The King Of School chapter 1

Welcome to the fanfic I practically only do, Monsterhood Friend Yahoo~!. Okay listen, I'm very sorry that I've repeated this comics like 3 times but I promise this will be the last remake, then I can work of something else, like a Steven universe au or black clover one, so enjoy this because I've love typing stories but I haven't done lots of it. Enough of this, let's get riiiiiiight into the Fanfic!

Monday morning rises over the buildings of my city, burning it's light into rooms of unhappy views "uhhhhhh~ ugh" a grunt from the seeping shadows of the corner of the room, "why can't I just block out the sun~" Shiva Abaddon curls himself under blankets shivering away from the sunlight, "Time To Get Up!" a loud screech, with a loud crash ripping the door off, "Get up big bro!" the childish voice of Jerica is disturbing my peace, "big bro~ onee-sis says you need to wake up~" and the sweet friendliness of sukkie was followed, "yeah I'll get up, around 100 years from now~" shiva moaned sleepily, "Shiva you better get up or I'll get onee-sis" oh Sarah is also here, "which one?"

"you know the one who will get you up" cold delivery "mmmm~ bet"

"alright, Onee-sis! He won't get up!" she took it, this is going to hurt "OH YEAH! GIMME A SEC!" the deathly howls of Shera paired with the most aggressive stomping, "GET YOU LAZY ASS UP!" a burst of light jumped me then the deathly hands of the devil, throwing me out my room, "Ahhh! Gyak!, ooowwww~" resting at the bottom of the stairs bending in an irregular fashion "oh your finally awake?" and the motherly voice of Sammy, "define awake, I feel close to dead~"

"ohohoho, quite joking a come have breakfast" it seems she was cooking eggs on toast, but a better look I see it's eggs benedict "ohh how lovely, don't mind if- gyak!"

"MOVE BRAT!" another attack from Shera, "why so mean~? You were the one you threw me down the stairs"

"IS THAT SMACK I HEAR! DO YOU WANT TO RECIVE SOMETHING SIMILAR!" dam she's dangerous, "no onji-san, I'm quite good"

"are you alright big bro~" the pleasant concern of sukkie, "yes, yes I'm fine, let's go have breakfast now, K?" with a sweet smile she agreed and I followed behind to the lovely meal.

Time passed since breakfast, now waiting on the bus in my new uniform, "dum dum diddy diddy dum dum dum, dum dum diddy diddy dum dum mmmm" I hummed the tune resting on my seat, one thing was prominent there wasn't a lot of people around. It was good seeing that, I got blissful peace filled silence, "I… should….warn….you….ahead… of time" it was silence then the bus driver spoke, "this….school….is….filled….with….noisy… disruptions" that was a weird thing to warn about, almost she read my mind "don't….think….badly…..of….me…I….can't… help seeing….what…..other's say….."

"but I didn't say anything~" I was worried if I should trust this woman, "he…he..he… " creepy cackle much, "we….are….coming….to….your…..last….stop"

"okay what's the time the bus picks ups?" she didn't responded to my question, the worries don't stop. "be….careful….young one….you….might….not…be….able….to….handle…this…school, he… ..he..he" we were dramatically increasing our speeds, coming to a tunnel where bright light was spewing out, "ummm is that supposed to be happening?" no response just the blistering light shining over the bus, does the worrying stop. "We….have….arrived….goodluck" the bus stopped next to a pumpkin buddy overlooking an ocean "ahh.. thanks you too? Wait where did you go?!" when I turned around all I saw was the tree line looking down on me with sorrows, "ok…I guess we're going that way?"

"Move out the way!" looking to my left, I saw a massive high velocity object flying at me "OH Shit! Gyak!" a was stuck by god, dam that old man. "owowow" I was lying down in pain, I reached for my head, "tish! That going to hurt" I noticed I was also bleeding, "Oh my! Are you okay?!" I now got a good look of the person who ran me over, A girl with green eyes paired with pink hair running down to her knees "oh yes I'm fine~ thank you for caring about me~" I was sweeten by her looks, the absolute style of cuteness and beauty giving perfection, "oh but your bleeding, hold on let me get help you" she reached into her pocket pulling a handkerchief "ohhh~ dear not again" before she was going to wipe my forehead she passed out into my arms, "Hey heyeyeyhyehy what are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry I can't control myself" she crawled closer to my face, "wait waitwaitwait what are you planning!?"

"you see when I smell blood I can't help myself I must feast" wowowowowwow, she was extra close "because I'm a Vampire!" she chomped into my neck, sucking my blood.

"Plegh~ your blood taste terrible!"

"Then why did you suck my blood anyway!" I was furious by her sudden rude answer, "I'm sorry it's just I haven't had any blood on my way here and I got really fatigued, so your blood was my only choice or I would of passed out" I'm not even considered an option, that's mean "alright well it was nice knowing you but I'm gonna disappear before you complain about someone's blood"

"wait don't go!"

"why!?" I wasn't happy "well… you see it was my first time taking blood from a live person" creepy considering her looks, "okay ummm sorry I guess is that all?"

"no I just want to ask will you be my friend? Seeing I was very lonely before I got here, and your now the only one I've ever talk to properly" she fiddled around, fidgeting on the spot "I find that hard to believe seeing you looked like the perfect person to be friends with" she stopped fidgeting and got exited, "Really! Then you wouldn't mind being my friend!?" that's some conclusion she jumped to, "you know what I couldn't care less, why not I'll gladly be your friend the names Shiva Abaddon" I extended my hand, she took a hug "yay! Your my first friend! I'm Moka Akashiya! Please talk to me more after the entrance ceremony" her hair was under my nose, giving me a blissful scent.

"Good morning every-nyan, please take your seats!" we all filled our seats, but the one behind me was empty, "okay welcome to Yōkai Academy! I'm your homeroom teacher Shizuka Nekonome, and if you remember this school was built for the sake of housing Monsters so they can live in the human world!" oh so that's what the bus driver means, everywhere I look is monster of sorts, I could say goodbye to peace and quite now, "So since this school is teaching you to be more 'human' the major rule this school enforces is to always remain in your human form and to never reveal your true identity to other students" okay so my new friend moka failed that, "hey teacher would it not be better to eat up all the humans then molest all the beautiful girls?" some rebellious punk spoke up "well umm no, see humans out number us one million to one hundred and with their latest development of weaponry it wouldn't be a good idea tackling them, besides they do produce such lovely things, like fish" of course her interests are only fish, "excuse me! Sorry I'm late I got lost after the school entrance ceremony!"

"oh that's fine go take a seat you didn't miss much" well I'll be dammed, she's in my class "Whoa! She's hot, so Cute! I'm happy she's in this class!" swarms of compliments fluttered around her, "It seems we're in the same class" she looked at me then pended, "shiva?, Shiva! Yay! We're in the same class!" a tackled hug, from the undeniable cutest girl here, I can feel the heat from everyone's eyes, a new pleasure I'm enjoying.

"hey, hey let's go check out this place!" I was now being dragged around by moka, her constant amusement can't be matched "wow so cool, come on shiva hurry up!"

"why don't you slow down, you'll get more enjoyment with peaceful movements"

"yeah but I want to see this entire school now, so I won't get lost again!" fair point, "yo! You have such a pretty face" I remember that douche voice anywhere "your name is moka Akashiya right? Hi I'm saizou komiya, pleasure to meet you" he strutted his way over then grabbed my collar, "By the way, why is such a beautiful woman like you associated with this rugged bastard?" his demeaner is very rude, "Wouldn't you rather be with someone much more better, like me?" his voice is starting to piss me off, "okay toads breathe" a fierce grab of his arm caught his attention "you will put me down, walk away and never let me see your ugly mug again, deal?" the grip got stronger "Hmmm, you're a feisty one, how about I eat you n- *snap* Ahhh!" his fore arm bent the other direction, "I TOLD YOU A DIRECT ORDER! AND YOU STILL GO AGAINST ME!" I was finally set free of his hold just for him to fall to his knees, "You little shit! How dare y-"

"HOW DARE YOU! I SHOULD KILL YOU NOW FOR TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT!" demonic anger was pressurising over Saizou, he never felt fear in his life, "Now I'll give you one last chance… Walk Away And Never Show Your Face Or Die Here" the terror spread across not only saizou face but every bi-standers, including moka's "WELL! DISAPPEAR!" finale shout sending saizou running for his life, his horror's have ended but mine began. Turning around to see the once angelic face shinning friendship was overlooking true horror, "ummm, ahh" I turned around and everyone still had horror written, this was like before, "tsk! Same as always" I took off running outside the buildings sadden that even in monster filled environment I'm not welcomed.

"it seems no matter where I am fear follows my anger" near the end of the day, I sat in a tree that I found to be comfortable, it spread out like a blooming flower, so the centre became a good foot stand. "maybe I should withdrawal, at least at home my anger is more controlled?"

"Shiva!" a familiar voice spoke along the winds, "Shiva are you here! I want to talk!" it seems moka is curious of my whereabouts, I wonder how she found me? "I heard from people that someone like you is around here! Please if your there can you come out!" I guess it can't be helped, she'll just fear me further. I jumped out from my tree, so happens to be in front of her, my anguish is deep written on my face, sorrows on hers' "shiva can I talk with you for a sec?"

"I don't know can you? you might be too morbid to even stare at me" I hypocritically questioned her, "I just wanted to question what you did back there" she stuck my concern but then battered it away when I saw she wasn't even looking at me, "you see I felt something coming off you, something odd but familiar, you were scared" what is she getting at, "you see I didn't recognize it but you weren't scare of us but our opinion, like the moment we speak you were going to break" she rambled on like she was there, where it all began "I just wanted to say I know what it feels like to be terrified, the humans didn't believe in monsters so I thought I was wrong, but I found out today that they we're wrong, and I have you to thank so please let's go study hard at this academy together"

"you almost had me there moka" dread filled voice beckoned it's awaken "you see it wasn't their opinion that had me but their fear, I thought I could survive in a human school but their fear of me never stop haunting me, now even though this school is filled with monster's the same fear never left me, so I'm planning on withdrawing from this school going back home" she was horrified she didn't like my answer, "no~ you can't go! I will be so alone!" she pleaded stepping closer "Come on! Be realistic! You've been here for what 6 hours and you have most of the school glorying after you! And you dare say you'll be alone! Just run someone else with your bike" she stumbled back terrified of what I just said "goodbye moka" I turned around walking away from here, "NO! I Don't want to lose you!" she trapped me in a hug, "your my first friend! Your precious to me!"

"let go moka…"

"NO I won't!"

"I SAID LET GO OF ME!" my anger once again terrified moka, her grip loosen "i-I'm sorry, i'll show myself out, you'll never see me again" I left her to her problems, the fool I am.

Standing at the very bus stop I arrived at, looking on to the ocean, weird it looks more dead then I remembered, "I should of just stay home, I wouldn't hurt anyone there"

"he…he…he…he, so….you…gave…in?" I turned around to see the bus driver with the door open, "That….is...okay…I…told…you…..this… very….noisy….you wouldn't….like…it…." I stepped closer to the bus, blindly giving into failure, "AHHHHHH!" but was halted "what was that?"

"just…another….scream…from….a….girl….in….distress…it….happens….often" her message worried me "you say a girls?! That would mostly likely refer to moka!" I stepped back "what…are…you…going to….do?" her questioned seemed to be the push I needed, "I'm going back, there's someone who needs me!" with her questioned answered I ran back into the woods, murderous filling my head.

Moka was crying her tears, playing with rocks. "I see, I never understand anyone's feelings, I guess I'm destined to be alone forever" her words were being mixed in with her tears creating terrible emotions, "Hey there baby~ why are you alone~?" it was the return of saizou, scaring moka even more "did that punk give you a bad time, I told you I was a better candidate"

"NO! let me go! Ah!" he Listened but also threw her into a gravestone, tearing off her jacket and bits of her shirt, "hahahahah! Man you're so beautiful moka! So much prettier then the human trash I've molested! I'm going to have you one way or another!" saizou's body started to grow and expanded like a deformity, "n-no someone save me…"

"but no one's coming!" saizou reached his hand over, going for moka "NO! SHIVA SAVE ME!"

"Step off!" a hurricane kick to the side of his jaw, sending him into trees. "shi…va?" moka looked up to see my form, my true form "I'm sorry moka, I never think of others treating them the same, but I now know you never shared their dirty look, can you ever forgive this rude demon?" that is what I am, a being of chaos and destruction, "shi…va!" she burst into tears "come now, no more tears here take my jacket" I had to revert my wings to get it off, then placing it around her "there all better?"

"Graaahhh! That's some strength you've got! But I won't fall so easily" the monster is back up, "okay moka can you stay put this time? I've got to teach someone their lesson a second time" I stood up ignoring the shackling sound "Okay! Ugly turd I'm going to hurt you serious this- hey wait a second what am I holding?" I opened my palm to a sliver cross with a red ball inside, then a gust of strong wind rushed over my head then saizou went down, this time flying hundreds of metres further, "you see, that is what you call a kick" a pale coloured woman floated down, her hair silver like mercury and eyes more red the blood, "moka?" she started walking over to me, "heh, have really forgotten about me that easily I should put you in your place" this cold talk and mean demeaner can it really be the same moka, "why so hesitantly are you really afraid of me now?" she grew ever so close, I was lost for words, "m-moka what happen to you?"

"heh, simply put when you took off my seal, my true self was released, the moka you see now is the terrifying vampire everyone fears" her words rang in my head, realizing what they meant, "just like me…" before I noticed moka was in front of me reaching her arm out, "may I have it back?" I looked into her gaze then remember I'm still holding the cross, "you mean this? Here you go"

"thanks, shiva I've got one last thing to say to you" she's got my full attention "don't make the other moka cry, or I'll be back to put you in your place" determined filled eyes to put anyone in shock, "yes it's a deal" she smirked then locked the amulet back on, passing out into my arms, doesn't this feel familiar.

Tomorrow came around and I felt lighter, holding a withdraw notices I decided my fate, "let's get rid of this pain" a simple tear through the paper letting the wind drift it away, "good morning shiva!" a return of the pleasant moka, "what are you doing out here?"

"just letting paper fly the skies, hey are you ready for school?" she gifted me with a lovely smile and nod then skipped to myself to have a lovely walk, the peaceful life is finally gone.

Hello! And welcome I hope you enjoyed, this is a better outtake then my original one going plus ultra on the word count, to the one person who voted in the pole thanks, but I would rather make this one instead of the restart, sorry once again but I hope people can love this fanfic as much as the manga