have time to brace himself before the curse washed over him like a wave. He clenched his eyes shut as the fog-filled his mind faster than he could stop, hiding away his rational thoughts. The attempted to hold onto the same anger at Riddle as he had before when Draco had cursed him, but he felt the fog knead out the anger faster than he could fight it. Unwillingly, he felt his limbs begin to go weak and emotion drain from him. His eyes opened slightly, and he vaguely noticed Snape standing before him with a strained expression on his face.

"Say my name, Mr. Potter." Harry heard a voice rumble through the fog like thunder. It was the only sound in the deafening silence that the haze over his mind had created. Harry felt the fog take control of his body and open his mouth, but no sound came out. Why would he need to say Snape's name? Everyone knew Snape's name in the class, so it seemed silly to need to state it.

Snape called out to him again through the haze, demanding that Harry say his name. Harry had to, there was no reason not to say it. He opened his mouth but couldn't seem to form the words, "Hm- "He faltered and tried to close his mouth, but it wasn't cooperating with him. Harry heard Snape demand him to open his eyes and he obliged, but his eyes didn't remain on Snape and drifted off to his side instead.

Riddle was standing slightly behind Snape, his eyes seemed to be illuminated with anger as he looked at Harry and his lips had twisted in a hint of a disappointed smile. Harry felt himself stiffen again slightly, despite the fog that had twisted its way through him. Why was Riddle disappointed? Harry thought as he felt anger flow back into his heart, a frown growing on his face. He had to push away the fog, he had to break out.

With a great heave, he pulled himself from the haze that had clouded over his mind. The sensation was like dragging himself above water and suddenly he heard the surprised voices of his classmates around him. Vaguely, he felt someone clap him on the back in congratulations. He released a breath he hadn't realized that he had been holding and opened his eyes.

The first thing Harry noticed was the twinkle in Riddle's eye that he hadn't noticed before. He had a small smirk on his face as he observed Harry.

"Harry that was brilliant!" Ron wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and he was pulled into a group of excited Gryffindors. He felt slightly nauseous and weak as if he had just run a marathon and being in the middle of such an excited crowd was making him dizzy.

"Yeah, Harry, we didn't think you'd be able to manage it for a while there." Harry heard Neville chime in with a big grin on his face. "You almost said professor Snape's name a few times!"

"That's quite enough, give Mr. Potter his space." The rambunctious group parted as Riddle walked up, his eyes trained on Harry. "Everyone break back up into your previous pairs. Aside from you, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter needs a break so you will continue with professor Snape."

Still chattering excitedly, the class paired up once again. Riddle watched the students walk away before shooting a wide grin at Harry with a glint in his eye.

"You must be exhausted, Harry, after such a feat. One must wonder if you've had practice with the curse previously, I'm sure your godfather could have been of much help." Riddle's tone was amused, and Harry wondered if the man was messing with him.

Harry met Riddle's acquisitive gaze with an indignant expression and wanted to tell the bastard off. He wiped the moisture that had accumulated on his brow from the exertion he had gone through. "You're insinuating that Sirius cast an unforgivable curse on me, professor?" Harry muttered, too exhausted to put the venom in his voice that he desired. He was light-headed and he needed to lay down.

Riddle frowned and grabbed his chin abruptly, analyzing Harry's eyes. The raven-haired boy squirmed and tried to get away from the grasp, but it was iron tight. He noticed the glint in Riddle's eye and his expression was unreadable.

"You need to go to the hospital wing, Potter, you are exhausted." Riddle's tone was subdued but Harry could hear a hint of worry. "It is usual to be tired after fighting off the imperious curse, but you are drained." He gave Harry one last look before letting go of his chin.

A knock rapped at the door of the classroom before Harry could answer.

A house-elf walked in, giving Riddle a horrified look. Harry was surprised to see how terrified the little creature was. Quickly, it squeaked out. "Sorry to i-interrupt, p-professor, but Madam McGonagall needs to see Mr. Potter." He gave Harry a squeal and added, "It-it is of the utmost importance." Then popped out without waiting for a reply.

Riddle sighed and rolled his eyes, turning back to the raven-haired boy. "As soon as you are finished with McGonagall, you are to report to the hospital wing. No exceptions. I will be checking. Mr. Weasley, ensure Mr. Potter gets to the headmistress and then straight to madam Pomphrey." He gave the redhead a serious look.

Ron nodded at the professor and gave Hermione an apologetic smile, then led Harry out of the room.

"What do you think happened?" Ron asked curiously as they made their way down the corridor towards the headmistress' office.

"I dunno." Harry shrugged but a sense of dread filled his belly.

Harry didn't realize it but the tragedy that had happened last night was going to change his life.

*I watched a YouTube Video MovieFlame and they mentioned this idea. I'm not sure if it's accurate in Cannon or not but it will be in this story!

So, after the next couple of chapters, Harry's life is going to change quite a bit, there is going to be much more action going on and Tom will play a larger role.

I don't plan on focusing too much on Harry's grief. I am not great at writing about it, so that is why I am planning on skipping over the scene where they tell Harry about what happened, but I will summarize it in the next chapter.

Reviews keep me motivated to write!

I love you all! Thank you for reading my brain-child.