Slamming the door behind him, still mouthing the lyrics of the song coming out of his earbuds, France threw his shoes across the room, swearing mentally he would put them in place later. He put his groceries on the kitchen table and started to put them away. He absentmindedly opened his box of cordon bleu, grabbed the magnet and putted it on the fridge.

- Nom de… (what the…), he whispered, his eyes widening. It can't be…

Letting an inhuman scream escape his lips, he hastily grabbed his phone, starting a multinational call.

- I hope it's important, France. It's 3 AM here.

America clearly wasn't the only one complaining, he was just the loudest.

- YES. Yes it is. You will never believe it!

- What ? Did you start another revolution ? Groaned England.

France rolled his eyes.

- Ye have so little faith. Non, way better than that.

He changed camera, proudly showing his fridge, on which a complete map of France in magnet was arranged. (1)

- I just finished it ! He exclaimed proudly. I just missed Eure-et-Loir (2) and I got it two minutes ago !

Half of the countries disconnected themselves.

- It took me twenty years, guys. Twenty years.

- Erm, yeah, said Germany. Congratulations, France, for this… great achievement.

Beaming with pride, France thanked them profusely, like he just won an Oscar or a Nobel prize, tears streaming down his cheeks.

- I'll send you all pictures of her.

- It's not a girl, France. It.

- Do I look like I care, Angleterre (England)? This is my girl, my baby. I raised her with love and attention and she grew up to be a beautiful lady.

- We all know you're going to throw her away in a few days, France.

- How can you say that, Prusse (Prussia) ?! Cried France, putting his hand on the magnets like it could prevent it from hearing what Prussia had just said.

- That's what you did with your fifteen other maps-magnet.

- But none of them was complete.

At this point, only three nations were left in the conversation, including France.

- I think you did great, mi amigo (my friend) ! Cheered Spain.

- Thanks, Spain. I knew I could count on you.

- Talking about that, since it's only us left, are you guys still up for this year's Tomatina (3) ?

- Absolutely !

- I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world !

- Awesome. We'll see each other next week then. I've got to go !

- Bye !

All three cut the conversation at the same time, proving once more how great their friendship was.

- Bon, thought France, pour fêter ça, pizza (4) ! (Well, to celebrate that, pizza !)

1: Some brands of poultry put magnet of French departments or regions in their packaging and you want to collect them all. Problem is it's almost impossible to do (I don't know anybody who did), so we generally just throw them after a bit until we start it again now that we have the magnets we needed to finish the first one (that we don't have anymore) and we just do it, like, non-stop forever.

2: A department

3: A Spanish festival, it's basically just a huge tomato fight. I learned that it was all started by three friends that got into a tomato fight decades ago and I cannot not think it was the Bad Touch Trio

4: a catchphrase of the n°1 French youtuber. Francis watch and quote Cyprien on a daily basis, fight me.

Hey, do you guys mind commenting what country you are from ? I'm an exchange student and a game we play is to meet people from as many nationality as we can during the exchange. I personally count internet people in it, and it's not like anybody was going to check, so...