A/N: please don't kill me! I know I should have updated sooner but my life is utter chaos right now!

Chapter 2

As we know Artemis has two children and they are geni. Minerva and Artemis started dating in their early 20's only getting married at 23. They now have two children, to be exact twins.

Holly Fowl and Athena Fowl.

How do you describe these two? Oh, they do they have an intellect and they know it. And what do you get when two geni have kids? Well, you get even smarter kids. But they don't go around kidnapping fairies and ransoms get them for gold or going to the Arctic to rescue their father and stop goblin rebellion. No, they have a normal, boring life, but that will change soon.

Holly Fowl was of course named after Commander Holly Short an old time friend to Artemis and Minerva. Holly Fowl has blonde hair and Minerva's blue eyes she is, in fact, an identical copy of her mother.

But don't let that fool you, she has her father's personality. She and her bodyguard, Domovoi Conner son of Juliet Butler are a dangerous mix. Domovoi will beat you to pulp while Holly will send you to a mental hospital. Holly is Older than Athena by 5.5 minutes(don't ask). Now on to Athena Fowl, her name was originally a joke made by Minerva's brother Beau. Saying that "if you have to geni kids one of them should be Athena isn't she like the goddess of wisdom?" but the name stuck. Athena has raven black hair and piercing sapphire blue eyes. She looks like the female version of her father though her personality is like her mothers and well Beckett Fowl who is now 26. She and her bodyguard Diana Conner are like Domovoi Butler Sr. and Artemis Junior. Now on with the story.

"father!" Holly cries out from her room where she and her sister Athena are in.

"Coming, Holly" came the reply

Holly and Athena waited for a little before their father came in, "Holly what did you need?"

"Root is chewing on my instruments" complained Holly, picking up her pincers and showing the bite marks. Root is the family dog, he is a German Shepherd and has a reddish coat. He reminded Artemis strangely of Root, with his somewhat short temper, but he defends the twins really good,

Root then came padding in. Root used to be a military dog, and he is always alert. Artemis bent down to pet him.

"Holly, if Root is chewing on your toys then put them on a higher shelf and away from him" Artemis answers ruffling Holly's hair. He turns around and walks out of the door. And his phone rang. Again.

He twists his fairy communicator and makes a phone with his hand. Being able to talk with his friends and looking like a two-year-old. He feels Root beside him, Artemis absently rubs Roots ears.

"What catastrophic event happened now?"

"Turn-ball and Briar"

"Fill me in NOW!"

"Ok, ok, no need to get angry! Sheesh, in Chernobyl there have been extra radioactive activity giving these 2 deceased villains a way to come back and they apparently sprouted wings,"

"D'arvit, and I thought life would get normal"

"Mud boy, life knowing you are never normal"

"Foaly, is there any way I can get my family to safety?"

Artemis heard voices from the other side, probably debating if they should take them to Haven or send LEP officers, most likely the latter.

"Okay, we are going to send a patrol up to Fowl Manor, Holly will be accompanying them," Foaly said.

"Okay" and Artemis hung up. Artemis rubbed his temples. Can't life give him at least a decade without trouble? Apparently not because that is the time a certain dwarf decided it was the best time to pop out and collapse in exhaustion. Root barks and snarls but Artemis hushes him.

"Mulch!" Artemis drops down and checks Mulch's vitals, "good your stable"

Then Artemis looks at the sign on Mulch's arm, it looks familiar, no it can't be. Artemis speed dials Foaly,

"Yes, What is it now?"

"Foaly, is LEP squadron near?"

"Yes, they should be there in the near 20-30 minutes, what happened?"

"They better here now or else we all are going to die starting with Mulch, he just popped out of nowhere and then collapsed and passed out of exhaustion"

"Oh this doesn't sound good, is Mulch okay?"

"He is stable for now" and then it happened.

A/N: I apologize again for such a late update!

This is also not my best writing but this will due. I promise I will do better next time.