Contemplation Of An Eternal Light
AN: It feels odd to be doing a fanfic again after 12 years! It's nice to be back though. I might have not been the best back then but I've had plenty of time to learn.
As for why Sailor Moon? Simple I love the show. I've also fallen in love recently with several fanfics – especially those by Sailor Silver Ladybug, 2B or not 2B by AuroraFireMadness, It's Always Been You by Beej88, The Tutor by Sailormoon489 and everything by sailorvsredmask. So I thought I'd try my best at a Sailor Moon one shot!
Today was slightly different for a contemplative Mamoru Chiba. For the first time in a few weeks Usagi wouldn't be rushing here from school. From what he gathered from their last conversation all the girls had various different tests so Ami was doing her best to help everyone study. He missed her immensely already. He sat down at his usual stool in the Crown Game Parlour, watching Motoki, his closest male friend…probably his only male friend, cleaning glasses and gamely trying to keep up with a smitten brunette's conversation. Of course she didn't know about Reika. Motoki would have to wait another month before she'd be back from her latest archeological dig. Sighing Mamoru took his coffee and began to sip at it slowly, wanting to savour the taste
Of course he was always like this. Well almost always. His Usako…Usagi Tsukino always knew how to get him to open up and he had never known quite how. No one else could do it quite the same. Of course now him and all the girls knew about their past lives in the Silver Millennium. But that didn't mean they were only together because of the past. She had a lot of endearing qualities herself.
Mamoru turned to the door of the arcade, hoping she'd burst through any moment like she always did. He knew she wouldn't. She couldn't get away with it. But that didn't mean he didn't want her company. Slowly he began to think. Just what was it that had made him feel pulled to his Usako as soon as they met despite his relentless teasing back then? Before they knew about Metalia or any of the other threats Luna said were coming?
He closed his eyes and began to visualise Usagi. Her shining blue eyes that he often felt he could get lost in, her practically eternal smile that brightened up every room she entered and made the lives of those who knew her better just by existing. Not to mention her streamers of golden sunshine hair still kept in place by those cute little Odango. He gave a small laughing smile and nodded. That was definitely part of it. She was naturally so bright and cheerful that he had been drawn to her. His life had been so grey and colourless and his attitude so sour and serious that Motoki and some others had told him he needed something to upend his routine, make him smile and make him burn the way someone only truly can when they are in love.
He hadn't believed it possible until he began to tease Usako. She often tried to give as good as she got and before long the teasing had lessened and been replaced by a tension. He was sure they had both realised it early on but neither of them wanted to admit it at that point. He continued his thinking and blushed deeply. Another thing that had attracted him to her was her instinct and desire to help her friends. He had noticed early on that whenever someone was in trouble or being picked on or just not sure what to do about the boy or girl that they liked Usagi was always the first person to offer help. Even if she had no idea what to do to help she'd do her best to find out. From what the other Senshi had told him of how they met Usagi it was exactly that desire to help her friends that had made them so determined to protect her. Just like he was.
He also knew that she was a beautiful woman even if she hadn't fully become one yet. She had enough curves and charms to tempt him endlessly especially during their 'study sessions.' Somehow he doubted Ikuko-mama would call them that! But regardless he knew that one day soon he would approach her parents and ask for her hand. Some people might see it as old fashioned but he thought of it as somewhat romantic and his awareness of Usako's tastes – especially her shoujo manga collection part of which was currently at his house – let him know she felt the same way. There was a reason Tuxedo Kamen seemed so over the top sometimes after all!
Opening his eyes again he finished the last of his coffee and was about to get ready to leave when he saw the door. Hurricane Usagi had just blown in after all with Ami and Minako beside her. They must have finished studying for the day. Rei didn't seem to be with them and Makoto was busy on a somewhat noisy racing game. Smiling fully for the first time that afternoon he looked Usako in the eyes, inviting her to sit without even having to say a word.
For all the fates that befell Serenity and Endymion he knew full well that even if fate hadn't intervened, Mamoru Chiba would always love Usagi Tsukino in all her eternal light.
AN: So what do you think? I hope you readers liked it. Please leave some reviews or comments. I haven't written anything fan related since I was about 14 so I tried my best! Apologies by the way for odd formatting. FF doesnt like my Ipad apparently.