This is set about 14 years after Last Guardian
Disclaimer: I don't own Artemis Fowl Sadly, Eion Colfer does, I do though own the plot and several OCs
The shots were shot over his head, he heard the shots hitting something,
Please don't be Holly please don't let it be Holly
"Come out wherever you are, little fairy you will never grow up to your cousin's shoes!" a voice cooed. Shots were fired again raining down on him, "I never seen Anyone so gullible, just like your father, come to think of it you are honestly like your cousin too, not to mention your uncle too, all of you are gullible it runs in the family doesn't it?"
A buzz and static rung in his ear communicator
" don't listen, they are going to be playing games with your head"
"Yes Cous" he replies into his mike.
"What did I say about calling me Cousin While on the job Captain?" The voice replies, who was, of course, Commander Holly Short.
"My apologies, Commander" the captain responds ducking to avoid being sliced in half with a bullet.
"what is your status, Captain Short?"
"Several cuts otherwise fine"
"I guess bad luck runs in the family" he mutters as he fired a shot back only to receive two dozen fired back.
"Tell me about it," said Holly as she rolled to him avoiding a shot.
"I can't contact an old friend and as soon as I step out of a shuttle we get abducted and-"
A bullet streaked through the air and pierced into Holly's heart.
"D'arvit," she smiles and winces, "go and save Athena and Holly. That's the last order I will ever give you Captain. Don't you dare ignore it."
"Sorry Holly but I have other plans" he replied his voice was getting on a tone Holly knew all too well.
"Don't call me Holly! You always do that before you disobey me," Holly winces and the life from her eyes start to fade now.
"Goodbye Cousin tell Artemis and Butler that I will miss them, Be well, my cousin"
The elf kneeled next to his commander, his cousin, his last living kin. And then he did something stupid only a Short would do.
Oh how I hate cliffhangers but I just had to Sorry! What did the captain do? Who is this captain what is his name?
I am stil working on Artemis reads though I do still think no one will read it. I did add some OCs I am sorry I had to.
Also, what do you think happened? did anyone see where I got Holly's "last" words from?